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No judgement here - but I would wonder about having 9 children with a man 21 years older than me. Maybe I think too much, but I would be concerned about the possibility of being left to rear them alone.

When I was growing up on a farm, a neighbour had 21 children; 4 passed away in childbirth and one as a young child.
The Dad was alcoholic, and went to the pub on the tractor every night. The amount of times he was found in the ditch in the side of road the next morning.
In the end, he died peacefully in his sleep.
His wife, who had an awful time; died of breast cancer.
We always felt so sorry for his wife, she must have had an awful life with him; but managed to bring up all those children single handled on next to no money.
I hope she has a special place in heaven.
Her children all turned out lovely.

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They don’t own the farm, they are tenants like most of the farms in Yorkshire, I don’t think he’d have a bean to sell to Jack!!
I wonder if they read these posts as Amanda pointed out very assertively last night that the don't own their farm. They have now bought a property that has been empty for years and needs a lot of work doing to it. Those kids will spend all their spare time doing all the work so that Clive and his boss can move into it when they retire.😁
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Generally i
I agree and have been "attacked," on digital spy for daring not to worship ,Amanda. She is living the life lived by farmers wives for centuries but without a big 4by,4 to drive around in. She makes a fortune from books,TV shows and guest appearances she is so tough nut and yes they all follow her dream her hubby is well under the thumb
Prancing around in her mini skirt is ludicrous.

Raven said she wanted to be a Vet but got three c grades in her A levels,surely to be avet you need better grades than that,? But I am glad she got away from the drudgery and same for Reuben but no doubt Amanda will expect him to mend their machinery for free.
In large families, the eldest generally end up looking after the younger ones. I know I have been there. It is very selfish. Just my opinion, due to my personal experience. I couldn't wait to leave home and go to uni at 18. Hence I knew I never wanted more than two.

Generally i

In large families, the eldest generally end up looking after the younger ones. I know I have been there. It is very selfish. Just my opinion, due to my personal experience. I couldn't wait to leave home and go to uni at 18. Hence, I knew I never wanted more than two.
I do like Raven and Ruben, and his relationship with Sid. I find the state of their house shocking. & what is it with the mini skirts and bangles. Can't be too hygienic those bangles, but then dirt builds up immunity! I speak as a farmer's daughter.
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She certainly seems to have been gossiped about in the local areas despite it being rural which would point to it being more than one.
She reminds me of someone I know who the word "disturbed" was used to describe her. She didn't have the best childhood. People liked her until she hit on their husbands.....
I don't know Amanda's back story and what might have triggered her to be this way too.
As you might guess people's motivations interest me. 😀
I can't say I ever thought of her as disturbed but she stuck me as ruthless in her ambitions she wasn't just going to be a farmer she became a writer and gave talks and became a tv celeb . I wonder what she is hoping to get now apart from his money of course.
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Pretty much blaming the media for their problems. I suggest they should be thankful of the media for making them money through TV shows, books, media appearances etc.
I think if truth be told then it maybe is that, as well as Amanda spending a lot of time on social media. She's openly admitted that Clive doesn't like it and that's why he won't appear on it, so that must make them clash a bit, and especially when some of the children don't appear that often - it makes you wonder what conversations are going on.
Clive just wants to farm, but Amanda is relishing the fame that has come with the programme and is making money off that.

I've seen comments on her Insta with people saying how she's selling out - maybe Clive sees it that way too
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Been trying to work out why she bothers me and it’s because IMO she is quite judgmental about other parents and how they bring their children up. Calling them snowflakes etc and giving hers a superior upbringing.

And yet there she is banging a camera-man in the rental place.
wonder if this is the one she banging
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I am not sure why she should get her own show. She's left her ageing two decades older husband for a younger man. Hardly the best impression to build up a fan base to watch your show because people will turn against you.
This is what she has always wanted fame,glamour and sex. Personally I could do with seeing far less of her in the media.
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Chatty Member
I have heard rumours about a camera man and also another crew member before that. I suppose it will all come out in the end.
It can’t be nice having this all over the papers, so hard for the children.
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I think this is more common than some people think; anybody with a partner 20+ years older than them is likely to find themselves in a potential caring position when they're about 50 while their partner is increasingly frail. One of the Yorkshire farm episodes shows Clive trying to recover after a hip replacement - I'd imagine for a working couple in a really physical occupation like farming this is even more pronounced. Let alone throwing 6 or 7 children who still need pretty hands-on parenting into the mix, and a growing media career for the younger partner. It was bound to happen to them.
Yes I got the feeling she had a bit of a tough inner city childhood and wanted a fantasy life of living on a farm with a load of kids but maybe found it a bit boring, hence the TV cameras. When the menopause hits you get a bit less compliant and people pleasing so maybe she saw herself as a young woman with young children looking after an old man and thought ' no thanks'
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VIP Member
Generally i

In large families, the eldest generally end up looking after the younger ones. I know I have been there. It is very selfish. Just my opinion, due to my personal experience. I couldn't wait to leave home and go to uni at 18. Hence I knew I never wanted more than two.

I do like Raven and Ruben, and his relationship with Sid. I find the state of their house shocking. & what is it with the mini skirts and bangles. Can't be too hygienic those bangles, but then dirt builds up immunity! I speak as a farmer's daughter.
Apart from being inappropriate clothing for a farmyard she looks like mutton dressed as lamb in her mini skirt.
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House of Tea

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He says that…
It was such a change in our lives and I sadly made a right mess of things basically. I had a massive part to play in the relationship ending. A massive part to play. I was ranting and raving and drinking and carrying on. I don't know - jealousy.

He is not putting all the blame on himself. She may have been fame hungry, or just making the most of an opportunity that came their way and which benefited them as a family (which I think we would all do), but he seems more set in his ways and might find it alarming that the young woman he married was being feted by the media and changing and evolving in front of their eyes. Her new partner gives me pause for thought. If she was motivated by fame choosing a much married 71 year old would not be the next natural step. Something about her grates on me, but I am beginning to think I have got her wrong. Maybe she is motivated by wanting a relationship with someone more supportive, although there new bf might not be the one.
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Who is the Radford mum?
Sue Radford she has a thread on her I think she has about 20 children now. (Sorry not sure of the exact figure because she keeps having more babies!)
I find her life a little sad though she seems more of a victim than Amanda Owens she had her first child very young and Noel was old enough to know better and really she seems taken advantage of (statutory rape) and someone who hasn't grown up or developed past that age.
She definitely must be addicted to being pregnant because it's dangerous for her now but she still goes ahead and risks her life.
They say they are self sufficient but let down customers with their pie business and it looks like Sue leaves most of the childcare to the other girls.
I think it's a case of Sue was exploited while young and now she exploits others and the cycle continues.
People on the thread generally speaking don't seem to like them because they are using their family for material gains and to live it up and really I think it's a case of no one (apart from Sue's daughter's) would want to be like them and people are just a bit repulsed by them to be honest. (Or that's the general impression I get).
I find it disturbing as well and wonder why the media give them such praise and interest not because of their lifestyle but because (as I mentioned before) Noel's grooming and impregnation of Sue which has never really caused an outcry! It should have done!
I can't escape the feeling that it's all a bit tawdry they are not the wholesome family they first appeared to be! (Not that it's Sue's fault)
Again Sue is accustomed to living like that but I can't help but think that it's a form of controlling behaviour that she has gotten used to and has come to emulate.
She defines herself by her fertility it's all a bit basic and sad but then maybe it's the only way she knows how to gain attention and feel special which is sad in itself?
She gets criticised but how would you be able to mature and be a good parent if you'd never taken stock of yourself or discovered who you are?
It seems to me as if pregnancy is a form of temporary relief and distraction (and denial) so she doesn't have to look at what is really bothering her.
Her unhealthy relationship with Noel?
So yeah she's the opposite of Amanda in many ways she isn't self aware of aspirational or middle class or an ex model so they are relatively well known but I think it's to their detriment?
They might get gifted things or the odd holiday but I don't think it's made Sue happy just brought out her bad habits because as I've said she just isn't very well equipped to deal with even a small element of fame (or attention).
So you'll get people calling her out and feeling free to have a go at her parenting choices (and his) and really I think they are just being used by the media for cheap content.
Unlike Amanda who plays the media to her advantage but then Sue is not as glamourous or seen as being hard working so there is an element of seeing Sue as fair game for criticism which makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.
She is said to be lazy and indolent and feckless and all the rest but really no one has ever intervened in the life of this woman no social worker or family member or friend or health visitor to say really when she started having babies she was too young and it was abusive and really I see from sue a massive grab for security and safety (in numbers) and just burying herself (and hiding) in the role of mother.
She's damaged and maybe she doesn't seem it now but there has been a time when she was vulnerable and she should have been supported and now she's caught out because she doesn't know how to support her daughter's and so the cycle continues.
I find it an uncomfortable watch tbh.
Edit to add when I say intervened I mean in the sense that Sue should have been given some outside support and help sadly this has never happened but I think it would have been beneficial for her?
Sorry about the long post but I do feel like Sue had been let down a lot in her life and that goes some
way into explaining her not very wise life choices?
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Chatty Member
‘Apparently’ it’s been common knowledge locally for some time but the press being what they are, saved this for the night before the book release.
It’s a PR disaster because the USP is a wholesome back to nature family.

You only have to look at the comments on Facebook and Twitter to see it’s the nostalgia and illusion of good parenting that people want.
The simultaneous praising of the family while dismissing most other children as useless yobs.

I would imagine her PR team are desperate to contain the story.
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The T.V companies didnt come knocking on the off chance, she contacted them and everyone else who can breathe in order to make money. Does anyone honestly think that she found that old man attractive? She was after the farm and lifestyle it would buy her that's all. I dont know one woman who would entertain a man like him who was 20+ older and who looks ancient.
Cant say that I am keen on Amanda but it's possible that she was attracted to older men.Sexual chemistry / attraction can bequite complex.It's also obvious that she wears the trousers in the marriage which makes sense as she seems to be a clued up business woman. Re his daughter, it's sounds as if she expects Clive to help her out financially as she is one low wage. Maybe he should as she is still his daughter.
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Hes old enough to be her father, I don't know one woman IRL now who would entertain someone that old. The only woman I did know was years ago and she warned everyone I know off going with a much older man as she ended up his carer in her 40s.
Does it really matter? They have nine kids, work hard?
What if something happened to her, he'd end up being her carer.
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House of Tea

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Also her husband is 66. She’s 47. The age gap will show now. She is out and about meeting different people, the limelight etc. He is an elderly guy now. Now she has had her kids (9 of ‘em!) she might think it is her time. It would be hard not to get your head turned. Not condoning it, but I can see why it might happen.
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