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Did you just leave them loose in the cot in normal sleep wear? (Please forgive if a stupid question!)

I've kinda gone down a swaddle rabbit hole and sat there without thinking about other options.
With baby 2,3&4 we co slept so never used a cot, so they are just in a sleep suit. Baby 1 did sleep in a cot and she would have had a sleep suit and a grobag (when it was cool) or just her sleepsuit if it was warm enough.

Oh hope his/her hips are OK now? Quick question what do you look out for in terms of hip health with baby carriers? For example I've heard varying things about the baby bjorn carrier even though it's been certified as hip healthy by the hip dysplasia institute so I'm a tad confused...
In a carrier, it needs to support your baby in the M position, from knee to knee. So that means that with many (usually cheap) carries the base which goes under their crotch is quite slender, and their legs dangle down. You want a nice wide seat for them so it support them from one knee to the other, no dangly legs. The M position is telling us that their knees should be held slightly higher than their bottom, so they make an M shape, where the top parts are their knees and the middle down part of the M is their bum. Reputable brands (Tula, Boba, Beck, Integra, for example) will
All have this type of seat as standard. Other brands (eg baby bjorn) are moving towards it but not all their carriers may be that way. This applies mostly to buckle carriers.

ETA: imagine you are in a harness for climbing etc, it is similar to how a baby would be in a carrier which isn’t knee to knee. Not so comfy. Naturally even as adults when we sit we try to support ourselves to your knees - think of how you sit on a chair to be comfy 😊

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I’m fairly lucky for MILs, she’s a giant giant pain in the arse but I do love her equally despite her “quirks”. My SIL on the other hand threw my “gender reveal party” as if it were her own baby while I was on holiday despite telling her we quite literally didn’t want one and we were going to tell everyone when we were back so she spoilt that for us just as she spoils most other things in life......good times. 🙃
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Have just sold my car. It belonged to my mum who sadly passed away nearly 10 years ago. I feel so sad. Only selling as it was getting v. Old, not so reliable and we need more space. Feel like today may be an emotional one.

Also, now have to start looking for and test driving cars. Im not the most confident driver anyway, so this feels me with a bit of dread 😭
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Both my MIL and my Mum are delightful. Mum said if I named my daughter Pixie she wouldn’t talk to me again, so my husband is like I LOVE PIXIE!!!!
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Has anyone experienced negative/disappointing reaction when you tell people that you’re having a girl(s) or another girl etc? We’re not going out of our way to tell people but if someone asks about gender I’ve told them. However I keep getting “condolences to your husband” “he’s outnumbered” “think you’ll try for a boy next”. I’m trying not to let it affect me as we’re both thrilled to be having girls but I just feel a bit sad it’s not the same reaction it would be if we announced it was 2 boys or 1 of each ….
with my son, everyone wanted a girl. My mum side of the family is all girls, while my husband side of the family is all boys. When I told people, everyone was not excited, and like I mentioned in another post, my husbands cousin was thrilled that she remained the only girl in the family (she’s 26!)

Now my Dad barely says anything, he’s a man of few words. I remember telling my mum and her being disappointed and I got upset. Clearly she knew she over stepped a line and later on she rang me and put my Dad on right away. He told me how happy and proud he was to finally have a little boy in the family. After that, I couldn’t care less. My Dad cared and that changed everything.

4 years on my Dad and my son are inseparable.
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Lulu Goss

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Just went for a wax and the lady that does it asked me again when I’m due. When I said start of October she said oh you’re quite big already then, are you sure it’s not twins?

🙄🙄🙄 thanks 🙄🙄🙄
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I am so glad you went they are insane aren’t they like she was trying to lick the camera and no it’s not stupid because I think the exact same thing like wow they look like a baby compared to when you look at 20 weeks honestly my mind is still blown x

If you have any good lists for things to buy or hospital bag lists basically I need lists because I have no idea haha so exciting ☺🥰
Well one thing I did was I got packing bags/cubes that you get on amazon - normally they get used when you go on holiday - and separated everything in those bags and put them in an order so if I need something I can say ti my partner can you get me this from the baby bag or from my birth recovery bag, etc.
I have one bag for life and one large tote bag with stuff.
The bag for life has my "i will want/need these" straight away in hospital or straight after birth
- a nightie, bottoms, robe and slippers
- "Post birth recovery" which includes paper pants, maternity pads, big pants, breast pads, a comfy bra and a peri bottle
- "baby bag" this has 3 sleepsuits with 3 plain white vests and 3 hats, 3 muslin cloths, 10 nappies, baby wipes, a mini sudocream, blanket and an SMA formula starter park
-toilteries (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, heat protect spray, make up remover, moisturiser, cotton pads, hair towel turban, hair bobbles, dry shampoo, deodorant, vaseline, toothbrushes for me and my partner, toothpaste, hairbrush and contact lenses)
- a towel (hospital will give you one but midwife told me they're always tiny)
-maternity notes
-a handheld fan (I got a great rechargeable one from b and m for £6)

Then in my tote bag I have things i may want later on and just in case items
-change of pjs
-going Home outfit
-change of clothes for partner
- snacks (jaffa cakes, nuts, Starbursts, haribo)
-a cup and straw (gotta keep hydrated and straw means you're not lifting a drink to your mouth throughout labour and can just lob a straw in)
-a mini bottle of squash
-a small make up bag with day to day make up i.e. foundation, powder, blush, mascara and lipstick

And finally on top of the bags, for when I got into labour is a list of "last minute throw ins" to take to the hospital, which includes:
-maternity pillow
-phone chargers
-vape batteries for my partner
- extension cable

I may have overpacked slightly, but I'd rather have it and not need it than need/want it and not have it
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Anyone else lost their balance/centre of gravity? I just managed to fall over nothing on the packed station platform coming home. Grazed my knees and it was sooo embarrassing. 😫
Yes! I can't walk up stairs without toppling forward 😂 A paitent actually said to me today sorry love but your belly is leaning on me as I tried to adjust his O2, I didn't realise I was bent that far forward I just kept going surprised didn't land on him😂.

Hope your knees are OK! X
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I’ll add to the partner being a dick…
He’s just flicked one of my very large, hormone filled boob as a joke..

I swore a lot and he’s now hiding upstairs
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Just had my 36 week midwife appt. The midwife seemed surprised that the babys head was 3/5ths engaged. I thought that was reasonably normal for this point 🤔
I've been getting period like cramps on and off and I think I've maybe been losing my plug over the last couple days 🤔
As I left she was all like "see you in two weeks.....if she isn't here first" bet she says that to everyone but it's got me all excited 🤣🤣
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Lulu Goss

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Just cried writing a Father’s Day card to my partner from bump. It’s made me so emotional and no doubt I’ll cry when I give him that and the gift in the morning. He must think I’m nuts 😂
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Had my gender scan this morning - we’re having 2 girls 🥰💗💗 and we got to hear the heartbeats which made me more emotional than I thought it would!
Our gender scan on Friday she said "looks like a little girl". Me being the biggest overthinker ever, about an hour after the appt I said to my husband "do you think she was sure?" He's been laughing at me since. He said she wouldn't have bothered saying the gender if she couldn't see it.
Welcome to my brain 😂😂😂
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I keep getting a sharp pain on the front of my pubic bone, like on my vagina. It’s not IN my vagina but definitely ON if that makes sense? It feels like lightening crotch but I think it’s too early (I’m 13w) and the only other thing I thought was SPD/PGP but is that right? It only lasts approx 10/15 mins at most
That sounds like SPD. I got it with my first and i couldn’t open my legs wide for swimming, positioning in bed etc.

Honestly my midwife basically told me it’s awful and nothing will really ease it apart from labour. Just be mindful of walking too much it also set my stomach tightening off.
Random thing to say but why are McDonald’s so shit and don’t clean or turn on the frapè machine at night I’m now waiting in the longest queue for just a sprite and I can’t get out of this drive through 🤨
McDonald’s drive through recently has been the bane of my life. All I want is to eat my Mayo chicken before I get home and eat proper food, and it’s taking 30mins.

I just want to say thank you to all of you on here. First trimester of pregnant is really lonely, and I’ve been so poorly these past 3 weeks. You guys have kept me going when I’ve been crying because I’m so dizzy and tired.
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Does anyone have recommendations for nice bath bits?

I’m normally more of a shower person but am loving baths since being pregnant. Seeing as there’s football on tonight (AGAIN) I was going to pop out at lunch to buy some bubble bath/face mask etc to give myself a pamper evening!
If your going to boots they have a range called my little coco. There’s a baby mama gift set that includes a bath soak, tummy butter and a sheet mask for your bump. I got one the other day and it’s lovely, comes in a cute make uo bag too.
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Guys I have discovered I can’t eat McDonald’s anymore it makes me so ill or red meat I would love a steak but I don’t think I can eat them I feel so ill today 😞
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Do it! Mine somehow manages to clean my three bed semi in two hours a week (including hoovering and dusting, three bathrooms and the kitchen). So for the grand total of £100 a month I only have to do little in between cleans and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done
Yeah I defo need this in my life!

I’ve been keeping up with the cleaning but not as much as I used to, just doing bits and pieces as I go throughout the week. I’d like to get a proper deep clean before the baby arrives, maybe have the carpets cleaned as all our decorating will be finally done by then…

Guys it’s Friday night, everyone’s at the pub and I’m in on my own eating Colin the caterpillar cakes and thinking about house cleaning 😬
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Lulu Goss

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So excited for those of you coming up to your due dates! Hope you’ll want to share your birth stories with us after, I find them so eye opening!

I’ve heard about possible upset stomach before birth too - my hairdresser said she was walking round the park the day before and was suddenly like “fuck, we’ve got to go home” to her partner 😂
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Chatty Member
Ready for all the judgement in the world from my friends for the fact that I work from home currently and have just hired a cleaner for the next 2 months
My spd has gotten so bad that I burst into tears in pain from unloading and reloading the dishwasher (pathetic i know)
And even though my partner never complains, I feel awful that on his one day off a week he has he feels like he needs to hoover and stuff.
Hate how useless I feel doing day to day tasks currently
We have a cleaner. She comes every 2 weeks. We are useless at dusting and cleaning the bathroom. Her fee is always preferable to arguments over who 'should be doing xyz'.
Were working women. Bringing money home should make our lives easier right. So what if we spend it on a cleaner🤷🏻‍♀️ Screw other folks opinions. They dont live in your home or manage your finances..

They can keep their opinions to themselves thanks 😜
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