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VIP Member
I think she should have had her Oyster card with her tbh, I know this wasn’t a particular emergency and you wouldn’t necessarily prep for that just with the baby but Jade could easily have been called to get to Jas urgently as she has been with the school several times. So as Jaya is now old enough to be able to travel on her own etc, I think taking her oyster in case something happened is something she should just be doing as standard.

But the leaving itself is pretty shitty and Jade should have checked she had either her card or money to get home first.
ofc she should’ve had her oyster however to leave her with no way of getting home when she was the one who travelled with her is a bit shitty
I did think that was really extreme when Jade left the cinema so urgently. The baby wasn’t injured or needing emergency care, he’s just learning to be cared for by a different family member. Sorry if that makes me sound awful.
it did make me laugh when she said she was going to run home to get there quicker 😂
i get it as a mum it’s shit to know your child is upset but he was with family not complete strangers. to just leave jaya so abruptly was a tad dramatic
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I think when the newborn hormones wear off (the novelty basically) shes going to really struggle juggling it all, it seems she already is without the baby even being here
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she’s living in dreamland if she thinks she will get given a nice accessible property in london.
she’ll have to relocate
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VIP Member
I'm surprised, she was only going on 'dates' a short while back.

I really do like her a lot, but I'm giving her a side eye for that. It seems like a reckless thing to do if you're already struggling in many different areas (emotional, physical, financial) as she often says.
Reminds of a woman I've known since school. Got pregnant by a fella who did a bunk pretty sharpish. Gave it all the "You don't know hard it is to be a single mother" schtick. Then a few years later, got pregnant by another fella who done a bunk. Never again she said. Then a few years later got pregnant again and, you guessed it, the bloke didn't stick about. And then a few years get the drift.
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I think it’s slightly unfair she’s being judged for having another baby. She clearly looks after her children where as there’s people in the world who don’t even have custody of theirs.
she’s an amazing mum not disputing that but it just shocked me that she would have another baby

She 100% is definitely going to need to be rehoused sharpish
the housing stock in london is little to none at the moment especially a house fully adapted to jas’s needs
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VIP Member
Just feel so sorry for Jas. These kids still have feelings and brains, she must be so bored and sore lying in bed most of the day
I know. Another tt family thesmithadventures both their children are similar needs to jas but they still give their kids outings day trips take them swimming etc. jade is a lazy parent and it’s neglect
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VIP Member
she’s an amazing mum not disputing that but it just shocked me that she would have another baby

the housing stock in london is little to none at the moment especially a house fully adapted to jas’s needs
They’ll have to move her out to the Home Counties or they’ll ask her to convert the front room into a bedroom once the little boy is of a certain age. I hope the dad is involved, she mentioned he wanted to be private but never divulged if he was there often.
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VIP Member
The flat is an absolute tip, obviously shes got a newborn but theres just shit everywhere
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VIP Member
I know pretty much anything goes on social media these days, but I really hate it when people post (and take!) photos and videos of car crashes, especially those that are most likely fatal ones. I just think it’s SO disrespectful and rude.

On another note, I see her house is still an absolute pig sty! But I’m sure that’s the council’s fault too 🙄🙄
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nice to see baby is all good and thriving despite how she feels. Shes only 2 days ahead of me
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Well-known member
The latest vlog she’s posted saying everyone agrees she needs a bigger home but no one is getting the ball rolling - so expectant and entitled!!!
Lol it just came up on my fyp now and when I heard that line I thought yup that’s your motive right there. And has anyone ever seen that poor dog on a walk?
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VIP Member
she is in a three bedroom but she needs an accessible property. she was talking about a three floor flat/house she wants.

i just think in all honesty she was “dating” the baby dads but in fact it was a sneaky link and she got pregnant.

i don’t think she ever thinks jaya will go onto leave so i highly doubt the baby was to stop the pressure of moving 😂 she’s also entitled to an extra bedroom as jas gets carers
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VIP Member
i saw that!
like who cares nothing wrong with having different dads but

i was actually in shock because it’s not that funny her response …. nor do i think it was some cool quirky response. in fact it’s embarrassing that she commented anything at all
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Chatty Member
The flat situation really grinds my gears. It seems mad to me that when you’re already overcrowded and rely on the taxpayers to fund your weekly trips to Westfield that you’d bring another baby into that mess! Makes you wonder why the rest of us work hard and make responsible choices.
Absolutely. I completely agree!
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Chatty Member
Absolutely, the groups and activities are out there if you look for them. A lot of them are funded or even subsidised so cost very little, she could ask the schools what resources she responds best to and enjoys and bring that into the home. Even Newlife hire sensory pods completely free and change it every so often - Sensory play is amazing and it really doesn’t cost a lot with some imagination but she is clearly not willing to do the research or put the effort in and it’s so sad to see it really is neglectful, her daughter is less able not unable. What is she going to do when she turns 16 and school isn’t an option?
You are so right, I completely agree with you.
When she’s 16 it’ll not change, it’ll just be a day centre or special needs college she goes to instead.
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she’s mentioned before that she would like overnight carers.
if she’s as crafty and clued up to be having another baby to scam the system then i’m sure she’ll be asking for care hours overnight
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VIP Member
Hey I also have a child with additional needs who barely sleeps it’s so hard isn’t it.
I Just wanted to send you a hug because it’s so hard. My daughter who is nearly 8 has just started to sleep now up to around 5-6 hours.
From around 18 months old she’s only ever slept around 3 hours a night. You sound like a lovely parent. I find the hardest part of being a parent to a child like this, is the constant worrying of are we doing enough? Am I enough etc? I honestly don’t understand how she just leaves her to be in bed all day. I’ve shown my daughter so much cool stuff and done so many courses to even understand my daughter better. It baffles me that we get these special children and some parents just leave them to it 😞

hugs to you too, it can be such an isolating and frustrating thing to experience especially when there is those days where it feels extra heavy with how tired we get.
I completely agree with you, I think sadly she is a lazy parent - I hate saying that, I’m not meaning to sound cruel, but it is negligent. There are things out there for children like ours, and even when there isn’t; there’s so many ideas online to give full rich sensory experiences. X
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VIP Member
I also agree. She's had enough on her plate as it was and then to have another kid and be so blase about it is ridiculous. She seriously needs to give her head a wobble and I hope that Jaya doesn't fall into the same rut that she has and makes a go of it.
sadly jaya is what 14
and she said she’s been in a committed relationship for a while now so not much hope….
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