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VIP Member
Maybe I misunderstood "no spend". I thought it's only spending on things like essential groceries and bills.
I’m trying to do no spend, which for me means essential spending on groceries, rent, bills, savings, diesel. There’ll be no takeaways, no impulse purchases, no coffee every day I go to my office etc.
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Anyone struggling with not treating themselves, aim to buy just one treat a month. That's what I've been doing so far this year (I mean we are only in Feb so) and I deffo spend less.
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No spend months down the pan one day in. I'm terrible for just nipping into the local bakery for a bite to eat. ☹
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I thought I would post to reopen this thread. I’m going to try and embark on a no spend month (ideally would love a year, but have to be realistic). Has anyone managed to achieve it? Any tips would be helpful 👍🏼
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Is anyone doing a no spend challenge in June? I went a bit spend happy in May so tryna rein it in this month
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I cracked early… and I’m such an all or nothing person so once I cracked I was like this:

But it’s pay day today so I’ve already moved all that money into my second account and left only a small “allowance” in my first account and I am starting again for February ❤
I'm the exact same! I was doing so well as last month until the 21st then I cracked and spent hundreds on unnecessary rubbish! On the plus side, I have now fully paid off my credit card and last month I might not have saved anything but I didn't dip into savings or put anything on credit, which is something worth celebrating I suppose.

Just done my weekly food shop for £53 which I think is pretty good going - didn't buy anything unnecessary! Might have to get off my arse and go to Lidl to get it even cheaper but I think I'm happy to pay a bit more for the convenience of delivery 😂 Why is toilet paper suddenly about £20 for a few rolls though?! It might be cheaper to just get a bidet put in and sack off loo roll!

No spending unnecessary spending here so far but to be fair it is only the 2nd so I shouldn't be too proud of myself.
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Cereal Killer

Chatty Member
I’ve not done one yet but I think I’m going to for April. 🤞
I find if I am too strict, I’ll go the opposite way. I think I’ll give myself £20-30 spending money so I can still grab a coffee if I’m out and fancy one.
I’m going to budget £30 a week for our food shopping (fresh veg, fruit, bread and milk) and send my husband with a list. I can’t be trusted to not buy loads of extras; I go in to Asda for essentials and end up spending £60-80.😫

I will be deleting the Amazon app for sure! 😂
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I used to be like this, then I gradually had a word with myself and worked on making me happier instead of relying on things to give me happiness. I used to treat myself everytime I had a bad day, or an argument with a particular family member etc. I’m not saying it’s the same for you, but maybe think about what triggers you to need the treats?

The other side of the coin is that if you can afford it, are not building up debt etc then it’s hardly the worst thing you could be doing. And there’s always a return option :)
Good on you, it’s hard to resist! I tend to just think of something or see something I want and go off to purchase it and it’s gotten worse since I’ve had Clearpay, yesterday for example I went to purchase a £40 camera (Kodak one you put film in and get them developed like the good old days) and then thought what are you doing you idiot just stop! It’s like an urgency of I NEED it when realistically I do not. I’ve been so broke this month I think the penny has dropped, I worked out all my spending through Clearpay and I spent £2500 last year on it - had I not have used it I probably wouldn’t have bought most of the stuff. I felt sick. I’ve taken a good hard look at everything I have and realised I defo don’t need anymore stuff and I need to look after money or I’ll be living like this when I’m 40. The funny thing is, I’m not stupid, I know how to budget and I know what I should do but I just go stupid whenever I get something in my head to buy. Having Clearpay helps to split all these purchases up which makes me rationalise unnecessary spending… No more!! I have £9k of debt (reduced from 21k in the last 18 months) so this is where I need to focus. I’ve been in these cycles since I was 18, I’ve gotten slightly better but I need to be stricter for sure.
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I fell off during June! I went out and ate so so much last month catching up with friends baby shower etc. Anyway I’m back again for July 🎉🎉 and trying to make it a “low spend” rather than no spend I think.
Yes, I'm planning on a low spend July. Think I spent enough in June to cover June, July and August 😭😂
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I set out with the intentions to do no spend in January and failed spectacularly, even logging everything, I have about 3 Boohoo orders, 2 Vinted purchases, a LookFantastic order and a holiday staring at me from my tracker. I have zero self control and make excuses for everything. I could kick myself… but then I’d probably order myself something to make up for it 😭
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I got metro bank recently as well as having plum and monzo. Metrobank is basically a card you load with money and you can block and unblock your card so it stops me spending 🤣. Let’s do this! How is everyone coping with restaurants bars etc?
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VIP Member
I'm gonna remove all my shopping for clothes and makeup from my phone for April. Maybe that will help!
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I did this last January and then again last April as went into lockdown and everything was closed so it was really, really easy in April to do it. It was fairly easy to do in January last year as well as it’s normally a boring month for me anyway, I hate shopping in Jan as it’s all sales and I don’t need a new wardrobe that time of year anyway. I literally just bought weekly food shop and petrol when needed (and any bills) no take aways, no clothes, no Amazon, no buying coffees or treats!

I might try it again at some point but I don’t think I could do it throughout the summer months or between Nov-Dec as that’s when I probably spend most the time going out, socialising, I like to treat myself in the summer and then obviously nearer to Christmas there’s normally lots going on and my birthday is the end of the year as well.
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This is a good idea. I will try this. Thanks
So we didn't give in we had to plan our shopping properly, I listed 14 meals and what we needed. We then made sure we bought everything. So we had no excuses haha. My husband would have given in multiple times but I am too stubborn!! Good luck, let me know how you get on :)
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The Vaspar sample paint pots I think I paid £4.99 for one of those in B&Q, so £1 for a roll of wallpaper that you love is justified and a bargain!

I like this but at £395 a roll it’s a no. (I know people will say it’s awful, but I’m a maximalist!) 🐅

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I've got versace wallpaper in our bedroom. 😂😂😂😂. I know some people will think it's tacky but we love it. 😂😂😂
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Ok. I am failing miserably. Ive been out 3 Times this week 1 seeing a friend on bank holiday at the seaside. 1 time on a date (luckily he paid) but still train fare into London etc then went back into London to see another friend today. Ended up spending 45 in a restaurant and I’m still hungry 😅😪😪, train fare not even included so I spent about £60 being out side of my house. Today alone 🥺🥺🥺
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Chatty Member
I'm coming to join in. Today I did buy a bundle on vinted but I know I can flip it. Does buying to sell count as essential spending or not?
i guess it’s eventually going to be income so is all good. That’s what I’d go with anyway!
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