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Well-known member
Reading this has she really done what you are all saying! Just let one of the horses free in an open field because it was ‘bored’! Did she put a video up of her doing it, if she did it wants sharing everywhere to show just how fucking stupid and irresponsible she really is.
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The worst thing about her is her scavenging for money all the time, I’ve caught up on other pages I follow tonight and every single one of those is doing something for others 🙄

None of them have subscribers they just earn money from there videos and views, because they post everyday properly, they don’t slag people off, they don’t moan constantly about there life or beg for money, and what they do get they always give something back to others , and that’s why they have bigger followers and don’t have a tattle page like begger Jo.

one page who has been given money for there kid’s birthday is donating it all to someone to have IVF.

where as Jo is begging for people to pay for her kids banners and balloons, paper plates and all his presents 🎁

she is just a scammer and dirty tramp that wants everyone to pay for her to sit on her arse all day 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
If I'm thinking of the same people they do have a tattle page unfortunately not sure why x
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Sorry she didn't go live until gone ten and it was a long one.
Anyway lowen has being poorly with croup all week, her friends Kay and Mark were late arriving on Friday and the hairdresser was late and Jo cried when she took lowen to her mum's for the night because she was so stressed and anxious about leaving him especially as he was ill.
Her night out started ok but she was really pissed off that no one asked her for ID! 😂 She think she still looks like she's in her 20's but everyone else was being asked except her! She said it must be because Piotr was there and he looks old.
Then she says that when she used to go out everyone got dressed up but now noone bothers and they were all in jeans etc 😂 says maybe she dresses old fashioned! Tell us that you read Tattle without telling us you read Tattle Jo!😂😂😂
She rants for ages about not getting asked for ID etc and it's clear Miss P's comment about her outfit has hit a nerve, says maybe she's too old to go out now. Then says she needs more Botox and is going back to have her eyes done again in two weeks.
She met an Irish guy, she loves the Irish accent but he had blue eyes which she doesn't normally go for but he had bleached hair and a sleeve tattoo, he's working on the road on the A30 near her house, says she told him she has animals and a kid and is very busy and doesn't normally look like she does now but he wanted to take her out the next day and meet her horses and lowen.
And then the night went shit because although she only spoke to him for half an hour Kay got pissed off with her and stormed out, jo got pissed off because although it was Kay's birthday she felt it was her night too as she rarely goes out and she just wanted to have fun and can't stand it when people constantly want her attention . She was already stressed about lowen and had spent all day looking after him whilst they were all outside sunbathing etc and then Kay moaned when she was just trying to have fun.
So basically they got food, went home without talking to each other in the taxi, next morning Jo refused to talk to her for two hours and wasn't going to see her again but eventually they made up but they have gone to stay somewhere else instead of staying with jo until Wednesday as was planned but she will possibly see them before they go
Says she doesn't want friends who constantly need her attention, ringing and messaging because she already spreads herself so thin between her child and animals and she's got nothing left to give , she feels she doesn't have friends because they piss her off but Piotr knows her well and doesn't do that. Her and Kay are ok, they have been friends years but probably only because they don't see each other often.
So yet again Jo acts like a bitch but blames others, it was her friend's birthday, they had planned this night for months, hadn't seen each other for five years but Jo says her friend was in the wrong for getting shitty with her for chatting a bloke up instead of being with her. She also said she thinks there was more too it, that Kay was annoyed with Piotr because men didn't talk to her because they thought she was with him but that she also has anxiety and mh issues, so basically blaming everything else and taking no responsibility as usual. I think it will be a lot longer than five years before they see each other again!
She waffled on about loads of other shite, repeating stuff about Jack being ill, her being really irritable last week, having to do tax stuff and pay £1000 but also needs to claim more expenses than she did before so is hoping for a rebate, mentions lowens birthday a couple more times etc and that was mostly it, she went off at one point and Piotr came on and spoke about exams he's doing for his job and all the supporters were saying they love him and he's such a good friend to joke etc
Jo says he's living with her but still insists he goes to her dad's to sleep, her live didn't finish until half eleven and he was still there! It's so obvious he's sleeping at hers I don't know why she's trying to cover it up unless it's something dodgy to do with benefits or something.
Said the usual about having loads to upload and that was pretty much it I think.
I expect her little black dress will be on her next bonfire!! 😂

Also watched her thank you video, apart from teabags from Alison everything was from Kaff and Julia, sad fuckers are trying to see who can send the most, Kaff is definitely in the lead for the biggest twat award but it's close.
Mentions lowens birthday AGAIN, says she doesn't expect gifts, following and subscribing is enough but if people want to send stuff....
Lowens speech is still awful, couldn't understand most of what he said, she claims he's fully toilet trained, he had his dummy which she said he could have because he's poorly but he's not normally allowed it during the day. She's hired the same inflatable bouncy castle thing she had before even though he never went on it and he hates loud music but is having a tractor/farm theme again, Kaff of course has already bought paper plates, cups, banners etc I guess she has to because all the other stuff jo put on her wishlist is still there at the moment hence all the hints from Jo, no doubt she will add more in the hope her hints will work.
Why doesn't she pay for her son's party etc. It's her responsibility.. she gets maintenance off Adrian for that , plus child tax credit child benefits etc. I think Julia and Kath both need a head wobble don't they see she is playing one against the other and bitching behind their backs about them. They will look back and realise how much she has used them.. just like all the others she uses and then pushes them away when they are surplus to requirements!!
With him having that speech problem and not liking loud music isn't that a ear problem
Could be autism?
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Did he actualy get injured rearing up though? Or has he got kissing spines which causes the rearing in the first place. Has she actually put the X-Rays on fakebook so others can look at them? Horses don’t rear for no reason so if he did have kissing spines I won’t be falling off my chair in shock.
She says he injured his back because when he reared he fell backwards, she is spinning the narrative that he only reared because of the small bridle/wrong bit but as we know it's not the first time he's reared.
She very briefly showed the vet looking at the xrays and I think he said its not kissing spine but did show evidence of trauma which would go with his history ie whatever Jo told him, it was only a short clip so I'm sure he said a lot more than she showed
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annable 123

Well-known member
Oh I wish you'd been the judge too! 😂
Would you be allowed to disqualify her for being a twat??!
If only lol
Lies all the time...then gets caught out..trouble is when your a lier you have got to remember what u said ....
Exactly, she’s too thick and babbles on because she has no filter… no brain either
Good to see the face painting post featured the "he doesn't have a dummy during the day anymore". Slapping face paint on her but still clutching the dummy in his other hand. His speech is terrible and I speak from experience working with reception aged children. The damage she has done to his teeth is awful. His teeth look black when he actually opens his mouth wide enough to see. If he doesn't get referred to a speech and language therapist I'll be amazed.
Oh but we don’t know what we are on about, we have no children and are jealous lol… I assure you, I’m not jealous of that thing …
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Omg just seen it.....babbling..
Special needs act more there age
Poor kids not got much going for him. Can't speak , sing etc.
He will either be the class bully or the class bullied !
I wouldn't like my child to be in his class with fears of my child going backwards/ babyish if hanging around with him
Jo needs to spend quality time with him , having conversation with him on a one to one instead of allowing him to run riot with no parental control. Notice her family never seem to get involved now.. is it family all around to Jo's for Christmas this year??
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
But she's such a wonderful caring mumma who does the best for her boy!!
Pushing the sensory issues thing now, just in time for school so she can excuse his behaviour and lack of talking properly etc on some kind of learning difficulty etc rather than take the blame for her crap parenting.
His biggest issue is having her as his mother.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
New video on main page, tractor in topping the fields, still saying she gave the quad back because she didn't use it much, it took up loads of space and the attachments were expensive so cheaper to get the farmer in.
Puts ear defenders on lowen because he doesn't like the noise of the tractor, says she's noticing he is very sensory with things, there are boys in her family who are on the spectrum, she's monitoring him and obviously see what happens when he starts school but she thinks he's perfectly normal but obviously she will support him through whatever he needs.
But she doesn't read Tattle where we have mentioned it numerous times 😂
She will love it if he does get diagnosed, more attention and sympathy, more ammunition to use against Adrian 'I'm a single mumma to a child with special needs and his biological does nothing for him' and of course the perfect excuse to get away with his bad behaviour, blame it on his diagnosis rather than the fact she's dragging him up.
Chasing Seven and Trixie around to put fly rugs and masks on.... But she can do anything with her horses! 😂
She's going to set up her square pen again to use as a schooling pen, so that will be a five minute wonder again.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
On the scrounge again, obviously doesn't want to pay out for a new saddle and I reckon she's getting pissed off with Piotr living with her despite all the work he's doing, she's getting desperate to kick him out so she can go back to being even lazier than normal, I expect she's exhausted from cooking and cleaning for him!


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She got Daisy on the 12th August. Says she came into season the day after so had to keep her separate from Dyson , yet she was walking all of them on the 15th and 18th so that was a lie.
She said they are fine when outside walking it's just indoors she has to separate so Daisy has been sleeping in her room
  • Haha
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I think his speech is better in that he is using sentences rather than just two or three words and he is trying to use proper words rather than just babble, his pronunciation is very poor though.
I think school has definitely helped him although I expect Jo will say the same as she did with pre school, that yes it's helped but only because she did all the groundwork!
Hopefully school will help him enough to be able to catch up with his peers and will show that he doesn't actually have autism or anything and that he's just behind because of how he's been dragged up but of course then she will do an about turn and start spouting about how she knew there was nothing wrong with him all along!
You can guarantee that whatever happens nothing will be her fault and she will use the situation for her own gain for attention, sympathy or money.

On a separate note she's away with him and her mum this weekend so doubt there will be a live tonight as not home until tomorrow.
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The things I do for you lot! 3.5hrs she was live!!!
Most of it was the usual shite about Adrian, owes £800 in arrears, messages her disgusting sexual stuff, wants her back, never asks about Lowen blah blah blah
Loads of stuff about how she's so aware of her emotions since having a breakdown, being on antidepressants, how she's supporting a friend through a break up but because she has PTSD from her relationship with him it's bought it all back 🙄 She talks about him on lives a lot but not because she's bovvered about him or cares what he does.
Says she wants a new car but she thinks she's only thinking that to show Adrian she's doing well without him.. She doesn't compare herself with family and friends just people she hates and she's been trying to understand her thought processes, this shit went on for about two hours guys, I had tea, washed up etc while she was rabbiting on in the background, it was so boring and all lies and made up crap. Reckons she messaged the girl Adrian was with before her and this girl said Jo hasn't done anything wrong, it's all Adrian. Jo says he's a compulsive liar and because he sees his other child regularly he will probably try and use that to say it's her fault she doesn't see Lowen. Says police won't help her because she does respond in anger sometimes and call him a cunt etc. She has all the letters from the CSA to prove he didn't pay and one day lowen will read her diary and know that his dad didn't want him. I honestly think she has some kind of personality disorder, she's really not right in the head, she lies so much that I think she actually believes her own shit.
Some woman has messaged her saying she's a troll hunter! 😂 😂 😂 She tracks trolls down but Jo says she probably won't get in touch with her because she's not interested in her trolls, she doesnt care, she hasn't looked at the "hate group" for ages! 😂 Trolls don't affect her life so she doesn't need to know who they are 😂 well that's good Jo because that hunter won't be able to find out who any of us are!
She's getting rid of her sofa, it's uncomfortable... I've never know anyone change their sofa so often, also wants to paint the crudavan. Doesn't hate her hair anymore but does want it longer again. Says brown suits her, makes her eyes pop and makes her look younger 😂
Doesn't think the laser surgery has made any difference to her eyelids but has helped her crows feet, wants more botox, would like surgery on her eyes but can't afford it.
Lowen said fucking hell again, her sister and brother laughed, Jo says its because he's being dragged up not brought up... But she doesn't read Tattle! 😂
Says she has lots to upload... I always say that don't I but it takes ages to edit everything..... But she doesn't read Tattle! 😂
Vet Jo felt Hugos back and he didn't flinch so she thinks in time she will probably be able to ride him for 20 minutes now and then, she thinks it was Brook riding four times a week for over an hour each time that made him sore but he will be fine if she rides him. Brook has found a horse she wants to buy.
Goes out to shut birds away, says Cockerell is much better but he was already shut away as the duck picks on him, no mention of trimming his beak. Says she thinks only one chick is male which is good as the other one is on his way out..... So one minute it's doing well the next it's on its way out? And she claims it was shut away yet could have put it in its own run so it wasn't bullied. I smell a rat, reckon it's worse but she won't pay for the vet obviously and I bet she knew people would comment about it's beak if she hasn't trimmed it. Just seemed dodgy to me.
Says "Julia you keep messaging me but I can't cope with you bombarding me, I'm not ignoring you, well I am because I've put you on mute" then addresses the supporters saying 'Julia messages me a lot but I don't have the energy to reply all the time, I read them but by the time I get round to replying she's messaged again and I can't cope so I mute her' says she tells her so much in one message practically everything from what she ate for breakfast to every single detail of what she's done that morning etc and says she doesn't have the time to respond each time. Says if someone messages all the time it just gets too much, she can't deal with people being so needy and wanting her attention.
I actually think that was a really bitchy thing to do, openly slagging Julia off to the others but Julia is so thick she didn't seem to get the hint and just said she had been poorly and hadn't seen her pony for a few days!
Jo says one of Lowens new teachers will come to the crudavan to meet him, they do it with all the new kids to get to know them on home turf so they can meet and talk to them before they start.
Says lowen has been eating much better lately and trying new things which is good because school won't feed him chicken nuggets. She's happy he's eating better, she tries to give him a variety, turkey dinosaurs, chicken nuggets, chicken popcorn! 😂 He stopped eating bread but will now eat a chocolate spread sandwich.
All 'trildren' get free school meals but she spoke to the teacher and said he's fussy so she might send a packed lunch with him as well so even though it may not be very healthy he will have something to eat if he refuses the dinner.
BUT SHE DOESN'T READ TATTLE!!! 😂😂 😂 😂 😂 I mean seriously, I literally wrote about him not eating school dinners today! 😂 It's farcical how she tries to keep up the pretence that she doesn't read here 😂😂
Back to her hair and looks, says compared to some people she went to school with she's aged much better than them. She doesn't like her nose but she's learning to embrace it, she wouldn't want anyone else's nose but she'd like hers a bit smaller. It's because someone years ago told her her nose spreads out across her face! 😂..... No Jo it wasn't someone years ago, it was us here on Tattle, you know, the hate group that you never read?! 😂
There was loads more about her emotions, feelings, how she's so raw and open on her lives, she vents about Adrian but doesn't sit thinking about him for hours, she just goes through her thought process on the live and it helps her to understand why she feels how she does, she doesn't know anyone else on social media who is as open about their life as she is, trolls say she contradicts herself but she doesn't she just goes through her thought process.... That would be the trolls on Tattle that she never reads but knows they say that she contradicts herself, riiight! 😂
Wants to start selling hoodie again once lowen at school, won't pay for a website, people will have to message her, won't pay for stock just order what people want as they pay for it, will be for supporters only to start, grey hoodies with white writing.
Piotr comes in, been fishing all day, she says he has been sleeping at hers for the last week, they cleared it with his probation officer, it's easier for him to sleep at hers because he's doing all the work on the van, we know that's bollocks, he's been there the whole time, wonder if she is trying to make out its all been approved to stop anyone from reporting him for being there.
A supporter asks if you have to pay council tax on a caravan and she says yes then quickly reads another question 😂 another Tattler has said she doesn't pay it so again trying to put people off the scent I think.
Someone points out that she let Daisy out for a wee ages ago but hadn't let her back in, it's a good half hour before she notices others asking about Daisy and just says oh she's fine she won't go anywhere.
Talks to Piotr for ages explaining all the stuff she had talked about on the live, really boring, supporters all wetting their knickers over Piotr, asking him questions and saying they are good together etc he's not divorced from his ex yet. Jo insists he's like a brother to her, would never sleep with him.
Eventually she goes and Miss P sighs with relief and then realises she has to write all this shite up for you guys!! 😂
Gold 🎖🎖🎖🎖 and gold 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 for you listening all that drivel 👍
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Don't think I've ever commented on her page so not blocked but look at it less and less these days. Just same old shit with her.
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annable 123

Well-known member
Is Kaff on drugs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

really 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jo likes coke …. Justsaying
Apparently Jo did go and get his stuff but they claim that what was left was in a bad state and the reason for the clothes for his kid is because he never has enough of his own when he stays with his dad however that's bollocks because Jo has said numerous times he goes to Plymouth to get him so why does he not say to the kids mother to give him extra clothes.
Or here's a novel idea, why doesn't Piotr actually go out and buy some himself?!
The coffee was because he doesn't like the cheap stuff Jo buys, well sorry but he's clearly staying at hers rent free in return for doing all the jobs around the garden etc and he has a job so if he wants coffee he can buy it.
I do agree that whilst some of her supporters are just looking for recognition and adoration there are some who are clearly very vulnerable and being used by Jo because she preys on the weak and less intelligent people and uses them to her advantage. You only have to read some of the comments and posts to see that they are not the brightest folk, many have health and mental health issues, some appear to be quite lonely.
There's no way Jo would have mentioned Piotr's trial on the main page, she tried to keep it quiet for supporters but clearly wasn't expecting it to be in the local press as much as it was, it's only because it was local news that the majority know nothing about it, if they did the backlash would have been immense and she knows it.
As it is she lied about a lot of it and of course her minions believed everything she said, there were some who didn't even read the articles preferring to just hear Jo's version of events. For those of us who read it all and in some cases have knowledge or experience of the judicial system or merely have a big enough brain to recognise when Jo is lying it's pretty obvious he's a nasty piece of work, happy to lie, cheat, blackmail and use violence with absolutely no respect for the sex workers he uses on a regular basis.
Why the hell these people are throwing money and gifts at him is beyond me.
As for Lowen and Piotr the older Lowen gets the more you can see Piotr in him.
Funny how after all the fuss about the DNA tests, the weeks of listening to her raging about it, the tears and the ranting when it came to the results she just said of course Adrian is the dad.
No pictures of the proof plastered all over her pages, no gloating posts, nothing.
So either the test was never asked for by Adrian and carried out in the first place and it was all just another attention seeking story or it was done but as was already suspected Adrian is not the father.
Miss Pepperpot you nailed it, she can’t keep her gob shut about anything when she thinks she’s in the right, smiling gleefully with her cold goat eyes, she’d be waving the DNA proof all over, including her private Facebook page, tiktok, you name it, I’m thinking he never wanted DNA it’s all make believe, like she’s a lifeguard 😝😝😝 then says in one of her pics she doesn’t like swimming, mind you she’s a decorator too, you wouldn’t think so, the state of her place so yes, miss NVF lives in a fantasy world but it looks your supporters numbers are dropping quicker than stithians lake in this drought…& that can only be good news, I’ll raise a glass…. Cheers
In other words keep sending money so he can buy a van.
And Jo has a nerve saying how expensive rent is when she only pays about £250 for her place and doesn't pay council tax apparently.
By the time they’ve humiliated him he will be knocking on the prison doors to be let back in…. Bonus
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