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See his daughter from a previous marriage has raised her head 🙄 seriously she’s in her 40s moaning about not sharing in their wealth ( or words to that effect ) .
Maybe accept the fact their wealth is down to serious hard graft and basically nothing to do with you love , the jealousy is literally palpable… I should add my husband has one of these from his first marriage, as soon as he met me her mother wanted him back 🤦🏽‍♀️
Clive didn’t stay after he gave her away at the wedding apparently, there’s a reason for that , you didn’t invite his wife 🤔
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It would be interesting to see if any of Amanda's kids end up rebelling against her, she is pretty controlling. Raven and Reuben seem to be keeping her happy.
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Yes that's very true! No wonder she likes to market herself (it's understandable to a certain degree) because she knows the life they lead is in a sense both aspirational and nostalgic!
People need respite from the modern world and all the stress that brings and this is a perfect slice of escapism if you will.
She is savvy I'll give her that she knows she is photogenic and let's be honest seems to be naturally (genetically) blessed.
Not only is she beautiful but she seems very fit and energetic and seems to be one of those lucky woman who pings back into shape like an elastic band and makes the whole motherhood lark seem pretty easy! Then again it is easy if you have a marriage where your partner is both supportive and besotted with you and also where the other children are there to be helping hands!
She really is the archetypal shepherdess( with all the fertility symbolism that evokes) with her flock of children and animals to look after.
So it's pastoral and idyllic to those of us fatigued by inner city living! (I know I am)
Nevermind hard work we all work hard but this is hard work that offers a real sense of satisfaction getting in touch with nature and the natural world and all its natural abundance.
I've lived for a time in rural Albania and I immediately felt fitter and healthier than I had done for years (the difference was palpable and I miss it) also a sense of community and shared trials.
Not to mention the delicious (home made food) and eating things that have been grown or nurtured by you is something else!
So I completely get the huge attraction and fascination Amanda and her family hold for people
Who doesn't want to tap into the good life? So again (sorry to repeat) yes it's hard work but the rewards are so worth it
Which leads me onto my next point her criticism of other parents r.e them bringing up a snowflake generation who don't like hard work or know how to do things!
I think it's then that i thought oh dear....
That revealed to me quite frankly a bit of a snooty and condescending attitude!
She is imo starting to get a bit of a big head!
Tbh being her it must be difficult not to because as I've said she has it all brains beauty strength living her best life a beautiful family and is living in one of the most beautiful parts of England doing a job she loves.

However just because she loves what she does and is riding high on a wave of Hugh popularity (Yes most of the DM readers seem to venerate her as some kind of super woman earth goddess)
She really is starting to believe that hype imo and is walking a fine line really between being powerful and being arrogant!

The remarks aimed at other parents considering we've all been pushed to the brim during lockdown and a lot of us faced huge restrictions were really in my opinion tone deaf and insensitive.
How does she know with certainty that other people's children (or parents) don't work hard?
A lot of work these days for example involves a high degree of mental or emotional stress and exertion.
Think for example of a teacher or police officer or nurse!
How would she like to have been a bus driver or delivery person or work on a checkout (especially during a pandemic)!
Yet it's these maybe more mundane and stressful jobs that make up the backbone of our society.
Parents don't get congratulated or given kudos for doing it (or at least not public adulation) but you know life has to go on .. .
Bills to pay chores to do kids to look after (remember home schooling anyone) locked indoors like sardines. Yes the restrictions lifted but the tiredness didn't!
It was (still is) for many (myself include) pretty relentless and exhausting!
Now we have Amanda Owens telling us that guess what we (and our kids) didn't work hard or know the meaning of it!
To add insult to injury we are told that we all (because she does generalise) don't know how to do things and that we are breeding a generation of snowflakes!
This at a time when many people struggled financially mentally and had maybe the biggest pressure that they'd ever had
With both the divorce rate and rate of domestic violence being at an all time high.
In some ways we've never had it so bad (sorry but it did feel like that) and she's never had it so good!
Well bully for her but she really came across to be honest as if she lacked empathy.
Good for her she is so fortunate in so many ways but she really doesn't seem to understand that and for me at least that makes her quite unlikeable.
She has everything but she knows it doesn't she and you know a good dose of humility just wouldn't go amiss now would it?
Just my opinion I don't expect everyone to agree with it but she does seem to have quite the talent for wrongly believing that her opinions are the last word on anything and is becoming insufferably self righteous and preachy!
Save it Amanda pride comes before a fall.
I agree with you. Yet if people say her kids aren't streetwise and won't know what life outside a farm is like she gets all arsey about it. If you don't want your life choices criticised don't mouth off about other people. At least she seems to have had a choice in the matter. The Radford mum seems to have some learning difficulties and can't seem to stop having babies.
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I don’t know when Clive and Amanda got together but the daughter is probably still in the child’s mindset of being hurt that the family has broken up and Amanda is the ‘other women’. To come crawling out all of a sudden to lay the boot in and expect money is wrong. I don’t think Amanda necessarily needed to go to the wedding tho.
Reading article the daughter says that her parents marriage had broken down and she, her mother and her siblings had moved out of Ravenseat before Amanda even arrived on the scene.
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I get that, it’s common knowledge that farming isn’t lucrative. And for those that aren’t aware Jeremy Clarksons show highlighted it perfectly. However she’s made her million now, probably more than they ever could of envisaged, she’s off round the country leaving Clive (and I assume someone else) to deal with the kids and be farm so it’s come at a cost. Maybe it’s time to appreciate what she’s achieved and to now concentrate on saving her family, else she will be sat with her millions and no one to share it with 🤷‍♀️. Which in turn has defeated the object as they haven’t ended up with a better life
Yes that is true. They didn't presumably need millions. I do think being a shepherdess with 9 kids sounded like her fantasy and now after 20 years of it she's decided it's a bit boring now she's seen another life.
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Amanda is one hell of an entrepreneur. She has a finger in loads of pies. They must be really coining it in, and good luck to her I say!!
She is brimming with confidence as well. They are probably doing okay. I like Clive but I really think she is more driven and he is happy for her to wear the trousers.
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I remember watching her at an auction. Clive was talking to someone else so he wasn't beside her.. I recall her bidding for a cow and going on about winking. I guess winking is used as a way when bidding for something or was she bidding at the cameraman she's close to. Maybe,who knows.
To be fair livestock auctions are renowned for all the winks and weird waves... I still go to sales and wonder how the auctioneer knows who's bidding...

I just can't see how they are going to manage to farm together... Especially if she does have someone else on the go. Hope she's not gonna play poor old Clive along.
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Chatty Member

Oh dear. Just as a book is coming out promoting a happy family life.
Sorry to hear this but shows what a farce a lot of it is and how gullible some people are.
That’s going to destroy the daily Mail fan club.

I am sad for all of them though, especially the children.
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Love this family. Those kids will turn out to be fantastic adults, who will pass amazing qualities to their children. The mum and dad are amazing, so laid back and just raising them brilliantly.

I adore Clemmie!
I love Clemmie. Love her birth story. Mind you she had some dramatic births bless her.

I love how much she loves and the way she says Tony the pony. Also getting all the sheep back in and then pulling her mum for leaving the gate open. Also how her mum asked her how many sheep had been out then went ooh you can’t count and she was like no but still so proud.Their life skills are amazing x

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I totally agree. I like Clive, but I do wonder if, in the end, he viewed her as another farm appliance rather than a woman with needs. Maybe he became complacent

He appears to have scrubbed up since she left him. I wish people would get off her back. She gave him the best years of her life.
Well he had a haircut for the Rue show plus a beard trim. I honestly cant make up my mind with them both. Maybe they were as bad as each other . It takes 2 to make it and break it. They cant have had any time together really. Cant imagine much privacy - altho they did make many babies so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’ve read the books and followed from the start of the shows. I do love it, I love the idea of their life however I do think she’s become fame hungry.
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I had a feeling this would happen,she had a taste of what life could be like for her&she may not want to go back. I feel sorry for Clive,he seems genuine&lovely with the kids. There’s something about Amanda though,like it’s all an act.
Hardly an act as they've been married 20+ years and she's obviously a great shepherdess enduring all sorts of weathers and privations, and raising 9 fantastic children. I was afraid her head was being turned when she appeared on some god-awful morning show doing the cooking slot, something a devoted shepherdess wouldn't do, she wouldn't leave all that work on her husband's shoulders unless she was been drawn into the shallow showbiz world. I sincerely hope this separation blows over and they make a go of things. Clive is such a sexy clever hardworking man.
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Chatty Member
She seems to galavant about a bit, leaving the kids & farm with Clive?! They are his world and he will be ok. I hope he may find love again in his later years though.
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I used to like her, but the more I see of her, the more I think she's a serious attention seeker.

Never mind the mini skirts, it's obvious who wears the trousers in that household. Poor Clive is well under the thumb!
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Although Barbara Windsors fella stuck it out until the end. I would think that she would also have realised that she would be a carer for an old man, and at the same time dealing with children/ teenagers, but people change over time, and something you want in your 20's may not be all its cracked up to he in your 40's. I agree he has got a second chance, a ton more kids to work on the farm, younger woman and more money than he could dream of out of the marriage so far. He hasn't done too badly!
I completely agree. We all change over a twenty year period and to expect Amanda to stay the same now she's found fame is unrealistic.

I think they are both amazing parents and their children are the politest I've ever come across. I'm a massive fan of both Clive and Amanda and have watched the show from the beginning.

I wish them all the best.
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