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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Hi Kaff! Isn't it lucky you have Tattlers to help you out by saying that the sex pest won't have room for all the items you've put on the wishlist?! Only yesterday I mentioned how the george forman grill, slow cooker and air fryer were still on it and all of a sudden today they have gone along with all the plates and bowls etc to be replaced with a portable shower!
Anything else we can help you with? How about you take on board that Jo is a vile lying narcissistic bitch who is only friends with you so she can bleed you dry and tell her to go fuck herself and go back to spending time and your money on your own family instead of that greedy scamming cow and her rapist sex pest mate.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And clearly Kaff is as thick as Jo given that Jo is admin on the page and will therefore see the post and know what's being planned. I guess it means she can choose what she wants to put on the wishlist for herself and Lowen.
And because bitching on her live about comments made by people concerned about her dogs getting hurt isn't enough the sarcastic cunt has made a video taking the piss out of them and showing the safety measures she has come up with.
Pathetic twat needs to grow the fuck up.
And of course now she's encouraging people to leave nasty comments towards those same concerned people, toxic bitch.


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When did the Sunday live become a ‘perhaps I will, perhaps I won’t, live’? Time after time most Sundays is late… short or …. not happening. And it’s always because of her emotions and she’s been busy. When do the excuses stop and she actually does the one thing that the supporters have paid you for. Of course everyone is ‘oh you have to rest’ and ‘we understand it’s been tough’ but this is your ‘job’ that you constantly tell people it is, so bloody do it 😡
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I wonder why this collection wasn't put on the main page.I wonder why it wasnt discussed on there, the reasons why they thought it was ok to donate to a scumbag who thought it was totally ok to tie a woman to a door handle and scare the life out of her.I wonder why they think its totally ok to pay for coffee and clothes for his child when he would have come with clothes from his mothers residence and as he is working, why he isnt paying for his own coffee?!!!!......... And more to the point, I would ask why people feel the need to keep giving money and gifts and what THEY are trying to get out of giving it..Do they think that they will become besties with this woman? Do they think that they will be in some way recognised? A narcissist has NO interest in them as people other than getting their narcissistic supply of adoration ,money and anything else they can con out of them .They are master manipulators and home in on people who are empathic.There is no 'you' in their head '.Its all me myself and I and when you stop giving, if she knows you, she will either kick off or drop you like a stone. I have watched this woman at work for years now. shes the master manipulator, but thank the lord, I really do think people are waking up to her games and that is why its kept off the main page, so others dont see it also from the comments .'Twats' some of them are I agree. You cant help stupid. But some of them I believe, are vulnerable people just trying to help, be nice, find connection and she's taking FULL advantage. Its those people I feel desperately sorry for, because they are the ones who are gonna get hurt and she wont give a hoot .
Kaff, you missed a trick not doing his stuff up with gaffer tape.He likes gaffer tape remember?!!!. she needs serious help .
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Exactly what I did .I kept scrolling and found a place to post ....I've never been a supporter, never commented on her posts,never been banned or deleted, so if I am a t***l, so be it. I am allowed an opinion. and I choose to do it here away from her and anyone else that is or could be offended.
I truly am grateful for the people posting here with backed up evidence in the way of screen shots that have come from Jo herself. You cant lie when its there in black and white and there lies the problem eh Jo ? You are so hell bent on controlling the narrative you forgot one thing .....All your dirty little secrets are all here for everyone to read.Good luck with that .I hope more people see the light .
That's the thing, she insists we twist her words and everything we say is a lie but we don't do either, there are loads of screenshots and video clips proving that the only liar is her but even then some of her minions are too thick and/or deluded to accept it.
What gets me is that Jo bleats on about how open, honest and kind she is, how people should be kind to each other, should just scroll by if they see something they don't like and yet she openly admits to stalking people and sending messages if she doesn't like a comment they have made, she posts their profiles on the supporters page, laughs and bitches about them and by not covering their identity encourages her supporters to attack them as well, she regularly bitches on her lives about her friends who she has fallen out with, some of whom were followers, she has posted videos of her and a friend pretending to have a disability, she posted a video of her and a friend messing around with the door on a train toilet actually stopping a chap from using it, she thought it was hysterical, was a crying with laughter, didn't give any thought yo the fact he may have had a medical condition such as IBS and needed that toilet, she was restricted by FB for sending abusive messages from the nvf page, she lied about damage to her lorry by the garage, deliberately posted their info and made no attempt to stop her supporters writing fake reviews and damaging their reputation, she has been threatened with court for slandering people on her lives, she has made some really nasty comments to followers on her page and has laughed when her supporters have jumped on someone even when they haven't said anything wrong, just expressed an opinion, she has sat back and allowed them to be bullied and this has happened multiple times.
How is that being kind?
How is that any different to what she accuses the people on this site of doing?
How is it vile and disgusting for people on here but absolutely fine for her?
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Cue Jo suddenly going back on dating sites, claiming to be talking to men etc all in yet another pathetic attempt to make Adrian jealous which is a joke given that she is the most insecure needy and jealous twat in Truro!
Can't believe she still tries to make out he's constantly messaging her saying he wants her back when it's clearly the last thing on his mind.
She just hates the fact he doesn't want her and she can't cope with not having control over him.
She will be the one bombarding him with messages once she reads here, sad cow.
And on it goes, absolutely unbelievable


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She was more interested then, had more supporters and more content to talk about, nowadays her lives rarely get more than 100 watching, she talks about the same things every single week, moans and whinges about money, Adrian and trolls and very little else. Her content is boring and repetitive, her child loud and disruptive and she just can't be bothered, she only does it to get attention and sympathy when it suits.
She uses the poor signal excuse to get out of doing it although interesting how she says the signal is so bad it's taking days to upload stuff yet yesterday she managed to edit and upload the video about Hugo and the vet with no issues at all! She's also posted numerous times in the last 12 hours or so both on NVF and her personal page, amazing how selective her signal can be.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Dear oh dear oh dear Kaff and Jo I've told you before, you will never get one over on Miss P, you need to have more than one brain cell between you to manage that! 😂
So Kaff posted on the 'Help the scroungers Page' saying how she had enjoyed a lovely weekend with Jo and that jo was so delighted with her coal and other gifts that she would do a thank you video and send it to Kaff to put on the page for everyone to see.
Kaff tagged Jo in the post.....Jo's name showed in blue.....on a post in a PRIVATE HIDDEN group that Jo supposedly removed herself from a couple of weeks ago!
If you are not a member of a private group you can not be tagged and you would not be able to see the post.
I checked the members list, no jojo listed so why is it blue?.....because they have hidden Jo as a member so she doesn't show up! 😂
I have my own private group and sure enough when I checked it gave me the option to 'hide myself'
So yet again they are lying and scamming supporters, making them believe Jo has no idea what's going on when all the time she has been able to see everything and has no doubt been telling Kaff what to suggest as gifts.
Jo's mum is also a member, why? She doesn't need to be a member, she's not going to be donating to the group is she?!
Bet the sex pest is a hidden member too.
Load of lying scammers the lot of them.
To those supporters who read here, wake up and smell the coffee, they are lying to you every fucking day you thick twats!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Oh bless her worried a crow had been shot and who would do that and just let them suffer 🙄🙄 well Jo you burnt one of your animals and picked it apart, you let your best friend indie die slowly because you kept her alive on Jo’s vet advice whilst she was suffering, and did the same for girl cat 🙄🙄 but oh no who would do that !!!!!!
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annable 123

Well-known member
This screams GDPA for you Jo you thick as fuck bint, I’m not saying his name but he’s looking very frail here, but I will be showing his family that you are parading your so called good deed( you think, despite being paid to do this ) this is a new low for you already struggling to find content, you are disgusting
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Active member
Had she never fucked up his home with the vet this would never have happened at all and he'd be in a loving home still 💔

Had she got him fully checked last year maybe he wouldn't be in the pain he is currently in.
It always leads back to her fucking up and them suffering as a consequence.
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annable 123

Well-known member
Show me Piotr is living there without showing me he’s living there, Jo you go into so much detail about how he stays at your dads and blah blah, basically, if your gob is open you are lying, you are as fake as they come, it’s funny actually, you should be a comedian, only it’s you who is the joke
Ah yes the pillow, she folds a blanket then quickly moves the pillow .
Because obviously everyone keeps a spare pillow on their sofa for the friend who lives with them but doesn't sleep there!
What a beautiful couple, the man who pays for sex and one who looks like she charges for it 🙈🙈🙈
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Live, Lowen was napping, had been since half four and it was half seven.
Hates her hair, prefers being blonde, kept saying its awful just awful. Says she's not loving her face either, the hair colour makes her look older. Watching love island she thinks she's in her 20's but she has to accept she's getting old.
Then she goes on a full rant about the comments on the main page video about Hugo, she thought she'd explained it clearly but obviously not, says people asking about lunging, a different saddle, doing rehab etc she's almost shouting, rolling her eyes, lots of big sighs, running her hands through her hair and over her face repeating over and over how it's having someone on his back that causes pain so using a different saddle won't help.
She's really getting shitty, almost snaps at a supporter asking a question but catches herself at the last second, says maybe she needs to do another video explaining again that Hugo is fucked.
Starts shouting about her signal as well getting stressed, says everyone would be better watching on replay instead of live because it doesn't cut out on replay (and earns you more money eh Jo?)
Says people put their horses through surgery and rehab etc because they are selfish and because they want their horse to do a job for them and they want to ride them.
She is being really rude and patronising saying that she isn't selfish, she won't put Hugo through injections etc just so her and Brooke can ride. Her horses are her babies, she doesn't have horses to be a tool for a job.
Nathan only loved JB while he could ride him, he didn't care once he broke down, just brushed him aside like rubbish like lots of people do when their horse can no longer be ridden.
If Hugo had been in someone else's hands they may not have xrayed him and might have passed him on not being honest about him..... So just like you then Jo?!
She sent Hugo to a sales livery with a friend.... well ex friend! 😂
She's angry it's someone else's fault, they didn't give a shit when it happened and wouldn't give a shit now, she can't prove what happened so no point trying to sue.
Anyone would think she's been reading Tattle! 😂
Brooke family have decided to buy her a horse so Jo has been pushing and encouraging them as it's the best thing ever, she's given loads of advice, had offered to find some for Brooke to look at and will go with her to see them, she thinks Brooke is so excited she will like everything she sees but Jo wants her to know however it feels to bond with the right horse so she will be there to guide her.
She might take Jack to another show at the end of the month.
She'd like to show Trixie if she lost weight, her friend led Trixie across the field yesterday and she was good for her first time, then Jo says again about her herd dynamics, she's the alpha, she can do whatever she wants with them, they aren't wild but they aren't show ready. 😂
Says she hadn't charged Brooke to ride Hugo but asked her to pay for the farrier because it's a lot of money for her to pay out when she wasn't riding him. So when she said she will save £85 on shoes now, it wasn't her paying anyway!
Lowen keeps saying fucking hell although he doesn't pronounce the f properly. He's turned into a whining little shit since he turned four, he takes the piss out of her with the constant whining, she's going to have to have a few days of really tough love because she says no a few times but then gives in and he knows this so now he has to learn but it will have to be a day she's mentally strong enough to endure it because it will be horrible for her but he has to learn he can't have his own way.
Hes not had his dummy except at bedtime but he whines for it, puts a baby voice on, fake cries and doesn't pronounce his words properly to get her to give it to him.... No Jo that's what he does all the time!
Her mum put him on the naughty step which she wasn't happy with cos she doesn't want other people to discipline him but realises he has to learn, she doesn't want people thinking her kid is awful, says has she created a monster! 😂
He was perfect at two and she was smug thinking she had the best child and she was the best parent but since he turned four he's become a prick.
She wants him to be a child and to have freedom to do what he wants, he kicks his wellies off and skids on his knees down the aisle in Tesco and she's happy for him to go wild and do what he likes.
She gets really hyper telling stories about how they play together and use their imagination to play like she's the only parent in the world who plays with their kid. She's really animated, doing voices, waving her arms etc the complete opposite to her ranting at the start of the live.
Lowen still asleep at nine, not eaten and still in his swim suit, goes on for ages about wether she should wake him up or let him sleep, last night he didn't go to sleep until after ten. Says if he wakes he can have a chocolate spread sandwich or a chocolate milkshake and she can take him for a walk with the dogs and then he might sleep again.
Eventually says bye and ends live.

So funny how she brings up everything we mention on here, she's clearly panicking about lowen going to school because she knows she's fucked up with him but has to put it to her minions so they can reassure her she's an amazing mum even though she knows deep down that what we say here is right..... Not that she reads here obviously! 😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
A hole in your heart that will never be filled? And yet you've barely mentioned her since you killed her and you haven't even bothered to scatter her ashes.
If you loved her that much you should have taken her to the vet sooner, you should have given her properly prescribed medication and pain relief from the vets instead of just self diagnosing her and shoving paracetamol and cbd into her. You should have sought professional advice about dosages instead of just making it up and overdosing her. YOU KILLED INDY Jo! YOU FAILED HER. YOU LET HER SUFFER. YOU MADE HER LAST FEW MONTHS HELL. AND THEN YOU DID SIMILAR WITH GIRLCAT.
You don't give a shit about your animals you just use them to make money and get you attention.
Let's just remind ourselves of your history with animals shall we, how anyone can say you are such an amazing kind loving owner is beyond me, you deserve nothing and no one.

A run down of the suffering /death of animals in Jo's "care" bearing in mind that these are just the incidents we know about, who knows what went on before NVF and off screen.
Feel free to add anything I've missed.
In no particular order...
- Goose burned it's face on hot bonfire ash she didn't make safe, she left it to suffer several days claiming she spoke to a vet on the phone and did what they told her but says the eye was full of maggots, claims she got a friend to kill the goose on her behalf.
- Rabbit attacked by Dyson less than 24hrs after taking it in, it died two days later after suffering from shock/internal injuries because she didn't get it seen by a vet. She also said that Indy had killed "some" rabbits that she previously tried to rehome.
- All her silky chicks drowned because she failed to listen to advice about not letting them get wet. They drowned in the ducks pond.
- Several chickens & ducks died from attacks by Indy and Nera because she failed to secure the area properly. Others she claims were killed by a fox or just escaped and were never seen again.
- She bred horse Bella despite being advised not to by a vet due to her poor conformation. All she cared about was content and making money from subsequent foal footage. She was unaware Bella had gone into labour and found the foal the next morning, Bella still wearing her rug which could have caused a problem during birth.
- Horse JB loaned out and encouraged to do cross country etc despite knowing he had a history of lameness and had previously been told to pts. Insisted he had another foot abscess when he became lame again, refused to get a vet to look, took him home saying she knew exactly what it was and how to treat it and that loaner was unable to look after him like she could. When it was clear there was no abscess he was eventually seen by a vet, diagnosed with a degenerative condition and given a hock injection but she refused to go back for the next check up to see if it had been successful deciding instead to just leave him in the field and decide for herself if he was sound. He had just a few days of pain relief during this time and she didn't comply with the full amount of box rest she was told to give him, yet again she decided she knew best and wasn't prepared to pay out for more meds or vet checks.
- On several occasions her ponies/horses have had injuries or things like rain scald and each time she has self diagnosed and treated or just left alone rather than get a vet or buy suitable treatment.
- Horse Hugo reared up and fell backwards badly hurting his back, she rested him but didn't bother to get him checked again after the initial diagnosis, only a few days pain relief and left in the field until she decided herself he was sound again.
- Cockerell she self diagnosed with wry neck due to a vitamin deficiency, claims she was giving lots of supplements etc to help but that's hard to believe with her history.
- Chicken she took inside when clearly unwell and later died of "old age" according to Jo.
- Goose she also said died of old age. She has also failed to comply with DEFRA regulations regarding bird flu allowing her geese to free roam and not keeping the ducks and chickens under cover putting them and wild birds at risk as well as potentially contributing to the spread of the disease which could have destroyed someone else's livelihood.
- Dog Indy suffered for weeks as Jo refused to get her seen by a vet, instead took advice from her minions and self medicated including giving her CBD oil before eventually taking her to the vet when she could barely walk and was crying in pain. Told Indy had a tumour in her leg. Overdosed her on CBD although Jo will never admit to that despite saying on video that she was giving her large doses plus paracetamol and God knows what else.
- Both Indy and Nera forced to have multiple litters because Jo wanted money. On video saying "the things we put them through for profit" when Nera was in labour.
- Puppy Henry born with a cleft palate, again Jo decided she knew best and insisted on syringe feeding him, claims she took him to the vet a few days later to be pts but wouldn't be surprised if she actually killed him by forcing liquid into him which flooded his lungs, obviously she will never admit to that. He should have been pts much sooner, he had no chance of survival sadly but yet again Jo made him struggle on just so she could get attention and sympathy.
- Girlcat, again Jo self diagnosed an allergy and gave leftover meds when she was showing signs of hair loss, irritated skin and had lumps under her chin and armpit. Claimed she had cured her a few days later only to have to take her to the vet when the lumps returned shortly after. Vet diagnosed cancer and said nothing could be done except keeping her comfortable for the time she had left. Had Jo actually taken her to the vets earlier she may have had a chance of recovery rather than dying just a couple of weeks after diagnosis.
- Shouts abuse and calls all her horses names on a daily basis, has admitted on video to hitting Seven and also said she has previously bitten two different horses not owned by her on their lips when they bit her. Rumoured to have kicked a horse in the stomach. Her own horses regularly shy away from her when she raises her hand near them, she made no secret of the fact she hated Ginny and said she would have punched her if she hadn't run away after knocking lowen over in the field.
- Crow that she found injured in her garden, didn't take it to the vet despite obvious injuries, made a video showing herself "caring" for it then said it had died a short time after. Still went ahead and posted the first part of the video on the main page telling followers they would have to subscribe to find out what happened next. Got really pissed off when people called her out on trying to make money from the death of an animal.
- Kicked dog Dyson during a live video, not seen on camera but he's heard yelping and she says "yes I did just kick my dog" she laughed and said it was just a tap but he wouldn't have yelped if that was the case. On a previous video she went to take something off Dyson and he visibly cowered away with his tail between his legs so I don't think the kick on the live was her first.

*Edited to add latest*
- Let's the birds free roam in the garden, says its their own fault if they let a fox get them.
- Ends up with five cockrels which she tries to sell/rehome as pets, says she can't kill them herself, if someone wants them to eat just lie so she doesn't have to think about it
- Says she has 'clipped' the cockrels wings.. Last time she did this she just went at the ducks wings with scissors and made a total hash of it, she admitted to just hacking at them again this time.
- Says duck attacks the Cockerell with the wry neck at night but instead of separating them she just puts a bucket over the Cockerell and leaves it like that all night.
- Says she is really pissed off with Daisy for shitting in the house but refuses to do anything about it because she hasn't got time, called her a fucking cunt, bitch etc on a live, claims she never hits her or anything but that's hard to believe as we know she has a temper.

So there we have it, the wonderful caring Jo, makes for depressing reading doesn't it? Yes a few details are hearsay or assumed but much of it is on video in Jo's own words and actions. How the hell people can say she's a fantastic owner, equestrian, animal lover is beyond me, as far as I'm concerned she's a disgusting abusive cunt.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's pathetic and so fucking predictable, ranting and being sarcastic about how she looks after the rabbit, she just can't cope with anyone giving advice or criticism or even daring to have a difference of opinion. Her "cleaning" it's hutch was a joke.
She's also to thick to realise that if she does clap back videos like this every time comments don't go her way on the main page she will actually alienate herself and stop people wanting to become supporters because who will want to pay to watch a rude sarcastic patronising bitch who slags off her followers? The very people that help her live the life she lives.
Yet she has the nerve to tell people to share and subscribe at the end!
Jo if you are going to act like a petulant child here's an idea...don't be on social media! Go and get a proper job and then you won't have to deal with people's comments.
Grow the fuck up, if you can't handle the fact not everyone thinks the sun shines out your arse don't put yourself out there.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I knew she wouldn't take them to the other field, too much effort having to drive a whole five miles to see to them, she doesn't give a shit about them, it's all about what's easier for her.
And those shorts with her arse hanging out! 🤢 I've got bigger pants than them, I'm sure her pervy old men followers will be happy though and of course Piotr favours a view from behind so it's a win win eh?!
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Triangulation is a typical trait of a narcissist.
Poor Julia:( How disgusting . I think the woman is slightly unhinged but even she doesn't deserve that kind of disrespect in front of others. That's nasty .
Miss P you are a legend sitting through that crap for hours .I cant even watch a 2 minute video !
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This screams GDPA for you Jo you thick as fuck bint, I’m not saying his name but he’s looking very frail here, but I will be showing his family that you are parading your so called good deed( you think, despite being paid to do this ) this is a new low for you already struggling to find content, you are disgusting View attachment 2473985
This made me feel sad, it feels so undignified. I'm sure as hell that he would not want to be posted around online looking frail. It's not even one pic, there's more than that, so she's obviously taken 100 like she always does and chosen the ones she likes of herself. How weird.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Live outside but wearing a fucking jumper!! Hair really greasy and ginger.
Says is going to start poo picking the fields as they are now shitting all over not just the edges.
Kay is staying with her, she's the one who she fell out with on their night out. Taking her home tomorrow but she's been cleaning etc for her.
Lowen starts school but only 1.15-3.15 Mon Tues and wed, off Thurs and all day Fri then full time the next week. Says she's desperate to ride lots once he's at school full time.
Bought a new bed frame on marketplace, ordered a new mattress that hasn't arrived so says she wants compensation as she's now got back ache because it didn't arrive.
She needs her sleep because she's a very busy person, she paid next day delivery so if they haven't delivered they should compensate her, she will complain to dpd.
Daisy still not fully house trained, she shit on the floor and kay trod in it and walked it through the house! 😂
Shows the bank that JB climbed over to get in the maize field, says there's barbed wire in it, so lucky he wasn't hurt but she's too busy to sort it out so just let's them in that field during the day and shuts them out at night.
Says has got electric tape but too busy to deal with it now, she's done the whole six weeks hols without help.
She did a few hours care work for her landlord again but refuses to take payment as he's like family, has been so good to her, says she is lucky to have fb so she's not desperate for money, of course everyone would like more but she's not on the breadline...... Sounds to me she's trying to make a point in case she gets reported for working whilst claiming benefits although she says she doesn't claim any.
Funniest bit is that Frank told her she isn't as young and pretty looking as she used to be! 😂 😂 😂 Bet that pissed her off! 😂
Hay bale gets delivered, she complains the end is black and mouldy, farmer says he will take a few quid off the next bale as she's already paid, she's really rude, says I'm a good customer, give it to people who don't spend as much as me. Says she busy a bale a week £32.50 a bale, previously she said it was a bale every three days but now says she rations it so it lasts a week but if she's spending "hundreds of pounds a month" he should give her decent stuff, maths clearly isn't Jo's strong point! 😂
In the past she has said she has agreed to take a mouldy bale because it was cheap yet now says she won't feed her horses shit hay.
Says again Cockerell needs to be pts, rang the vets but they wouldn't let her talk to the vet and she refuses to pay £60 to be seen, told them "thats hay for her horses and she's on the breadline" then says well not really but anyway 🙄 says she rang a chicken helpline who gave advice and said its not painful and it doesn't need to be pts but she feels bad for it and even if it's not in pain it doesn't look happy, it's very stressful and she hates the idea of an animal being in pain, she won't pay for it to be injected though, she'll just take it and tell them to wring it's neck as that will be free.
Jo you are a fucking disgrace, you vile piece of shit, no decent vet will wring a birds neck just so you don't have to pay you stupid bitch! They will still charge for the appointment, just pay the money and don't make yet another animal suffer you vile cunt! 🤬
Piotr is sleeping in the van now, waiting for the v5 so they can tax it.
Calls Dyson a cunt for digging.
Lowen on swing piotr pushing him really high, he gets off and she has a go, I was hoping he'd push her so high she'd fly off but no luck.
Ends live to go bath kid ready for bed.
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