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What the actual fuck was the point of that last Liverpool/ Eurovision vlog? They had no tickets for anything and admitted it was shit and too crowded for Missus.

“I’ve been Laura from Ohana of Free. Fanks for watching”
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Also love how they took their 10 year old into the executive lounge at the airport despite there being a sign saying no under 12s allowed. I guess the rules don’t apply to these idiots.
And then when they went back in the evening to stuff more free food and drink down their gullets, left the child somewhere as she wasn't allowed in at night. Must have been in the room, poor kid.

I'm watching their first day in Universal vlog and the people next door had the temerity to be a bit noisy when they came back to their room so Mr Fuckface has reported it to reception and says he will call security if it happens again. Always on the lookout for freebies.

Mrs Fuckface has just been moaning that they had to wait 2 and a half hours for Hagrid. The actual queue was 4 and they did plenty of stuff whilst they were in their virtual line so what the fuck they were moaning about, I have no idea. They also waved their passes about and got escorted onto rides with no wait at all, all the while moaning about something or other.

Does anyone know how they qualify for the pass anyway? It seems like being a cunt gets you in these days.
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Just thinking back to their New York vlog where the security guard at McDonald’s was stopping non-customers from using the bathrooms and Mrs Fuckface was outraged and said going to the toilet was a human right etc. Erm, McDonald’s is a private business, it’s for them to set their own rules. Customer-only bogs are the norm for food and drink places, right?

I’n surprised how active Mrs F has been on this trip, considering she needed a wheelchair on several occasions in Waly Disney World. Up and down stairs everywhere, walking all the time, it’s amazing. The bladder issues that get them a DAS pass in WDW have barely been mentioned this trip also.
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I see they had another trip to London for half-term. Weren’t they only there just before Christmas? More expensive attractions, you really have to wonder where they get the money.

They must really hate being at home. Either that or it’s so full of Disney tat and Missus’s stuffed toys that they can’t open the front door.
I reckon they are up to something fishy on the side to make money because he works at a call centre known locally for not paying huge wages (even for mangers) and she works part time as a TA. The numbers don’t add up.
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Let’s see Mr Stephen’s what we think the problem is..,,,
You…. can’t understand a word you say - moaner in the 1st degree
Wife…Sniffer/burper -need I say more oh yes I can Moaner in the 2nd degree
Mrs…..shut up stop butting in
All as a collective - Bragging / moaners with no content even staying in the most beautiful places in Disney but ruin it with the constant moans
Camera work - nothing to speak of here because there isn’t any - out of focus / swing backwards and forwards - inappropriate video of minors
I could go on but I can’t be arsed - a bit like them
But still…. Please join us on patreon - the final insult!!!
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I hope they do go back to moaning and mumbling it was much more fun for us 😃
It was hilarious. Bring back the ten minute rants about Golden Coral not having a chocolate fountain any more, for example. Or a staff member not sufficiently kissing his ring when they check into a hotel. Fabulous stuff.
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Overnight, I’ve had the following through…

View attachment 2234426View attachment 2234427View attachment 2234428View attachment 2234429View attachment 2234430

For context, apparently the reply he received from someone who actually had a look at their channel and said the mix of Disney and Alton Towers could be an issue is someone who my friend thinks has about 70k subs on YT, so you’d think Fuckface would acknowledge it with more than a thank you. But no, it’s not the answer he wants to hear. The comment directly underneath that is the one he’s all “now that’s some top quality advice” and is from someone with a channel that has under 500 subs. Why bloody ask if you don’t actually want advice?! Though alas nobody said the truth that the content is shite.

My personal favourite though is he’s keeping tabs on other people who started the same time as them. They can never claim it’s just for the memories when they’re actively keeping tabs on other channels figures!

The entitlement definitely seems to come over in his replies. I wonder if there’s anything he doesn’t complain about in his life?
They have a channel name related to Disney - only way they are getting those subs up is to do more Disney but I don’t think they have the means to keep going back. (And let’s be honest there are enough shit disney vloggers already out there) And seriously improve the content. They can’t though as they look like a bunch of thick chavs and spend the whole time moaning. A lot of their views are us hate watching I reckon. He’s such an entitled Twat.

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My bet for their spending money is that they have an Only Fans account. I'm way too afraid to go and hunt it down however.

It's either that or they won a lotto prize that no one knows about.
Yeah I’m wonder if it’s only fans. I don’t think they’ve won the lottery because as Furnessian said they were totally skint after Florida. On yesterdays live Mrs FF was talking about all the stuff she was wanted to book in Dubai and Mr FF was trying to reign her in and said he’d find the money hopefully from a bonus. So could be a drug dealer (he seems too gormless for that though) or Only Fans or they are racking up some huge arse debt.
I can’t bring myself to go looking for them on only fans either 🤣🤣
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I’m honestly looking forward to seeing how they will cope with having to queue in New York, I’ve been Xmas and it’s so busy, bet the wheelchair and lanyard will be out
They can get the lanyard out all they like, what they expect to get from it in New York, I don't know. I live here and love it dearly but it isn't the place for people to be entitled and kick up a fuss, no one will take any notice of them. They might be able to jump the odd queue at tourist attractions but New Yorkers are well wise to dickheads trying to pull a fast one.

I'm guessing with the Christmas crowds and the lack of special treatment for them, they will not be into it at all.
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Just watched the “honest review of crooked spoon” at Alton Towers- it cuts off halfway through the breakfast scene 🤣🤣apparently in the savoury section you can get croissants, pain au Chocolat and blueberry muffins. Who knew.
Needs an access pass at Gullivers World but you can’t use it on Togo Towers - so she’s fine to line up in the big line to ride it. Grifting bitch.
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Shall we all chip in and get a shout out to Tattle 🤣🤣

Why would she reupload the burp video? 🤣


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Anyone else gutted for Dubai being cancelled, I was so looking forward to see them out there
Did they really think they were getting an imperial suite for ten nights etc for the price they approximately paid. Must have been to good to be true as they couldn’t even afford a normal room

they have no idea with that cruise either she actually thought you got alcohol with your meal, her face as well when he said the price of the cruise. I can imagine them to be complete brags
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Imagine paying out of your own pocket for Grand Floridian Club Level and this pair of scruffy turds tip up in the lounge.

There's so much complimentary stuff including endless nice-looking deserts yet what they get so excited about is some empty bags to put cheapo candy in to take away.

"I'm going to stuff this bag full" says Mrs Fuckface. Of course you are, you zero class twat.
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Ha ha own up who was it 🤣🤣
It wasn’t me who commented but I’m dying that they actually screenshotted it and put it on their Instagram! 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah people appreciate an honest review but when you’re constantly negative and nitpicking at every single little thing, people are going to dislike it. The constant complaints scream ‘give me something for free’ (hence the thread title lol!) And we all saw that in the Disney vlogs too.
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I genuinely couldn’t be arsed to watch the whole video but it sounds so bloody dodgy;

His mum has used same travel agent for 40+ trips to Dubai

Travel agent called up the mother and told her he had been arrest for fraud but it he gave her the money again he’d rebook them and refund them

His mums friend booked with the travel agent whilst he was in a police cell

He wouldn’t book any theme park tickets because he thought something might go wrong but his dad was so convinced it’s be fine he’d give them the money back if it did????

Cost of imperial suite now £15k more than when they booked.

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