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What video is that comment from Jaya on? And which one is the cinema trip on? Feel like I’m so behind!
Jade has a huge property for Tower Hamlets standards - she’d be really hard pressed to find a 4 bedroom flat in the Borough, anything that many rooms would be split level. I understand things happen but the baby really wasn’t a great idea. She’s a massive hoarder and I don’t judge her for going out to Westfield and buying that cheap tat but because it’s clear she’s not really getting a lot of enjoyment from much else. I feel a bit sad for her in the main.

Also - what 15 year old leaves the house without her oyster?!
If she gets anything I think it will be split level if she ever gets offered anything different. I’m not in London but even here in a situation like that she’d be homed somewhere split level, they’d just adapt the bottom floor so eg a dining room could be Jas’s bedroom with an accessible bathroom on the ground floor so Jas doesn’t need to go upstairs. That way they could put them in a normal 3 bed property. And our property market is a heck of a lot less saturated than London’s.


VIP Member
tbh i don’t think she planned a baby to get moved, she already knows how the council works.
it’s years and years wait and a baby doesn’t change that. if anything she would’ve had the baby years ago to get moved.


VIP Member
I do wonder how she's going to manage all these trips to Westfield to spend hundreds of pounds on shite from Primark and banquets large enough to feed Henry VIII and his court. I don't begrudge anyone treating themselves, working or otherwise, but going back over some of her old videos I'm absolutely astounded by the amount she must be raking in. She never mentions donations from her followers either so it must be coming out of her own pocket. I've always assumed that the father (i don't know if the kids have the same dad?) doesn't contribute financially because he's never mentioned. Either way, as I'm sure I've said on this thread already, disabled child or not, nobody claiming benefits should be comfortable enough to throw money down the shitter like she did last year.

Also, just me being a petty bitch so feel free to call me out on the fact, the constant fake giggling in her videos is irritating as fuck. It's the equivalent of laughing at your own joke and it's cringe. So sue me 😂
I think when we consider her carers allowance, universal credit for herself, money for both girls that may or may not come in (they have the same surname which is different from Jade’s so I assume it’s the same dad but could be wrong!) she could be making a lot. Just a shame it gets spent on shite 🤣 when you bear this in mind though, it’s the attitude of so many - why work when you can get paid to do fuck all? It’s so hard cause these benefits greatly help a lot of people, but a lot of people work the system to their advantage.

I don’t know whether she’s naive to the extra things she could do with Jaz, or just can’t be bothered. I’m really hoping it’s the former. I just feel for her. She’s local to where I grew up and I see so many people fall into this rut, albeit with different complications.


Chatty Member
i’m actually baffled how she affords it all
the endless takeaways , the asda shops , westfield hauls.
just love that she can afford the baby bjorn carrier (may be cheap to some etc) and then did a full haul of other crap.
like how is she affording this
She was gifted a lot of baby stuff, maybe the carrier was too.


VIP Member
i understand that flat isn’t suitable however she should of thought about all of that
not that it’s right but there’s tens of thousands of families overcrowded in london
she reminds me of a hoarder


VIP Member
Sorry if this come across abruptly, I haven’t really followed Jazs story, was she born with her condition? is it genetic?
Poor Jaya having a whole video made about what a nightmare she is! And why does she keeping saying she has no carers for Jas and then also saying the carers where there?!
I think she's meant to have two carers for Jas but she's only getting one coming at the moment which probably limits what they can do with her for liability reasons.


VIP Member
Its a shame its genetic. Hopefully this babe will be okay. Don’t have much against her obviously but would be a lot for her if anything was to happen& I think things like that is something you have to consider when having another child, personally.


VIP Member
I thought she said once they didn't know what had caused Jaz's condition and they weren't even sure exactly what it was?

I know it was picked up to some extent in the womb but it could be a one in a million random thing, no more chance of passing it to another child than any other parent would have of their child having something.
if its genetic theres high chances


VIP Member
As someone who has a disabled child/needs similar to her daughters I’d say she’s brave af for having another baby.. I couldn’t do it. Caring is so consuming, I do worry for her I just hope she has the support in place when and where she needs it, she doesn’t want to get burnt out, bless her.
Especially when she’s already suffering with Hg. bless her


VIP Member
Weird that the whole time she was pregnant, she was never once gasping for a tab. Which is probably to assume she smoked throughout. Classy.


VIP Member
she’s very lucky with the carers for jaz. i remember around christmas they took her to meet santa and to a party etc it was lovely.

i kind of don’t agree about her needing the tools to do better because i think she has those. she could easily get jas a chair to sit her in , do sensory activities with her , go on days out adapted to her needs however i think jade chooses not too.

she used to go swimming with jaya , gym etc.
i think she’s in a rut and struggling immensely with her mental health and that is SO hard.

if anything i feel for jaya as lovely as it is that she’s so close with her mum i fear she’s an emotional clutch. i can imagine she’s privy to her mums struggles and is almost like another parent in that house.
It will be even harder to rehouse her as she will need an accessible property to meet Jazz’s needs too. I think she has been incredibly irresponsible with her life choices but expects everyone else to pick up the pieces.
i don’t think she expects anyone to pick up the pieces because she’s pretty much raised those two girls on her own.
she needs to be rehoused and it’ll probably be outside of london. i hope she moves soon as it’ll effect jaya doing her gcse’s