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So the company are a packaging company who’ve decided to make a buck off of corona.
My OH reckons they’ve been affected and made an offshoot company to cope with it.
I think they’re profiteering. I will continue because I’m bored and annoyed 🤷🏻‍♀️
Did any of the other Insta Mums plug it or was it just Ms Immoral? Oh and big shout out once again for a friends Go Fund Me, her huns will be keeping the economy in Devon ticking over quite nicely at this rate 😂. In all seriousness though, by my estimation, she has a couple of hundred women at most who still hang on to her and if they don’t see that she exploits them for money then that’s up to them. I would say that the most interesting thing about her is her controversy. Everyone loves a good old channel 5 style reality TV mess. I’m waiting for season four, when they have to move into a 8 berth caravan 👍
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Fuck off do you vacuum your lounge 3 times a day 🤣🤣🤣 when exactly do you fit that in Rach, between all the lazing around on your arse, stuffing your face with junk food, picking on your husband and kids, and filming yourself moaning about breastfeeding? I'd be surprised if you even know where your hoover is kept, seeing as you just let Josh do all the housework despite the fact you have fuck all to do all day. Fuck off, and when you get there, keep fucking off 🖕 lazy, lying prick


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It’s funny isn’t it, I follow a handful of threads about influencers on here, and in general they really make me belly laugh. We poke fun at the influencer in question and I love how insightful, witty, and clever people are about seeing through some of the deceitful or misleading content that influencers churn out.

I don’t know why but I find this thread often has a mean, nasty undertone. I genuinely don’t mean that to have a go at any particular user. I suppose my question is, does the tone of the thread reflect the personality of the influencer? for example....Stacey Solomon- she’s ridiculous, attention-seeking twat, but in essence probably quite a sweet person in the flesh and pretty harmless. Anyone follow the Nicki Ryan/Fopperholic thread? She is really vain, obsessed with herself and her looks, lazy-ass Mother, but again probably not doing the world any serious harm in the grand scheme of things. But with Rachele it’s like she hides a genuinely insidious dark side of just plain mean, and I always sense that there’s a really nasty element to her personality that she hides quite well. More often than not her thread on here leaves a sour taste in my mouth too. (again...not having a go at you guys...just reflecting on the general ‘tone’ of different threads on here)

Maybe I’m going way to deep with it all....🤯🤪
I agree and what a great post .

She is a nasty, manipulative woman who has taken money from her followers in a deceptive and immoral manner, she treats her family as servants and posters here see the true Rachel.
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I wish she would just shut the fuck up.

He had dealt with it, very politely. She didn't need to come along and open her giant manky mouth.
She just can't stop making herself look like a massive twat can she? She's watching all Josh's accounts like a hawk, just in case someone might be slagging her off, or worse, sliding into his DMs. Newsflash Rach - just because somebody doesn't have a lot of followers or follow many people, doesn't make them a troll. For most people, their lives don't revolve around social media the way yours does. Instagram could shut down tomorrow and I wouldn't be overly bothered, shame you can't say the same isn't it? Without your adoring fans telling you all the time how amazing you are, you'd have nothing. Nobody but your immediate family massaging your ego while you act like the great big spoiled brat you are. Grow up, you're nearly 40 ffs, stop acting like a teenager.
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Remember Christmas and the little table the boys were sat at for their dinner, the same one in the background of her cardboard desk posts....why can’t E use that as a desk ???
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I feel so sorry for her friend, she more than likely is heartbroken. And then for Rachel to advertise to her followers (amongst them maybe mutual friends of said friend) that she was going to possibly struggle to pay and needed an emergency fund, was just insensitive. I personally wouldn't want people to know that information. All she had to do was google funeral directors close to her, give them a call and they would have helped. They deal with this all the time. Daft mare.
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My eyes have rolled so far back in my head! Sausage & mash ffs. Never needed a recipe to make that!!

Give it up Lazy Lynn, Gousto aren’t giving you freebies!! And flip me, a full Tesco shop, gousto boxes, plus shopping at m & S (yes, I spied the packet!), ads are really paying off. Thank goodness she’s financially secure to still help others!
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she has no clue - just sharing for the sake of sharing that has actually nothing to do with her 🤦‍♀️ she is just piggybacking on a post of mere seur who is in a completely different situation than her.. she is having a small clothing business and being a single mum in East London. Not saying I agree with Mere Seurs post either but if R thinks I should feel sorry for influencers being effected by the current situation she is v far off. I have no ounce of sympathy left as it goes to worthier ppl.

I honestly think more and more ppl will see through it all now and are going to be oversaturated with social media after all this is over
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Old lurker here .. I haven’t posted for ages but watched the Opal fruits AD .. is she for real. Telling people to go to Poundland .. what the actual hell !! There are no words. Then contradicting herself by telling everyone to stay in 🤷‍♀️ What a twat!
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That really wasn’t a bad comment though it wasn’t abusive literally just asking why he wasn’t working with the other police officers 😬 hate the other comments telling her to mind her own business, you can’t expect people not to ask questions about your life when it’s all over the internet
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I actually can’t keep watching. I only restarted two weeks ago and honestly she is seriously troubled. She bounces from one thing to another and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone be so openly hostile towards their children. It’s bloody odd that people find that entertaining. I can’t even find anything funny to say about it. Anyone who finds that relatable is not my kind of person 😔
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Did she bollocks get 15,000 emails.

Her last post, the one with all the letters nasty cow Betsy wrote when she was 5, got 2 and a half thousand likes. Even her last post about Wilby only got 6 and a half thousand.

Her engagement is definitely going down. People don't give a shit about Rachaeaeaeaele and her lies to make her life seem more exciting when there is a real world crisis going on around them. There is no way only a couple of thousand people are responding to her posts but then 15,000 are emailing her about how to get their baby to sleep or about one of her other ugly jumpers or whatever else she makes up.

When all this dies out for her and I truly believe it will, she won't be able to cope. Because she's an attention seeker and a narcissist. She won't be able to cope without thousands of people telling her she's amazing and lying to her that her teeth are looking great.

As for Betsy, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree...
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Her and KneeDeep are grotesque
Physically unappealing in the month department with their endless teeth
They both look like they smell of a sweaty fanny
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I agree, it does look like it’s been photoshopped.
Probably because they couldn’t find an adult who would be willing to sit at a cardboard desk designed for children
I’ve just been laughing my head off at huns queuing up to buy that cardboard desk. They are all like ‘fab idea, so great.’ It’s not even thick cardboard, it will be flattened in five minutes by any kid over three. Imagine a student knocking a drink over “Oh crap, my desk is now dissolved into mush 😒
Do the instructions say “Absolutely NO WATER COLOUR PAINTS or your desk will die” 😂😂😂
Wait, even better, there are no dimensions for size on the website 😂😂 People are nuts I swear


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„I have many ways to stalk you“ - if I would get a message like this, my account would be deleted with immediate effect. Yet here she is openly living her life on Instagram/ Facebook with no safeguarding measures whatsoever.. ! The mind boggles ..
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A comprehensive list of people who Rachaele claims to be her best friend -

- A 21 year old woman she employed aged 16 to look after her dog
- Charleeeee “Don’t mention my huge bum and tits that I paid for, thanks”
- Woman who paints shit art but apparently is commissioned by some big hotel or whatever
- Woman who was fighting terminal cancer and I hope to god she’s still alive, still fighting, still with her family
- Woman who’s baby tragically passed away so Rachaelelelele used that as a chance to make a post all about herself
- Emily the young attractive mum who Rochellio saved of course
- Three unknown women she mentioned in a post in January 2018 all of whom apparently just had babies so perfect chance for R to reference not coping after having E. I say reference. I mean write several paragraphs about herself.
- A woman named Leila who she has been best friends with since childhood. Leila has had a pretty happy and successful life. You may remember R using Leila’s wedding day to do a side by side comparison post showing off her own horrific, vile life events that made her sob.
- A woman named Lianne who took a sad picture of R and the two eldest girls in 2010 just when they had escaped the abuse. You know because that’s what best friends do. Very kind.
- Another unnamed best friend who get married in 2016. Perfect time for R to post about them once both being single mums.

You missed another one - Josh's sister, who apparently has been her best friend since before they were conceived or something!
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She’s drafting the perfect post about herself for T’s birthday just wait. “Happy birthday my second born who was born into SO MUCH PERSONAL TRAUMA FOR ME AND I WENT BACK TO WORK AND I LIVED IN A BEDSIT”
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