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Serene Serena

VIP Member
OMG. Or he'll do a docu drama like Keith Chegwin did years ago. Camera: Action - Philly, in the distance, (cue smoke machine out of shot to evoke sea mist induced nostalgia) walking wistfully down Chesil beach (Cheggers was Brighton beach but Philly makes posh wine doncha know, so Chesil beach it is), kicking the odd pebble absentmindedly into the ocean, as he reminisces about the good ole days, but unfortunately, how he ended up as a terrible victim of a big nasty TV show and very bad woman who he can't remember the name of; courtesy of the chinking in the brown paper bag hanging from his hand. As he nears the end of the beach he turns to the cameraman and points to a wooden bus shelter: "This is my home now."
You can’t compare Scof with the lovely late Cheggers.
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House of Tea

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I don’t think there is any more to this H and P feud than her wanting to save her own skin. She was with everything she knew about him, but when it started being more known she wanted distance.
I think she knew about the runner but at that stage he was in his 20s, so whilst a big age gap, legal. But what tipped her over the edge was Tim and PS’s knowledge of his crimes. She has boys nearing the same age. Because PS and her family used to socialise a lot, I can imagine that Tim and his family have also been at the same events. That would piss you off. Also, she is now middle aged. The girl grew up, got clout and self-worth - she no longer needs this older manipulative guy, particularly as he comes with repulsive baggage.
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Bloody hell I’ve just seen the clip from todays TM on the news and you’d have sworn that he’d died or something. I’m amazed they didn’t play maudlin music over the top🙄
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Poor Fern has apparently been harassed by a member of the press today 😞 (probably Philth’s doing) but on a lighter note our Shirl, our honorary Tattler has sent her some touching words of support.

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I'm sorry before he came out I didn't like him and still don't like him he's a strange man living a double life all that years
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Could it really be the end of the sparrow legged, saggy arsed craggy necked fuckers career?!
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House of Tea

VIP Member
If he likes males, then he is gay. He is a gay man with a penchant for very young males, probably underage ones judging by the evidence. I don’t understand why people are saying he isn’t gay. He isn’t straight, possibly bisexual perhaps? That isn’t saying that all gay men are attracted to young males, but this particular man is.
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There are and have been a few lads on Twitter saying that Philth used to Snapchat them and their mates when they were younger. Now maybe some of them are being less than truthful but I don't think they are all lying. It all points to patterns of behaviour. What makes me think at least some of them are truthful is that they're not saying it in a sensational way. The ones I've seen haven't said there was anything really sexual said apart from in one case that they were gorgeous, but they just seem to be saying that the fact he was Snapchatting anyone so young (in teens) makes them question his motives looking back, that maybe it wasn't just an innocent case of "friendliness to fans". I haven't seen any females say he Snapchatted them.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Just explaining to a work colleague about Philth and MM. She had no idea as it seems most of the GP don't either! She was amazed at what has been going on. It just needs someone to spill the beans in MSM and everyone will know the truth!
Can honestly say if it weren’t for Tattle I would never have heard of MM. The vast majority of people only know the Phil they see on TV.
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All this Scandal has probably drawn more viewers to the show and a realisation that it's proper crap!! I put it on in the office last week having never seen it, and honestly felt like I was losing braincells just by watching the dumbed down content.
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The tribute was pointless, I don't understand. It's like someone has written down a secret and placed it inside a glass box.
I do worry about the young man, it's a lot to cope with. I have no sympathy for Philip but the humiliation must be huge.
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I got a DM from Cheggars once too... just a lovely thank you after a tweet I sent about Life's ---. He seemed so genuinely appreciative of it. Made my day. I really liked how he took the piss out of himself on that show, so funny.
Yes he was really appreciative of everyone who supported him. I once asked him to unblock a mutual tweeter who'd been very supportive of Keith and had in fact taken a lot of shit for it (it was around the time he was being accused of stealing other comedians' jokes). The tweeter in question rather stupidly made a silly but harmless joke about Cheggars, not meaning anything by it. I DM'd Keith explaining that yes the joke was stupid but that the person was actually a big fan and had stood up for him. To Keith's credit he unblocked him and re-followed him.
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Really hope Stacey Solomon doesn’t get the TM gig, she’s awful, so is Rochelle, she’s constantly trying to force laughter and cannot stop looking for the camera while doing it, constantly trying to make the most mundane things sound rude n funny, while I’m at it, Lorraine can go too, god awful woman! Dermot=shit, Vernon=nooooo! Martin “shouty” Lewis, no thanks, Adil=nope! Richard Madeley=please no! I honestly don’t know who would present because there’s just nobody who doesn’t rub someone up the wrong way, it’s obvious the powers that be at TM don’t take anything the public comment on their various social media sites into account because we’ve been saying things for years, they either don’t read it or they just don’t care! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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It really is ridiculous, she's what 42 middle aged woman who presents herself as perilously aligned to the Victorian era, all that's missing is the bustle and bonnet. She acts like she's never seen a mans bald-headed hermit before, let alone (Lord fore fend) getting anywhere near it, or it, her. The Suffragettes would be well proud of her.
Agree, yet she was totally different on Celebrity Juice. Very lewd from her normal Doris Day image.
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A long time ago I was talking to a social worker friend. She said that there's a movement to have pedophilia recognised as a sex*ual orientation. I was horrified as I thought it would normalise it but upon reflection I think it is important to differentiate paedophiles from others. If that's your persuasion, that's it, you shouldn't be allowed to muddy the waters by saying you're gay and have this caveat. This is half the reason that for a long time people assumed all gay men were paedophiles, because of the grooming and abuse of young boys by older, often powerful and respectable, men.
I *think* the legal age of consent comes into play with this label too. This is why in the USA a certain someone gets a lot of stick as the age of consent there is generally 18 yet here in the UK it is 16.

It's also important to note that a s*x offender is different to a paedophile. They are not one and the same.
There is (maybe no longer in action) a lobby group in the US called NAMBLA (North America Man-Boy Love Association) that advocate for pedophilia being recognized as a sexual orientation like homosexuality, the end goal being decriminalization of sexual activity with minors. It is no coincidence that these groups attached themselves to other advocacy organizations, we are seeing this with trans groups attaching themselves to the LGB groups, so any criticism of the special interest group is seen as an attack on a legitimate section of society that is just minding it's own business and wants consensual relationships with willing adults.

So if someone questions if it morally, legally or medically right to give minors puberty blockers and extensive surgery the reaction is how dare you attack the LGBT community, if you query the actions of NAMBLA again how dare you attack these marginalized people who just want relationships with people they love ( legal minors ie: children)

A document was put together many years ago called The Denton Document (Denton's is one of the largest law firms in the world) and it's advice was for trans ideology is attach itself to more popular ideology, so here in Ireland when we were voting for gay marriage an act was passed at the same time (without public vote) for gender self I.D, where all you have to do is sign a form stating you want to live as your preferred gender and hey-presto you are now the opposite sex, no hormones, no surgery, no therapy, just a form and I think 20 quid for the registry fees. So we now have three male bodied people in the women's prison in Limerick (all are in for attacks on women or children) the word "woman" was removed from our health authority guidance on cervical cancer and women's spaces are no longer single sex, this includes everything from sports clubs, changing facilities in shops and domestic violence facilities.

So back on topic: I don't think we will get a big reveal about Philth and MM, about the ages when they first met, about getting him removed from the show when he aged out as it will be seen as attacking a person for being gay, he had the big overwrought coming out in telly for a reason, self protection. I think media will continue to hint but I don't think any will want the risk of being accused of homophobia.

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