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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
🤣🤣🤣 I think they don’t understand the difference between being down on your luck, or being a convicted criminal and sex pest who doesn’t deserve anything !!! And like others you have never had 1p of me and never will, and Kath if your life is that sad that you have no one better to spend your money on then that’s one sad life you must have 🙄

My children have never once been put in a dangerous situation like putting ovens on whilst being illegally left alone, and being kicked or knocked over by our horses, never had to reply on strangers buying them anything let alone buying them everything haven’t lived off McDonald’s because you can’t be bothered to feed yours properly and are well educated rather then not being able to string a sentence together at the age of nearly 4 and still in nappies and oh I have never put them in danger or given them a sex pest as a role model to name just a few of you best parenting moments so far 🙄🙄

Your horses are looked after like crap, I’m not sure if you take care of L or them worse it’s a pretty close call.

And your life is so amazing all you do is slag people off and say how jealous you are of others in there own houses that you can’t afford 😅 and anyone that has to beg strangers to buy there washing powder, has to be someone really scraping the barrel in life.
I follow so many pages and people and your the only one that has to beg, borrow and scam people out of money and it’s constant begging that’s all you seem to do, im not sure you have many videos where you don’t mention something you need, or mention ££ is some way.

but people are catching on and you know it not seen many of those thank you videos recently, and your numbers continue to drop and you are hating it 🤣🤣 and I’m loving watching your downfall and yes that’s watching you for free 🙂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
This is why myself and others post screenshots etc to show everyone who reads here that Jo isn't the "open and honest" person she claims to be, obviously some Tattlers are blocked or just aren't members of supporters so can't see hence why I do a run down after her lives because that's where the deception becomes so obvious. She's incredibly manipulative, twists things to suit her narrative, lies constantly, uses mental health and domestic abuse to get attention and sympathy despite not suffering with either, preys on the low intelligence and vulnerability of many of her supporters and is a narcissist and absolutely vile person but of course is very careful to show a different Jo on the main page apart from when she forgets herself and rants or is rude.
Believe it or not I liked her when I first found her videos, I thought she was funny and enjoyed the videos mainly because although I don't ride or have horses I am interested in them however very quickly I realised all was not as it seemed, she started to change as soon as she set up the wishlist and supporters, you could literally see the pound signs in her eyes and as we all know she's gotten worse ever since, realising that even the infamous JB in the feed shed was a staged video and then her breeding Nera the first time was enough for me to stop liking her because it was clear that all she was interested in was money.
Seeing her supporters jump on anyone who commented even slightly negatively and realising that Jo was laughing and encouraging them to abuse others on her behalf instead of stopping them was the final straw.
Her obsession with money and lack of care towards her animals is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jo, it's just good that there is at least one place where people can say what they really think of her and not be deleted and where it can be proven that Jo is a liar, scammer and downright nasty piece of work.
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Yep sorry I stand corrected but had JB from a young age so should have maintained these issues that were known.

Then you have Ginny bless her that had been so poorly handled / chased by dogs, she hated life 🥹 ( but since left seems to have loved life again away from Jo) then trixie that is so over weight it’s obscene and one day that pony will be I’ll, a mussel on a few hours a day will not help Trixie eating her way through the grass for another 18 hours 🙈🥹

Bred from a mare she was told not too 😕

So it’s just Jack that has put up with her negligence.

Poor Severn what has he to come in his life I have no doubt we will be reading and hearing the same crap In a few years 🥹🥹

You can always be unlucky with horses, but Jo has literally been unlucky with everyone and that not being unlucky it’s her horse management 🤬
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Active member
Well Jo. I actually thought you did really well today.
The judge was rather kind to you, the joys of knowing the judge I guess.

I cant believe someone got lower than you.. you should have come last -obviously the post you put on the show site regarding the running times especially as you are a single mumma, with a son to find someone to have your brat, whist you competed.. I guess pervy pioter was too busy spending his money on another sex worker. So being the good friend, couldn't come with you and watch your son.
You say you can't show Trixie because she is fat, you should be ashamed as you haven't controlled it. Your grazing is shocking and 0ver grazed.
Jack would have been knocked down as he is unsound like all your horses.
Instead of swanning around a ring wrh an unfit horse, follow vet advice instead of thinking you know all.. if you did know all , your horses wouldnt all be dog lame.
Ps.. how rude not asking supporters their name, you take money but don't care about your supporters.. I hope they cance!!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I'm not posting it on here as I think it's against the rules but Jo has posted about the Olivia documentary last night that talked about this site calling it a site for t****s
Jo is obviously beside herself with excitement because clearly Olivia is a highly respected documentary maker with years of experience, well known for her research skills..... Oh wait, hold on, yeah that's right, she just got her tits and arse out on Love Island! 😂 And now reads a few scripts on documentaries about sex, onlyfans etc! 😂
The funny thing is that it's all bollocks anyway because t******g is when someone directly messages their target or deliberately posts comments on their pages for everyone to see but this site is a separate forum and the people talked about on it actually have to come looking for it to see what is said about them.
As people like Jo constantly say if you don't like what you see scroll on by.
Interesting how Olivia was so shocked about the comments she read and was so disgusted by how people could laugh at others yet thought it was fine to laugh and say that she thought the chap who answered the door of the house she believed the person who runs this site lived at and say he looked how she thought a t***l would look! So yet again it's ok for her to laugh and say offensive comments but the people who do it on here are vile and disgusting and need stopping?!
The thing about all these content creators etc is that so many of them are pulled up on here for being liars, scammers etc and they all moan constantly about haters but if they weren't liars, scammers etc then no one would be calling them out on it! It's their own fault for being the way they are, if you plaster yourself all over social media and you treat others so badly then you deserve to be hated on for it, why should they be allowed to get away with it? They all jump on the mental health bandwagon but they don't care about other people's mental health when they lie, scam etc
Going back to Jo, yet again she insists she 'isn't bovvered', doesn't read here, is strong enough to cope blah blah blah yet we all know we live rent free in her head and that she absolutely reads here regularly and hates the fact she can't control us like she does when she deletes and blocks on her pages.
I think the program will definitely bring lots of people over here and now Jo has told everyone she is on here they will be able to see for themselves exactly what we say and why we say it. Bring it on! 😂
I'll repost the list of all the animals that have suffered at Jo's hands just to give them something to read as a good starting point!
Hi Jo! 😘

A run down of the suffering /death of animals in Jo's "care" bearing in mind that these are just the incidents we know about, who knows what went on before NVF and off screen.
In no particular order...
- Goose burned it's face on hot bonfire ash she didn't make safe, she left it to suffer several days claiming she spoke to a vet on the phone and did what they told her but says the eye was full of maggots, claims she got a friend to kill the goose on her behalf.
- Rabbit attacked by Dyson less than 24hrs after taking it in, it died two days later after suffering from shock/internal injuries because she didn't get it seen by a vet. She also said that Indy had killed "some" rabbits that she previously tried to rehome.
- All her silky chicks drowned because she failed to listen to advice about not letting them get wet. They drowned in the ducks pond.
- Several chickens & ducks died from attacks by Indy and Nera because she failed to secure the area properly. Others she claims were killed by a fox or just escaped and were never seen again.
- She bred horse Bella despite being advised not to by a vet due to her poor conformation. All she cared about was content and making money from subsequent foal footage. She was unaware Bella had gone into labour and found the foal the next morning, Bella still wearing her rug which could have caused a problem during birth.
- Horse JB loaned out and encouraged to do cross country etc despite knowing he had a history of lameness and had previously been told to pts. Insisted he had another foot abscess when he became lame again, refused to get a vet to look, took him home saying she knew exactly what it was and how to treat it and that loaner was unable to look after him like she could. When it was clear there was no abscess he was eventually seen by a vet, diagnosed with a degenerative condition and given a hock injection but she refused to go back for the next check up to see if it had been successful deciding instead to just leave him in the field and decide for herself if he was sound. He had just a few days of pain relief during this time and she didn't comply with the full amount of box rest she was told to give him, yet again she decided she knew best and wasn't prepared to pay out for more meds or vet checks.
- On several occasions her ponies/horses have had injuries or things like rain scald and each time she has self diagnosed and treated or just left alone rather than get a vet or buy suitable treatment.
- Horse Hugo reared up and fell backwards badly hurting his back, she rested him but didn't bother to get him checked again after the initial diagnosis, only a few days pain relief and left in the field until she decided herself he was sound again.
- Cockerell she self diagnosed with wry neck due to a vitamin deficiency, claims she was giving lots of supplements etc to help but that's hard to believe with her history.
- Chicken she took inside when clearly unwell and later died of "old age" according to Jo.
- Goose she also said died of old age. She has also failed to comply with DEFRA regulations regarding bird flu allowing her geese to free roam and not keeping the ducks and chickens under cover putting them and wild birds at risk as well as potentially contributing to the spread of the disease which could have destroyed someone else's livelihood.
- Dog Indy suffered for weeks as Jo refused to get her seen by a vet, instead took advice from her minions and self medicated including giving her CBD oil before eventually taking her to the vet when she could barely walk and was crying in pain. Told Indy had a tumour in her leg. Overdosed her on CBD although Jo will never admit to that despite saying on video that she was giving her large doses plus paracetamol and God knows what else.
- Both Indy and Nera forced to have multiple litters because Jo wanted money. On video saying "the things we put them through for profit" when Nera was in labour.
- Puppy Henry born with a cleft palate, again Jo decided she knew best and insisted on syringe feeding him, claims she took him to the vet a few days later to be pts but wouldn't be surprised if she actually killed him by forcing liquid into him which flooded his lungs, obviously she will never admit to that. He should have been pts much sooner, he had no chance of survival sadly but yet again Jo made him struggle on just so she could get attention and sympathy.
- Girlcat, again Jo self diagnosed an allergy and gave leftover meds when she was showing signs of hair loss, irritated skin and had lumps under her chin and armpit. Claimed she had cured her a few days later only to have to take her to the vet when the lumps returned shortly after. Vet diagnosed cancer and said nothing could be done except keeping her comfortable for the time she had left. Had Jo actually taken her to the vets earlier she may have had a chance of recovery rather than dying just a couple of weeks after diagnosis.
- Shouts abuse and calls all her horses names on a daily basis, has admitted on video to hitting Seven and also said she has previously bitten two different horses not owned by her on their lips when they bit her. Rumoured to have kicked a horse in the stomach. Her own horses regularly shy away from her when she raises her hand near them, she made no secret of the fact she hated Ginny and said she would have punched her if she hadn't run away after knocking lowen over in the field.
- Crow that she found injured in her garden, didn't take it to the vet despite obvious injuries, made a video showing herself "caring" for it then said it had died a short time after. Still went ahead and posted the first part of the video on the main page telling followers they would have to subscribe to find out what happened next. Got really pissed off when people called her out on trying to make money from the death of an animal.
- Kicked dog Dyson during a live video, not seen on camera but he's heard yelping and she says "yes I did just kick my dog" she laughed and said it was just a tap but he wouldn't have yelped if that was the case. On a previous video she went to take something off Dyson and he visibly cowered away with his tail between his legs so I don't think the kick on the live was her first.
- Most recently the Cockerell with the 'diagnosed by Jo' wry neck, yet again refuses to pay for a vet, has left it to suffer but is now talking about getting a friend to wring it's neck because it's cheaper than paying a vet to do it humanely.

So there we have it, the wonderful caring Jo, makes for depressing reading doesn't it? Yes a few details are hearsay or assumed but much of it is on video in Jo's own words and actions. How the hell people can say she's a fantastic owner, equestrian, animal lover is beyond me, as far as I'm concerned she's a disgusting abusive cunt.
And she wonders why she has haters!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So let me get this right, she's posted pictures of her landlord who she is BEING PAID to look after on social media. A man who amongst other things has DEMENTIA meaning he is not in complete control of his faculties and is therefore unable to give consent to his pictures being posted because he won't necessarily understand what it means.
How absolutely fucking stupid, ignorant and downright fucking disgusting. And all just so she can show everyone how kind and caring she is and can lap up the praise from the idiots who think the sun shines out her arse.
She doesn't "love" him she just wants to make out she does because he's her landlord and she's hoping to get money and to be told she can stay living where she is indefinitely when he eventually passes away.
Vile vile vile bitch.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Jo posted a video for supporters of Lowen in the 4x4 (the one she paid for as a birthday treat and then moaned it was too slow and crap for £15)
Says she saw a fit bloke and they were flirting... Or at least she thinks they were flirting but he was probably 20 and she has to remember that she isn't in her 20's even though she looks like she is.... Doesn't she?.... But she wouldn't know how to ask for his number and she looked like she'd just got out of bed (probably because she had) but she's sure she had her flirt on.... But she is 36 not 26 (which clearly really pisses her off given how often she mentions it these days!)
Honestly Jo of course the fit bloke thought you were stunning and only in your 20's, why would he possibly think anything else when you are there with your piggy snout and little piggy eyes, practically a little piglet rather than an old sow??! 😂


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
It's a joke how she describes the supporters group as "a wonderfully friendly group" when it's full of nasty bitchy people who are rude and abusive to anyone who dares to have an opinion that differs to Jo's or who tries to offer advice or constructive criticism . They even attack each other which whilst funny to read sometimes is just proof of how she has managed to brainwash them into believing her lies. They all spout "be kind" yet turn on each other and others without a seconds thought because they want to defend their precious Jo.
People such as Jade, Tiff and Nathan were all fawned over and spoken of with such kindness until Jo fell out with them and bitched about them on her lives and boy did the pitchforks come out then!
They all slag Adrian off, call him the most vile names etc despite not knowing him and only ever hearing Jo's version of events, they left fake reviews on the garages page when she accused them of damaging the lorry not even caring that they could have destroyed someone's livelihood and lost people their jobs, they are seriously unhinged yet she has the nerve to say WE are obsessed with her when the likes of Kaff, Julia and Joanne constantly send money and gifts, follow all her pages religiously, comment multiple times on every video, fall over themselves to let everyone else know that they speak to jo and are in contact regularly etc
Jo is unbelievably manipulative and although she's thick as shit in many ways she's actually very clever in the way she markets herself and the way she puts herself out there, it's only when people join supporters or see the rude snide comments she makes on the main page that they glimpse the true Jo and although it may take time a fair few decide they don't like what they see and stop following her, she has less than half the supporters she used to have and if only a few read Tattle and see the light then it's worth it because Jo deserves nothing and no one.
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takes a horse owners time and dedication to there animals of course nothing Jo has because they are all now just content and £££ and she’s too lazy even with L now at school to actually look after any of them
Totally agree . She cant use the excuse now about looking after L .shes got free time to actually ride and do these horses properly. but instead the level of care seems to have dropped off even further, if thats at all possible!!! .....They are just content and £££ .How often does she ride Jack? She would rather spend as little time as possible making videos of the stuff she should be doing every day anyway and then stringing the same content out over the week in another format!.....No original new content.just the same old shite.
Whilst I agree entirely that a working horse can become depressed and bored whilst out of work.That would normally be the case whilst stabled 24/7 rather than be out an abouting in a field and even if it was out in a field, they can be given enrichment........I am not sure how taking Hugo out into a field and letting him go for 2 minutes for a jolly was in anyway enriching to a horse already out at grass !! He needs lungeing , loose schooling...something!!
Why didnt she take Seven up the road for a jaunt or Trixie? .They actually NEED some ground work doing with them......Well actually we all know why she wont, It would probably mean a fight , a bit of work and possibly a failure,.Dragging them around on the end of a lead rope i in the yard around the other horses. does not make a halter broken, can lead it anywhere animal
I actually think there is more than laziness at play here .I think shes actually shit scared of them ,I would have more respect for her if she tried to do something with these two and failed, than do absolutely nothing,Thats real .Telling the whole world that her horses 'love her and will doing anything for her' was a bit like shooting herself in the foot and setting herself up for failure , when we can all see thats rubbish .
I could actually write a list of content for her in regards to Trixie and Seven.However, its glaringly obvious she doesnt do work..People with horses would probably like to see the beginning of their training and follow their journey.I would...... .I've started over thirty horses in my career and still I would like to watch others.......and its not so I can sit here slagging her off.Its because I love the journey , watching the trust and their characters building .......she doesnt seem to get that people get judgemental when shes just spouting bullshit and being bone idle, than having a go and failing .
As for letting a horse go in a huge open field with the possibility of him getting on to a road, just so he can be less bored .......No ..not ever ......I wouldnt want the next video's over reel music to be 'in the arms of an angel' :rolleyes:
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Bore off Jo 🙄💤💤💤
It is NOT a private road just because you decide to say it is! There's no PRIVATE sign, no gate or barrier, it's an open road that anyone can drive on if they wish, just because there's only a small number of residents living on it that doesn't mean it's private.
For someone who bleats on about how their child is their world, most important thing ever etc you are bloody stupid to keep driving whilst filming etc, it only takes a second for something to happen and you will be too busy eye fucking your phone to be able to react quick enough, he won't look so 'cute and ansome' when he's dead in your crushed car.
And yes your child has missed out, on the opportunity to learn and be educated properly because despite being home with him all day every day you were too lazy to make time to teach him, he could have started school with a huge advantage, ahead of his peers but instead he's behind with his speech and struggles to interact with others because you refused to let him spend time with others, to learn how to play and share with kids that aren't his own family.
Yeah yeah, you are mum, dad DO know that you aren't the only single parent in the world don't you? Stop acting like you are doing something noone else does, stop looking for attention and validation and just get on with it like thousands of other single parents do quietly without seeking praise every five fucking minutes.
And remember Jo the only reason you are a single parent is because you refuse to let lowens dad be in his life, you chose this life so stop banging on about how hard it is, some people have no choice than to be single parents, you do.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's a vile piece of shit, using a sick, elderly man who doesn't have the mental capacity to refuse his picture being taken as a way to gain 'likes' and adoration from the deranged idiots who think she's amazing.
I'd be fucking livid if this was my relative.

On a separate note she's shared a video on the main page of the weekend away, most of it is the same stuff she posted for supporters but the last bit she didn't even post for them so she's given it free to main page whilst supporters are paying for footage that isn't even exclusive now because she's put it on the main page as well!
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If the judge knew her then that will account for the low placings. Anyone that knows her knows what a prick she is
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
She is a 🤬🤬🤬 twat, I’m sorry but we don’t have kids to expect our time as mums to be paid for ffs, I agree that both parents should support a child financially, but it’s not to pay for mums time 🤬 it is to support the child with everything they need and yes that can be putting food on the table or electric on the metre but not because your doing a job, bringing up a child isn’t a paid job because you spend time potty training what does she want to be paid by the hour, we do that because we have brought a child into the world and it’s a parents responsibility even if your a single parent to look after them and raise them well.

As for the new dog yep that will be having puppies soon, she is the worst responsible pet/animal owner I think I’ve heard that advertises her incompetence and complete disregard for animal welfare, breeding should be better regulated as far as I’m concerned that’s why there are so many animal shelters having to care for unwanted animals she should a bloody shamed of herself for that remark she is is disgrace and so are her up the ar*e follower's that don’t see anything wrong with that 🤔🤬
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Kaff is determined to keep up the martyr act but is clearly scared of upsetting Jo by going against what she said so the solution is to make sure Jo gets something out of it too, absolutely pathetic and of course there will be convenient "van emergencies" when it suits and funds are running low for botox and sex workers
absolutely ridiculous- brainwashed, gullible f-ing idiots the lot of them, it’s beyond laughable!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I cannot believe they will be asking to furnish a home as well, tell him to save the wages his earning as his not paying any rent now absolutely ££ grabbing makes me sick and to someone that has brought the situation was n by his own actions and breaking the law and being a disgusting human being
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Really? This is the ONLY way you can think of of giving back is it jo???? How about you share some of the gifts you’ve kindly been sent with someone much more deserving ??? Wouldn’t have to look far. You know someone that doesn’t have their whole life funded by strangers or drives round in a nearly new car, has Botox, saggy eye treatment and nights out etc and still pleads poverty.why not give this woman a donation from your own pocket if you are that concerned. Or take down your own Amazon list as everything on it you are more than capable of purchasing yourself with your scrounged money. Jo you take full advantage of these types of people that can’t really afford to fund your life but do it cos they are stupidly kind or just plain stupid. How do you sleep at night knowing you provide nothing for that “ precious child” of yours. It’s all funded by strangers cash! Do the right thing at least and give some to charity. But you won’t will you cos what was it? Oh yeah “ charity begins at home motherfuckers” what a wonderful person you are. Taking from the poor and putting curses on everyone else. Absolute scum! Even managed to turn a thank you video into a pity party for yourself cos you’re so “ depressed “ poor poor Jo. Gifted £100s in presents for you and the brat and that’s how you show gratitude: when will the delusional twats that fund this insincere money grabbing fraud bloody wake up!


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annable 123

Well-known member
That picture she put up of her child holding that mug speaks volumes, gotta be some sort of abuse right there in that pic, using him to prove a point, is disgusting, proves everything we’ve said on here is true, using your child to get at his father, and using him for financial gain, god he’s gonna see you for what you are one day… a thick, uneducated, dirty, using tramp that spends her time with a rapist… you are a beaut Jo aren’t you lol
What kind of mother does this, you should be ashamed, I think you are an embarrassment, no wonder your friends drop you, the only person you have is ya cash cow funding ya life, some half wit taking bad pics of her pony and it’s journey, and ya rapist pal ….take a look in the mirror… oh and have a wash ffs


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Ah but it doesn't matter if their horse is under the care of a qualified professional because vet Jo has spoken and obviously she knows waaaaay more than someone who has spent years training to do their job, I'm sure Jo's saddle fitter was equally as grateful that Jo chalked out the saddle on Hugo to show how it fitted etc because I'm sure she really needed advice on how to do her job

Do think it's funny that Jo had a Tattler standing feet away from her but had no idea 😂 more proof Jo that Tattlers don't lie, if they say they are local to you then they are!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She was advised to have JB pts due to bad hip issues but instead gave him to Nathan and encouraged him to do loads of work on him despite his history and we all know how that went 🙄
Jack had eye cancer which I doubt would have been treated if she hadn't gone to the local paper and set up a GoFundMe for treatment.
So really none of her horses have had a good time in her "care" I dread to think how Seven is going to end up but I wouldn't be surprised if she says he's too big or she doesn't have time for him so either does nothing or she sells!/loans him "for his own good" despite insisting he has a home for life with her.
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