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She’s not a very good influence at all.
The decisions she makes regarding her child/ren are wild. Non vax in a foreign country and dodgy tattoos whilst pregnant. I wonder what the reaction would be if this wasn’t a middle class mum?
Is it true her child had a stroke from rolling off the bed?
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He always looks really pissed off in her videos. There was one when they get the flight to their recent holiday where he puts his hand out to stop recording.

I don’t think he seems the kind of bloke who wants to have his life plastered over the internet.
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Chatty Member
This is exactly it. He’s a tradesman so probably comes from a normal family who have had to work hard for the things they want. Having a second baby while renovating a house and only having one income would seem like madness to anyone else and something you’d have to plan for but when you have Olivia’s privilege you’ve always got that safety net.
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For me, she’s actually one of the worst sides of social media. She’s very lucky, as others have mentioned, but she clearly only posts very selected highlights so thousands of young women her age probably look and see a pretty, enviably slim woman with her dream man, getting married and having babies but the reality can’t be as perfect.
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She’s not even on maternity leave! I guess she was just trying to find an angle but it doesn’t work for her actual circumstances!
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I used to just see Olivia's tik toks when they came up on my for you page and I quite liked her but since I've started watching more regularly she just comes across as very annoying and quiet moany. She tries to come across all easy going.

She goes on about the Karens going on about her sons clothes and a few tik toks mention "haters" when she has 7 pages on here! Grow a thicker skin love. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. She comes across very entitled and like no one has ever criticised her in her life before.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure she said she wanted to be pregnant but not heavily pregnant when they go to those festivals in the summer so how was it unplanned? Maybe slightly earlier than planned but that’s still not unplanned!?!
I think it was actually planned by her but not in agreement with Martin and also because they are clearly not in a position for a second but she wanted one anyway! She’s defending herself by saying it was unplanned
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Well-known member
I’m glad this girl has a thread, I’m sure she’s nice enough but she came up on my fyp with her whole ‘I’m 28 and here’s how I bought and built my own house’ or whatever and it really rubbed me the wrong way due to the cost of living crisis (they already had a flat and sold it or whatever like who else just has a flat lying around to sell). I’m surprised she’s pregnant again tbh
There’s nothing wrong with that but I hate when people say “me and bf worked full time” as if that is enough this days. They clearly had help from her wealthy parents + live rent free in her gramma’s house. But it was pretty clear from her videos that she just wanted more kids straight away (even if the bf didn’t agree) and wants to be a SAHM.
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there is no wayyyyyy he’s staying faithful to her 100% lol especially when he clearly didn’t even want the kids and now he’s got a massive house Reno, a new car to buy her and a second kid on the way. Why else would you be going to glasto with a toddler; not to mention 30 weeks pregnant
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I kind of agree with him tbh, loads of cash on a bigger car and she seems to enjoy being all ditzy and useless . I swear she’s been watching all the Goldie Hawn 80s movies for inspo.
She seems very immature for her age to be fair, and she isn’t that young. She probably had a very “easy” life and bumping her car every week is just a funny little joke 😂
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I go through phases of really liking her and then finding her a bit insufferable. She’s very very privileged to have been helped with a deposit for a flat in London and then to live in family homes (without the family being there) whilst doing a huge renovation, I am really intrigued to see her parents house though when they move in there!! I also was shocked about letting beau be with strangers whilst they had dinner etc and can’t believe her pregnancy reveal was an ad!! How does that even happen, she must have contacted them and said I’m pregnant so you want to do ab ad together!
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Chatty Member
I’m cringing for her- she’s done a voiceover like the one Mummysflippinhouse does, now I’m no fan of Caroline but at least her voiceovers with Charlie are slightly humorous- Olivia is NOT funny, so the voiceover is dull and really just shows that he’s the most spoiled brat of a kid and she has no parenting skills. I’m embarrassed for her.
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VIP Member
They met and lived a party lifestyle, probably having a lot of drug fuelled fun. They’re from very different backgrounds and I don’t see it lasting at all.
I can imagine they will stay together for beau for a while but it won’t go the distance.
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Chatty Member
She’s obviously insecure about the type of man she was “expected” to settle down with based on her background.
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If Olivia has had 2 unplanned pregnancies then she of all people should know that PCOS doesn't automatically mean you'll struggle to conceive. I have it too and had no issues having children. Unless you've been trying for a while without success you can't claim to have fertility issues imo and it's a slap in the face to those genuinely struggling.
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Chatty Member
I cannot believe she’s been gifted TWO new bugaboo prams what an actual piss take. Why does she need 2!
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I think she’s only going to Glastonbury to keep up the pretence that she can still do everything she used to do with a child in tow and because she said her whole friend group are going so she’d probably have FOMO. I’m sorry but it sounds miserable - camping at a festival with a feral toddler and in your third trimester, Martin and her friends staying out til 6am (her own words from her latest video) so solo parenting most the time, can’t even go to the loos properly if she’s alone with Beau( she’s bought a SheWee for this reason) Has she thought about how she’ll cope with Beau if the weather is scorching hot? Or if it’s raining and a mud fest? I know glastonbury has lots for kids but wouldn’t you give it a miss this year?
Literallly. Just stay at home with Beau if you want to be in bed by 10. The festival is far too big to explore with a toddler, whilst pregnant, with pelvic girdle pain. Really unrealistic and definitely just going to keep up appearances that you can do everything with a baby.
I have a baby and do believe you can do most things with your child but if I was pregnant with a partner who wanted to get on it with his mates until 6am I’d be staying at home!
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Well-known member
Why doesn't she own the fact that she wanted this baby and stop making fake excuses.. as bad as Maisie who keeps banging on about hers being an accident but using the pull out method
Surely if Martin wasn't keen he could have just used a condom so they must both have in the moment thought you know what, it wont be the end of the world
But I suppose that doesnt create engagement or an Ad with ClearBlue does it 😂

Im due around the same time as her with my second but ours was planned and agreed with my husband haha
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