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Chatty Member
Since time is such a healer, how about

Thinbobs Nimbobs: time just flies when you're dead behind the eyes
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Off topic but at the same time is a reflection of what Niomi is doing taking a bunch of ads of so many different skincare brands when her tat ia about to be released, now that Joey is gone she will need to full pay bills, specially in London plus the commission to Gleam, still they have the nerve to get mad when someone calls them out of being a walking ad. I hate their concept of “work“ you want expensive freebies and get paid to promote them without moving your ass from your house? Get a real job.
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This sense of entitlement that influencers have is actually sickening. ''Creating content for 6 months''...... is she having a laugh?? guess the people who are dying due to COVID and those who have lost their jobs and families can fuck right off because reallyree posted a photo everyday on her ig story. Wow! Such motivation! Someone should send this to an NHS worker for inspiration!
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I was watching some of her old videos and I came across some more evidence of her hiding food from Joe... In this one she made popcorn before dinner (scandalous) (they were having soup) and from 17:58 you can hear Joe say “oh there’s the popcorn” which she had hidden by placing it ON THE FLOOR underneath a tea towel?! He starts to eat some and she actually says “I hid it” then moans “Noooo” when he takes some and then there’s an awkward edit.

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Mystery Macaroni

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They’re both incredibly boring so I always assumed Joey left her for some boring, stereotypical reason that boring men use when they up and leave someone.

Like a lot of men, I am sure he was fascinated by her appearance, she’s got that perfect cutesy-pretty wife/girlfriend vibe a lot of men idealize. As others mentioned earlier on in this discussion, being forced to live with her for a couple of months and whatever illusions he had of who she was were shattered. Who knows what he thought she was before lockdown, or even what was going through his head. Men are raised to be decisive so I imagine he just acted on his doubts, woke up one morning with a changed mind and decided this wasn’t for him. I have heard way too many stories like this of men kissing you and loving you one day and then the next week he’s telling you he doesn’t love you anymore but won’t tell you why no matter how much you ask, because deep down they don’t know either but are just going with their gut.
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Niomi is a liar, she was making us believe that she was the happiest she has ever been in Indonesia with Joe, everytime she was rubbing us in the face that she was so happy. And now after her break up she says that she wasn't taking care of herself the past year and NOW is the happiest she has ever been. You can't convince us Niomi, your fiance left you at the altar, he ran away from your weird behaviour. You can wear whatever you want to show your anorexic body off but just admit you are heartbroken, unhappy and embarrassed. And your smart skin line will be a big fail.
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I think she's also partly embarrassed. A few days before the breakup she's still calling him her prince and dreamy joe and then he dumps her. I think he's still her dream man but she's gutted because she's not his dream woman. That's why all this about the 'wrong path' and 'self-love'. what a hit to her self-esteem.
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Miss Sparkles

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Wtf is with the caption on her latest post?

"Rumours of a heatwave 😏🥰"

And then Charlotte posts

"Rumours, rumours, rumours 💕💋"

Are they trying to make Joe jealous? I don't think he gives a shit. If a man wanted to be with you, he would.
It is more dignified to be silent. I remember when my ex and I broke up after 6 years. I was distraught and could not get out of bed. I did not speak to him, post anything and eventually blocked him. Time does heal and my self worth and dignity were important to me and absolutely, when someone does not want to be with you, no point chasing or trying to make them jealous.
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Ok - her 'cringey' behaviour, if she was lying in bed crying all day and eating tubs of bouja bouja ice cream and jars of biona chocolate spread whilst lamenting that her life was over, and she'd wasted the best years of her life on this man we'd all be rightfully horrified and willing her to see the bigger picture. She's keeping busy and faking happiness till she feels it. It's going to be painful for a long time and the humiliation of it will sting for even longer.

She is trying to regain some dignity, and not let everyone see her broken and humilated. Even full moon ceremonies and journaling are better than crying into her pillow and texting him at 2 am.

But she has a lot to be thankul for, and no i won't be buying smart skin but her target market is probably rosanna's kind of ladies who (organic and plant based) lunch. Women like deliciouslyella whi spend their father's and then husband's money and are a little bored but extremely privileged.

As a viewer i would like a sit down spill thr tea video. But niomi is more likely to comsume an entire loaf of sliced white bread (with a 1kg tub of peanut butter) for a mukbang than do that.
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The ring should be of value to show how much the man values the woman???

What am I reading? Jesus Christ someone get me a bucket :sick::sick:
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Except she’s not princess diana and anyone who can take a bite of a raw unripened cucumber and look straight at the camera and say, “delicious” is a psychopath that can move on from a long term relationship without emotions.
I can't stop thinking about this post.
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New member
Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.

Just had a look at TheLondonChatter’s instagram stories through an extension I have on my laptop and noticed this:

Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 05.05.25.png

This app always include the usernames/accounts of people tagged in the story in a bubble at the bottom. I tried zooming in to see where she could have tagged Niomi but can’t see it at all so I’m guessing she must have hidden the tag somewhere in the picture! In other words, unless the app is making a mistake, I think it’s probably safe to assume she's the one who will be moving in.
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Chatty Member
Wow lol I’m slightly shocked, her speech felt beyond fake and PR 101. Couldn’t have said it better @Ndep611 it was a statement worthy of the royal family!! The words she used, the way she was posing in a slight angle, the way she was pronouncing her words (very ‘open’ mouth), and the way she made sure to keep a big teethy smile on the whole way through... the perfect royal statement. Also got the feeling from what she said that Joe might have complained to her that people were harassing him and asked her to do something about it. Overall, she really did come across very closed off and completely lacked any authenticity/vulnerability. I thought she would milk off the sympathy from her viewership but now she seems to be alienating us (that’s how I feel about it anyway). People in general are tired of the rehearsed marketing and portrayal of ‘perfect lives’ on social media — we want authenticity, vulnerability, relatability! She just wants to resume as normal and it’s just fucking weird when you literally just ended an engagement/relationship of 4 years and one month ago you were introducing us to your bridesmaid? She comes across like a fucking robot and it’s not appealing. Even when something shocking like this happens to her she still won’t question or reassess ANYTHING (“it just happened for a reason! It was great while it lasted and now I’m just back on the right path!”), including her content — she literally can’t show a SINGLE crack in her life/content. It’s all gotta be contrived till the end. Ugh, I’m done with this girl. Admittedly I had already lost interest in her years ago and only came back here when I realized something was off a month ago, but this has confirmed she will NEVER change. Boring and fake.
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At first I wasn’t sure you guys were right about the peanut butter clip and was going to defend her but damn, on rewatching several times, you are right. She specifically remembers the cupboard, which is clearly tucked away to the side and rarely accessed, has to be emptied and clearly knows beforehand what is in there. It can be reasonably inferred that SHE has put things in there as Joe evidently never opens it AND her basket of vitamins (only accessed by her) are there too.

She is the one to ‘reveal’ the cupboard to him all giggly (again, she knows what will be found, and has obviously seen the contents several times yet has chosen to this moment to keep quiet about what’s in there).She just giggles as Joe pulls out tub after tub after tub after tub after tub. So she’s been stocking the cupboard with unused peanut butter, but never ONCE said “Hey if you’re buying peanut butter you know you have like ten jars in here already right?” She just clearly continues to hide the jars away from her partner as he continues to buy more. That’s sick, truly.
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I think no matter how she would've made the announcement people would have had a problem. When she was emotional on Instagram it was wrong and when she's composed and cordial on YouTube it's wrong. The way she announced it today was very true to form. At least she finally said it. Have we ever seen Niomi throw a huge fit or have an outburst of emotion? It's not her personality. She talked about journaling and being in a dark place in previous videos. For a lot of introverts that's just how they deal/process things.
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Niomi’s like a Stepford wife.

This would be a sad time for anyone of normal emotional range. Why must she give the appearance that everything’s wonderful, perfect, never better? It makes her seem inhuman.

Wherever Joey is, I hope he’s letting loose after four years of her control and snorting Big Macs off a hooker’s tits...
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It doesn't give a very healthy impression to her sheep. To be praised for not showing genuine emotion and pretending everything's perfect is not beautiful it's psychopathic behaviour. I might respect her if she cried if she wants to cry, to be mad if she feels mad. Much healthier to feel the emotion and move on from it than ignore and avoid. She either needs to show it or take time away from sosh meeds to go through it in private. She is in danger of really damaging her mental health and that of the young people who look up to her.
I think this is OTT. Niomi is essentially running a marketing business, how she chooses to do so is up to her.
Nobody should be looking to an influencer as to how to live their lives or react to a situation. If they do that’s their issue not Niomi’s unless she’s promoting something dangerous, illegal etc. I do have an issue with the fact that she seems to be photoshopping pics to make her look thinner, as I think it’s unethical & irresponsible. But how she reacts to a break-up is up to her.
If someone feels bad when competing themselves to an influencer they need to revise their own approach to social media, learn to take it with a pinch of salt.
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I need to vent. Apologies if this comes across as harsh but I've tried to bite my tongue for the past couple of days now and she's just been really getting on my nerves. I really had high hopes that Niomi would be less irritating post-break up but alas, she's proved me wrong.

She's really starting to remind me of Vanessa Hudgens after she broke up with Austin Butler with all her attention-seeking ways (just in case no one knows what I'm talking about, a huge example that made the news is when Vanessa got a new tattoo, proceeded to lift her shirt to show it off and moan like she was mid-orgasm :rolleyes:). All her bikini posts and that half unbuttoned jeans and underwear shot is so clearly all for Joe's benefit. Look, I'm not saying she's unattractive but girl has zero sex appeal and it's all coming across as cringey AF and desperate instead of sexy (which I'm assuming is what she's aiming for).

I didn't think it was possible but she's even more grating now. She keeps preaching about self-love and being excited for her future but um...everything that she's been doing has been a show for JOE. Where's the bloody self-love?? The hypocrisy and the ingenuine posts just makes her so much more unlikable.

I don't think she owes anyone a full backstory but at least be honest about it (say she's still reeling over this instead of putting on some ridiculous act that's so obviously phony) or choose to be quiet and heal in a more dignified manner. Pick one!

Also, side note: She still looks really weak in her bodyweight HIIT video and it's clear she's struggling to do a proper push-up. At 2:51, when she stood up and pretended to be tired by taking a huge exhale, she doesn't even look remotely tired at all. It seriously looks like the HIIT bits are just for show. I don't know what she's trying to prove but it's still obvious that her body doesn't reflect the body of someone who works out all the time.

Ok rant over.
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