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Active member
I just don’t know if i believe the cheating rumours. They always seem to be together and I can’t imagine Olivia putting up with that, she came across pretty headstrong in LI. They’ve got dogs together, bought and renovated their house, seemed to emotional and happy on their wedding day. i would believe it if it were someone who never spent time with eachother but he really does seem keen on her to me
I’ve known people the same and known their other halves to lead other lives, it happens and with so many saying the same thing I just can’t ignore it, just seems too coincidental and more like a cover up, it’s hard to imagine as they paint the most perfect life
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I don’t remember where now, but I saw some reviews somewhere and the general consensus was that it was bad, I remember a couple of people said the clothing had another tag on for a different brand, and they had just stuck the exempt society one on top of it.
That doesn’t surprise me. Cheap tat
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Active member
Anyone else watched her stories from this morning? Who is this person?! Why is she acting and talking so differently, I feel like she’s trying to come across as extra nice and friendly, maybe (hopefully) she’s losing followers after being a bitch and now she’s shitting herself 🤞😁
You can tell it’s forced too, It won’t last she’ll fall off the ‘nice wagon’ soon enough, she’s naturally a right Bitch so being nice is hard work for her, she’ll soon revert back to being an utter pillock to her followers
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Gobble goose

Well-known member
OMG her sliding kitchen doors are filthy.
Money can’t buy cleanliness apparently!!!!!
Surely if you had money and you didn’t like cleaning you’d spend money on a cleaner. Rather than fart arsing about spending money on connecting your house to your garage cos you’re too lazy to use doors (although she probably won’t pay for that either). Have you seen the state of the stairs too? This really is the new mucky mansion


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VIP Member
She wants to remove the pond because it’s in the way 🙄 she won’t be happy till she’s ruined everything in that house
You're kidding????? Did she say that. Sorry don't have Instagram anymore 😂

Also does she not realise that alot of people are trying in this pandemic (myself included, been trying for four years) and she's flouting Tier 4 rules by going to Dubai. These said people probably haven't travelled. She doesn't want children. It's a tactic (atm anyway) to get people talking about her because she knows her fans would love to see her and Alex have children. It seems all coerced and planned that she is discussing something she hates people discussing....
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Well-known member
How sad that her birthday trip was just one big ad? At this point they can only be together for the money surely. She doesn’t even look in that vid like she wants to be near him 🤷‍♀️
Remember only allowed to travel for essential work purposes 😁😜😉
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She must be on the edge of the boundary

Knew she’d let us all know if she was expert ... I can see her doing whatever she wants over Xmas regardless
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Gobble goose

Well-known member
I actually doubt this is true I think she’s down this so she can flaunt her actions and not receive the backlash - typical selfish liv
To be fair to her I’m 99% sure she actually is tier 2 (annoyingly). But the post was still shit and all about her
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I actually think that was a really brave thing of her to admit to (Dolly), she could've so easily not shared that, sold Dolly and never mentioned her again.

Re the Door - She will have been paid or got the door free or whatever when it was installed and the company would've done promo shots etc and now she couldn't care less... onto the next paid ad/free gift.
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It really is low effort - there are some stunning bathroom designs and this is not one of them. Helen Skelton’s house is an example of something that has been well thought out and has had soul poured into it...
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VIP Member
Yet another collaboration with ITS, what is with all this fast fashion?! I swiped up on a link she put on and the day it launched it was marked as 50% off???? I really don’t understand where she stands because she bangs on about saving the planet (when it’s for an ad for a company that actually cares - although why would they ask her to advertise it when she’s clearly not arsed) but then is pumping out these collabs that ‘she’s designed’! But makes out she is so genuine and straight talking? No you’re actually rude and a liar to impressionable audiences.
and another thing - why is she talking like this ‘nahhhhhh’ & ‘ima avoid it’ ... IMA? Like, are you okay? All these videos where she’s showing the new collab by the awkward and same old recycled head tilts and open and closing her mouth and swivelling her head like it’s on a flipping loose screw. Well I think that sums that up!!!
She has her own clothing line too like isnt that like selling Sainsburys stuff in Tesco? All the time 'designing' for ITS why not design for your own brand??????
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