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Hi, welcome!!

Congratulations ❤ If I’m honest, there is no easy way to get through the first few weeks except to take it day by day. the days then turn into weeks, but there’s never a time you don’t bloomin’ worry unfortunately! I think you just learn to have it and put it to the side.
It’s a worrisome time, but I promise it goes get a little easier bit by bit,and we are all here to be an ear to bend ❤
thanks so much☺❤ I think you’re right though and one worry will just be replaced by another! I’m going to try to stop googling everything like I’m doing at the moment, but this thread seems really helpful and I love reading all the updates from people further along, I’m sure I’ll be on here at later dates asking questions😆
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I’ve never used a swaddle but definitely released quickly that they love to be snug - however you decide to do that. They don’t like (at first) to be able to flail around because they really want that same familiar feeling of being in the womb. We had a November baby and our house was freezing so we had a few very awful nights until we realised. We used a sleepyhead then, which I understand now is not recommended for night time sleep

I will deffo read up more about the 4th trimester this time around!
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Mehhh I can't wait to be just a few weeks further 😩 21+3 today and movements have felt way less than usual.. called the midwife team and they don't do anything for movements until 24 weeks.

I know it's early-ish still but I know what I've felt over the past few weeks, and I started feeling it earlier than most. So to suddenly not feel anything all day when I usually spend half my day staring at my belly jiggling from kicks is freaking me out a bit :(
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I got my partner a card and a bottle of Buckfast (don't judge, we're from Glasgow 🤣) and the looks I got off of people in the shop. I mean it's OBVIOUSLY not for me 🤣🤣
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Just found out we’re not supposed to eat McFlurrys when pregnant 😱 please tell me it’s not true

Gosh pram shopping is just…. Underwhelming, isn’t it? Sorry this is a long post but I feel completely deflated! I don’t know if it’s bad luck, covid rules or whatever but sales assistants just don’t seem very interested or helpful. Granted I’ve not made any actual appointments just been in for a browse and a push around but I kind of expected more. Thus far

1 - John Lewis Oxford Street. 50 odd year old man looked like he’d just got back from a 3 day festival. Told him we were due in November and he responded “oh so you’re quite early then”. Erm, OK. Then proceeded to tell him we think we knew what car seat we wanted and he responded “oh, banging”. Didn’t offer to show us it, or ask us any more questions about what we were looking for. I genuinely looked at his shirt to make sure he did in fact work there.

2 - Harrods - surprised to find a girl who looked like she may or may not have finished her A Levels. Fair enough, I’m sure she’s well trained working in the baby room. Nope. Asked her two questions to which she responded she needed to go and check with her manager. She came back with the answer to only one. Asked her if she could recommend any of the (very few) brands they had over any others for a general use pram (we told her we didn’t want something as small as the BabyZen). “Errrm yeah this one’s meant to be quite good” as she flicked the handle up and down on one. Then stared blankly at us. Ok helpful. Then we asked her about a discount label we could see to which she said she needed to check again with her manager and we got bored and left after ten more minutes of standing around like numpties waiting for her to come back.

3 - John Lewis Stratford - nobody even glanced in our direction or asked if we needed help, they also didn’t have seats/ fabrics on three of the chassis I wanted to try out so more standing around looking for someone to help and then got bored and left.

4 - Mamas and Papas Stratford - “let me know if you have any questions” - ok thanks, I’m completely new to this so I’m not even sure where to start! We live in London but want something that’s robust enough to take on walks in the country too so have looked at the Cybex and Bugaboo but again, fairly clueless as to what they each do differently. “Oh right ok yeah both are popular. The Ocarro bundle is pretty good though and on sale at the minute. Have a look and let me know if you’ve got any questions”. Why is it good? What does it do? Why are you telling me about it over the two I’ve just mentioned?

I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS I’VE GOT BECAUSE I AM BRAND NEW AND CLUELESS AND THIS IS HARD!!! Can someone please just help me?! Offer to demonstrate them, tell me something interesting about one of them or try and sell me on one feature or another, ask me a question, ask what bloody colour I want… something!!

Maybe I’m expecting too much and people generally go in much more prepared or knowing what they want but seriously, I’m ready to drop probably the best part of a thousand plus pounds on “stuff” that I’ve got no idea about and nobody can even be bothered to show or tell you anything.
I then had an argument with my mother in Mamas and Papas because everything I picked up she had something negative to say or told me why I shouldn’t get it and I’ve just got home and inhaled two bars of chocolate and want to cry!
Aww no I hope your ok! Id give up on the shop staff and read online and ask friends. I won’t lie to you I’m the same don’t have a clue but I’ve found doing online quizes has helped me realise what I actually want in a pram then I’ve watched some you tube videos on how they collapse etc. I’ve narrowed it down to three that I’m going to go and look at in the flesh and feel how light they are. Yes I do make all big decisions from doing online quizes 😂
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
🙄 its so annoying isnt it!!!
Why do people think it’s an acceptable thing to say?! 😂

I’m 5ft2 usually a size 8/10, 27 weeks pregnant and I’ve only put on 7lbs.
A good handful of people have commented - are you sure it’s not twins?. I’ve been to enough scans now to be certain there is just one in there 😑. I honestly don’t even feel that big but thanks to them I now feel like the size of an elephant and question it a lot 🥲
Exactly this! I’m similar height and build and although I’ve defo got a proper bump now (25 weeks) I don’t feel that big!

I can ignore it really but it does play on my mind as I’m finding my body changing quite a big thing to adjust to as it is 🙄

Glad I’m not the only one it happens to though 😂 The woman who said it today has 3 kids of her own, surely she’d know that’s not what anyone wants to hear!
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I had the most vivid dream last night! I booked my early scan yesterday for a couple of weeks time. And in my dream it was like I was there! The heartbeat was strong, everything seemed good! The only thing was it was a friend doing it and they messed up the pictures part 😂
But it was so real I woke up very confused 🙈🙈
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Are there any symptoms of labour before labour if that makes sense? 😂 am almost at my due date and the waiting game is driving me mad - anyone got any tips for anything that might suggest baby is incoming (other than contractions etc). How did you all feel in the days before labour - did you feel different or was it a total surprise when it started? 😬
I’m nearing my due date now at nearly 39 weeks. Iv felt so tired and baby has been super active! Don’t know what to expect really but I feel super anxious and also excited about it all. How are you feeling?
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Good morning ✌🏼 I've had the worst nights sleep - I didn:t get off till gone midnight, then I woke up 3 times to wee before throwing up at 330 and being wide awake ever since. I feel exhausted but can't sleep so now I'm running a bath. Thankfully I have no plans today other than watching baby show talks but it's put me in a bad mood! Is anyone else awake? X
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So apparently I woke my partner up in the night for snoring then I immediately fell asleep and started snoring 😂😂 ooppss 😇

anyone got any Father’s Day bits from the bump for tomorrow? Sorry just seen you have just got giddy because found a nice bump card in the shops!
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I’m fairly lucky for MILs, she’s a giant giant pain in the arse but I do love her equally despite her “quirks”. My SIL on the other hand threw my “gender reveal party” as if it were her own baby while I was on holiday despite telling her we quite literally didn’t want one and we were going to tell everyone when we were back so she spoilt that for us just as she spoils most other things in life......good times. 🙃
Wait, sorry - she threw a gender reveal party for your baby but you weren’t there..?
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Waters haven't broke.
Tightening of my tummy and my cramps are apparently a sign he shall be coming soon
And hes is 3/5 where he should be in my pelvis for labour
Think I'm a few days behind you (36+3) and getting the same cramps and 3/5 engaged aswell. Hopefully not too long for us both 🤞🤞
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Making a mental note to look into getting a cleaner…
Do it! Mine somehow manages to clean my three bed semi in two hours a week (including hoovering and dusting, three bathrooms and the kitchen). So for the grand total of £100 a month I only have to do little in between cleans and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done
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Hello all

Thank you for all your kind words in regards to my guilt about getting a cleaner.

I feel very odd today and because this is my first I don't know what I'm feeling (if that makes sense)

My bump has dropped. It feels like baby is pushing down. I feel sick and keep getting little stabby pains in my stomach xx
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VIP Member
Waters haven't broke.
Tightening of my tummy and my cramps are apparently a sign he shall be coming soon
And hes is 3/5 where he should be in my pelvis for labour
Haven’t caught up on the whole thread but just noticed your post, my baby was 3/5 engaged about 2 days before he was born! Fingers crossed for you x
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Went to my first party while pregnant yesterday! Surprisingly though I didn’t find the not drinking that hard - I was stocked up with non alcoholic fizz, although by the end of the night I had a stomach ache which I think was probably from all the bubbles!

My partner is hungover and I thought I’d be feeling fresh (and smug) but I’m knackered 😂

I bought a baby memory book this week, it’s personalised with blank pages. Going to spend my day sticking some photos in and doing a bit of online shopping 😍

Hope everyone is having a good weekend x
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I'm desperate to get an HD one but husband doesn't want to 😢 this will probably be our last baby so I'm wanting to do ALL the things.
Anyone else feel really sad at the prospect of not being pregnant? I want to hang on to this excitement forever but equally can't wait to meet him.
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