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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
And so is Kath a brainwashed idiot, Jo has set it up nicely now so Kath keeps a group going so she knows she will get gifts, as they have been very minimal lately and she can say oh it’s all Kath’s idea 💡. Mmmm yes Kath she has got you doing her dirty begging work for her now !!!! You dum idiot
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She’s just a greedy bitch! Only wants enough to put a roof over their heads and food on the table! Ok then. What about the Botox. The eye treatment. The horse lorry. Nights out. Constant toys for lowen, yep those all sound like necessities! She is doing very well. A lot better than most for doing absolutely nothing and yet still she moans at the very people that are paying for her! She’s unreal and the people that pay for her are even more daft than her if that’s possible
And for gods sake maybe use some of all that money on some English lessons! It’s pronounced month not mumpf! Trailer trash
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annable 123

Well-known member
This just sums her up. Such a f*****g bitch.
Jo, judging by your snarky comments you have been looking on here, you are irresponsible, you breed wily Nily, your mutts like your horses haven’t good breeding, I was always taught you don’t breed from crap….,what a shame Adrian didn’t use a condom, because you are definitely crap stock and should’ve been sterilised
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yep she definitely seems proud of the fact he's feral, he's so rude as well, she says "excuse me " and he just grunts "what?"
I actually don't believe he made that bridge, I think she did it knowing what he would do because it's content. Also she even says beforehand about safety police so if you know people might comment why post it especially as we know she gets so pissed off but again it's content.
Her whole page is just so boring, that video isn't new, she just edits one video into several smaller ones and releases them over a few days because she's too lazy to do new videos.
Her lives are just repeated rants about the same subjects ie Adrian or stories she's told multiple times before like how she ended up with all her animals etc or are just her talking about the stuff we've already seen on the posts and videos, there's rarely anything new or different.
I think with this video she is trying to say look how clever my child is with his problem solving yet is blind to the fact he's rude, can't talk properly and does whatever he wants to do.
He will struggle at school as he's not used to being told he can't do something, I also wonder how he will cope at lunch time, his diet is awful so he probably won't eat a school dinner and I believe schools are quite strict with packed lunches so if she sends him with a box of crisps, biscuits, cake and chocolate she will be pulled up on it which she won't like.
I honestly think he will only last a few weeks if that, she will claim he's unhappy and not ready for school and pull him out which technically she can do because he doesn't actually need to be in an educational system until he's five.
I do feel sorry for him because he's going to suffer because of her negligence and failure to bring him up properly.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Live out in the stables, bringing Hugo and Trixie in for the night, Hugo sore as had shoes off, gives him bute, says he's still sore on his back and has lost lots of muscle, needs to ask the vet if she can build his muscle up without having to give him the nerve block injections as she won't be riding him.
Says she can't afford to feed two horses in the stable hence why Trixie is in as she needs less hay and bedding. Trixie looks really sad, doesn't like being in probably because she always shared with Ginny.
Bella kicks out at JB who slips and nearly falls over, Jo says he's got a lot weaker but she won't pay for meds as they just mask the issue and won't cure him but she won't let him suffer, if she gets five more years with him then he will be doing well. No point paying for flexion tests as he's 100% lame, he's fucked, says she knows the next time she calls the vet for him it will be to say goodbye, she's not throwing money at him because he can't be fixed.
Says she didn't want to sell Hugo but he was her most valuable horse and she could have got £12,000 for him hence putting him on sales livery but they fucked up and put too small a bridle on him, that money would have been her and Lowens future.
Gives Hugo food with bute in but he won't eat it so calls him a dick, moans about wasting it and it's expensive, puts it in a syringe but can't mix it properly with the water, can see puffs of powder coming out as not mixed, gives it him anyway and says she will leave the food as well as it won't hurt him to have more, only got one sachet left, lyn will give her more if she decides to give it to him but she just wanted to take the edge off.
Says next big expense is new rugs for winter, says its never ending, she feels like she's not caught up all year, having to buy hay she's not been able to save she's had so many vet bills.
But on a positive note she didn't have to spend £750 on a saddle or £85 on shoes for Hugo.
Ginny is really happy but she doesn't keep checking on her as it's too hard because she loves her. She tried so hard with her but she tried to kill him twice and lowen did nothing to make her hate him..
Moans that they have pissed on the hay calling them names, says such a waste.
Needs to wash and sell Sevens rugs as he's too big for them now so that money will go towards new ones.
Her friend might come to wring the cockrells neck if she asks, he shoots and knows how to wring it's neck fast so it doesn't suffer, she's given it the best chance and done everything she can for him, she doesn't want to pay the vet to wring it's neck, she doesn't think it's in pain but it's not happy and doesn't have a good quality of life.
And that's it mostly, lots of long drawn out stories, lots of lies and lots of moaning about having no money so no different to any other week really!
Says she plans to ride afyer taking lowen to school tomorrow. She said on the live on the main page earlier she was late on his first full day on Friday, fell asleep and woke at nine, fed him breakfast in the car and got him there at half nine.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So jo has posted on the supporters group showing the comments she was talking about on her live that Paula made, the replies Jo gave and the private messages between them, jo messaged her first which just shows how despite what she says she can't cope with any negative comments plus the profile pic although she says Paula deactivated her account. I can't screenshot it as it's a video of jo scrolling back and forth but Jo does her usual "be kind" shit but Paula gives as good as she gets to be honest so good on her for that! 😂
She comments at one point telling Paula to go back to Tattle and also calls her Mrs P! 😂
Sorry Jo you are way off the mark there, firstly it's Miss not Mrs P and secondly I'm not Paula, I never comment on your posts/videos or even react to them, I'm not that stupid, I keep to Tattle because then you can't delete so you thinking Paula's way of writing is the same as mine shows you are as deluded as Julia thinking you are her friend!😂
Back to the drawing board eh Jo, these pesky Tattlers really do piss you off don't they.....not that you read here obviously! 😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Jo really can't stand it when people try to advise or criticise she's so rude.
According to the RWAF (rabbit welfare association and fund) which consists of the most experienced and qualified rabbit experts in the country a rabbits diet should be :
85% Grass and/or good quality hay available 24/7
10% Fresh herbs and/or veg (fruit should be kept to a minimum due to sugar content, a one inch piece once or twice a week max)
5% Good quality nuggets

The woman saying about skin is wrong, it's fine but Jo is correct about the pips, she's also right to feed a complete nugget rather than a muesli based mix but Jo is overfeeding them.
The woman saying a half inch bit of veg is wrong, the only thing that would be correct with is carrot as they are high in sugar, a handful of herbs or veg each day is fine but some like broccoli can cause gas and some like kale are high in calcium but fed in moderation is fine.
Equally as important as diet is neutering to prevent cancer especially in females as 80% of female rabbits over 5 develop uterine cancer and yearly vaccinations against myximatosis and vhd, Jo won't vaccinate because it's expensive, she doesn't vaccinate her horses so certainly won't bother with a rabbit.
Rabbits are crepuscular meaning most active at dawn and dusk, they should have access to a secure predator proof area a minimum of 60sq feet 24/7. Shutting them in a tiny hutch like the one Jo has all night is not acceptable but sadly it's how many rabbits are kept, often getting no excercise at all, at least Jo's does have space during the day but again rabbits shouldn't be kept with chickens etc.
Any decent rabbit rescue will ensure all their rabbits are neutered and vaccinated and will have a minimum size home requirement and it would need to be fully predator proof which again Jo's isn't as it has no overhead cover, anything could dig in or out and chicken wire isn't fox proof.
No decent rescue would allow Jo to adopt with her current set up and you can't just put two rabbits together, they have to be slowly introduced and bonding can take anything from a couple of days to several weeks even months.
Looked after properly the average life span is 8-10 years (less for giant breeds) but many can live longer even up to 14 years.
However given the other one of Jo's didn't even last 24hrs I don't think this one that's left will be around for long. It certainly isn't living in luxury, she's deluded if she thinks that.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I think they are deliberately making out that it's all down to kaff and that Jo has just helped with some gift ideas so that Jo isn't the target for "haters" accusing her of begging/scrounging again because she got so much stick for the Girlcat fiasco.
He doesn't NEED anything, he was managing perfectly fine before he was arrested and if he does need to replace things that are broken or worn then he should use his own money to do so just like the rest of us do. The clothing for Alan is a piss take, he lives with his mother the majority of the time, Piotr collects him when he's staying with him so it's up to him to tell the mother to provide more clothes, or as mentioned Piotr can buy some for him, there are plenty of places to buy cheap stuff these days.
None of them are even thinking about the fact if he ends up living in a tiny flat and especially a converted van he isn't going to have space for non essential items like a bloody George foreman grill!
The fact he hasn't even bothered to do a video saying thank you says to me he knew exactly what was happening, that his "shock" was all staged and that he's just as much of a lying scammer as Jo which isn't a suprise given what we now know about him. All these idiots are going to regret their actions when he next gets arrested for rape/sexual assault/violence etc and he will do because people rarely change and he will get cocky thinking he got away with it before so will get away with it again. I look forward to Jo and Kaff trying to defend their "wonderful honest caring innocent" friend then.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Was it just nera she got neutered? Is Dyson still intact? Just thinking with her getting another female dog
Hes entire, she refuses to neuter because she claims the vet told her it might change his personality and she can't risk that with Lowen 🙄
She insists otherwise but we are convinced Dyson fathered Neras last litter hence the small litter and deformed puppy and we know she wasn't separating them properly when she was in season.
Someone has already commented about the risk of puppies and got a rude sarcastic response from her that she might breed them.
As already mentioned further back we think she will find a similar breed to Daisy and breed her to try and get more money as she moaned Nera only had three puppies which wasn't enough for a house deposit so watch this space 🙄
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Well-known member followers are cash is slow......I may have to go on the streets ... with my minge in a bow
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I’m not saying I’m a saint but F me there is something not right here 🤷‍♀️
Firstly I’d never arrange a collection for anyone that has been found guilty of his charges!!
Id never let that person anywhere near my kids 🙄 EVER !!!

she needs to get a grip of her own life, I can’t believe anyones life is that sad that they need to latch on to this 🤷‍♀️
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She also as usual looks bloody filthy dirty! And I don’t mean that in the kinky way 😂😂
Oh hang on she was going swimming after. The only wash she ever gets
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annable 123

Well-known member
Ok so the hypocrisy continues, not sure if this is to turn Piotr the perv on, we know how he likes a bit of duct tape don’t we, or make a stand against cruelty to animals, which again is hilarious the conditions hers are kept in either way Jo has a very short memory, likening tying a dogs mouth up with duct tape and having a strap tie a horses mouth shut …. Incidentally my lad has no strap but I’m not gonna diss anyone who does, then I thought I’m sure I’ve seen Jo In similar… and lo and behold, really Jo, you are a fucking piece of work, do as I say not as I do lol, even worse he’s crossing his jaw and resisting in that pic, a bit like the horse in the first pic lol… HYPOCRITE 🙄🙄🙄


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
They are pathetic videos, she's just so desperate for content these days because she knows people are bored of seeing the same stuff all the time. She actually thinks she's funny and the idiots enable her by telling her what she wants to hear. Given that most of them can barely string a sentence together it's hardly surprising, it's clear from their comments and posts many of them are as thick as she is and as emotionally immature as her.
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
She was at blame for not getting him fully x-rayed at the time, I’m sorry but a badly fitting bridle may be uncomfortable but doesn’t generally cause horses to tear over backwards 🙄 then not having checked before Brooke riding him , not bring him back into work regularly because he would have lost back muscle is the cause of the result now, as already mentioned his saddle don’t fit because of that reason, but it’s always someone else and not Jo

Very ironic that now two of her home breeds can no longer be ridden because of issues sorry that’s not just bad luck that a crap horse ownership, because she’s not got them looked at correctly when needed and never follows through with any vet advice.

Even if not ridden back pain will still be sore for him, but I bet he never sees the vet again 🥹🥹🥹
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annable 123

Well-known member
She said they are fine when outside walking it's just indoors she has to separate so Daisy has been sleeping in her room
Sorry it takes seconds, when I lived in a caravan I got up to make a cuppa and my husky was on my Jack Russell before you could switch the kettle on… I had to take her for an injection to stop puppies coming

Oooh come find me, not fucking hard, I’m only down the road, and see you at the odd show… waves at you, that’ll get you thinking, I can hear that 1 brain cell whirring I’m that close to you 😆😆😆
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annable 123

Well-known member
Jo has the main page and the supporters page. Ko-fi is a completely different platform.
The gift group and fairies were set up by supporters not Jo so aren't hers.
Helping Hand was set up by Kaff it's not part of Jo's pages although obviously it was set up for Piotr. It was public for the first couple of days and then Kaff made it private and hidden because of "trolls" it's funny though because she thinks that by making it private she can filter out the trolls but she has no more idea who the trolls are than Jo! 😂
She did a post once saying that anyone who hadn't donated or commented clearly wasn't in the group for the right reason so she would remove them but lots of people begged not to be removed just because they couldn't afford to donate so she backtracked. 50 people donated or bought gifts but there's currently 219 members so the majority didn't donate for whatever reason. I think Kaff thought she was being big and hard by threatening to remove people but it's obviously she's as clueless and pathetic as all the idiots who donated to the sex pest.

This is just one of the gushing comments made on the Help a Sex Pest Page after the live.
It's very noticeable how many of the people who bought gifts for him are the same people who buy for Jo and Lowen, they are completely blind to how much they are being lied to and scammed, they believe every fake word that comes out of Jo's mouth.
(by beans she means the money box made to look like a can of beans that the £1000 was in)
My throat is so full of puke, they make me sick
It’s quite worrying by how cultish it’s becoming 😳
And Cuntish 🙈🙈🙈🙈
She can do whatever she likes to her hair, nothing can hide the fact she has a massive nose! 😂
She looks absolutely hideous in those pics but of course her minions are telling her she looks beautiful and her hair suits her whatever colour.
She needs dunking in a bath of bleach, she looks filthy 🤢
She’s looking like a transvestite in those pics, to go with her man hands and goat eyes 🙈
I know it’s been said before but it’s uncanny


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