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Well-known member
Forgive me for not knowing the answer to this, but would it be a police matter to investigate where this money has gone (ie fraud)?
Think it was said it wouldn't be because the PayPal requests for donations were so ambiguous along with the t and c
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Well-known member
Been following for a while and always felt that something didn’t quite add up with PTWM. I can’t see any mention of PayPal/money related things on her FB or insta in the last day or so. Are comments just getting deleted and people blocked?
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New member
I read somewhere that hero narcissists' can often be found heading charities, sadly most people are only in it for their own personal gain.
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I am pretty certain that she gets private counselling or certainly used to anyway. Which makes it all the worse imo that she & her followers have referred to Keels’ mental health which Keels was quite open about along with how she controlled. I’ve also seen PTWM jeer at the mental stability of Helen Tattle.

If there is anything to the PayPal donations allegations (and the continued silence certainly indicates that there seems to be), I hope she doesn’t try to use mental health as an escape route. Though with Josh’s sister and another friend allegedly on the payroll too it would be very difficult to as there is more than one person complicit.

I think Messiah Kaeto has done a video about it too on his Insta though I haven’t watched it so not sure if he names her in the video.
Oh know I know that mental health doesn’t mean you can act like an arsehole and genuinely behave how you like without being called out. I guess I was just relating to her on a human level ... because even though I have a negative view of her , I don’t actually wish unhappiness or mental health issues on anyone ... and the right help could actually mean she wouldn’t feel the need to behave the way she does to get attention / validation etc

I have a mental health conduit that has required an awful lot of input from mental health services, I wouldn’t use my MH as a reason to act like a knob , but I certainly think it can explain her extreme / strange reactions / behaviours to things

If that makes sense
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Active member
Yes I hadn't thought of that the child would be identifiable now in their area, how selfish! I took it first as a 'Look at us we're helping disabled people aren't we great' at first. I'm disabled myself and that attitude should have gone out with the ark. Absolutely ridiculous! Also if she is soooooo afraid why doesn't she stop posting her family online she has control of the situation
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I love clean honest living. She's done alot about 'cleaning influencers' and all the chemicals/plastics they're using too.
I found her after she was mentioned on here and she's brilliant, we've been having a natter about zoflora and how I could have set my house light with it haha

yeah I love her too! It's very interesting though isn't it. Has she produced any receipts as to where any donations went? As if you are running any charity you are obliged to have everything up to date and transparent ? Like why is she surprised that people want to know where the money went? She is actually galled that people want receipts? thats what I don't get. Most ppl would think it normal to produce receipts
She's not a registered charity.... 🙈
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Locals all know but just want to avoid the 'witch hunt' from her crew, i am sure, in time a story will follow of how she 'saved' another best friend of DV and portray herself to be THE HERO 😇
Do you know what I was just looking see if there was anything on FB about the article and thought whats betting PTWM says the friend was bullied into the attack by her partner and she's gonna be a new rescued warrior in a few weeks 🙄
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Well-known member
She's been very clever with her wording. It is further back on this thread. But it goes something along the lines of helping her to help others. It immediately gives the impression that she wants to create a pot of money so should one of her 'warriors' need a bed for the night, clothes, taxi fare (you get the idea), then the money will be there ready. In which case it should be registered as a charity and the production of receipts not a problem. Instead I personally feel this pot of money was/is for the purpose of allowing her to give up work and free up time for her to promote charities.
Exactly! So then why doesn’t she publicly fundraise instead of people paying directly into her PayPal? She would still raise money, awareness or as you say declare herself a charity because that’s what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
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New member
She's very much still reading this thread too
😂 I've now been blocked after commenting on here about her letting me know she can see my insta profile and posts

Surprise surprise I've been blocked on insta. Someone's still reading the thread 😂
Oh wow, that's crazy. You didn't say any thingoffensive either.
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It seems she is happy to take donations from peoples hard earned cash but they aren't allowed to ask where their money is going to? How dare people ask where the money is going to.🙄🙄😂 At first, it wasn't that everyone was Questioning her intentions, it could well have been that many have been scammed out of their own money before and just want to make sure it is actually being used for the purpose its intended for and want to feel a little secure of their decision to donate to such a heartbreaking cause. There have been plenty of instances where people have lied about having cancer and raised money etc and then found out to be lying and instances such as that can dent someones trust. just to be clear here incase a follower of hers reads this, I AM NOT ACCUSING RACHAEL OF DOING THAT, I am just giving an example of things that have happened before to people, as to why someone can very sceptical of where there donation is going to.. not that anyone has to explain such a thing but if she has nothing to hide, whats the problem? An email from an ex worker for a charity didnt even convince me that it was true or legit! What about all of the other charities she has claimed to of helped? Many have the 'why should i have to prove or explain myself?' and i think the same depending on circumstances BUT in THIS instance when its other peoples money, they have every right to know where its going to. Its the PUBLICS donations that are being questioned on where its spent, not Josh's wages or her book deal earnings! If it was one asking, would it be as big of a drama? I dont know.. but a LOT of people have been asking where the donations are going! Many arent/could well be not on tattle life but im sure many who live near by and not on tattle life could be asking the same. Staying quiet is just making it all look far to suspicious!
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I was talking about the poster who tried to moderate this thread so the moderators had to step in and edit her post. She was defending PTWM as her first post within minutes of joining so things like that seen obvious to me that they are from her crew.
Ahhh okay, sorry hun.. when a person comments and another disagrees, comments etc are posted quickly and conversations move on and sometimes its a little hard to know which comment a person is replying to without 'quoting it'. Sorry hun, thats completely my fault there. 😊
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Well-known member
I’d like to know this too! Also has anyone contacted the charities for confirmation? It’s probably been mentioned lots sorry still new to this story and I am GOBSMACKED
4 out of the 7 charities at last count have received no donations from Rachael but I don’t know if the other 3 have replied yet. If you check back through thread 2 mainly there’s screenshots of confirmation of no money received too
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Well-known member
4 out of the 7 charities at last count have received no donations from Rachael but I don’t know if the other 3 have replied yet. If you check back through thread 2 mainly there’s screenshots of confirmation of no money received too
So then what happens now? What more can be done about this? This is not right at all

Surely something has to be done as she is using those charities names?
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VIP Member
I didn’t know you got paid on Instagram, is that from ppl watching your stories? Or just when they swipe up?
It’s not paid by Instagram, it’s just the threshold that a lot of brands use before they will pay for advertising. It’s not like YouTube but as a blogger (because I enjoy writing, I’ve never had a big following, certainly less than 10k), I’ve been approached before by brands to work with them and then been told I’d have to wait until I had at least 10k on Instagram 🤷🏼‍♀️
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All I know is that her version and opinion of the first ex has changed depending on who is prepared to listen/pay. Most telling is the guy who was either a close friend or family member of the ex, posting on her page and putting it straight what a liar she is and how she is ruining the ex's life. This was wayyyy back.
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I’m guessing her next drama will involve her single handedly delivering a woman’s baby in an overstretched maternity department whilst she herself has her “horrific”contractions, said woman will no doubt be a survivor of DA lucky to have Racheale the hero on hand..
Definitely, guaranteed she won't have a normal straightforward delivery.
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