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Agree with everything about the pregnancy drama, she WANTS people to ask so she can say you shouldn’t ask! She dangles the carrot to all these fan girls and then when they ask she flips on them... it’s actually ridiculously sociopathic behaviour! She knows what she’s doing, but will then turn around and say I can share what I want I don’t have to tell you all everything ... YAWN! Cringing the hell out at all these girls who comment and then Olivia is rude to them and they still lick her arse....?!! She’s trying to play the influencer system to her advantage but everyone’s seeing through it. Super embarrassing. Also. That watch. Why was it round her PALM?! Like who ever wears a watch there...? I’m so confused at how brands keep working with her when she’s so rude to followers, fake but also so RUBBISH AT ADVERTISING for someone who’s supposed to have it as their ‘job’ loooool. Also I’m 4 ft 10 and THATS short and even I don’t tell my whole Instagram every week) is she ok??????


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Do we think alex and Olivia will last?
I give it about another 5 years before the money dries up, their careers dwindle, Alex realises she’s not going to have a baby and they start separating.

Either that or when the ads stop rolling in she’ll get pregnant to keep Alex around and to save her career.
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Tammy flu

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Does anyone remember Alex's mum crying saying she never sees Alex anymore. I genuinely think his mum doesn't like her and a mother is always right. Like how come Olivia gets to live near her family but not him???
I remember this & I always assumed they’d moved to Essex to be closer to London for opportunities but that doesn’t really make sense to me anymore, just seems really unfair on him and his family & friends.

on another note, Alex has 1.6 million followers yet only gets between 10-20,000 likes per photo on average. That’s an engagement rate of between 1-2%. That’s extremely low for an “influencer/celebrity” His photos with Olivia however... can reach up to 120,000 likes. For someone who’s main stream of income is Instagram, it absolutely makes sense for him to stay with her. They could both be in serious financial trouble if they split
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I think she’s had covid after Dubai and that’s why she’s not got off the sofa. There have been so many cases coming back from Dubai after spending new year there
I honestly don't think she's had Covid as if she had we'd have heard ALL about it as she's such an attention seeker. The sort that checks themselves in to A&E on social media for the 'you ok hun?'. I actually remember she did this on Twitter once in the early days, I seem to remember Alex was out or doing a club appearance without her & she was out separately & the taxi she was in had a minor bump so she took herself to A&E even though there was fuck all wrong with her. One way to get loads of attention & cut Alex's night short.
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I was wondering if maybe she’s miscarried?? Boux Avenue and iconic sending flowers? Would be very sad if that’s the case would never slag her off for that or make fun of it all but I hate all this cryptic stuff. If you don’t want people to speculate you don’t HAVE to post anything. You can be quiet and not acknowledge it. You don’t have to post flowers. It’s only fuelling people to ‘be nosey’ and then she’ll only do a few talking stories later on about how her privacy should be respected 🤷🏻‍♀️🥴
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Omg her latest #ad.I think she has blurred out her fanjita😂.
what the actual heck. I’m all for female empowerment and it’s your body...whatever. But seriously, her whole vagina is on show....the blur doesn’t leave much to imagination hun. Doesn’t she have hers and Alex’s parents on Instagram as well?!?! I would be mortified if my in-laws saw that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Also, for someone who supposedly knows quite a lot about dogs, she sure as hell should know that Julius K9 harnesses are AWFUL for frenchies. They restrict their chest movements causing breathing and joint problems. I have two frenchies myself and I did my research on this. People only use them as ‘p0liCE d0Gs uSe tHem’ 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
Thing is for me I don’t even care that these “influencers” advertise shit they don’t use, since I was born there has always been “celebs” being paid to advertise products they don’t use, do people really think holly Willoughby uses box hair dye, and that Claudia Winkleman uses head and shoulders shampoo... I really couldn’t give a shit who’s paid to promote what products, but what fucks me off about Liv is she actually tries to pretend that she only promotes products she uses and won’t promote anything otherwise which is just utter bollocks. She’s just a greedy bitch that thinks she can pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, I’m glad people are seeing her for what she is.
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
Shes not even trying to hide the fact she wants to hide it anymore. She's so obvious!
I’ve reported her for not putting it on! I wonder if she’s been pulled up on it cause I sent them screenshots!
does she think it counts cause there is ad in her name?
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
SHE spoke about it!!!! Like how can you talk about it and then shut people down. She needs to not make it a point of discussion. How can she say she's holding off having children in her stories but moans about people commenting. If you hate it that mucj just don't talk about it. Ignore the comments.
She had every right to talk about it whenever she wants to and also not discuss it whenever she wants to.
for all we know she could have had several miscarriages, could be experiencing infertility problems, and she might have mentioned it the other day to make people stop asking.
she’s a dick but people should really not make presumptions or constantly want her to talk about it
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Loooooool the ‘valentines package’ with the good old essential butt plug and cock ring! Righty-o liv, get back in your box you boring missionary bitch 🤣🤣🤣 as if you will ever use that! I bet your sex life is as dry as a nuns fanny! 😩😭

She’s not just promoted a load of sex toys and stood in her kitchen in lingerie with half her vag hanging out 😂
Standard day for our Liv! It’s all she can do, she’s so desperate for work or for people to notice she is always half naked with her fucking vagina folds laid bare for all to see


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Alex said Sophie was the hottest. So that's why Olivia was a massive C U Next Tuesday to Sophie amongst other things. Because Olivia is a brat and is horrible to anyone who doesnt agree with her. Also someone said apparently all Olivia moaned about was how she couldn't wait to do gear again after she left LI. Does make you wonder how everyone thought she was the hottest but then very quickly she's the one who no one wants to go on a date with.

Remember when her and Kady were in the hideaway shouting how they could get anyone. Looool that is the type of person she is, jealous, bitter and just a right bitch. The fact she thought she was better than that Katie makes her absolutely no better. I dont like Katie but I have always loved it when she kissed Alex infront of Olivia 😂

I would love to flirt with Alex in front of Olivia, just love to see her face like 'wtf you doing with my husband' sorry babe im flirting hun i can get anyone i want 😂😂😂😂
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Burgh Gal

Well-known member
I honestly don't think she's had Covid as if she had we'd have heard ALL about it as she's such an attention seeker. The sort that checks themselves in to A&E on social media for the 'you ok hun?'. I actually remember she did this on Twitter once in the early days, I seem to remember Alex was out or doing a club appearance without her & she was out separately & the taxi she was in had a minor bump so she took herself to A&E even though there was fuck all wrong with her. One way to get loads of attention & cut Alex's night short.
I think normally she'd be like that and she would know that she would get some sympathy and publicity but the backlash of her admitting that she got covid right after getting back from a non-essential holiday where she was partying, not wearing a mask, not social distancing would be much bigger. If she had it at any other time I reckon she would've milked it for all it's worth but this time she knows she would get so much grief (if she did have it I mean)
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Na now they’ve taken up acting 😫 pretending to give her a present which she actually has been gifted by the company themselves... but Alex smashed it x

imagine actually having to say ‘come on then let’s sit round the table and film ourselves pretending you bought me this’

and the girl commenting is spot on. This will be in the bin in approx 2 mins
I don’t follow Olivia on Instagram but from what I’ve noticed on this thread is how crazy defensive she is in her comments!! It’s such a harmless comment, it was hardly anybody trolling her. Comes across to me like she’s lashing out at “fans” perhaps because they’re starting to hate her content.
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Has anyone noticed over time she gets less bothered about the quality of the ad that she’s posting, she’s clearly getting greedy. A few months ago it was the 2second flash of her free AO washing machine and then ads where she can’t be bothered to put clean clothes on to ‘work’. Yet she claims hours of editing and work behind all the content - you can tell she’s thrown on that lingerie, thrown on a bit of lipstick and can’t be arsed to redo her fake tan. It’s just greed and laziness, so obvious! Dildos to H Samuel watches.. flavoured VKs to fake fitness trackers.. yawn
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