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My partner has been having a shitty time at work so I've made him a "new dad" kit
A mug that says daddy on it- for early morning coffees
Comfy pjs - for evening feeds and lounging days
An "i love my daddy" sleepsuit for the baby - so if there's ever a bad day he can see that and feel better
Shorts and t shirts for him and the baby- they're matching and our little one is a summer baby so him and daddy can coordinate
Chocolate buttons - his favourite snack, perfect for night feed snacking
Red bull - for when coffee isn't enough
And a Colin the caterpillar jar cake - thats his favourite birthday cake so I got a mini version for when baby is born to celebrate
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My due date is tomorrow and feel abit emotional and anxious. Abit worried about labour but also full of excitement and anticipation as to when he will decide to come into the world. I'm finding these last few weeks the hardest. Xxx
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20 week scan went well! I had a small moment of worry when she seemed to be very concerned about getting a photo of baby’s left thumb and lay there imagining how tricky life May or may not be without one, but then she found it! We’re team surprise but then she said to look away again as baby then had their legs open so I’m pretty convinced that means it’s a boy as surely if it was a girl you wouldn’t see anything to need to look away? I’m tempted to find out now because I’ve had a boy feeling all along and my husband agrees the way she said it probably meant boy… so is there any point in a surprise?! Oh I don’t know. All that matters is they were wiggling around (so weird that they move so much but you can’t feel anything yet) and look perfectly healthy. Almost half way doesn’t seem real! X
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Just had my 25 week appointment and just like with the scan, the midwife had to chase the baby round my womb with the Doppler, you could hear the thuds of her kicks 😂 she really doesn’t like being disturbed. Finally she settled and the midwife said her heartbeat was perfect 😭
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I was reading the post by Georgia Kousoulou yesterday about the expectation of bouncing back body wise etc, I thought it was a really good message and very honest to post photos of how her body looks 8weeks PP. That said I do feel like there’s a real trend on social media lately to be SO anti-influencer/model that it kind of goes the other way. Charlotte Dawson for example always jiggling her belly in your face. It’s as though if you don’t look like a six 6, immaculate clothes horse your ONLY other option is to be a crying, leaking, unshowered, flabby mess that’s so proud of her “tiger stripes” you show them off at every opportunity. Absolutely nobody I know in real life enjoys grabbing their own rolls and thrusting them in the direction of a camera, even people I know who are much curvier and confident. Nothing wrong with being either of those things if it’s authentic but I feel like there’s a real gap there for women who fall somewhere in between - who manage to muddle along holding it together, who’s body is recovering but are also hopeful about feeling more comfortable in it one day soon, who’s exhausted but basic personal hygiene still gets prioritised most days? I haven’t come across any mum influencer who just seems… alright? It’s got to be one extreme or the other.
So many of these new mum influencers try so hard to be relatable it kind of goes the other way for me. I know personally I’d choose to put down my phone and not be posting on Instagram daily like they all seem to whilst sitting there moaning about not getting a shower! If you put your phone down you’d probably have time for one!
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I don’t mean this to be rude, but I dislike the idea that a baby sleeping through the night is a ‘good baby’ some people do get lucky, but overall they’re made to wake up, it’s what babies do. Just when I was a first time mum people would ask about this and I felt like such a failure, there’s a lot of first time mums here and I’d hate them to get that idea. My first randomly slept through the night at 8 months and had been a fantastic sleeper ever since, even that just happened when she was ready, and I feel lucky it happened that early!
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Lulu Goss

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- ice lollies are a life saver for morning sickness if you can manage them
- prepare for not being able to shave your own bits after a certain point 😂
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Lulu Goss

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Suggestion for when we do the next thread - can we have a vote for having a boy / girl / surprise / too early to know? I would do it myself but I don’t know how to 😂
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Hi ladies, thought I’d plonk my butt here!
Almost 21 weeks with my first, and really sick of the FB group I joined when I first found out.
Taking photos of bumps from 6 weeks, comparing and posting them for all to see really isn’t me 😂 I’m too much of a private person (I’m not that miserable honest😂)
Oh and my MIL handed me a pink bag last week from my husbands nana, who surprisingly knew the gender without us telling her.
My MIL is on thin ice at the moment.
you’re amongst friends here!

my son is 4 and this morning we watched the bluey episode about Christmas. I said I was excited for Christmas (baby is due Christmas time/new year) and husband told our son that he might get a new brother or sister for Christmas. His eyes lit up and went “eeeeee!!! Really!!!! A baby sister!!!”
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I’ve been told it will not be all day I am
not even telling my partner because he will get arrested if he is told he can’t be with me. I think it’s disgusting we are all in this situation when politicians are breaking rules and the fucking football is allowing 60,000 fans in one stadium 🤨
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Hi ladies❤
I had my NIPT tests emailed this morning with a low risk for all ❤ So relived. I’ve told my grandparents too and my grandmother couldn’t believe it! She thought it was my sons scan pic until it twigged. I wish I’d filmed it it was lovely.

I also seem to have gained spots alllll along my chin including one mirroring the size and angriness of a volcano so that’s fun 😂
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I love my partner endlessly
But if he doesn't stop snoring I'm going to seriously hurt him 😂😂
Same here I am going to push this pillow into him! I’ve had my HD scan tonight and I highly recommend it they do both 4d and hd it is ten pounds extra and wow I saw my daughters little face her nose in skin colour not like lasagne I saw her tongue as well. The sonographer also told me she has hair when they look on the 2d scan you can see it so maybe the old wives tale is right about heart burn! Strongly suggest any of you 27 -30 weeks getting the 4d and hd scan if you have the money think it was 90 pounds I was in Bits as soon as I saw her little face! Xx
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Laughing so much at this because I relate SO strongly. I have 5 SILs and they’re all just I have no words.
Honestly when I married into this family, I was so excited to have sister in laws as I just have an older half brother. The thick one and I have never got along; my son has 2 middle names and when he was born, my nephew (her son) straight out said “Mum said his name is too long”. Aye did she mate? Probably she can’t spell more than 3 letters in a row.

The other SIL is quite new to the family, and she’s just exhausting. She will text you asking how you are, and you could say how you’re struggling and she will reply with “oh soz hun guess what!” and then a paragraph about how she saw a dog that looked like her dog as a kid so she cried all afternoon and BIL had to buy her a new handbag.

Honestly I’m not telling either of them I’m pregnant as the thick one won’t care and Twelve-arife will go and buy a reborn baby off Facebook marketplace.

My MIL speaks no English which generally helps relations 😁 hubby is wise enough to not translate anything too controversial that she says. Honestly I’d recommend it as a way to get along 😂😂
I’m so jealous of you that I’m literally turning green with envy… or it’s evening sickness
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I am fully terrified of restrictions going back to full lockdown or similar meaning stricter restrictions in maternity wards. Absolutely disgraceful that they treat pregnant women like cattle STILL, despite large crowds of people being able to gather for one reason or another.
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We’ve told a few more people, most of which were ecstatic. My lifelong childhood friend was quite rude, simple said ‘I knew as much’ even though I haven’t seen her or spoken to her properly in weeks. Disheartening but we move onwards and I feel lucky to have the few friends who have been excited
I have a close family member who always does this. No matter when you tell her you’re pregnant, she knew. 12 weeks? She knew. 12 minutes after conception? She knew. Even when there is no way she could know? She knew.

She was absolutely RAGING though when it came to my sister as she genuinely didn’t know, and was caught very off guard before she said her usual “oh I thought so”. Made us laugh because she was like 😳😳😳 for about 10 seconds 🤣 she then didn’t speak to my sister for about two weeks 🤣
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I am going to live vicariously through you all and your lovely partners because as much as I love mine and he is generally all round lovely and brilliant, right now he is being an utter wanker in every aspect and I want nothing more than to put him in the bin. As you were 🤣
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thanks so much☺❤ I think you’re right though and one worry will just be replaced by another! I’m going to try to stop googling everything like I’m doing at the moment, but this thread seems really helpful and I love reading all the updates from people further along, I’m sure I’ll be on here at later dates asking questions😆
I won’t lie, the first 12 weeks feels like it takes forever but once you hit that time goes so quickly so just try and enjoy as much as you can do!! Would defo recommend a private scan at around 8 weeks if you can for peace of mind, they can find a heartbeat by then and once you have that you’ll have a little more reassurance to get you through until your nhs dating scan! Enjoy! ❤
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