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Rockin' Robin

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I think we should individually write a letter (or email) to ITV, telling them how much we're enjoying This Morning without Phillip Schofield presenting it.
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Surely he will have to release a statement. That’s what he would be calling out for from others!!! Get him Out!!!
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My husband was groomed by a friend of his family when he was 14/15. His dad had just divorced his mum so was working all hours to make sure they had money to live. This man was a neighbour and used that as a reason to worm his way in. He’d help out in the house etc.

I know two men who were sexually abused in their early teens by male neighbours (separate incidents/perpetrators). I can't even begin to tell you how much it has messed them up, the wounds are deep.
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I think he'll try to worm his way back on the sofa. But this could be the scandal that finishes his career once and for all, where not even his protectors at ITV can help him, so I voted no.
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Brilliant thread title....I'm so hoping this is the beginning of the end for philth. Surely (hopefully) the verdict will be GUILTY, then wouldn't philth's position on TM be untenable ? This is a 'man' who knew his brother was abusing a teenage kid, and did NOTHING. Therefore he enabled the abuse of a child. ITV obviously has some very unsavoury individuals at top brass who see nothing wrong with the way philth operates, it makes me wonder is there some type of 'ring' at itv ? How many youngsters has this happened to ? I believe many will come forward once this all starts to really come out.
And how many other ‘national treasures’ will Philth take down with him if he’s exposed .
Think that’s the real reason itv are being so coy about it
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London Hung Guy

Chatty Member
Please let this be the end of this absolute slime ball

PS took over the role of Joseph from Jason D in 1991, very good friends apparently 👀
F*** buddies is the term I think you were looking for 😂 meeting in secret (not sure the Heath was the best choice!) while both maintaining a str8 appearance to wives, girlfriends etc ... happens way more than you'd imagine with str8 men :oops:;)
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Filled with sadness tonight. My thoughts about the victims, my thoughts on my own reasons for delving and interest into anything else to escape my own rotten past. There is badness everywhere, t
He will be back he's like japanese knotweed! He will justify it in his own mind that he has been convicted of anything & let's be honest in the eyes of the law he hasn't committed any crime. Morally he's a complete cunt, but unfortunately itv don't seem to care about the morality of it's presenters
I agree, if his brother is found not guilty.

If he is guilty, surely it begs the question how he withheld info to the police re child abuse.

I have already posted that philth has said a very carefully worded statement which suggests that his skuzzy brother merely said he wanked just last year, only the once, with another person doing the same, in the same room. He theatrically shouted his brother to STOP!! Never do it again!! FFS philth, jury's out tomorrow's

That man molested a CHILD and he told philth about it and he knew about it, philth lied in his statement to make it sound legal, and that skank rotton nasty piece of no gotton nothing weasel has done the same. Of course. Just saying.
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Not trying to derail but Barrymore now has a large following on TikTok believe it or not. I always remember on tv years ago one of the contestants was disabled and instead of tactfully mentioning it or not he directly said to them “what are you?” 😳🫣
He was always fucking vile to the contestants, made them the butt of all his jokes. Horrible man.
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London Hung Guy

Chatty Member
“I no longer have a brother” - So I guess his own personal redemption act has already started? ITV will welcome him back with open arms after the Easter break and nothing more will be said about it, right? Wrong! We all know about your dirty deeds, Philth. Rest assured those too will come to the light, along with your brother’s dirty linen.
If he does another teary sofa 'oh my god, I had no idea my bro was a pweirdo, how awful is" this type of confessional I might throw something at the TV.

Can you imagine someone is so up himself he thinks we aren't stupid, and don't keep receipts! I'm fuming :mad::mad:


Yes so I notice now. Really really pleased. No more PS on our screens you can bet on it.
With comments allowed!!!!! Watch people murder them .....
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This whole PS does my head in. It’s just so wrong, on so many levels. And nothing will happen. And kids will continue to be abused. And the smug git will be back on TV. This incident has triggered all sorts of feeling for me. And I became a little obsessed. And suddenly I’ve realised nothing will change, and that makes me sad. And unhappy.

And I’m still getting ribbed about the stupid username I chose when drunk. So farewell, goodbye. I’ve enjoyed Tattle but fear my own mental health is on a downward, the world is evil and everything is doomed it feels.

Thank you all for fun and laughs
Don't go. You can change your name ask the mods for help. I am really hopeful that the nation has woken up to Philth, and his nonce brother has just begun to lift the lid. No matter how much money Philth slings at it, no one can control what people say on social media and once its said its said and out there. We just need to keep at it. The media are not the people of this country and together we are stronger than them.
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What's the chances of it being ignored on tomorrow's newspaper section of This Morning. If it were any other British 'celebrity' and their brother it would definitely be discussed!
It'll either be ignored, or it will be covered briefly, but Philth's statement will be read out and the presenters will send their love to Philth "at this difficult time".
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Sorry if already posted but it looks like he's going to attempt a return (and with sycophants like this in the media, he'll probably be successful)

it makes me want to cry. and then i get angry.i cant believe it. i just felt so despairing.
im sorry if that feel or sounds pathetic.i no we are meant to be angry and just want to throttle him.and i do. but it also just got me really upset. for the victims.for all victims though. and how he has managed this. becasue it showing he is ALso JUST ANOTHER MAN WITH POWER abusing his position.
taking advantage
making woman,children,victims unsafe. and getting away with it.
getting away with it.
another one.
ive seen lives ruined by these men. what it does to them,their families. and phil is part of it.
and now,now im fucking angry.
how also is he getting away with lying. he said "if id known" you fucking wrote literally in your statment he came and told new.
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Discussing Phil on GB News earlier... starts at around 1:36:10

the fact that this didn't get discussed until last night, shows that GB News have taken legal advice on how much could be discussed it was good to here the for legal reasons comment from Calvin his expression alone painted a 1000 words,......... since Arnold Clark sponsor This Morning here's a personalise number plate they could use for a car they advertise N0N5E !
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I've caught my breath now!

Re This Morning, ITV for some time have wanted to shake up the show. There is a conflict of ideas over what the ITV bigwigs want and what Martin Frizell is delivering. Frizell is quite happy with the line up. ITV are not, and think it can be more accessible and diverse. George Floyd's death really forced Frizell's hand, and he only promoted Alison Hammond as a full-time presenter to save face.

Backstage it is very toxic. Holly has her favourites, so does Phil. Some of the regulars can't stand them, and hate the 'cliquey' banter. Apparently Phil has a big say at which chefs pop up. (speculating here but I wonder if Nisha Katona was put on the temporary sin bin and 'regulated' to Fridays. Saying that she loves Alison and Dermot because they actually eat her food! And she loved Rylan, Eamonn and Ruth all the same).

Holly has wanted out for some time. She was not happy at how ITV responded to queue gate, and felt they threw her under the bus. Phil (arrogantly) couldn't believe there was any uproar over the filming. Frizell was of the same view. This Morning thought about framing it as an 'ITV News' segment - so having the news reporters come in and sharing their thoughts (Mary Nightangle was also photographed with Holly and Phil) but decided against.

I'm not sure if this week was Joel's first as a TM presenter but the bosses have wanted him for some time. He ticks all the boxes. Whether he wants the full time job is another question, but the team have had to plan for contingencies in the event a presenter goes. They have Rochelle, Andi, Vernon, etc but they are relief presenters - not full-time replacements.

What the producers looked for last week was chemistry. Bit like when actors are paired up, the casting agents are looking for that spark. If Holly and Joel click (only saw a bit of Wednesday's show), then it makes him an attractive contender for the full time job. Again, it depends if he wants it, but if Holly can be convinced to stay, then ITV may push to retain her at all costs. However, how much she is implicated by Pip's mucky world remains to be seen!

My old friend said don't be surprised if the show has an autumn relaunch.
This is so interesting, thanks!

A relaunch (or just scrapping it) is desperately needed. Even before Phil's behaviour was exposed, the contrived "I'm so excited we won an NTA and I'm still drunk!" act was so loathsome, as well as how they would try to force innuendos into every show and then act like it's so funny that they can't continue reading the autocue. The show hasn't moved on from 2013.
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Dan says is it a PR move for P to say no longer have a brother
Careerist ambitious move says Calvin.
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I’ve hopped on over to this thread because of the current news and it makes an interesting read. I haven’t read all the details of the court case/witness statements but one of my (and my partners) thoughts was, could the brother be taking the wrap for Philth? It honestly wouldn’t surprise me at all.
It is very odd to say the least. For 3 years + we have known about PS, the internet has gone hard on him, then all of a sudden his brother is done for pretty much the same thing and PS gets to use that as cover of sorts. Not saying his brother is not guilty, but I'm damn sure the brother will know of PS's own 'midemeanours', so why does PS feel so comfortable making such a hypocritical statement and disowning his brother, without fear his brother might spill some beans?

The more I think about the "list of paedophiles" that PS handed David Cameron, the more I think that was some sort of weird intentional thing too. It created a news story that involved his name and the word "paedophile" on the internet, that was useful to bury any of his own allegations that were brewing at that time. Cameron's comments about not wanting to scapegoat gay people was odd too..
Have people forgotten Max Clifford, the ultimate PR guy (till he went to prison), already?
exactly, he crossed my mind too. And how convenient that he died in the way he did. he definitely knew where all the bodies were buried, and openly admitted that his job was to protect sexual abusers (see the Starsuckers documentary). Also admitted Simon Cowell was paying him £250K a year for many years in that same documentary. I'm pretty sure Clifford had threatened to write a tell all book.
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