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I think Nate loves her, but he is caring for her like a bulldog or basset hound and not a sporting dog.
I have no doubt that he loves her, and I believe he thinks he is showing that love by rewarding her with food treats. It's reflective of his own messed up relationship with food.
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It's a little early for a new title suggestion, and I'm not sure if foreign phrases are allowed, but please allow me to propose the following:

Paging Mr. Morrow #13 - Voulez-Vous Manger Avec Moi Ce Soir?

Nate went to France.
Nate eats a lot.
The phrase "Voulez-vous manger avec moi ce soir?" translates to "Would you like to eat with me tonight?"
It is a play on the famous lyric "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" ("Would you like to sleep with me tonight?")
The line was featured in the song, Lady Marmalade, performed by multiple different recording artists over the years, notably and recently Christina Aguilera, P!nk, Lil Kim, and Mya for the film Moulin Rouge.
Nate visited the original Moulin Rouge cabaret while in Paris.
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The Stan’s proclaiming this is middle America travel content 🤮 I’ll give middle America more credit than eating and drinking themselves to death, thank you very much. The trend to be a hick/redneck of being cool is so strange to me and I grew up in a very “country” county in a blue state.
TBH. Did we REALLY expect anything else from Nate? He's a poorly educated VA blumpkin that waddled his way into some type of social parasitical / low level Disney adult stardom. He has no social or professional skills. He just knows how to (poorly) play a made-up character in front of a camera while eating and drinking to excess. Those that fiercely support him clearly are just like him and have social issues or live in mom's basement. They think Nate is what they want to be when they "grow up" because they have nothing else to look forward or up to. It's all quite sad.
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His IG stories are cringe worthy. Lots of food and drink shown. And if you listen closely, he drops his "act" when singing karaoke. (He's hammered)
To be fair, Paris has, imo, the best food and drink in the world.
Did he actually pay to go in, or did he just get a selfie outside?

It's clear how low-class he is. All the way to France, and all he can be assed to do is visit the most basic (and in the case of the Moulin Rouge), cheesy tourist traps.

Sacre Coeur? Centre Pompidou? Tuileries? Nah.
Lol I know I’m going to hate hate on here. But I don’t see the issue with him doing touristy stuff in Paris. He is a tourist and it’s his first trip to the city. Nothing wrong with the tourist stuff, it’s still historic landmarks with rich history. Now if he appreciates it for that? Prob not
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Joanie Taylor

Chatty Member
Oh Nate, this is just embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♂️ Could you BE any more touristy? Next thing you’ll be in Pisa trying to hold up the ruddy tower 😂
Yeah, he’ll have a gimmicky, clickbaity photo outside the Louvre, but he won’t pay to go inside and actually experience some art, history, and culture. He went a long way just to get some pathetic Instagram pictures.

Even Will and Dawn paid to go in the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre. This blob is just going into bars and restaurants. Anything he might have to pay for himself and not grift off of RSVLTS he isn’t doing.
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As someone who lived in London for 15 years, I thoroughly enjoyed his London vlogs. My Londoner husband said they were “charming”, and he’s NOT a Nate fan in any way shape or form!

He’s at DLP today. I noticed the Disneyfiodblog was commenting on his post. His star is rising and he’s hit on a formula. I can’t join in the snark on this series. He’s doing alright for himself IMO

Also, he was NEVER going to a museum 😂. Culture Vulture he is not.
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What the fuck? BLM? Really? I’d say equality for all races in the USA is a long overdue issue to solve and stems from an original sin in America (slavery). But sure, they fight for real things only in paris 🤯🙄

🙄 Generalize much?
Please don’t think that slavery is the original American sin. I am all about equal rights. My children’s deserve the same rights as everyone. If you think BLM was about black rights, there’s no talking to you anyway. Agree to disagree.
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Why are we acting like taking the Tube, which is the easiest subway system in the world to navigate is the equivalent of Nate discovering cold fusion?
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Anyone else getting that vibe that he's starting to mail it in on his videos?
I think all of these "Disney" vloggers are trying to figure out where to go from here right now. They had a lot of views and growth during the pandemic when people couldn't travel there. so they watched to get to see Disney. But now that travel is back in full force theres not as much of a "need" for the videos. At the same time the cost of travel has gone up insanely, so the vloggers can't really afford to travel other places either. So they're fumbling around using their APs that they already paid for, hoping something "hits".
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He’s busting out of those shirts he’s promoting at SWC. He must be an XXL at least & it’s still stretching at the buttons. He’s gonna go pop if he’s not careful, his food intake is an avalanche of carbs, high sugar, high fat & red meat items. Not healthy at all.
No ways he's an XXL. He stopped wearing spirit jerseys a long time ago and those are VERY generous with sizing and go up to XXL. He's now in that 3XL-4XL range.

He just said he was looking for a bathroom but didn’t know the language was different in London. He kept walking past the signs for “toilet” because he didn’t know that’s what bathrooms were called in this foreign land. Seriously he said that
Holy crap he really did say that! He really is that stupid! We have been to plenty of places in the US that use the term "toilet" so it can't be that foreign to him. Did he expect the sign to say "shitter" or "out house"? Hope nobody asks him for a spare cigarette. He might just punch someone.
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I wasn’t surprised by the first day out video. He let someone who had been there before lead the way, pointed out a few sights and of course a lot of pubs. I hardly expected 4 guys in town for a Star Wars convention to give a cultural tour.
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Nate is always a pick me up / motivational video.

Days I'm feeling lazy, "I don't want to look like that...." Days I'm feeling down, "At least I'm not that guy...."
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He's such a rube. I laughed out loud when he got all excited at the airport: "They've got everything here! They've got an Outback!"

I expected a TSA agent to yell at him for filming at the security checkpoint -- or a Customs agent on the other end. Those guys are certainly not amused by vloggers and will tolerate none of their nonsense.

Thank goodness the seat next to him was empty. I couldn't imagine being wedged next to him for such a long flight. It's bad enough he bothered everybody around him by filming and vocalizing every thought that popped into his head.

And of course Nate is the dork who gets up and goes to the bathroom immediately as the seatbelt sign is switched off. Arrived at the airport three hours in advance but couldn't take 5 minutes away from drinking and stuffing his face to take care of business before he boarded.

"Actually" count: 19
"Fancy" count: 9
"Little" count: 47
"Nice" count: 23
"Like" count: 65

I think I've met dogs with a wider vocabulary.
How many "Holy Moley"?
I still can’t fathom to watch any of his vlogs, why was he late? And HOW? Why would you risk missing a flight to London?
Cause he and his RSVLT handler are idiots. I can't believe they both got empty seat rows either?! How did that happen?
Why the kudos to PhatManMorrow? He hasn't worked hard to get where he is - he's just doufussed himself in with his pity-seeking and grifting. You'd be surprised what people will do if you look helpless and sad. RSVLT obviously needed an obese doufus model cause trim, good-looking men aren't wearing trashy pop culture male mu-mus. And how off is middle-aged single men constantly going to WDW??? These men I saw at MegaCon were disgusting and sad. I think Fatman said it best when he said he was going to buy an Orlando hat so all of Europe would know where he was from. Immature man-child. He won't appreciate the history and culture because there won't be any Characters to interact and fawn over.
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