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There was on occasion when R was taking food from other people’s plates whilst visiting their house and P was basically just laughing and didn’t really say much to her. They used to eat their dinner from 1 plate, so naturally R thought that she could eat from other people’s plates.
She is absolutely oblivious to children of Raven’s age and how they behave. In her eyes R is doing it the “right” way, but as we all know, it’s not actually R’s fault for the way she behaves, P has failed her massively. My friend dreads P taking R to their house and my friend is one of the nicest people you could ever meet! Says a lot!
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I find that whole post so weird, you’d almost think Raven was the newborn, needing milk and cuddles? She speaks about Ember in a very distant way, likes the cluster feed & party all night? She’s a newborn! And probably sick of her sister drinking her milk in the day! It’s just a very weird dynamic to see, and makes me feel a bit sad for that lovely little baby.
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i’ve said this before sorry but i’m gona say it again, so many of her parenting choices seem rooted in grief. almost like she can’t stand to be away from raven in case something happens.
which is fine, apart from it’s not actually fine cos it’s going to (alresdy has?) create a really unhealthy codependency type relationship for them both.
we all want our kids to have healthy attachments to us (obviously the outcomes for insecurely attached children and children with attachment disorders can be horrendous) but healthy attachments are also needed with others. she’s going absolutely the other way with this. this is alresdy a kid who won’t let her dad near her?? and pea seems to just allow it
there seem to be absolutely no boundaries or consequences of certain behaviours for this kid
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The 'song floor' thing really annoyed me. Because your fingers are a person and they're standing on the floor?
No, Pea. She just made a word up, it doesn't have a special genius meaning.
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Deans back looking like that time Ian Beale was homeless. I mean he essentially is isn’t he, relegated to another room and not allowed in the same area as Raven.
Also the sheer laziness of a slow cooker liner 🙄 just wash the pan?
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Everyone in the GP group is ridiculous. I wish there wasn't such a culture of encouraging mothers to martyr themselves.
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I honestly don't get why we need such close ups of her feeding her kids. Either of them. She doesn't zoom in on Raven chomping on solid food so why on the nipples? What is it about, what does it achieve?
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Stark contrast between Ravens first days and Embers. Raven was at nursery today so it's obviously just been Nicola and Ember. When Raven was born there was a photo, a video, a story, a highlight of every breath she took. For Ember it's 'LOOK AT ME VACANTLY SMILING LIKE A SERIAL KILLER... Oh that's the baby with a sore neck... HERE I AM AGAIN, SMILING MANIACALLY' then next post 'Lets go get Raven because I don't know how I've made it through this day without her'
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The lies on Instagram are quite disturbing. Reminds me of the Louis Theroux doc on mother and baby units. There was a mother on the unit with PND/psychosis (I can’t remember which), and she spoke about the front she put up on Instagram, pretending that everything was rosy when she was seriously unwell.

If Pea is unwell I hope her family intervene fast.
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I hate the whole ‘we’ve got this mama’ drives me nuts 🤮
It totally disregards the seriousness of things like PND for me. It suggests it's something you can just overcome if you put enough effort in. Nicola bends herself over daily and doesn't seem to 'overcome'. No disrespect to her in that regard, she needs help. But she's too stubborn and too wrapped up in this fucking 'Must. Be. Gentle.' parenting. If this carries on, Nicola will have a breakdown, Raven will be the most selfish child ever and Ember will hate her family because she's basically ignored from birth/treated as inconvenient.
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Just came across this in my feed on Instagram, take a look at who has liked the post - it was put up on the 25th Feb
She'd probably think Raven was the one hurt/needing healing though. Hurt by the strain of being the best big sister she can be, the strain of bringing light to this dark world, of curing all illness and ending poverty etc.
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Love heart for her favourite. Complains about the size of her newborn baby. Nicola could you make it anymore obvious 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Her posts about Winter are beautifully written and very emotive. The rest is all tripe, you can tell when she’s invested in her writing and when she’s not (Embers birth). Ultimately though I really dislike all the wordy parenting captions that don’t really make any sense, perfectly imperfect parent is another one who does it, I just can’t get to the end and if I do I genuinely couldn’t tell you what on Earth it was about.
Like a GCSE student trying to bump their word count in their final essay question for their coursework.
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I ‘babywore’(?) my kids and really enjoyed it but I have to say I only really did it when I was out and about. I kind of get what purple star means as it looks like ember is literally never out of the sling which can’t be good for her back/legs and her neck is always flopping about. No need for her to be in a sling if you’re sat having some quiet time.
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I’m sure she mentioned on either a post on Instagram or on one of the FB groups that he was working from home?? Although I’m not sure how since he supposedly works in a shop 🤷🏻‍♀️

edit: it was on FB
I think my favourite part of that post is ‘I KNOW it’s normal but....

Sorry hun but it’s not normal for your child to hate the other parents that lives with them ✌🏽

Also how’s she got mastitis with a newborn AND three year old constantly hanging off her nips?
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She doesn't because she isn't that sort of person. She literally believes she is right and that her methods are right.

Every single Facebook post she makes asking for help, she literally dismisses every piece of advice in a smug way. It's like she's only posting so she gets the chance to dismiss them in a "I know best" kind of way.

I struggle finding sympathy for her. I feel sorry for Ember, she's got a whole life of being second best ahead of her.

Because nothing matters to Nicola other than her. It's easy to see where Raven gets her narcissistic tenancies from. The apple never falls far from the tree.

And your baby matters. Your baby existed and will always be part of your family. For as long as you speak his name, he will exist xx
We always speak his name and include him in family photos ❤
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I wouldn’t class what she’s doing as parenting at all. I think it’s disgusting that they can’t sit together as a family because Pea allows raven to dictate to Dean. I would never stand for this and it’s entirely unmanageable as a family. If she didn’t worry so much about what people thought of her she could turn their family life around in a matter of weeks. But she’s too selfish to do that.
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She has mastitis and a new baby but managed to get r to the dentist? She's a martyr. End of. Dean couldn't have taken his own daughter for a check up so Nic could rest at home with baby?
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Does anybody know them in real life? My husband categorically would not let me so blatantly favour one child over the other and ultimately, he loves the kids more than me (as do any parents) so would not let me mistreat any of them. I just can’t understand why nothing is being said to her except all this platinum boobies, your amazing mama bullshit!
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