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Have had such a busy day at work and I’m exhausted. Just got on the train home and was walking towards an empty seat and someone actually made eye contact with me (I have quite a big bump now and a baby on board badge) and moved their rucksack to the empty seat. Now squished up next to a man spreader 😒 so glad the rucksack has lots of legroom and a nice seat….
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I’m going on a buying spree I’ve decided I need to get my ass into gear Amazon get ready for some big orders! X
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Gosh pram shopping is just…. Underwhelming, isn’t it? Sorry this is a long post but I feel completely deflated! I don’t know if it’s bad luck, covid rules or whatever but sales assistants just don’t seem very interested or helpful. Granted I’ve not made any actual appointments just been in for a browse and a push around but I kind of expected more. Thus far

1 - John Lewis Oxford Street. 50 odd year old man looked like he’d just got back from a 3 day festival. Told him we were due in November and he responded “oh so you’re quite early then”. Erm, OK. Then proceeded to tell him we think we knew what car seat we wanted and he responded “oh, banging”. Didn’t offer to show us it, or ask us any more questions about what we were looking for. I genuinely looked at his shirt to make sure he did in fact work there.

2 - Harrods - surprised to find a girl who looked like she may or may not have finished her A Levels. Fair enough, I’m sure she’s well trained working in the baby room. Nope. Asked her two questions to which she responded she needed to go and check with her manager. She came back with the answer to only one. Asked her if she could recommend any of the (very few) brands they had over any others for a general use pram (we told her we didn’t want something as small as the BabyZen). “Errrm yeah this one’s meant to be quite good” as she flicked the handle up and down on one. Then stared blankly at us. Ok helpful. Then we asked her about a discount label we could see to which she said she needed to check again with her manager and we got bored and left after ten more minutes of standing around like numpties waiting for her to come back.

3 - John Lewis Stratford - nobody even glanced in our direction or asked if we needed help, they also didn’t have seats/ fabrics on three of the chassis I wanted to try out so more standing around looking for someone to help and then got bored and left.

4 - Mamas and Papas Stratford - “let me know if you have any questions” - ok thanks, I’m completely new to this so I’m not even sure where to start! We live in London but want something that’s robust enough to take on walks in the country too so have looked at the Cybex and Bugaboo but again, fairly clueless as to what they each do differently. “Oh right ok yeah both are popular. The Ocarro bundle is pretty good though and on sale at the minute. Have a look and let me know if you’ve got any questions”. Why is it good? What does it do? Why are you telling me about it over the two I’ve just mentioned?

I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS I’VE GOT BECAUSE I AM BRAND NEW AND CLUELESS AND THIS IS HARD!!! Can someone please just help me?! Offer to demonstrate them, tell me something interesting about one of them or try and sell me on one feature or another, ask me a question, ask what bloody colour I want… something!!

Maybe I’m expecting too much and people generally go in much more prepared or knowing what they want but seriously, I’m ready to drop probably the best part of a thousand plus pounds on “stuff” that I’ve got no idea about and nobody can even be bothered to show or tell you anything.
I then had an argument with my mother in Mamas and Papas because everything I picked up she had something negative to say or told me why I shouldn’t get it and I’ve just got home and inhaled two bars of chocolate and want to cry!
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We have always started by showing a scan picture and just explain it as this is the baby growing in my tummy, when it comes out (and give a time reference eg just before Christmas, after your birthday) they will come and live with us as part of our family. Then just leave it. We don’t force them to talk about it, we never ask them to tell other people or discuss it with others unless they bring it up.

I would say things like “oh I am tired today, the baby in my tummy sometimes makes me tired/sick etc” or if we see a baby say “soon our baby will be coming to live with us”. So just chat about it when it comes up, keep it casual, and don’t expect anything at all. My kids have always loved chatting about it, but I know other kids who’ve not once mentioned the baby after they’ve been told.

Also mention things that will change in the house - “oh we will have a cot in our room for the baby/we will need another car seat for the baby”. I think when kids know practicalities of things they are better able to deal. Also as it gets closer to the time explaining what will happen to your son when you’re in labour eg “when the baby is coming out of my tummy you’ll be sleeping at granny’s house”

There are lots of books you can get from the library in the subject as well.
this is so lovely, even I now feel relaxed and calm!

my son has a jellycat rabbit, it’s his comfort and has had it since the day he was born. My plan is the let him chose one for his baby brother/sister nearer the time as a gift for the baby. Also we have planned the baby will bring a gift… of a giant monster truck.
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Good morning ✌🏼 I've had the worst nights sleep - I didn:t get off till gone midnight, then I woke up 3 times to wee before throwing up at 330 and being wide awake ever since. I feel exhausted but can't sleep so now I'm running a bath. Thankfully I have no plans today other than watching baby show talks but it's put me in a bad mood! Is anyone else awake? X

Me! I’m having the worst nights sleep at the moment too. I wake up for a wee at about 2am every night and then I lie awake for hours afterwards tossing and turning and not getting comfortable until I eventually go back to sleep about 5am. And then I wake up shattered with a headache. My plan too is to watch the baby show in bed but my head hurts 😞 x

I don’t even know how you guys with toddles too do it, super mums! X
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Anyone who’s due after November absolutely wait for Black Friday to order anything like bottles, sterelisers etc. In 2019 Amazon Black Friday deals I got a whole big MAM bottle set (12 bottles, 6 small 6 big) which I think is usually about £70 odd reduced down to £24. Biggest bargain as usually the bottles are like £12 for 2 🤢 but rate them so highly.

Don’t bother. Either get a normal bin with a lid if you want for upstairs or just put them in your kitchen bin. I don’t understand nappy bins at all tbh! Even if you change them upstairs you’ll still go back down so just take it with you.
After having so many qualms with bins and smells after our second was born we just take them straight out to our big bin now, we used to have a nappy bin but it absolutely stank and the ....nappy sausage 🤢 good god, horrendous.
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Hi ladies❤
I had my NIPT tests emailed this morning with a low risk for all ❤ So relived. I’ve told my grandparents too and my grandmother couldn’t believe it! She thought it was my sons scan pic until it twigged. I wish I’d filmed it it was lovely.

I also seem to have gained spots alllll along my chin including one mirroring the size and angriness of a volcano so that’s fun 😂
Hi Grumpycat, you may not remember me from the Covid thread last year (don’t tend to go on there as it’s way too opinionated now!). I was wondering how you were doing so looked you up and see you are having a baby! Congratulations! I’m also pleased to see you mention your grandparents because I know how worried you were about them during lockdown. Glad they got through it (and the subsequent ones). Take care xx PS I would have PMd you but obviously that’s no longer an option.
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I cannot stop eating this week. I'm constantly hungry and dreaming about what to eat next. Maybe this is my body making up for those first few months of getting by on crumpets and plain crisps.
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I am so tired (totally self inflicted as I stayed up last night listening to the Britney court case) so I said to my other half I was having an early night. Got into bed at 9 and put a meditation podcast on to fall asleep too. He proceeded to ask questions and then when I stopped answering was watching insta stories and started playing a game on his phone where he would keep sighing, fidgeting and just generally be fucking annoying. I have subsequently moved into the spare room because he's doing my head in. Now, I know full well I'm being extra snappy because I'm over tired but he hasn't helped matters by asking what he's done and why I'm being so Aggy. Aaarrggghhhh!!!!! I should have been asleep an hour ago but now I'm annoyed and wide awake, I want to cry! 🤦🏼‍♀️😭
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Both my MIL and my Mum are delightful. Mum said if I named my daughter Pixie she wouldn’t talk to me again, so my husband is like I LOVE PIXIE!!!!
Ffs I get comments like that from my dad, I do actually get on well with him and we are close but when he’s in one of those moods where he genuinely means it I’m like TRY ME BITCH. Literally who do they think they are 🤣
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Lulu Goss

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Feeling the same about work! Just feels like a massive inconvenience at the moment, there’s so much other stuff I’d rather be doing.

Had my 25 week appointment today, still surprised at how quick they are. Got to hear baby’s heartbeat again though so that was nice. The appointments are getting more frequent now and my midwife told me I’m entitled to time off so to stop having them in my lunch breaks 😂
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Lulu Goss

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Keep seeing all these "influencers" online saying about how hard PP is, not that I doubt its hard and having a baby totally changes your life but its absolutely freaking me out, maybe it's because I've not got long left now and I'm worrying about what's to come but I'm terrified now of the hormone shift and the constant crying that, if influencers/celebs are to be believed, seems constant. Am I just absolutely panicking over nothing?!
I think so many of them do this just to try and be more relatable/get more likes and engagement. In reality a lot of these influencers day to day lives are a lot easier than ours - they get freebies left right and centre, don’t have a 9-5 job to worry about etc…

I do think it will be overwhelming to start with but I’ve also heard some really positive stories from women I know. Although they’ve all said hormones go a bit haywire, it’s nothing like the constant crying/bleeding/not sleeping image that so many put on the gram.
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Ready for all the judgement in the world from my friends for the fact that I work from home currently and have just hired a cleaner for the next 2 months
My spd has gotten so bad that I burst into tears in pain from unloading and reloading the dishwasher (pathetic i know)
And even though my partner never complains, I feel awful that on his one day off a week he has he feels like he needs to hoover and stuff.
Hate how useless I feel doing day to day tasks currently
I don’t think it’s remotely pathetic - you do what you need to do to get by, if a cleaner helps then go for it! If you’re in pain then it’s a no brainer, you don’t want to make it worse for the sake of doing cleaning! No one should be trying to shame you for looking after yourself!! Also, you’re growing a baby which takes a huge toll on your body, so please don’t feel useless, you’re doing great 💕

(ps working from home is still working, the amount of snidey comments I got from friends about how it didn’t really count was unreal. If anything, I found it harder not having that separation between home and work and not being able to fully switch off!)
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Oh, my SIL can be such a prick too!
She loved asking when I'd start having kids, you know, at family dinners or something. Despite being the same age as me and not having kids of her own yet. Like she's obsessed with my uterus 🙄
Oh, and she wanted to know when my baby will be born. But the exact date. Because she's currently living abroad and would book a trip back home and it would be a shame if she missed her. First of all, it wouldn't be a shame tbh and second. GURL, babies have their own timelines! Who knows when she'll pop out?
Oh, and I could write so much more, but it gets really specific 😅

Honestly, only having a brother, I was so excited to have a SIL. Turns out it sucks 😅
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my son is 4 and still has a nap. No clue how he will cope at school!
You have no idea how jealous I am. My daughter stopped at 18 months. Hope you’re feeling better soon

So glad you had a great birth. People keep telling me horror stories at the moment so happy to know it’s possible! ❤
I would happily give birth over and over again, I had a good experience, including an induction. I think people seem to enjoy telling horror stories, but if you have a good birth it’s sort of frowned upon to share it as people think you’re ‘showing off’.
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Everyone is really shocked when I tell them we know the baby’s sex and name and no, we aren’t telling them what it is! I think my poor mum is going crazy trying to guess. I’ve bought a wide range of gender neutral/girl/boy clothes and she came round to look at it all and could tell she was desperate to quiz me 😂

Luckily my in laws are very hands off and don’t ask me this stuff directly!
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Massively regretting saying I'll work till 38 weeks 🤣 I'm 35+4 weeks, my pelvis hurts, I'm SO tired and to top it off I'm doing early shifts so have to be up at 4.30am 😂
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Oh my god!
she sounds like a toxic bitch! Do yourself a favour and make up an excuse the next time you have to be around her… no one needs that negativity especially during a time like this🥴
Thank you! I really want to. She lives in my head all of the time 😭
She gives me shivers, like she always talks about extremely inappropriate stuff like asking “what are you like in bed” but then saying she’s joking and meaning how am I sleeping. But I know she’s doing it to get a reaction 🤢

On Saturday I heard her call her grandsons legs (he’s 8) ‘sexy’ sorry if that is not extremely inappropriate I dunno what is?
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McFlurry are fine according to my trust, that have an official line on it 😂

You need to book an appointment at John Lewis then a pram specialist goes through it all with you and will even do a car compatibility check
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