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I wouldn’t have any of the loose woman as I think that needs to go too , along with Lorraine a whole shake up and fresh look needed
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I had to laugh at the Strictly story. As if the BBC would touch him with a bargepole after this. He's going to be lucky getting a voiceover gig for Channel 5 at this rate ...
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Philth took time off TM for several weeks to stay by Tim’s bedside when he was seriously ill. You don’t do that if your not close IMO. He’s a lying, gaslighting turd.
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They did a birthday surprise for Dermot at the end of the show yesterday... presenting him with a cake, flowers, balloons, and party poppers. I bet Phil was sat at home watching it crying into his G&T... he never got the chance to have a birthday or leaving party on there.

I can't post the link here but one of Phil's fans has started a petition on Change called "Get phillip schofield an NTA award" because he's a victim of a "which hunt" 🤭 Only 3 people have signed it so far...
The three people are probably his wife and daughters
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Just imagining the reaction of my boss if i said I didn’t want to work with a certain colleague anymore because we had fallen out, and that i should take the next week off as extra holiday 😂
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
I don't know how everybody can be so sure of what he has or hasn't done. We are all only hearing things and rumor from various sources on the internet. Unless we hear anything from the police or potential victims people need to stop winding themselves up.
Is that you Scof?
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You need to get with the times, the 1970s/80s were yearssss ago.
What do you mean get with the times
Back in the 70’s and 80’s it was common to see men leering at women on tv using them as a form of sexual fun look at benny hills sketches
They did not have to agree to it if they were not happy
Just because someone looks down a women’s top when she’s half hanging out if it does not mean they are a sexual predator like RH and JS
Women can wear what they like but
Can’t keep blaming men for looking at what some women are blatantly flaunting
A women walks down the street boobs hanging out skirt so short leaving no imagination bloke whistles at her that’s sexual harassment
You telling me she was not looking for attention
That’s my opinion and you have yours
Which is what makes this forum interesting
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There are more and more people coming out to say Holly is not the pleasant caring person she presents as. Amanda Platell, Kim Woodburn, Eamonn, Lady C and a few more
If Eamonn is saying that I believe him. If she was a lovely lady who was totally innocent in all this, and always treated people well etc. he wouldn't be saying things like that about her. He should know from his time there more than anyone.
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Please not Hammond on the show can’t bear her. I did wonder if she only got the job due to BLM as mentioned upthread...I don’t think her and Dermott gel...
Makes a change from the usual WLM brigade dominating every gig forever... and actually, Alison is incredibly popular. Andi Peters is another presenter who would have gone further if it wasn't for racism in the industry. Started the same time as Schofield, infinitely more likeable in every way.

People citing 'BLM' as a dog whistle need to give their heads a wobble and not spout racist nonsense.
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We don’t know who they are talking about here but this just aired on Talk TV with Vanessa when discussing Rolf Harris.
not sure who this man is, but well said him. if he's being sincere etc. And no Vanessa, nothing has changed at all - there has been no 'me too' movement in the UK for a reason. These people are very well protected, and there has never been a day of reckoning, either for child abusers, or other types of abusers.

We can all reel off lists of people (yes, mainly men) in this industry who we have heard are violent / predators / r*pists / p*dos etc. Plenty of names, very little justice or acknowledgement. And plenty of PR / crisis agencies / lawyers / police / media keeping them nice and safe. Which makes you think it's a very deep rabbit hole indeed.

Many of us have been talking openly about the Schofield rumours for over three years now, and it has only just this year reached critical mass, where so many people are talking about it that he had to be booted off - that is what happened, let's be honest.
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Chatty Member
There are dozens and dozens of psychological studies completed over decades that would disagree with you, but you’re welcome to your opinion.
Paedophilia is not a mental disorder. It’s a paraphilic disorder, which is a learnt behavioural and emotional disorder.

It is very often co-morbid with other mental health issues like personality disorders (including narcissistic PDs) and other mental health disorders. But it is not in and of itself a mental health disorder.

The DSM 5 is very clear on that, so I don’t know what research you’ve been reading.
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Chatty Member
Please not Hammond on the show can’t bear her. I did wonder if she only got the job due to BLM as mentioned upthread...I don’t think her and Dermott gel...
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House of Tea

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Re MM, a few years have passed since he made his approaches to the tabloids. He was fresh out of a “relationship” with PS at that time - hurt feelings involved and with dreams of being famous dwindling after PS “withdrew his support”. To be honest, the guy wasn’t a looker, and his showreel didn’t show anyone talented, his hopes of being a presenter were probably non-existent from the start (with PS encouraging him for his own nefarious reasons). There was a tweet on here from someone on the TM production who said MM was a nice bloke, just wanted to be famous.

But now that he has been paid off, which has probably set him up for life, and he is older (27) and the hurt has had time to settle, he won’t speak out I don’t think. PS might bung him some more cash so no need to go to the tabloids particularly if the need for revenge has dwindled. He recently updated his LinkedIn bio to say he was always discreet, or words to that effect. That is an odd thing to add to your bio - in my cynical head that was a message to PS telling him not to worry, he won’t be doing a tell all. It had even crossed my mind that he might be open to doing escort work where discretion is a plus point. A bit of a stretch maybe, but not unrealistic. He has a weird type of fame, not what he envisaged, and he might be getting approached by all sorts of people because of his notoriety.

I really don’t think we will hear MM’s version of events. Unless someone else comes forward with the same grooming experiences or from someone who had conclusive proof, there will be no evidence to the general public that PS groomed young boys. It will be one of those whispers that will follow PS around, and his career is in the toilet, but on the surface nobody will be able to outright accuse him of being a groomer without facing severe legal penalties. PS is going to need every penny of his amassed earnings to date. He is no longer going to be able to command big fees, work will be very thin on the ground, and he is going to have to splash the cash on suppressing stories legally. If you look at that Popbitch article where HW went to head of ITV, that head of ITV will speak to her peers on other channels, and his career is over. There is no coming back from this, the soap awards gig is his swan song.
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VIP Member
I don't know how everybody can be so sure of what he has or hasn't done. We are all only hearing things and rumor from various sources on the internet. Unless we hear anything from the police or potential victims people need to stop winding themselves up.
Hi Team Philth welcome aboard 😁
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I'm curious to see how this all plays out for Holly. I've always found her insincere and desperate to be seen as sexy with all her giggling at innuendos which she frequently deliberately walked into. Can she survive this? She has a lot of fans but I don't think she is that much of a draw on her own as a presenter. I personally don't find her particularly charming or likeable. Her blonde, giggly act has perhaps had its day now. The whole show needs a shake up anyway and needed new faces long before all this blew up.
Same, I'm not sure how she can come out of this well.

People that loathe Phillip think she's complicit and people that love Phillip think she's a self serving back stabber.

A new host or rotating hosts with her will highlight how stale she is, no longer the fresh faced late 20s without baggage she was when she first got the job.

She needs this morning to keep her relevant and keep making millions from M&S, Garnier and all the clothes she advertises.

Some TV show needs to go to care homes and interview people as to what they think of her :LOL:
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Sniffing Eggs

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Am I alone in wondering when the dirt about Piers Morgan is going to come out.

The company he keeps is disturbing
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I can well believe TM has a better atmosphere now he’s gone. He’s a a malignant narcissist bully. I used to work in a school run by a malignant narc and when she left the school changed over night. The toxic atmosphere of fear she created had vanished.
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