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VIP Member
There’s so many screenshots contained within the threads and people stating what they’ve seen via insta stories. She’s either so wrapped up in this that she thinks by white washing it she can hide from the truth or that we are stupid and have insta story time limited memories.
I think she may honestly believe that the “truth” as she presents it at any one time is the whole truth and anyone who dares to question it is a jealous troll.
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Well-known member
Maybe HMRC should be contacted. If she is using the donations to fund her lifestyle then it’s likely undeclared earnings and she wouldn’t be paying tax and NI on them. She obviously claims they are donations for that very reason but she should be able to provide evidence (at least to HMRC if not to her donators) to prove as such.
And the public are well within their rights to enquire surely by law you have a right to know where your money is going and how the funds are being used?
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Pink waffles

Chatty Member
I have picked up on the fact that she speaks to seb in an awful way all the time, the fact she then uploads it just baffles me.

Imagine him going to school after his mates have seen him running his step mums feet...she’s already said he gets bullied because of the things she posts....
I wouldn't ask my own son to do this.. Why doesnt josh grow a pair and tell her that's not how his son shouldn't be treated
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Active member
Does anyone think what Josh said re knowing who’s behind tattle & all the other nonsense he said, has any truth in it?
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My name on here is the same as my Instagram handle, PTWM follows me, and had done since last September I think it is. She's never interacted with my account, until I left comments on here, and on the moral queen's page, when suddenly she chooses to 'like' 2 of my recent photos that I'd posted. That was her way of telling me, she sees me, and my profile, the photos of my kids etc 😂 scaremongering at its best, doesn't wash with me though. I'm made of thicker skin
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Well-known member
Apart from a couple of comments this evening, i've not read this thread and posted for over a week so i've just caught up..

The more I've read and caught up with the PTWM threads, the more opinions of others i'm agreeing with.. isn't it all just soooo fxcking frustrating? Social Media is starting to feel more and more suffocating and isolating and that you can't be yourself and air an opinion where you dont agree with a person/influencer without being jumped on, given abuse or just deleted and blocked.. So we all have to be sheep to be accepted and not get blocked? Many have said they have asked Qs in a nice and polite way and then get deleted, blocked and get outted and then recieve abuse? But then a site has to be taken down, a site where people feel safer talking about what they feel and their thoughts on things, without being hounded with abuse from influencers fans/supporters? I wouldnt and never would condone vile comments from people where peoplea addresses get outted etc and OTT stuff being said BUT they say it happens on this site but they themselves (followers, influencers etc) do the exact same. If we cant talk on what we feel isnt right or doesnt make sence to the actual people we have Qs or doubts on but get called trolls on here.. WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO TALK/ASK AND DISCUSS THINGS THEN? Can any influencer answer THAT then?

Ive already said it, i wont ever be okay with personal attacks that stoop FAR to low but people are discussing stories they have read and told by these influencers! Not all of us will think and have the same opinions so why do they put their lives on social media if they dont want people to talk about it?
(Ive gone on a bit of a rant because im even considering deleting my social media because its becoming to isolating to the point where you cant even be honest about your own honest thoughts)

Exactly my thoughts tbh. I can’t get behind the whole influencers are perfect culture cos no one is perfect are they and to silence people for having a different opinion or if they’ve asked a legit question it smacks of a thought control culture.

I followed ptwm pretty early on in her rise on social media. I thought finally someone who’s normal and not perfect but then as the years have gone by things have got more and more problematic resulting in me unfollowing her cos her behaviour was triggering memories id rather not remember.

Then all this happened when I saw what she did to those involved I just thought you know what that’s not ok you cannot bully and abuse people so you can continue to profit off well meaning donations.

I don’t even deny her an admin fee that’s proportional that’s exactly the thing. I just wish instead of investing her time in being so nasty she’d just hold her hands up and make amends but she’s in this deep and utterly convinced we are in the wrong for asking for the truth.
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Chatty Member
I’ve never seen a baby post but I most definitely have seen a post about Betsy getting pregnant. I’ve also definitely seen a post about Josh having an affair with Betsy and them 2 running of together. Which is sick 🤢

I don’t have screenshots because I’m that not that invested and the comments have probably been deleted now but they were 100% said on here.
OMG some people are twisted.
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Well-known member
From what I have gleamed from searching google - the go fund 'PTWM - lets get her a house' posts and fundraiser has been deleted but who knows what money was donated and how much?
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Chatty Member
She finally dragged herself out of her pit of despair to do the school drop of today. Almost wet myself laughing when she rocked up clutching her bump as though she was within days of podding in her massive Jackie Onassis glasses.
😂 are you local?
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I did a little digging when she moved to that house, didn't take me long to find it on right move. I was actually surprised to see how she could afford to buy it after just one book - to my surprise she then states she has a landlord who's gonna sell it?? I understand people buy to let etc but it was all just not adding up!
Would there be anything on land registry or one of those house price/sales history? You'd see if it had been bought/was worth at last sale.
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Same, not hiding at all. I have been donating to her for a while so I asked about where PayPal donations were going and was torn apart and then my comment was removed. I donated, so I had every right to ask.
Did she reply where your money was going?
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