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I think he broke up with her the weekend she was in sussex. The weekend after the pizza picture. She was trying on wedding dresses (I think in London, judging by the wedding dress accounts she follows) and the next day he ended it. She probably went back to the flat to speak to him and saw all the pics had been taken down, so she went back to sussex and then thats when we got the 'taking time away from social media post'. Wow though, I was recently trying on wedding dresses and if my fiance did that to me I'd be heartbroken. He could have timed it better ha.
agreed. that man is a complete coward for ending things AFTER the venue and pretty much everything had already been booked. If he were half decent he wouldn’t have let things go that far. Pretty nasty imo.
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Ohhhhhh. Even though it is my 29th birthday today, I still got up early to prowl the streets looking for a hunky man-er-no-coffee and a lush looking cupcake for the IG ( always throw it in a bin-tee hee)

REFLECTION time for me. What have I achieved since I turned 28?( Scratches streaked hair down age making centre parting).
Well, my shit skin business is growing and growing. A whole 2 new products added to the boring, I mean, lucrative list! People will buy anything with flowers slapped across the package.
NOTE TO SELF-keep promoting other company's products-especially sun screen slop. I know it's not cruelty free but what do people expect? I'm definitely not pahhhhhfect.

Well, I managed to get on that gravy train by reinventing myself as a 'break up' agony aunt. I've noticed that if I keep mentioning the fact that I didn't see it coming, people are so so sympathetic. I mean, the clairvoyant that I kept seeing didn't mention anything about dreeeamy Joeeeeeeeey dumping me so I was weally weally surprised. I even thought he'd removed all of our couples pictures to have them remounted in solid silver frames to befit my classy status. How could I have been so wrong??

Spending time with Noodle in lock down made me realise that I look cute with animals-got lots of ooohs and ahhhhs on IG. The bunny poop wasn't so great but at least it was completely vegan so a good compromise.

Now I'm on the 'right path', time to buy my own house-weally-a whole house!! I made it clear to the property agent that it MUST have a big bathroom for my semi naked, zen chill outs. The kitchen MUST have plenty of room for my sacred spice rack and a shelf for my famous cook book.

I will also need plenty of different walls for my headstands and striking yoga poses.
I would be prepared to pay extra for pillars/distressed white woodwork and faux book wallpaper-got to make it homely!!

I realised that I just didn't have time for my own SELF CARE/ SELF LOVE Sunday sessions if I stuck to my YewChewb channel Sunday schedule, so I ditched it-good decision making skills here from a boss businesswoman.
I make so much more from IG in a fraction of the time-ching, ching.

All in all I have had a good year. I am much stronger now (still can't open a jar of olives without help). I have become much more selfish and that is a GOOD THING (mee mee mee mee).
I have the courage to stride round London in ridiculous sunglasses and a trench coat-so Audrey.:cool:

I will have to work weally weally hard to ramp up my gym attendance-I cannot be seen to fall behind other dedicated fitness fanatics-so so frustrating that they went a week before me-pout pout.

So, enough of this WAFFLING ( 🙃 ) I am ready for action-after an early night-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEMEMEMEME!
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It's worth mentioning that the second Niomi gets a new Dreamy Joe he's absolutely going to be hinted at all over her insta with shots of someone opposite her at dinner etc, and then before long we'll be getting copycat lobster pics! The girl has no shame.
She wasn't planning to post about a new relationship as much after Marcus and look what happened, I don't think she's learned anything at all from posting cheesy stuff about her "Prince charming."
If things had worked out with dettol daddy he'd be all over her feed by now!
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I don't know that I would say bullying, but it is all just very odd, and it wouldn't surprise me if there is some vitriol involved given that Niomi is finally starting to talk about the breakup properly. She is entitled to do that. Anna is also entitled to show her bf on her social media accounts. Odd that she does not tag him; he's either there or he isn't. Anna is obviously someone who likes to show off all her social circle on insta so not being able to show and tag him much must be quite weird for her. Why has he got himself into that predicament again?!
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I took no issue with Anna posting the IG stories of him recently, I get that the timing was very questionable but I do still feel she ultimately has every right to post whatever she wants.

BUT the Truffle Social stuff has definitely confirmed they are cretins. Exploiting people like that for your own gain is utterly shameful. I totally believe some of those reviews and you can get a pretty good guess of what they all must be like with a quick scroll through their IG's. We've all met someone like that and they are generally not people you want to be friends with. They're all just scummy and desperate for fame.
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Perhaps, if there has been cheating, she does not want to talk about it for fear of repercussions. We assume Joe is a wet lettuce but maybe he has a nasty side. It's really not uncommon for someone to appear chilled and harmless but also be deeply unpleasant to their partners. The level of gaslighting usually means the partner doesn't really notice until it's too late. It is possible that while she was controlling with food, he was a twat in other ways.
I’m glad you said that, very true, to be honest I’m going to stop being so hard on Niomi when it comes to her relationship with Joe as I was in a relationship with my ex for 4 years who used to be really nice to his friends and the minute we were on our own he would do a 180 and be absolutely vile to me, to this day his family doesn’t have a clue what happened in the relationship they think the sun shines out his arse!
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Moved in with dreamy Joeeeey. Got him into her vlogs. Posed everywhere day and night. Got bag loads of freebies. Launched the most chemically filled beauty range with Boots and had a massive negative backlash. It was never repeated.

Joeeeey got work in India, they got engaged and tootled off to Soho House India. Ayervedic posing galore.

Pandemic and back to isolate with Joeeeey in spare wing of his family home. Yoga, smoothie bowls, early morning runs (not diarrhoea).

Moved back to London to flat share with Joeeey's brother, Eddie,who was living in Joeeey's flat.Mighty grateful to be there he was too ( said Dimbobs) publicly planning to change it all to suit her better.

Dimbobs asked her bestie to be chief bridesmaid. Next thing we know, Joeeeey has dumped Dimbobs.

She goes home to family in Sussex. Posts a cringe video re not being on right path with Joeeeey. He was not her person after all.

She completes a yoga teaching course. Starts gabbing on randon pod casts about her amazing fightback from the dumping. Gradually revealing the crap side of Joeeeey.

Launches her skin care brand no 2. Low key AND still posts ads for every other skin care brand on the planet.£££££££

Now renting a flat in Notting Hill from bestie BUT is now buying a house.

Broke lockdown regularly and thought it was a joke.

Now doesn't post on Youtube, insta makes her more money.

She's posed with animals to enhance her softer side- a dog duck bunny!! 🐶🐇🦆

Now she swans round Notting Hill as early as possible, haunting coffee shops, looking for freebies.

She's now back to pilates in the sky, avocado lunches, being gifted shedloads of random freebies.

Think that's about it!🤣🤣
And we have learned that when you feel down it is because of full MOONS and there is nothing that a paaahfect skin care routine could not fix
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I’m sorry but I have to make you all suffer with me! I just watched this segment again for the first time in ages and it’s even more glaringly obvious than before. Literally can’t handle the cringe😭 every time he looks at her you can sense his frustration! Omg

time stamp didn’t work. Starts at about 2:50 in. She’s acting like a caricature, how did he cope

when she makes the comment about how she’s trying to be healthy and Joe’s in the background making toast. He sounds like all of us “I’m having peanut butter and banana. On organic sourdough...” because it’s still healthy. And in THE most patronising voice she says “that’s absolutely fine joey” cannot believe my eyeballs tbh
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Yep. She found a trail of breadcrumbs to a secret peanut butter jar cupboard and Joeeey's finger prints all over the door. He begged for mercy so she gave him an ultimatum. ' it's me or carbs'. 🥪🥖🍞🥐 Joeeeey, munching on a BLT, made his choice., erp!
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Didn't she say in that Millennial Love podcast, that she arrived home one day and he had taken down every picture of them in the flat and that's how she realised he was serious?
I dunno...something tells me that Freddie had words with Joe after they all started living together and that's when shit kicked off.
It would be great if she did an Amelia on it some day and went into detail about what happened but I don't think she will unforch.
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Wonder why her handle is Terrina27, is that the year she was born or the age she thinks she's in her head lol
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It's not like Joe suddenly set up a YT channel and started filming his awesome life with Anna, I could see that rubbing Niomi the wrong way. He's living his life in private like a normal person. In the few months before the breakup it was painfully obvious how much he hated the camera in his face and every time he looked at Niomi his face would go even more sour, on walks he would run away from her.

She's still pissed off that she spend 3-4 years they were together filming some fake reality show and it never ended up matching up with actual reality. Nimbobs actually put her own happiness BEHIND her desire to look good and envy worthy on camera with her dreamy guy and her dreamy life. Now's she's on a selfish podcast tour being a sourpuss. Also some people mentioned spotting her holding hands with a guy few weeks/months after the breakup so she's clearly doing the same thing Joe is, she's just pissed of that his current relationship is lasting longer than her flings.
Exactly - and remember the time he spent the day with her as her photographer so she could show him how hard her job is as an influencer....her saying something like....."it's not as easy as it looks huh" silence as a reply lol
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I do wonder why he waited until they had moved back to London to call it off. They were only there five minutes when the whole thing fell apart. Why not just go their separate ways when lockdown lifted? To me that does make it seem like it was a bit out of the blue. They had discussed staying in that flat for up to two years and then...bam! Not saying Nims didn't ignore the warning signs. She did. She admits that herself. Maybe he thought things would get better when they were back in London or maybe it was a total dick move on his part to move her into his flat and then dump her.
Imagine going from the claustrophibic setting with her in Sussex into another claustrobic setting in a shared, very small London flat. There she was saying that Freddie should be grateful to be there at all. She.openly chatted on her video about making changes to the place-after virtually 5 minutes. I'm sure this complete lack of awareness on her part was probably the final straw. Sometimes it just takes one action too far and also, maybe Joeeeeey needed his brother's support to bite the bullet. I think he was at the mercy of her coercive, passive/aggressive behaviour for long enough.
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So I put myself through listening to that Milennial Love podcast this morning (truly awful) and Nims talked about the different kinds of 'love relationships' we have in life. Apparently Joey was an 'infatuation' type relationship which Nims says are characterised by lying and cheating. I know that the majority here don't seem to think that Joey cheated - but it was interesting that she said this, no? Like maybe he did lie/cheat his way through the relationship. She also said she was done with toxic men and would be happy to settle for an 'easy' 'boring' relationship.

I think implying that Joey was lying, cheating and toxic may have been enough to prompt the Joey rollout on Anna's IG!
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just caught up with the thread. I completely agree with @QueenBW the fact that people who make the lamest duck faced selfie videos get paid a lot more than people who actually work is horrible. And the way influencers talk about their job being “hard” and complicated as any other job is beyond me.
we live in a world where people appreciate abunch of airheads who give us eyelash extension clinic recommendations over doctors/lawyers/social workers/frontline workers or anyone who actually contributes to this society to make it a better place. The way they repost customers reviews that say “your nail bar recommendation it changed my life” so proudly is honestly so embarassing. I hope these shallow tiktok/insta influencers become outdated soon and the world starts appreciating an actual job, hardwork and being a genuine person.
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