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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I don't know whether to believe that Michael and Paula had been seeing each other for ages - I was convinced by that cringeworthy display on the Big Breakfast bed, that it was lust at first sight. Michael referred to all of Paula's daughters as his, according to an article I read, which pissed Bob Geldof off even more.
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I reckon she’s still bezzies with them offline. She has a strategic online presence these days which she doesn’t veer from.
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Seriously, age-gap relationships were regarded very differently 35 or 40 years ago. Jane Goldman is a good example: when she met Jonathan Ross, she was 16, yes, but she was also working fulltime on the Daily Star's showbiz page. Ross was considered a massive catch in 1986; he seemed to come out of nowhere (I think he might have been a TV researcher beforehand), and suddenly there he was, hosting The Last Resort in his trendy suits and ties. I know younger people will find this hard to believe, but he couldn't have been cooler.

When Jane began dating him, I didn't think, "She's 16 and he's 26 - how revolting", I thought, "Damn, she's lucky." And now they're about to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary.
Jonathan Ross being thought of as cool is truly hard to see :LOL:

tbf - being together 35 years is an achievement for sure, but I’m not sure it’s always a mark of success?

I know a lot of older women (mums friends) who married young to older men, to degrees of success and that was fine then. But groping girls butts and wolf whistling was fine then, and wouldn’t be tolerated now and is viewed in a very different lens.

among my mums friends I’ve noticed a few do get very prickly about the age gap and my view is there are underlying insecurities there that they don’t want to think about considering they’ve been married to their husbands for decades.

in a similar vein, my first relationship and first sexual partner was the same age as me and veeerry manipulative and controlling. It took my years to come to terms with that and admit that to myself because I didn’t want to believe it was true. So I get it.

I was a pretty worldly, independent teen at 17/18 and had moved out, eventually going to Uni. I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at dating someone in their 20s. But looking back, I was a LOT a more immature than I seemed surface level. I was a lot less mature than I thought I was.

im in my 30s now and if I had a teenage daughter dating someone in their 20s, I’d find it pretty gross. Of all my friends, many, many dates men much older than them when they were all in their late teens - none - not a single one - turned out to be a decent person. They all turned out to be deeply insecure men, with tendencies to be manipulative/controlling as a result. And my friends weren’t stupid or naive. They are uni educated, independent women with pretty amazing careers.

I don’t think Paula getting into a relationship with Bob is indicative of him being creepy per se, but I definitely think it’s reflective of the wider misogyny in society at the time. I’m very glad it’s not really seen as acceptable now. Im very glad that gen z are a lot more vocal and empowered even compared to my generation of millennials.
In fact, I doubt how well they could hold their own in conversations on issues of the day even came into it.
I think that roughly summarises the appeal of those type of relationships..
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It wasn’t the case at all, I had somehow assumed his death was recorded as autoerotic asphyxiation so I found it an interesting conversation, not trying to change anyone’s mind on anything. I was here for a Peaches Geldof thread so in that sense, there’s now a whole thread on Micheal Hutchence and Bono, it’s interesting conversation.

Wow that is beautiful ❤
Well it’s a good job that the Geldof family thread went”off-topic” to talk about Michael then, since you didn’t know the verdict on his death 🙄 debating on and on whether people taking their own life naked is where I felt it was going off topic
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
Article in the DM about Tiger Lily, off the back of the Paula documentary.
Nothing terribly new but she is known as Heavenly now. And apparantly was meant to get £36m from Michael's estate and got nothing as it had 'all gone'.
It also said Fifi had a tempestuous relationship with Paula for years and they weren't speaking.
I don't understand that about the money, perhaps it's a false trail to stop public interest? Or did it all go on legal bills or people siphoning it off?
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Even if she did that, once he’d died and she was alone with his baby they got worse.
I don’t think they should be allowed to behave that way, whether you’re a non-fame family who’s mother just turned up dead, or a fame hungry self-publicist with a history of courting the press.
I agree that they should have left her alone after he died, anyone with eyes could see she was on a downward spiral. I do think some of her so called friends should have stepped in to do something at point but all the people who associated with her seemed to enjoy the drama and I wonder whether some of them spurred her/the press on.
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Does anyone know what Paula’s tattoo was of? In some pics it looks like a swallow with a scroll underneath but then in others it looks bigger, like she’d had it covered up but I can’t make out with what.
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I can see it not working for some, but also it can be really good for others. If kids are hell bent on drugs etc they will find a way regardless how much you try to control their environment.
God no no drugs but they learnt about being independent and how to do their own housework and learn about responsibility
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Article in the DM (well, non article) showing Pixie out for a walk with her daughter. Did we know her baby was a daughter before?
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Scarlett O' Hara

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I think it’s commonly agreed he was a pretty distant father. IIRC Bob came from a reasonably well off family but his parents were distant and aloof. I always though he has an equally distant parenting style.
His mother died when he was a very small child, around 6 or 7 yrs. Prior to that she was a loving mother so not sure where the "aloof and distant " comes from.
His Dad Bob Snr made his living out on the road as a Commercial Salesman so Bob effectively was left to fend for himself.
Perhaps this affected his own parenting style, who knows.
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
Bono was pretty hedonistic himself back then! He and Ali have had some kind of open marriage/swinging thing going on while raising their four kids so they're not exactly conventional. They seem a lot more grounded and together than Michael and Paula though.
I met his wife, seems to a really lovely lady!! As for him!! 🫤
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Did anyone ever find out what happened to michael’s money? Now that was a mystery, he basically died penniless because all his money was tied up in opaque and impenetrable trusts. Family believed he had been taken advantage of after his head injury when he may not have been thinking right.
He must have had some money to buy drugs?
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Chatty Member
It is very common for people to kill themselves naked.
Where did you source this information.
You are simply stating something repeatedly with no context. I appreciate there maybe some who take their lives and are sound of mind enough to choose to leave the work as they entered it, and those who are using drugs but many many suicides take place in public areas (sea/bridges/woods) and it is not the norm to be naked. So it would be used as part of the investigation into the death as it is not ‘common in all suicides’ at all and plays a relevant role in decision making.
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I don’t think she was tee-total Ithink that’s a bit of a myth, I understood that she wasn’t a “drinker” as in she might have a glass of something, but wasn’t fussed on it, or in the habit of doing it often or excessively. Any info in her biography?
She was famously tee-total,in her autobiography she says something along the lines of that she thought drinking alcohol was the beginning of a very slippery slope,but that she had tried hard drugs in her teens and didn’t think they were as bad, acknowledging the irony, Something like that. I think her Dad was a big drinker and it put her off…she got into drinking after Michael died,I might be wrong, but drank champagne on the flight to Australia? I get the impression it didn’t start socially, more to self medicate. And she was right wasn’t she, it was a slippery slope……
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Just watched both episodes of the documentary and omg, Terrance Trent D’arby has got to be Pixies dad, same eyes and mouth. Uncanny.
I remember some speculation about this years ago, over on the Digital Spy forum. I think it's an interesting spot, the only thing is that Pixie to me doesn't look biracial like Sananda
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