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VIP Member
If it wasn’t for the tattler seeing mick and Jim snogging at that festival (🤢) I would think theyve split and just share a house now. He’s out 3-4 times a week? She made out the other week she’d gone out with her friends one night but if that were true we’d have had an outfit reel so clearly lies.
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My partner used to be a delivery driver and yes people like her would piss him off! They get 5-6 mins per delivery, so people like her who wants to film herself unpacking them shopping in her kitchen would just hold him up causing him to run late for the rest of his deliveries. Yet another example of her thinking the world revolves around her
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Children need to learn to behave in restaurants without toys and I pads. At vespers age she should be able to participate in conversations?
Vesper most likely can but Mick probably can’t be arsed hence taking the contents of Smiggle and Hamleys with her.
No one gets in the way of Mick & a dinner!
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VIP Member
What is this ‘work’ she keeps talking about ?
She hasn’t done a proper days work in bloody years !
Pissing around in your kitchen making shit videos and even worse ‘ads’ is NOT work Mick !
It really annoys me when she says she’s got work to do and it’s literally cooking a hello fresh dinner?! Wanker.
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I agree , weirdest looking family. Kids definitely are not cute. Both smug looking, especially H (I can't bring myself to write his name) he looks like a little prick and is definitely going to have even more of a slappable face when he's older.
Aw, he's only a little kid! It's not his fault his mother plasters him all over social media.

And this is why 'influencers' shouldn't post everything about their children. They don't have their consent (how could they) to share their entire lives with the public. It's such poor parenting.
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Tuff tray for a Christmas present…..I know it’s something you can use a fair bit but the magic of Christmas oh santa has brought this tray for you 🥴 maybe it’s just me but what a shit present.
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Active member
Honestly I’m a massive advocate for pre school. It really prepares them for school and obviously great form of childcare BUT…if you’re child doesn’t start school for 2 years and you don’t need the childcare and they hate it then don’t send them! Wait 6 more months and retry.
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If she's constantly shouting at them, why is that allowed for her but it isn't allowed for Herb? Maybe she also needs to look at the example she's setting.
ALL. OF. THIS. 👏🏻👏🏻

I learnt this. I wasn’t a patient mum. I didn’t get Mum rage, but I would shout if I got shouted at. Always quick to shout. I soon learnt that he was shouting because I shouted. Now, he has a paddy and I don’t reach and he gives up because he’s not getting the reaction. We have a much calmer life now 😂😂

I just don’t understand the whole ‘mum rage’ stuff. Like yes, parenting is bloody hard but if you’re feeling rage more days than you’re not then surely there’s an underlying issue there somewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️

I'm gonna say it, might offend some people but hey just my opinion....nobody forces you to have kids. I only had one, because I genuinely couldn't cope with another.
also, THIS!! We get asked so often why we haven’t had another one or when we’re going to have one and everyone is always so offended when we say we are done. Mine didn’t sleep properly until he was maybe 2.5, he just wasn’t a good sleeper! No way am I doing that again thank you very much.
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She is such a cold mother to those kids.

And she only posted that at all to ease into some fucking ads.

Phoebe do you ever ask yourself what good did you put out there into the world today? Blasted rage at your kids and advertised more shit that no one needs. Is that a win?
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Skye green

Chatty Member
I can’t understand why she would share these things. She just comes across as horrible. Her whole mindset is so negative and controlling. All that will lead to is rebellion. Why not see it as a learning opportunity about money and picking something in a budget. Or just don’t take them to a toy shop if it’s that much of an issue.
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