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I don't want to deviate from the extremely controversial topic of "meats" 🤣
BUT if Nio-moi wants to be so bad eco-friendly maybe she should try I don't know...a BIKE!

it's all about the glam glam toys so she needs cars. Hybrid or is still a car.

Either way whatever she does, I'm more inclined to do the opposite.
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Happy Birthday @QueenBW 🎉☺
I have a feeling that Dimbobs is going to feel even more pressured to find a man now that she is “already” 29. Even though she said she no longer feels society’s pressure to get married at a certain age, I don’t buy it. She’s probably gonna wake up even earlier now to roam the London streets, on the look out for a husband, lol.
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Thanks @toanna1 for the non-influencer seal of approval on the chef! I'll definitely try something out and I'm even more interested to see what he and Niomi cooked.

So, it's her birthday today... I wonder how she'll 'treat' herself!

Last year, she made a cake, with chia seeds as an egg replacement, coconut sugar, coconut cream for the chocolate buttercream, cacao for the chocolate, and beetroot. YUM!

We never actually even saw her or Joe eat it though...

Lord, I hate sharing a birthday with Dumbobs. (I'm in the western hemisphere atm so not my bday here yet, clinging to my last hour and a half of youth like Granny T :p ).

That cake looked like dung pile, let's be honest.

Happy birthday, Nincompoop Smart! Let's hope you actually grow up and not just grow old this year :D
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I kind of find myself thinking Anna and her group are being a bit mean- deliberately egging eachother on and knowing they are winding her up but then I mainly think it is not their responsibility to protect his weird ex girlfriends feelings, especially as she’s been going about trashing him publicly on every shit podcast going
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And there was also nothing stopping him buying his own bread etc either, I feel bad for her as she clearly needs help but I don’t have sympathy with him
That's completely your prerogative to not have sympathy for him.
Having lived with someone who was a little (or even worse) like Niomi, I can tell you it's a shit situation to find yourself in though. I lived with a roommate who constantly commented on food choices, tutted when I reached for a certain food, explained all the ways in which things might be good or bad for me etc. They would tell me how my choices made them feel horrible and it was "only to help me". So naturally you try to see their point and make them feel more at ease with your own behaviour. Especially when they seem to have issues around food. That is for sure not the right thing to do at all, suggesting they get help would be far more benefical. Slowly but surely it does wear you down and you don't even realise how much you do change in terms of your food habits. Which, in my case at least, made it so much worse for everyone involved. I should have just insisted they get help and kept doing what I was doing. I realise that now, but it was difficult to step out and see the bigger picture stuff.
And that person was only a roommate to me. A partner who lived with me would have been a lot more intrusive, I guess.
Everyone is responsible for their own choices, for sure. But it's sometimes not that easy, because you don't even realise how much control that person exerts over you, especially when it's always done under the guise of only wanting the best for you and it's all because "you're going to be so much healthier, why would you not want that?" And I have no doubt that Niomi is convinced that she was doing the best for him with that behaviour. You are completely right, in my opinion, in saying that she does need help because ultimately he can, and did, step away from the control and she is still stuck in that place, from what it seems. I guess I am trying to say that sometimes, especially if you love that person, it's not as easy as just going to buy that bread or just not caring. My roommate had breakdowns every time I baked cake or cookies etc and I slowly stopped doing it, because I felt so bad that it made them suffer
Like so many pointed out on this thread before, that might be one of the reasons why lockdown took such a toll on them as a couple. They were together constantly and there was no let up of the control and they don't seem to have had very good communication between the two of them. Who knows what happened behind closed doors, but it just seems that lockdown brought out all the cracks in their union.
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I am short, albeit not niomi tiny but I have never had any issue with any size penis so...
This has killed me 😂 this thread is so funny.

Re the car thing - Niomi seems such a weird choice for a car ad, she doesn’t drive often, lives in central where you don’t even need a car/it’s almost prohibitively expensive because parking, congestion etc…l will never understand how these companies select their influencers tbh
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Oh for sure. I'm absolutely seething about how she's buying a house. And we know it won't be a tiny little thing somewhere awful. Meanwhile, I've been working full time for 7 years, have a master's degree, and wouldn't be able to afford a cupboard in London.
Echoing the sentiment! I also have a Master’s degree and been financially independent for 5 years now. I was just able to rent my own one bedroom apartment last September and I’m scraping by sometimes in terms of groceries. Niomi’s easy money really makes me jealous.
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Nepotism has crumbled many pillars of society, so not surprised that Joe is a bit of a clueless twit.
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In case anyone still thinks Dr Alex George is too clever for Nims...
View attachment 601881
This is the show that is notoriously bad for contestants' mental health. As if this is "representation" for the NHS; when has that ever been a thing?! Just like Niomi, he is spectacularly shameless when it comes to making everything about him.
Rewarded? Could going on Love Island really be classed as a “reward”?
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I love opening my laptop in the morning after taking care of the baby and sitting with some tea and reading the comments, you guys really make me laugh and make my days better, thank you.
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Chatty Member
I get this I think it was a dig at Joe and his type rather than the women he dates ... I’m 5”3 and my boyf is 6ft
Yes. Anyone can date whomever they want. I was simply observing that if he's a substantial size, and the women he dates are much smaller in both height and build, they either have magic tardis vaginas or he's packing a pencil.

As you can see, I have spent an unhealthy amount of time considering Dreamy's penis. Don't worry--I really enjoyed it.
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Anna is beautiful but sooooo annoying. The constant giggles - wtf is she even laughing at? :confused: Just calm the fuck down.
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Reading these comments made me go back to the stupid Saturn podcast because some things caught my attention, I listened to that bit again and typed some of it below.

Few things that made me roll my eyes was when she said " to go from University graduate with no money and not knowing what to do with your life to suddenly getting money from the things I've been doing online. Weird sense of guilt ... I don't deserve to get paid for that, I liked it too much."

Is she for reals? She had NO money? What the actual flip. I don't recall her family being poor. And she also said this super quickly about Marcus "we weren't meant to be" lol, her favorite line about everyone she's dating.

its around the 5min mark
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I was perusing books and came upon a quote from a book I want to read, I apologize that it's sooo long but it hits some things that I can see a lot of people chasing, especially Niomi who seems to enjoy pontificating organic wellness but has none to live off herself, so I wanted to share.

“According to Buddhism, the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor of sadness nor even of meaninglessness. Rather, the real root of suffering is this never-ending and pointless pursuit of ephemeral feelings( lasting for a very short time), which causes us to be in a constant state of tension, restlessness and dissatisfaction. Due to this pursuit, the mind is never satisfied. Even when experiencing pleasure, it is not content, because it fears this feeling might soon disappear, and craves that this feeling should stay and intensify. People are liberated from suffering not when they experience this or that fleeting pleasure, but rather when they understand the impermanent nature of all their feelings, and stop craving them. This is the aim of Buddhist meditation practices. In meditation, you are supposed to closely observe your mind and body, witness the ceaseless arising and passing of all your feelings, and realise how pointless it is to pursue them. When the pursuit stops, the mind becomes very relaxed, clear and satisfied. All kinds of feelings go on arising and passing – joy, anger, boredom, lust – but once you stop craving particular feelings, you can just accept them for what they are. You live in the present moment instead of fantasising about what might have been. The resulting serenity is so profound that those who spend their lives in the frenzied pursuit of pleasant feelings can hardly imagine it. It is like a man standing for decades on the seashore, embracing certain ‘good’ waves and trying to prevent them from disintegrating, while simultaneously pushing back ‘bad’ waves to prevent them from getting near him. Day in, day out, the man stands on the beach, driving himself crazy with this fruitless exercise. Eventually, he sits down on the sand and just allows the waves to come and go as they please. How peaceful!”
― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
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That Dior bag she was flaunting is ridiculous. £2,950 and 1/3 of the bag's missing!

View attachment 602529

She has so many handbags too.

She's said before in an interview that living sustainably means 'really questioning whether you need that new item'... she needs to have a word with herself.
she should probably drop the sustainable / natural schtick and join made in chelsea, i think that would be more on brand for her at this point
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I don't think anyone straight out said Anna is a saint, at least what I was referring to was the hating on the relationship itself or how she stole Joeyyy.
Yeah I agree. Personally I think it's really obvious that there's two sorts of comments going on here. There's people who just think Anna is a bad person in general, or has done some broadly dodgy things - don't have an issue with that, a lot of it I'd be inclined to agree. But there are definitely people who act like Anna is a bad person because she's now dating Joe, which is why there were all those horrid comments about her being a warm body and easy etc etc.
I find it so interesting that Niomi is literally the most boring influencer whose thread I read yet this is the only one where there's so much in fighting :LOL: makes for a fun read at least!
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I disagree 🤷‍♂️
I think it is bullying her, all this leaking pics of Anna and Joe being coupley on previously private Instagram feeds. They must have mutual friends, they know what they are doing.

Mean (30 something year old) girls.
It’s not bullying at all. Niomi doesn’t have to look at it, if she does thats completely on her. It does her no favours to act like people she doesn’t know, who owe her absolutely nothing, are bullying her by posting on their already public Instagram accounts. Saying everything is ‘bullying’ these days really waters down the term.

I’m also personally completely sure Niomi would not ever give a random new girl the same consideration people on here seem to demand Anna gives to her…Niomi clearly has a nasty streak too, I don’t think she would consider the feelings of the girl in her position for one second if the roles were reversed 🤷🏻‍♀️ Really cannot get my head around why people think it’s fine for Niomi to say whatever she wants on podcast but Anna is the bully for posting a video?? If Niomi doesn’t want or can’t take retaliation she should be quiet.
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Also, Dior are the opposite of sustainable!
lets face it, none of these influencers care about sustainability, they just use it as a mask to hide behind their classism. they have no problem jetting round the world but a primark tshirt is killing the planet
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