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A €590 jumper! Af linked 🤣
The jumper and the stools for the garden, I used to really like Pippa but I find the af links to extremely expensive items is a way of bragging and it's really distasteful. I can't imagine she has too many followers that are able to afford this stuff?
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She’s full of notions. So tacky, always showing off gifts as well. That bag is rotten, only bought so she can show off the name.
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Random fact but I was in Dundrum eating on my own years ago and Brian and Pippa sat in beside me - kind of in same cubicle but opposite me - she looked about 6 months pregnant - they picked at each other for the whole meal but especially her, she was scathing. Now maybe they were having a bad day, as we all do, but this was next level. Like Mary and John in Father Ted! 😆
A friend was at one of the fashion factories and said Pippa was a real biatch so condescending to Brian, sniping at him and walking a mile front of him while he toddled behind her pulling suitcases. She actually felt sorry for him. Pippa let’s him know she is the boss. Appearances on Instagram can be deceptive. Not all sweetness and light like she would like to be perceived.
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I’m all for celebrating occasions especially after the year we have had but that baby shower is way OTT 😩😩😩 it’s so cringe esp when she has organised it herself 😩
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Agree as well. Saw her at a fashion factory and she hopped off those models...forgot she started at the bottom too and was nowhere near her minions standards till she got the frontage done 😉
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I'm heading off soon, holiday moved from last year. 5 of my friends are heading off this week on separate family holidays and one of my friends arrived here this morning from abroad. He hasn't come home in nearly 2 years. We are all fully vaccinated.
I've no fear of heading abroad at all. Stayed here last year in really didnt enjoy it.
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Well-known member
Would just refuse to go there now.
Absolutely disgraceful
As someone said scrimping and saving to take the kids to somewhere like that and they throw a free stay... I presume by inviting she means free although no gifted tag by looks of it.

This week especially would be hard enough to get I would assume
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From the Prada website :1350€, and made of Nylon!! 🙈
That's obscene. It looks no better than ones you'd pick up for €20. And as others have said, it's so not her style: once that child is out of nappies it'll never see the light of day again.
An epic waste of money.
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Out of interest what makes her classy; is her her footballers wife house, her husbands colourful side interests (I’m not talking about his affairs) or her secret fillers and botox that she has never admitted to?

Pippa was very happy to work with every brand under the sun a few years ago; Penneys, Centra, River Island etc. She worked with bargain brands then used this money to elevate her own wardrobe purchases and line her pockets to create her business.

If POCO wasn’t as successful as it was now rest assured Pippa would be working with Sweet King. She has her very loyal following and all her former paid partners to thank for her very unattainable and exuberant lifestyle.

I don’t mind her but find it laughable how she’s put on a pedestal by so many Irish women who like sheep buy her candles, jeans, tracksuits, sweaters, make-up etc. Look at her style a few years ago, ‘classy’ really?

Personally I don’t see much of a difference between her and Suzanne Jackson yet one is called trash and the other is lauded as holier than thou.
This 100%. Sure she stopped doing the fashion factories once she had made enough money from them. It wasn’t that long ago when she was flogging spotlight. She would 100% be flogging tat if she needed to, but she’s made a mint now so she can rebrand herself and above all of that but it’s only because she is more financially comfortable that she doesn’t have to resort to selling jellies and nothing to do with morals or class. Watch her and Brian’s wedding show on RTE player, she always had oceans of notions, only difference is now she has the money to support it
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And it’s surely mostly temporary staff too so far less HR issues, no promotions or holiday/leave cover, and whatever other staff issues that would arise.
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The whole vows thing was purely for the gram. If you told him he couldn‘t post anything about it publicly he wouldn’t have bothered his Ken head. He also didn’t organise any of it, her team did. Very easy to set up that shite when you can pay people to do it. I do like Pippa more so than other instahuns but she gets deducted points for her judgement in husband material.
Ken head!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂
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I just can't deal with the fact she blew all over the cake, like are we not passed doing that. I hope that never comes back, so gross to think we all did it pre-C times 🤢
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Chatty Member
But as most of us age and earn more money the clothes and things we buy and where we shop changes (now I’ll always still get a few bit in Penney’s ;)), but most of us do change our style and shops as income increases I would think? At 20 I wouldn’t have darkened the door of say BT’s, but now I’d have no problem paying €100 for spanx. Pippa had a savage income from work, I wouldn’t begrudge it, I’ve never bought a sinvke
Poco item, I think her price point for a candle is nuts, but it’s working and she’s making some wage from it. More power to her.
100% this. She was first a model and very quickly understood the power of her own image to generate a lucrative brand for herself instead of others, and is now reaping the rewards.
Can’t blame her for splashing the cash when she has so much of it, or understand why people begrudge her success and try to take her down when she’s the embodiment of a savvy businesswomen done good without resorting to nastiness or underhand shite like Terrie Mcevoy or those other gobshites. That’s classy enough for me. Tho I wouldn’t be buy a stitch off her as it’s not my taste but a lot of my friends idolise everything she puts out so you have to hand it to Pipsy, she knows her market!
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I was in Kildare Village on Saturday. I went into POCO for a look and the place looked so bare. Maybe it was Laura who put all the effort into the shop. It was literally black rails with clothes hanging and a few posters on the wall. Looked like it was just thrown in with zero thought or effort. Not screaming premium!!!

It looked like a rainbow of pastel loungewear!!
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I think if she wanted to do it; grand but splashing it over the gram the same week she took a freebie from centerparcs is a bit cheeky. I'm not loving her at the moment, think she's just gone very showy off. She mentioned she got her buggy from Kaliedy- a Silver Cross one. I'm waiting to see if it's a freebie and if it is, I'm not buying from that site again!
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Chatty Member
Jesus I just googled the price of that house with the games room for next year. 4k for the week!!! You'd want your head examined. We genuinely had a fab house for a week in July in Wicklow for 800. And twice the size. Took a bit of googling to find but I think if you take a bit of time to research you'd see this place for the madness it is.
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