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Chatty Member
I'm 27 weeks, and this baby NEVER stops kicking. It's constant. Are any other mums to be the same ? I'm so tired, the HG and fainting is bad enough to be dealing with 😔 I feel so low
Yes my one moves CONSTANTLY. When I wake up, throughout the day, when I eat, when I drink, when I lie down for bed, when I wake up at 4am for a wee, back to the morning.
I know it’s meant to feel wonderful but I get it, it’s constant. My bump is really low so she also pushes on my cervix which isn’t fun.

me and my bum hole say no
Mine couldn’t take it anymore 🤣 was getting tangled.
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Lulu Goss

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I am going to live vicariously through you all and your lovely partners because as much as I love mine and he is generally all round lovely and brilliant, right now he is being an utter wanker in every aspect and I want nothing more than to put him in the bin. As you were 🤣
To be fair mine is also a wanker quite a lot too 😂
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Parking me here too! Another thread! 😳
Currently almost 21 weeks! Bump is very much out there, which I really love.

Namewise we're not telling people the names we like.
We currently have a shortlist. But it's getting longer 😅
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Re pelvic floor exercises - I used to do them in the car when I stopped at lights, a wee trick I read during my first pregnancy. Also when I was in the shower.

Also as well as doing the “basic clench” one other exercise I read was to clench up and down in three steps. So a little, a medium, then a tight clench, and release down to medium, then to little, then completely. I dunno if I’ve explained that very well, but try it and it might make more sense!! 🤣
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37 weeks today and I'm so miserable and hormonal. I thought I'd be happy as I finished work last week and am free as a bird, but I feel so lethargic and shit, and then guilty because I'm not enjoying this precious free time. I'm sure the relentless rain has something to do with it too. I had a list of things to do like sort out photos, practice lots of hypnobirthing etc but I just can't be assed with any of it and have spent most of today scrolling my phone or moping. Someone snap me out of it 😭
I'm so glad you wrote this, I feel exactly the same :( I only finished work on Friday and today I've felt down in the dumps. Been trying to keep busy but honestly wonder if I would be happier at work because at least I would have a routine. Keep thinking to myself wtf am I going to do for the next 3 and a bit weeks (or longer if she's late!)
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This is me but with slush puppies, it's so bad that I wake up in the middle of the night craving one! Baby goes crazy every time, think I'm giving her brain freeze 🤣
My husband genuinely offered to buy me a slush puppy machine during my last pregnancy. I think he worked out the cost of me keep buying them Vs owning the machine and it was cheaper to own one 🤣🤣
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We have a Cayenne and love it - boot space is amazing so not even a consideration with prams which is really nice. Bit of a lump to park in London though (and we have the world’s smallest car parking space which we’re going to have to figure out before I get a bump as I won’t be able to get in and out of it), and the fuel consumption is a shocker but we love it so considering upgrading to the hybrid next year. My friend has just got a Q3 and likes it, decent boot space too, once we move out we’ll need a second car so will probably go for a Q3 or a Macan maybe but they seem so much more expensive for not a lot more car. I’m secretly hoping husband gets something sporty so I can use the SUV and then take the fun one when I have a babysitter!
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Another partner moan - mine came in gone midnight last night after watching the football and woke me up, then told me he’d ordered fried chicken which was delivered almost an hour later with the Uber eats guy ringing the doorbell 3 times which woke me up again! He’s hungover today and I’ve got no sympathy 😂
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Just wondering how people approached telling their other children there will be a new baby?

I haven’t wanted to tell our son (3.5) yet as not all of our family know because I’m sure once he does, he’ll tell everyone! He seems very excited about the thought of a baby though, but I’ve just been abit hesitant about actually telling him 🙈
We have always started by showing a scan picture and just explain it as this is the baby growing in my tummy, when it comes out (and give a time reference eg just before Christmas, after your birthday) they will come and live with us as part of our family. Then just leave it. We don’t force them to talk about it, we never ask them to tell other people or discuss it with others unless they bring it up.

I would say things like “oh I am tired today, the baby in my tummy sometimes makes me tired/sick etc” or if we see a baby say “soon our baby will be coming to live with us”. So just chat about it when it comes up, keep it casual, and don’t expect anything at all. My kids have always loved chatting about it, but I know other kids who’ve not once mentioned the baby after they’ve been told.

Also mention things that will change in the house - “oh we will have a cot in our room for the baby/we will need another car seat for the baby”. I think when kids know practicalities of things they are better able to deal. Also as it gets closer to the time explaining what will happen to your son when you’re in labour eg “when the baby is coming out of my tummy you’ll be sleeping at granny’s house”

There are lots of books you can get from the library in the subject as well.
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Sending love to you, no words of wisdom but I totally feel the same right now. Hope you get 5 minutes (/hours) to just be ...ASAP xxx
you’re so lovely. Everyone is so lovely on here. I’m always upset when im at work all weekend, and husband and toddler go to my MILs. The house is empty, I hate everyone at work as they just orders McDonalds and didn’t ask me, and im just SULKING
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When you suddenly realise your baby will be the perfect excuse to watch bedtime stories on cbeebies..

Tom Hardy where you at!?
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I need an entire thread about my two sister in laws. One is just thick and that’s fine, but the other has the nickname of “twelve-arife” because she always has to go two better. You’re doing your masters in nursing? Well she’s doing an open university course. You got a promotion? Well she’s queen of the world. I wish I could share the photo of her and my Nan in Law where she put the snap chat dog filter on it and I’m like the background like View attachment 622129
My god I think we have the same sister in law 🤣
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I’m also planning on getting the Purflo nest thing. I like the fact it’s safer for daytime naps if nothing else. I read in to why they were no longer recommended and found it quite interesting as in every case that a baby nest was involved in a baby death, there were other factors at play too. There were seven non UK cases of infant death using a baby nest but all of those occurred when parents were cosleeping and had the nest in the bed with them. And around 10 others prior to 2010 where baby’s position and blankets were also a factor but they have to report that these nests were involved in the very tragic circumstances. Isn’t it a bit like banning rubber rings because some people didn’t bother to inflate them and drowned?
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Filled with rage today for absolute no reason! Probably because I took a few days off last and I’m fuming to be back working 🤦🏽‍♀️😂! Being as awkward as possible for no reason does anyone else have days like this?
Hahhaa yes! Everytime my email goes off I’m like ‘UGHHHH WHAT DO YOU WANT, LEAVE ME ALONE’. It’s not like it’s my job or anything 🤣🤣🤣 bring on maternity leave!
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