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So I'm on maternity leave (37 weeks) and didn't expect to get bored so quickly seeing as I rarely get bored in my own company.

It's only been a week and I've cleaned the house top to bottom, batch cooked, practiced hypnobirthing, watched TV, read, gone for walks. Had a nice massage. Getting my nails done next week and also plan to make my own baby mobile but I'm procrastinating on that for some reason, but I will do it!

There's only so much I can sleep. Trying to meet people for coffee etc where I can but obviously most people are still working during the day. I've done all the baby shopping too. I thought I would do some gardening but it's getting difficult to bend down for too long. What else can I do??!!
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Cars: do not get a Qashqai. I had one when I had my eldest, and then baby 2, and even though they look chunky they aren’t big inside. We have a Ford Galaxy and it’s great as we need 6 seats, and has room still for a buggy. If you are getting a 7 seater look for one with sliding doors, I wish we had that.

@Kitt congratulations in finishing work! I know it was a stressful time for you being in such a public facing environment, so enjoy the relaxation of the next 10ish weeks!
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Ooh dear I didn't think about baby listening to my music... I think I'll need to switch to classical rather than Slip Knot and whoever else graced Kerrang in 2000.
My son loved moana soundtrack when I was pregnant. He would dance to you’re welcome every time. 4 years later, still the same. Moana is his favourite movie!
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34 weeks today- pupils have been vile today so I’ve eaten 25 Jaffa cakes since 3.30pm 🥴🤦‍♀️

Especially not great as I’m waiting for my results of my diabetes test...
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Ready for all the judgement in the world from my friends for the fact that I work from home currently and have just hired a cleaner for the next 2 months
My spd has gotten so bad that I burst into tears in pain from unloading and reloading the dishwasher (pathetic i know)
And even though my partner never complains, I feel awful that on his one day off a week he has he feels like he needs to hoover and stuff.
Hate how useless I feel doing day to day tasks currently
I think it’s a very sensible decision tbh. I hired one indefinitely when we decided to start ttc. I just remembered how awful I felt in the first trimester and figured I wouldn’t be up to much cleaning… then I remembered the exhaustion of the third trimester too. And then figured let’s make the newborn days as easy as possible 😂 so no judgement from here!
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Are baths OK? I know jacuzzis and hot tubs aren't but I'm not sure I see the difference? Unless you just make sure it's a much lower temperature.
Less bacteria able to form in a bath as its not kept at a bacteria loving temp constantly!
Just have to make sure its not roasting hot so you don't faint though.
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I'm desperate to get an HD one but husband doesn't want to 😢 this will probably be our last baby so I'm wanting to do ALL the things.
Anyone else feel really sad at the prospect of not being pregnant? I want to hang on to this excitement forever but equally can't wait to meet him.
Yeah! It’s just hit me in the last few days that there will (hopefully) be a baby soon and I won’t be pregnant any more. I’ve actually really enjoyed most parts of pregnancy and kind of sad to have missed out on quite a lot of stuff due to the pandemic!
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Ugh, so we're on a little citytrip within our country.
While visiting a museum I got a panic attack because I was so tired. Luckily my partner was able to calm me down.
Then a bit later we went to eat something quick before heading back to the hotel and I could feel another panic attack coming up, but was able to prevent it from becoming a full attack.
Seriously, this is no fun 😩 I sleep enough at night and I'm still a wreck.
Have my 20 weeks scan next Wednesday (eventhough I'll be 21+5 then), so I will definitely discuss this with the gynaecologist. It feels like the tiredness is only getting worse. Anyone else in the same boat?
I’m endlessly tired, but it’s helped now I’m on iron and eating properly. Despite being a chubby lass, my diet is awful from years of shift patterns. I loosely follow slimming world by always having half my plate of leafy greens, and drinking plenty of water.

These past few weeks of my pregnancy have been the worst I’ve ever felt; my HB was 8 and it’s meant to be between 10-12.
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Midwife said to me yesterday shell be surprised if I even make it past 38 weeks because I'm getting so much cramping early signs of labour 😅
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Chatty Member
Literally! I hadn’t even got round to messaging my best friend that we found out we were having a baby girl because she was on shift and I wanted to video call her when she finished. She checked fb on her break and saw family memeber had revealed it 😭 I have the said family member blocked on Facebook to so didn’t even see it myself until said friend sent me screenshots 😩 now I have family members being off with me because they found out on fb before we got the chance to tell them as well. But said family member who posted it would’ve been extremely funny if they weren’t first to know. Ah my family dynamics I hate 🤣
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Currently on my way into the birthing unit to check me over after last night. Wish me luck
Good luck!

So i tried a weekend off my anti-nausea medication again. Aaaaannnd I puked 😩 For the first time this pregnancy though, so I guess I've got that going for me 🤷‍♀️😩
And I'm 22+2 already, when does this nausea stop?
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I'm 9 weeks and the nausea for the past week has been kicking my ass, along with the tiredness..........this is my 3rd , and I definitely wasn't this tired before:sleep::sleep:
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I was really annoyed my MIL said “oh I had a feeling”…. Well your frozen shocked face and lack of reaction for ten seconds said otherwise, and you’d have no reason to have had an inkling so please stop! I think sometimes people just feel like they have to say something and love to feel like a know it all.

Aww I have my scan tomorrow too! Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. I’ll be 20 weeks actually on Friday and feeling really well, thankfully! Anterior placenta so haven’t felt anything yet, well two small pops but to be frank I’ve had so much wind I really couldn’t say for sure it was baby and not just my tummy!! Can’t wait to start feeling him or her. We are team surprise so I’m hoping I don’t go in and see a willy on screen right away!
My placenta was also supposed to be anterior, but I've been feeling kicks for about 4 weeks now (I'm 21 weeks on Friday). So maybe my placenta moved? Or maybe she's Bruce Lee 2.0 😳

Good luck tomorrow! Hope all will go well, enjoy! ❤

The good thing of being so tired is that I'm too tired to worry 🙃
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I have no tips, I’m 10+3 and with my last 2 pregnancies had extreme sickness which is fab because I gained like 0 weight overall....not this time. I literally cannot stop eating but only had food because anything remotely weird smelling sets me off 🤢 Currently diving into some chip and dip. Terrible. I will be 50 stone by January.
Lol I wrote this really quickly and realised I said having extreme morning sickness was fab. It definitely was not fucking fab. It was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced by far and my heart goes out to anyone who ever experiences the same 😅
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I need an entire thread about my two sister in laws. One is just thick and that’s fine, but the other has the nickname of “twelve-arife” because she always has to go two better. You’re doing your masters in nursing? Well she’s doing an open university course. You got a promotion? Well she’s queen of the world. I wish I could share the photo of her and my Nan in Law where she put the snap chat dog filter on it and I’m like the background like View attachment 622129
Laughing so much at this because I relate SO strongly. I have 5 SILs and they’re all just I have no words.
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Hello ladies
After a horrendous sleep (if that's what you can even call it) last night, my partner at 2 o'clock this afternoon dragged me to bed and made me take a nap instead of running around trying to get the house organised
The hour and a half sleep I got was definitely needed
However I feel like I could fall asleep on the couch right now as well😂

My bump has dropped and on Tuesday we find out if baby has went back to a normal position instead of breech and if my placenta is where it should be so I can have a natural birth or if it will in fact be a c section
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Re prams, I’d say definitely go for function over style and one that folds and fits in the car/house easy.
I’d checked mine fit in the boot but didn’t think about where id put anything I’d usually use the boot for with half the back seat taken by a car seat too - can’t do a big shop with the pram in the car.
Also, tried folding it before hand but with baby crying in the car seat, things in the basket stopping it going down but you can’t work out what’s wrong and OH has left their football bag in the boot etc - different story! So stressful and feel like an idiot, inexperienced Mum.
I’d definitely go for one that folded smaller and had a lock once folded to stop it springing back open if i

The sleepyhead thing, they’re really not a must. You could hold off and see how well they sleep then get one if you feel you need it?
I definitely feel from our experience it’s good to start with nothing sleep aid wise and add (white noise, sleepy head, swaddle etc) as and when because it makes it easier to get them to sleep outside of the house when you can’t take all those things with you.
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Chatty Member
See I think there isn’t that much choice only because there isn’t one pram that does Everything thing for me like it could be the most amazing pram but it looks so uninspiring or it looks good but it’s over priced and flimsy or it doesn’t fold well I feel like I can’t win. When I buy a handbag all I have to think is yes it looks nice and yes my phone fits in it this is so hard as Safety weight size price what car seat it’s crazy! Have you been to look at any?
I know what you mean!!! We went for a quick look and standard my husband was like that ones good.....the first one I took out 😂😂🙈🙈 swear my dog has a longer attention span
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