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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Got to ❤ Her excuses for Severn not wanting to go near her 🙄 no it’s because he is ferrel, you have not paid him proper attention and got nothing to do with you fly spraying Bella. He just has not had correct handling since he was born, he has always walked away from you. But every time it’s another excuse rather then it being you or your bad development of him and his learning, very much like L really you have not took the time to take that time with either of them, hence why he still is nearly 4 and can’t use a toilet or speak correctly. Severn is experiencing the same thing you have done nothing to bring his development on but there’s always another excuse
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Its really interesting reading all the behind the scenes posts that I wouldn't normally get to see . I am actually freaked out by the level of manipulation and deceit that goes on between the two area's of her 'page'. She seems to endorse the lies and deceit between all of her minions too to keep her image squeaky clean on her main page ...I joined tattle to comment on her shite stable management etc, but I am so shocked at what I read , I dont even want to watch her video's to even have room to comment about them anymore! The lack of transparency and deceit is truly sickening. To try and sell a horse that is a known rearer without his history being fully disclosed is despicable. He could have killed someone. If she's now got a f*cked horse, thats on her ! No "too small bridle" caused that !!!
I know what you mean, it’s like looking behind the curtain isn’t it? You can step back and see the manipulation and lies, the differences between the main page and supporters content. The way she speaks to supporters is disgusting, also how she lets members attack others. I remember when all those ‘unkind’ supporters got thrown out and blocked… not sure why or who it was but she wouldn’t do that now 🤔. It’s a toxic supporters page and not kind.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Oh dear Jo, called out for lying yet again! You really need to either stop lying or make sure that there isn't anyway your lies can be proven!
So many times you have insisted that Hugo hasn't reared before the incident where he hurt his back and tail yet we said all along that this wasn't true.
Hopefully NOW some of the supporters who read here will finally start to smell the coffee and take off their rose tinted glasses. We keep saying we can prove everything we write is true and we've just done it AGAIN!
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annable 123

Well-known member
Jesus… that’s extremely bad when listed like that 😡
Don’t forget that’s what we know about isn’t it
Sang to the Craig David tune :
she got a rabbit on Sunday, Dyson attacked it on the Monday, it was quiet on the Tues, and Wednesday it died at the vets uncared for… this isn’t funny, it’s actually disgusting, how that cow sleeps at night is beyond me, another example of her incompetent animal care 😡😡😡I’ve had working dogs, lurchers etc all my life, they have never attacked or got into a pet rabbits run, and they were lean, fit working dogs, not a fat overweight badly bred spaniel type
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I’ve never known a supporters page have so many hidden or secret branch offs to a main page. The fact that you have to be approved to join is so off putting and quite frankly patronising. What are they afraid of, the fact someone may put something negative? Oh no.. god forbid someone says something against their ideas. They need to get over themselves and stop policing peoples free speech.
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annable 123

Well-known member
Oh dear kath has been checking on here lol…not that it matters, it’s a public forum, as for our names, tattle chose mine, I’m not hiding behind a secret name, and as for us all being toxic😂😂😂 it’s you Jo that does it to us, you are one of life’s takers, you give zilch unless there’s something in it for you… btw kath, you on about voyeurs… isn’t that what you are doing on here..
😂😂😂😂, and for the record I have and never will give a penny to that dirty trailer trash, I work extremely hard for my money, I finance myself and my animals, I’m not jealous of Jo one bit, she has nothing I want, everything I have I own and is bought through hard work, I love my life and I am happy with what I have….and I don’t consort with rapists and put my kid in danger either
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Hi Jo 👋 seems you’ve been having a good read here lately. Oh sorry your friend reads it and tells you! Ok yeah 😂

Well read this!!! We are not trolling your son: we mention his lack of speech his bad behaviour: his being kept as a baby with the dummy etc because it’s how YOU are bringing him up. It’s your failing as a parent. He is allowed to behave badly in public! Is shown no proper discipline. It’s all down to your awful parenting. And the fact that you even deflect any comments here on to him and say HE is being trolled is yet more proof of what a low life you really are! Take some parenting classes or get some advice before it’s too late! He’s nearly 4 and so far you have failed him miserably! Again the problem is YOU Jo not Lowen. Do better
Bye for now. Happy reading. ( by your friend😂)
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How much effort does it take to actually fence these fields in properly? Shes obviously been there long enough to know where these horses escape.... in fact she knows SO well she puts un electrified tape up and useless bits of wood! and thats taken as much time as it would take to actually put in an actual effective fence post and some proper wire I fail to understand the mentality of someone who takes time to wrap ten ton of tape around an escape route , but fails to put up proper fencing....ok so I get digging post holes is not fun, but you can hire a petrol auger for next to nothing to dig the freaking holes for you! In fact I see you can buy one off of Amazon for £180.Surely thats cheaper and easier than dealing with yet another lame/injured animal?!!
She seems to have enough time to dig useless E.coli ridden swimming pits, but not to do something useful .I really dont get it.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Really long live but most of it super boring, signal poor so got cut off three times.
Main bits were : Cockrell still alive just but no better, says she's tried everything but doesn't know what else to do but if she takes it to the vet they will wring its neck, this is absolute crap, vets would be struck off if they wrung the neck of people's pets, yet again she will just leave it to suffer because she doesn't give a shit or she will ask Piotr to kill it.
Still insisting she doesn't read here, isn't bovvered by haters, it's all boring and she's too busy to read or care about haters.
Says she tries to respond or react to all comments and any negative ones she deletes and blocks unless she's feeling sassy, a woman commented on the one about lowen on the car, she said she wouldn't let her kids on her 300k car so Jo replied and then stalked her FB page, says she's obviously a lying bitch because there's no pictures of the car. Jo was annoyed because the woman hadn't replied to her recent comment and jo had even screenshot something the woman had put on her wall to try and get a reaction and she was gutted the woman hadn't replied. Jo is clearly jealous as the woman is attractive and rich! 😂 Update : The woman has replied...with a pic of her sports car! 😂
Jo says another woman called Paula had commented on the post about Daisy and the stick, if you remember I put the screenshot on here as they had a perfectly ok interaction on the main page then Jo bitched about her on the live. Jo said she can click on any profile and it shows her all comments and reactions a person has ever made on her posts so she checked Paula's and there were loads, she screenshot them and told Paula and now Paula has deactivated her account. Says she's sure Paula is a hater on here because she recognises the way stuff was written because she knows how stuff is said on here....even though she never reads here! 😂 So because Paula deactivated her FB account Jo has decided she's def one of us 😂
She's fallen out with the girl who stayed with her at Xmas, the girl owes her money but got funny when Jo asked about it . Jo bitched about her loads, said lots of stuff which if true was very personal but Jo says she's a compulsive liar (takes one to know one Jo) so it's probably not true anyway and jo feels used. Funny how yet again another fallout involving Jo but isn't Jos fault 🙄
She hasn't bought uniform with the school logo on for lowen because they sold out but says she doesn't feel comfortable people being able to see which school it is so she would have to edit pics which is annoying. But she puts her kid all over social media, her address is public and she invites total strangers to her house!
Plugs Kofi loads and says how she earns as much from the FB ads as she does supporters so will do more lives on the main page as she will earn from it. Says when she got restricted for the video of lowen naked she lost so many supporters because they couldn't resubscribe and she was struggling thinking she might have to go on benefits but that's why she set up Kofi and now she puts all the unedited stuff on there plus the more intimate stuff of her and lowen that she doesn't want to post on the main page obviously hoping all the idiots will subscribe to Kofi as well now, she really is a shameless greedy bitch.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's too lazy, she regularly says she didn't want to go live but supporters would moan if she didn't, she doesn't give a shit about her supporters all she cares about is the money.
Many won't watch live during the week due to work etc which she knows full well but that means they watch on replay and therefore she earns more money because she gets paid for the ads, that's why she does it. She deliberately gives hardly any warning and does it at a time that suits her rather than when more people are likely to be able to watch live. She's a selfish bitch but her minions are too thick to realise.
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annable 123

Well-known member
In other words keep sending money so he can buy a van.
And Jo has a nerve saying how expensive rent is when she only pays about £250 for her place and doesn't pay council tax apparently.
I had to pay council tax when I lived in a van so why not her
No idea why supporters keep saying he's so sexy and so handsome, he looks like a Toby jug!
He’s not attractive at all, especially when you know his sexual preferences 🤢🤢🤢
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Sorry she didn't go live until gone ten and it was a long one.
Anyway lowen has being poorly with croup all week, her friends Kay and Mark were late arriving on Friday and the hairdresser was late and Jo cried when she took lowen to her mum's for the night because she was so stressed and anxious about leaving him especially as he was ill.
Her night out started ok but she was really pissed off that no one asked her for ID! 😂 She think she still looks like she's in her 20's but everyone else was being asked except her! She said it must be because Piotr was there and he looks old.
Then she says that when she used to go out everyone got dressed up but now noone bothers and they were all in jeans etc 😂 says maybe she dresses old fashioned! Tell us that you read Tattle without telling us you read Tattle Jo!😂😂😂
She rants for ages about not getting asked for ID etc and it's clear Miss P's comment about her outfit has hit a nerve, says maybe she's too old to go out now. Then says she needs more Botox and is going back to have her eyes done again in two weeks.
She met an Irish guy, she loves the Irish accent but he had blue eyes which she doesn't normally go for but he had bleached hair and a sleeve tattoo, he's working on the road on the A30 near her house, says she told him she has animals and a kid and is very busy and doesn't normally look like she does now but he wanted to take her out the next day and meet her horses and lowen.
And then the night went shit because although she only spoke to him for half an hour Kay got pissed off with her and stormed out, jo got pissed off because although it was Kay's birthday she felt it was her night too as she rarely goes out and she just wanted to have fun and can't stand it when people constantly want her attention . She was already stressed about lowen and had spent all day looking after him whilst they were all outside sunbathing etc and then Kay moaned when she was just trying to have fun.
So basically they got food, went home without talking to each other in the taxi, next morning Jo refused to talk to her for two hours and wasn't going to see her again but eventually they made up but they have gone to stay somewhere else instead of staying with jo until Wednesday as was planned but she will possibly see them before they go
Says she doesn't want friends who constantly need her attention, ringing and messaging because she already spreads herself so thin between her child and animals and she's got nothing left to give , she feels she doesn't have friends because they piss her off but Piotr knows her well and doesn't do that. Her and Kay are ok, they have been friends years but probably only because they don't see each other often.
So yet again Jo acts like a bitch but blames others, it was her friend's birthday, they had planned this night for months, hadn't seen each other for five years but Jo says her friend was in the wrong for getting shitty with her for chatting a bloke up instead of being with her. She also said she thinks there was more too it, that Kay was annoyed with Piotr because men didn't talk to her because they thought she was with him but that she also has anxiety and mh issues, so basically blaming everything else and taking no responsibility as usual. I think it will be a lot longer than five years before they see each other again!
She waffled on about loads of other shite, repeating stuff about Jack being ill, her being really irritable last week, having to do tax stuff and pay £1000 but also needs to claim more expenses than she did before so is hoping for a rebate, mentions lowens birthday a couple more times etc and that was mostly it, she went off at one point and Piotr came on and spoke about exams he's doing for his job and all the supporters were saying they love him and he's such a good friend to joke etc
Jo says he's living with her but still insists he goes to her dad's to sleep, her live didn't finish until half eleven and he was still there! It's so obvious he's sleeping at hers I don't know why she's trying to cover it up unless it's something dodgy to do with benefits or something.
Said the usual about having loads to upload and that was pretty much it I think.
I expect her little black dress will be on her next bonfire!! 😂

Also watched her thank you video, apart from teabags from Alison everything was from Kaff and Julia, sad fuckers are trying to see who can send the most, Kaff is definitely in the lead for the biggest twat award but it's close.
Mentions lowens birthday AGAIN, says she doesn't expect gifts, following and subscribing is enough but if people want to send stuff....
Lowens speech is still awful, couldn't understand most of what he said, she claims he's fully toilet trained, he had his dummy which she said he could have because he's poorly but he's not normally allowed it during the day. She's hired the same inflatable bouncy castle thing she had before even though he never went on it and he hates loud music but is having a tractor/farm theme again, Kaff of course has already bought paper plates, cups, banners etc I guess she has to because all the other stuff jo put on her wishlist is still there at the moment hence all the hints from Jo, no doubt she will add more in the hope her hints will work.
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I don’t understand how they can’t ‘see’ beyond the facade, I did and others over time but it’s been years now and she even has new devotees. Why are people so quick to give money like that?
I think Kath has serious problems, I’m not joking about mental health as it’s not a joke but I think that she needs intervention from her family. Has she got family? Something is not right as she’s become quite obsessed and have you noticed it’s getting more intense over time?
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Jo's panicking now! She's desperate to stop them spending 'her' money on him 😂
Funny how there's no mention of all the debt she claimed he was in when he first came out, she says the money donated was used to buy the van, he's only been earning a few months so either there wasn't much debt and he's cleared it already or there was no debt at all and she just said it to get more sympathy and therefore money out of people.
Think Carol means 'gesture' 🙄 honestly they are all so thick it's no wonder they believe all her lies, most of them can't spell his name either, it's Piotr


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annable 123

Well-known member
So she did two lives, lucky me! 🙄
First one outside doing horse rugs, signal awful so she was getting pissed off, said she nearly didn't go live at all because of the signal, moaned about having to keep buying data, moaned JB shredded his rug, hinted she needs a new tripod.
Hugo is fucked, she will keep him going as long as she can but he won't live to an old age so she's mentally preparing for that. When the vet came for Hugo she said to him about JB 'this one is pretty fucked' he said he'd have to see JB trot and do flexion tests but she knows there's no point in doing that and no point doing injections, says he has got worse in the last three months, he can't weight bare properly, his hocks seem to twist, he looks like an old man. She will medicate if she has to but starts saying about how people put their horses through treatment etc just so they can ride.
Dyson loves Daisy, Nera less keen, Daisy pissed in the house today first time for two days.
She gets really stressed and pissy about the signal, says she even put waterproofs on to come outside to go live, she puts so much effort in for supporters, she'd be better getting a job in Sainsbury's as less stressful, and then gets cut off.
Five minutes later live again this time walking the dogs up the lane, says Daisy loves her and is loyal and respectful, probably shit scared of being kicked or shouted at!
Moans about people commenting on her fb story because it comes through as a message so she gets 100 notifications.
Says she helped her sister out by taking Daisy because she is family and doesn't like to see her upset, says she did wonder if she had done the right thing but Daisy knows she is the alpha and she's kept 'it' alive three days and she really likes her now.
She didn't really want a third dog, Amy had Tess who's Dyson sister and bred her so really she owed Jo a dog as Jo gave her Tess but it would have been a bigger dog whereas Daisy is small so it's ok.
Says Piotr had Alan to stay this week..... Really Jo how interesting, so he sleeps at your dad's too does he??! 😂 Didn't think about what you were saying then! Says she looked after him a couple of days whilst piotr was at work but it wad hard as he doesn't shut up.
Starts ranting about the comments regarding the stick she put through Daisy's harness, puts a bristolian accent on repeating the comments they said, she's a nasty bitch, says all the people who commented are all in a hate group together, it's obvious because they all say the same thing and just come over to try and wind her up..... Well sorry to piss on your parade Jo but if you are implying that all those comments were from Tattlers then you are sadly mistaken, I for one NEVER comment on your posts and if you bothered to look at the profile of those people they are all genuine profiles not fake as you always say. Why can't you understand that multiple people say the same thing because they all have the brains and common sense to realise that what you were doing was stupid and potentially dangerous!
Then she rants about comments on the post about dad's not paying maintenance and says basically anything she says people just have to say the opposite and some are trolls but try to make out they are just concerned.
She reckons she's getting more of it because her reach is better so more new people are finding her, but whatever she does is wrong, she can't win,
She's going mental ranting putting these stupid accents on because apparently all trolls talk like country bumpkins now! 😂
Now in the crudavan to prove Piotr is babysitting, moans about him says he pisses her off when he disagrees with her or says his opinion when his opinion isn't needed, says sometimes she barely speaks to him because he always argues and have a different opinion to her.
Talks about Alan, sounds like he's quite a clever lad, him and piotr do lots of trivia games together. She says Alan knows about 150 countries but 'I only know one country and that's Cornwall!' 😂😂😂 yup she really is that thick! 😂 😂 😂
Says they like educational shit because they are wierd but she likes cbeebies... Yeah it shows Jo!
Says she might save money by printing the school logo and put it on Lowens clothes instead of buying actual uniform with the logo on.
Bought a new kettle in a car boot for piotr.... But there was one on the wishlist that someone said earlier that they bought although they said it won't be any good in a van so might return it for a refund.... Surely a kettle is still going to be ok in a van??! 😂
And that was it, said lots to upload but she says that every week.
Jo I live really close to you, am no country bumpkin, and as for your reach, it’s about as long as that squished coke widened nose on your mucky face, we don’t comment, your gang set on anyone who disagrees, like a pack of dogs, like I said it’s ok for you to say what you want but no one else can, as for your rapist lodger, apart from his sexual predelictions he possibly is a good dad, his kid sounds smart, meanwhile Lowen can say wow, cute and chips… oh dear me…
Oh Jo, I definitely hate you, but I dont hate myself, I hate how you manipulate the vulnerable, you lie and twist things, you don’t look after your animals, your child has no manners or social skills… again, why would I be jealous, my horses want for nothing, including a vet when needed and they’ve definitely never suffered needlessly like you allow yours to,the thing is you say the haters don’t bother you, but boy, you sure go on about them alot don’t you 😂😂😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Aww and a video of brave brave Jo out riding with Brooke and they swapped horses so Jo could ride Hugo because she's so brave even though Hugo has never done anything to her she lost her confidence but now she's riding him one handed because she's so brave.
According to Jo "I've ridden Hugo a couple of times before Brooke started riding him".... Umm actually Jo you sat on him in the stable for ten seconds whilst someone else held him (what happened to Natikka?... Oh yeah you bitched about her being too fat to ride Jack and she was never seen again!) and you rode him out of the gate and up the lane for thirty seconds on another occasion so not really riding is it?
But anyway back to brave brave Jo who's teaching Brooke all she knows because she's realised that she's actually a good rider and knows a lot and helping Brooke is giving her confidence and reminding her that she really can ride.
But again let's talk about Jo because she's so brave for riding Hugo even though a schoolkid is riding him several times a week but Jo is the one being brave so let's just remember that folks.
She might be brave but not clever enough to wear high vis whilst out on the country lanes unlike Brooke but I guess as always Jo knows best.
Did I mention how brave Jo is??!
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VIP Member
Thanks for the recap Pepperpot. Excellent as always

I like the way she mentions she on the breadline when it comes to treating an animal but can spend hundreds on Botox and eye procedures. I wouldn’t mind but she’s the worst advert for any of it. She looks about 60! Even her landlord is telling her she looks old. 😂😂 I’m loving that for you Jo


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she loves Monty Roberts, learnt so much from him, plans to do lots of natural horsemanship with them all.
PMSL if she can get her arse off of her sofa! she hasnt yet. Its all very well putting up round pens, you've gotta use them Jo, not just bloody look at them. Even Monty Roberts handles his foals and halter breaks them. He doesn't leave them in a field feral unable to walk in hand. It doesn't take much either, look at Ginny . Lazy witch .........waiting eagerly for the join up video's .I cant wait . :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
🤣🤣🤣 brilliant was she deliberately trying to look like a slapper 🤣 it’s amazing how she can’t leave her child she just wants to be with him, but pretty sure she was thinking or I could pull something here, and find that man that can pay my way 🤪 so yep that’s then ok to leave him 🙄🤣🤣 sure she will be telling everyone she pulled and wouldn’t put past her to stick her legs in the air anyway no matter who offered 🤷‍♀️😂😂😂 although as long as they watch her lives so they know she has thrush and you wouldn’t stick anything up there, and if they did the sexual health clinic is your next stop !!!!
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Lies all the time...then gets caught out..trouble is when your a lier you have got to remember what u said ....
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