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VIP Member
I realised it was showing me a mutual friend and not an account they were following. The implications of it would have been very different if it was the person I thought. So just ignore me! Please don’t come for me 😂
Lol I was just curious what it suggested 🤣 thought I’d missed something 😊

I noticed the get exposed account had deleted all the videos off YouTube. Not sure why, maybe they’ve been threatened by Elle Darby or whoever else was in them. Not sure who else they’d exposed? I just saw there was a few videos on their YouTube the other night, then when I looked again they had gone. Think I saw them tweet that they had deleted all the Elle Darby videos, can’t remember if they mentioned not wanting to be the cause of someone having a breakdown? I definitely read that somewhere from someone. Will have to have another look on Twitter (if the tweets haven’t been deleted as well now).

edit: just checked and yeah it was the Elle Darby videos, but I think they’d all gone off YouTube. Maybe that’s the only ones they had on there. And it was because they didn’t want to be part of them possibly having a mental breakdown. Not because they were threatened with legal action.
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Just musing here and open to hear your thoughts! I know a lot of people are expecting to see that she has changed/is going to make changes and perhaps still following her account so they can see how she moves forward. How does she do that, where would you start? And, how do you think Polly can 'prove' this to her followers in order to move forward if she plans on continuing with an online platform and business? How can you show you're actively dismantling your bigoted views? Especially in a way that doesn't come across as performative?
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Interesting to see the last of Polly's school friendship group singer Annabel Allum is still following her. I definitely don't think they move in the same circles any more but would he interesting to see if she follows Oliver cat and beths suit
I don’t know if it’s the same person (seems like a big coincidence) but I’m sure there was a tweet from Polly to this person using the n word?
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Just a quick thought, has anybody considered creating a wiki if we do indeed have the capability to do so?

As I think that it would leave us in a far stronger position if we had.

Do we @mods?

That’s the wiki that I added the absolute bare minimum to, if someone has time to add screenshots etc that would be fab. I don’t know how you then get it linked at the top of the page
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I don't think employers do this as often as you would like. I'm just one person but nowhere I have worked in the past decade or so has ever done this. Perhaps if the job relates back to sm itself, like sm manager or marketer.

Someone wrote that they think Polly is getting things in order for a new job and although I wish that were true, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would accept to be someone else's employee. Not with the level of entitlement shown by both her and her mother.
This is true. unfortunately most places have people who say and do racist things, even if they don't realise they are being racist. every day stuff that white people think is a "joke" or ok to say because "everyone says it." most managers aren't googling every body they employ . they've probably said some awful shit themselves
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I’ve never heard of any of the accounts that have spoken out about her (apart from spiltmilkpress, who I follow, and gobshite of course) so not sure how big their follower count is. But I would imagine they probably feel paranoid that everyone knows they followed her, and therefore must share her views, even if no one really knew about it until now. They’re probably just covering their arse.
Yeah maybe, I know most of them as I am in the planner community, so I follow all the sticker and stationery shops I buy from, most of them are friends with each other (apart from gobbie who doesn't interact with peasants lol) so just seems to me that they were shocked to see it from a bigger member of the community. That's just how it seemed to me but you're probably right too they will be shitting it also that they'll get called out for not usin their platforms to call the behaviour out too.
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I’m surprised that Polly Exposed Twitter account hasn’t picked up on Morgan’s tweets yet tbh.
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noticed makers quarters saying on their insta stories studio available soon - its hardly pollys is it?! it has the stairs going up, but im not sure on the upstairs layout - maybe back to front compared to how she had on her stories
Maybe they refused to kick her out and someone else has left because of this! 🤔
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Should be any day now! Previously they’ve been done between 18-30th September each year
These will be last years accounts though (ending December 2021), so won’t include the losses she’s made this year as everything came to light in January 2022
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Has Polly have any friends that are a minority? In the time I followed her it seemed a sea of white cis not-disabled girls that she hanged out with / employed. To be fair I don’t wish Polly as a friend on anybody especially a minority she’s been hateful about but seems like she’s continued to have bias towards those similar to herself even in recent years despite living in Manchester which is a hugely diverse multicultural city.
I think from Sken Studio’s post she isn’t white. I don’t follow though
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Seems I was wrong about her buggering off skiing then. In other news, I’ve bought some in-wash dye to dye my Sighh tote bag. I quite like the bag but I don’t want to see her shite on it every time I use it. I’ll let you know how I get on 😂
The tote bags have vinyl I think? So not sure it would cover it. Good luck!
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