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Chatty Member
Most of the posters on this thread have been here from the beginning and even though comments have been made where her children have been concerned there has never been any polls or mention of her baby dieing. Why would she lie about that...and if she can lie about that then what else can she make up? She said herself, she knew about the paypal thing a while ago so why not nip it in the bud straight away? There are so many questions and not enough answers from all sides
Exactly 👌🏻👌🏻
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Well-known member
So I have to admit I was part of the 'crew' for a very long time and also commented on moral Queens insta but after being directed here from Rach herself I took the time to read the WHOLE thread and I'm now with you! I deleted my comment on moral Queens before the page was closed and signed up here yesterday so I could comment my concerns which I seem to share with a hell of a lot of people! I've never actually donated but have always wondered where it went as she is the first to say about her work but never shows proof! Safeguarding was always my worry, herself, kids and Emily that seems to be a DV victim herself, yet is plastered all over her stories! I've never seen any inappropriate comments, polls etc just questions - that still remain unanswered!
Completely the same, felt sorry for her until I read the threads and now I see right through her.
I have just read her book again. When I first read it, I was obsessed with her and her family, the ‘hilarious’ insta stories, the swearing etc etc
Now I read it as someone who’s had their head turned. She is so dramatic in the book! She is so into herself I cringe at the fact I thought it was a good book. The whole Josh and her kissing in the hailstones in the woods. Get over yourself! It’s like a cheesy channel 5 film😬🙄
Lots of stuff in the book do not add up
Let’s face it, she’s just a small town drama queen, bully and thrives off the attention whether it’s good or bad and has found a way to make some money
(Just please stop spending innocent people’s money)
Very tempted to buy it and read to see what it’s all about, but that’s giving her money soooooo 😬😬😬
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She must be lurking still as she's put a pic up of josh and his boys, possibly in response to the comment on here that he looked close to the girls in a photo and the boys looked like spare parts
He just looks so awkward all the time in photos. Always seems to force a smile 😬
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VIP Member
Look at this comment from Kristy along with her hashtags on PTWMs most recent Insta post (the ad for the mat that you shouldn’t use during pregnancy)

One of the people who has liked that comment is PTWM herself. She really doesn’t see what she has done and/or doesn’t give a shit. It’s not us that’s the monster.


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I think she disappeared from Instagram as people found holes in her story. For example, being in poverty and all that. When actually she’s been a journalist, written for Hollyoaks. She basically took the piss out of those actually in poverty. I know we all have our own versions of what poverty is. But she really did just take the piss
Once she realised people had cottoned on to how fucking awful she was and how she lied , she buggered off sharpish.
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Well-known member
Thanks for your reply it clarifies her spin on donations. What I can’t understand is if people are donating to her rather than directly to charities why she hasn’t set up as a charity.

If she is using the money to work with vulnerable women because she has better contact with them than the other options, surely she would register as a charity so all money is clearly accounted for.

Why would people just donate cash to someone on the internet who is claiming to help people.
In my line of work I have also met women and families in terrible situations but I don’t ask my mates to have a whip round I direct them to the correct channels. I am sure that in most cases receiving financial help from my mates isn’t the best strategy in the long run to support them with their futures!

The more I read about this the shadier it is and I bet the people donating money are those who can least afford it!
Exactly this 👏🏻
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Well-known member
We were third on the deprivation index a while back. I believe we remain the third highest local authority to have ‘looked after’ children ie removed from parental care. It’s a bit shit but we do have nice beaches
It’s really sad what’s happening in this country especially so for children who will live with the harm caused by cuts to just about everything.

I would of hoped the money from tourism would of helped boost la funds sadly not I guess.
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Well, as a child/teen, I had a sister, we had a fab relationship! But NO I am not a fan or supporter, that ship sailed about 8 ish yrs ago.
Sorry for the presumption from my behalf, was just using it as an example as to how people can once uppon a time be a follower but then have a change of opinion when they see the bigger picture. Hope i didnt offend you in any way. Blood isnt always thicker than water as upsetting as that is. Rachael is always the hero and saviour in many of her stories and VERY over the top and always the victim in all situations she has or is in. Cant be ar$ed with that crap. 🤦‍♀️ welcome tattle btw 😂😘 were a great bunch really but hidden in a trolls costume 😉
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New member
Could someone please point me in the direction of the article written by Keels. I can’t seem to find it.
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Active member
Yes, I think she took it down herself and informed Rachaele she was doing so as she was receiving multiple threatening messages towards herself and her family incl her 11yr old son.
Which is disgusting yeah there was a comment made on here about Edie being spoiled, and I’m sure there was a comment made about will Betsy get pregnant, but no one has actually threatened her children or threatened to reveal which school they go to etc! I hope keels is doing ok and well done to her for bringing the PayPal donations to light.
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I second this! I would never donate to a stranger on social media (no disrespect to any who do) I'm so tight with money even my accountant husband tells me to stop being such a skinflint 😂
I'm so glad I don't either, between this and Jack towers with his donations scandals, they really do seem to find people easily to give their money away. Which is a huge shame considering the audience of PTWM could be those on the poverty line
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