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That's the general consensus , but we won't know the details until it all comes out in the wash......
Interestingly there is scant information via Google about his brother's marital status. However PS did include comments about his niece and nephew on Twitter (though that could be his wife's children I guess). There was something in a news report about the trial, which states his brother is a father of two. Seems a lot has been wiped (or never shared), on the least I can't find it.
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To be honest with you it wouldn’t make any difference to me who presented This Morning it’s a stale format and time to get rid.

Same goes for Loose Women.

However it’s a mark of how pig ignorant ITV not even to mention what’s going on. They could have just said we realise there are lots of stories around but we’re here for you to do a job etc.
There obv is an issue or theyd of mentioned it
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I'm really struggling to think of someone right now who is prominent in the British media and who I don't think is a narcissistic 'orrible cunt. :LOL:
What about the People's Saviour and Champion of the Great Oppressed? (Did you know that he's had therapy?)
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Chatty Member
I can't stand Gino and his fake fake fake Italian accent. When he was on I'm a celeb he had hardly any accent at all, the burgling scumbag has lived here since he was 19, so it's hard to see how he can still have that string an accent. He's repulsive.
Why does he put the accent on? I always thought he speak like that tbh.
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I wonder how ITV would respond to a protest outside the studio, calling for his sacking / resignation. It's alot easier to ignore people on forums than it is in person. The MSM would be all over it, given how they can't say what they really want to, they're clearly dropping big hints.
Lol who the hell could be arsed to do that
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If Holly had a decent PR team (or her head screwed on herself) she'd put out a statement refusing to work with him. It doesn't have to say anything liableous or give direct reasons as to why but just state circumstances have recently changed and that she doesn't feel able to continue on This Morning at the moment. Then we can all read between the lines and give her a bit of credit for standing up to him, as at the moment he's dragging her down on his sinking ship.

It almost condones his behaviour by enabling him to control her - which is exactly what has been going on for years.

It might not be a popular opinion but I feel Holly is also a victim of his coercive control. He minces about that studio like he's untouchable. She's the puppet and he's the puppet master.
she would have been one of his flying monkeys
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Does anyone know what happened to the fan page that Webkinny (Ellen Stafford) set up for him? I only found out about it from her thread on here and never knew he had a fanbase.
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House of Tea

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Piers won’t comment. He is mates with Holly. Didn’t he do a programme with her, a rip off of a League of their Own.Holly was the presenter, Bradley Walsh and Piers the team captains. Think it was called played to the whistle.
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there is deffo something, one of the guys who appeared on Dan Wooton a few weeks ago said they had to be careful what was said owing legal issues
He's hardly going to say "because I don't want to be sued". Gammon news not exactly the most trustworthy places either, especially when they are leaning so far one way on an issue
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I agree with most of the people & points made on this thread. Disappointed about Fiona Phillips, I always got a good vibe from her, guess I was wrong on that one!
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Tangerine Cat

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Yes but wasn't it like 50,000 tweets or something, even for die hard social media commenters that is a bit excessive 😳
Don’t be silly of course it wasn’t. The 50,000 tweets mentioned was a number of tweets about the McCanns, they weren’t all Brenda's, AND if you go back and read the articles you’ll see only one of two of Brenda’s were mentioned but other people nasty tweets were shown making people think they were hers too,
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What message would that be sending his daughters who are both adults? That’s something you do for young children.

I thought he did that as he wasn’t holding any cue cards so it was the signal they were official results and not just who he fancied saving!
His daughters would have been young when he started, but he’s only stopped recently.
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My partner and I were watching a re-run of Blankety Blank tonight from around 2000, and by coincidence John Leslie was on it. He was very charming on it. Had forgotten that about him - can see why he was popular on telly. Shame what happened to him. I did read stories about him being a bit vulgar off screen when coming onto women on nights out, but nothing illegal, and certainly nothing like Philth.
Didn’t the News of the World have one of their ‘exclusive’ front pages on him back in the day sniffing ❄ in a hotel room with some woman? I may be incorrectly remembering as it was years back, but i’m sure it was something like this and also the Abi Titmuss sex tape thingy.
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