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Genuinely stunned Phil didn't alert anyone to his awful brother. Just saying "It must never happen again"?? Then, after it all comes out, saying "I no longer have a brother"? That just reads as trying to wash your hands of it, as if YOU weren't the one he told, as if YOU weren't the one who grew up with him all these years? No Phil, you do still have a brother, and your brother told YOU what he did, and YOU could've bought justice a lot quicker.
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Twelve years should mean twelve years. I wish all sentences had to be served in full. No get out clause.

If it was my choice, it would be life imprisonment for a crime like that. 😡
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He manoeuvred Fern Britton out all those years back for far less so he could have easy to mould Holly, and now it feels like Holly knew she needed to extricate herself from him and did the same to him. How do you like them apples Phil?!
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Victim impact statement:

The statement read: "Before Tim was arrested, I felt I had no freedom. I often felt panic, stress and fear. I felt like I was trapped in a loop of fear and anxiety of the abuse happening again.

"It was only after Tim was arrested that I felt safe. It was only after Tim was arrested that I felt free – free to be me, free to be happy, free to be relaxed."

The boy added: "I feel more blunt, I feel more bitter, I feel numb to life. I know I should feel really happy or really sad but I don’t have the ability to emotionally connect to what is happening."

Tim spoke to PS in September 2021. Didn’t he also mention to PS that his victim was in a relationship and he felt jealous?

The victim spoke to his therapist in November 2021 then shortly thereafter Tim was arrested in December 2021.

So the arrest which made the victim finally feel safe only happened due to the victim opening up to a therapist.

PS could have alerted the police 2 months prior to that.

Yet PS stated his thoughts are only with the victim and the victim’s family.

Lying Arsehole, he has never considered the welfare of the victim at all as otherwise he would have gone to the police.
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Edwina Currie. Ah yes such a moral bastion. Valiantly opposed funding AIDS research in the 80's because - and I will quote "Good Christian people don't get AIDS"
She also thought taking cervical cancer treatment off the National Health was a great policy because - another quote - "You only get cervical cancer from screwing around." and suggested that pensioners living in freezing homes because they couldn't afford to pay heating bills "Should wear woolly hats."

The absolute fkn state of British public life when they'll dig Currie up & shove her on the moral high ground on any issue.
Says Dreadwina who raked about with John Major a married man and her a married woman. .where was this "Christian" woman's morals all that time ! God hateful bastard arghh

They are all cut from the same cloth high up FFS!
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She is starring in a drama about a mother who led a double life.

She looked Phil directly in the eye, kept a straight face and said she couldnt imagine what it must be like to lead a double life for years.
He gulped like an anaconda swallowing a goat.
Surrane Jones is wonderful.

I got to see her on stage in A Few Good Men in London several years ago and feel very lucky. I think she's one of the UK's best actresses.
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Chatty Member
Completely agree, think we should respect that.

MM has been mentioned, who we think was illegally groomed by philth who we think is subject to some sort of silencing, whether a questionable NDA, ITV or philth pay off.. something definitely sinister, we all think stone cold wrong behaviour of philth regardless. Plenty of receipts.

Now, Philths brother, who has now been jailed for 12 years...philth disclosed he knew to an extent, to court, because his brother told him. His 'story' matches his brothers own 'story' as his own line of defence.

If you read the court documents, read around on the family FB, look at what the judgement statements didn't disclose, the age of the victim, look at sentencing guidlines etc etc it is so bloody obvious who the victim might be.

I think the identity of the victim isn't important here on this thread, but the relationship of the victim to philth is given he did nothing.

That boys councillor reported the crime. He deserves anonymity. He deserves justice. We deserve not to be triggered by his dirty bas🤬rd uncle, who knew, sitting happy as a pig in sh🤬t on prime time TV.

Make it make sense itv. Good grief, that boy knows uncle philth knew and did nothing. He stuck up for his brother in court!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Sorry just to add... Even if there was no relation between philth and the victim, he should have still of acted and reported... I am sickened to the stomach by the whole situation. Stone cold wrong.
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I bloody love Kim Woodburn! She says it like it is and her assertions about Holly are absolutely spot on. She is a two faced bitch and I want her gone from TM as much as Philth.
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I hope to God Alex Beresford hasn’t got the TM gig, he’s absolutely vile. Loves himself FAR to much.
He's beyond fucking shit. He used Piers Morgan to get himself a little notoriety and announced he was going to the US and 'break America'. Within 3 months he was back because no one was interested in a dull-as-ditchwater weathergirl. Absolute COCK.
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I said, 'I don't want you to tell me any more'. I said, 'You've got to stop, just never do it again. Regardless how that happened it must never happen again'."

He didn't want implicated any more he told him to stop telling him more because he knew if the day came he could get away with not knowing the full story! Dirtboxes the 2 of them .
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The kissing when Holly left today 🤬 wtf is that all about? She can get in the fucking bin as well.
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Worked with Esther for a couple of years. A nasty piece of work. I once suggested that perhaps Childlne’s publicity should show some smiling children to demonstrate the good we could do. Only just escaped with my head….
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I wonder what the Sunday papers r gonna bring
From what I gather, it was expected that tomorrow, the newspapers would break the story that Phil had resigned but being the narc that he is, has decided to get in there first.

As much as it pains me to say it, I don’t think they’ll be anymore announcements or exclusives tomorrow judging by how ITV are continuing to pledge their allegiance with him within their recent statement. If they got wind that something big was coming which would inflict a huge dent on Schofield’s career, thus their reputability as a broadcaster they wouldn’t be promoting this supposed new peak time series that he’s been given, which was clearly born out of a deal struck between him and ITV execs in exchange for him resigning from TM.
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Philip likely hasn't committed a crime, MM was legally of age (just) when the relationship started (based on much of what we know). Initally meeting someone under age then in a relationship when they are of age isn't illegal.

It would however destroy his reputation and is very icky.

The only way he could be in trouble legally is if MM came forward and said things happened when he was under age
It could open the floodgates. I give it until next Friday before there's a police statement saying " historic" people have come forward
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“Don’t do it again” is something you say to your child when they’ve done something trivial not abusing a kid!! Ffs 🤦‍♀️
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