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Ok, I swear this is Niomi related. Went on the Truffle Social Glassdoor site to check out the reviews, and yeah, apparently you either loved it or you hated it and the people who hated it REALLY hated it. BUT. Two of the 1 star reviews were written on... 26 May 2021. Niomi's birthday. Do you think she/her friends went and wrote bad reviews on there after Anna's flaunting? Coincidence?

I've written a couple of Glassdoor reviews and they never really confirmed with me that I had indeed worked there, so anyone could write a bad review...

There are others from before the breakup, though, so I believe that Truffle is a horrible place, which is not surprising since the Hernaman sisters seem like bitches.
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Ok, so bit off topic but it's kind of always on topic. (and just to introduce myself, longtime lurker, recently decided to partake in the joy, but y'all are so funny and omg Niomi is so insane). Anyways, so I've been reading and nodding along here about her obvious issues with food, and angry like everyone about how she can influence people into horrible EDs. And I had read about the famed "smoothie bowl weather" video but had given up finding it after watching one or two insufferable lockdown vlogs. But I just found it when you said 'almost a year ago' and it went way beyond my expectations!!!! I now understand even more what y'all have been saying. I had assumed all the "she kept on going on the run after Joe hurt himself" was after they had a convo about it and he said no it's ok keep going I'll just go stretch and have breakfast. But OMG!! She literally didn't realize and kept running? Never looking back at him to see or smile or wave?
And then the food. Again I had assumed y'all were rightfully interpreting what was happening, but I didn't expect it'd be so explicit!! Wow. You can tell so much about her controlling issues from her reaction to his politely turning down the fucking tea, making a big deal out of having already taken two bags out and having to put his back in the box like that screwed up her plans!! And then she's literally shocked about his wanting to have toast and implying toast isn't healthy?! Toast is way healthier in many respects, if it has peanut butter it's cereals and fat, low sugar, whereas grinding down fruits is the worst way to eat fruit, you lose all the nutrients and keep only the sugar. No wonder she talks about it like it's Christmas, it must be the only sugar she'll allow herself. And then in the background you see Joe desperately scraping the bottom of a peanut butter jar. That was bonkers and hilarious, y'all! Can't believe I had missed that. I don't care what he did to her, he should have all the steaks he wants now lol.
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For the ones saying we haven't seen Anna do anything that bad, please go back a few threads and watch her and her idiot sister cackle as they torture her sister's poor kitten, driving like they're on crack, while the kitten flies about the car, looking absolutely terrified. Maybe it wasn't depriving a frigging grown man of meat (a man who could have said, hey, you eat your bean burgers, I'll make myself a meat one), but it was laughing while a defenseless animal suffered. An animal they were supposed to take care of.

They're awful people. I don't get where they get support considering they're not even influencers. Is it just cause Anna's hot and seems fun? Cause I assure you, she's as problematic if not more than Niomi. I know her type.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Niomi sucks. Joe sucks. Anna sucks. They're all awful people.
They’re all wannabe Made in Chelsea trash.
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Perhaps Joey is the kind of guy who goes for looks first then takes him a few years to figure out if he likes the personality of the person he's dating.
Yeah, I think he doesn't care for personality as long as they're hot, until the personality becomes too grating. Like, with Niomi, he was fine putting up with her controlling ways and her food obsessions when he was spending 10+ hours at work and traveling every month. She was hot, she looked good in photos and at company events. It wasn't until he was forced to spend time with her in quarantine that he was like, oh, wait, maybe her personality is not outweighed by her looks.

To be fair, he hasn't got a personality either, so it must be hard to recognize other people's.
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Can’t help but think this was planned by both of them.. maybe that’s his response to her childish podcast remarks 🙃
If it was then they are just as sad and pathetic as her. And if I were Anna and he suggested that or even was openly keeping tabs / caring about her podcasts, I’d run a mile. He’s moved on and if they are happy then that should be enough for them. Yes Niomi is ridiculous but they don’t need to purposely try and hurt her or ruin her birthday. The moving on and being truly happy is a ‘win’ enough.

God, they’re all just awful aren’t they 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Instead of doing all these lame podcasts and giving “hints” she should either clarify what happened or simply shut up. When you’re a public person making statements to your followers you need to take some responsibility for what you say, especially when it concerns other people. Her behaviour is super low and nope it doesn’t compare to Joeyy and Anna living their life and showing bits of it on their sm.

If anyone was manipulating and gaslighting in this relationship I bet it was Niomi, especially since we can clearly see in her videos how manipulating and controlling she was towards him. She was all happy and in love while he was getting thinner and sadder all the time. It was her who chose to ignore it and it is still her who is ignoring any possibility she might have had done sth wrong.

I cannot believe so many here are taking her manipulation and making conspiracies how “he surely cheated”. Also they haven’t been showing their relationship for months, the only way we found out was someone spotting them in London. I would say they deserve to show it off whenever they want to rn and it’s only our or Niomi’s choice to watch it. It’s been a year ffs. I can’t imagine how it would feel to be constantly talked about and even basically being followed in public by a bunch of internet strangers because of my bf’s manipulative ex gf. To claim Anna is bulling her is another level of bullshit too. Sorry but it seems this forum suddenly forgot how toxic Niomi is and became oh poor Niomi after some vague comments from her and the fact her ex and his new gf “had the audacity” to show themselves having fun on ig.
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Pls post here!

What a waste...
There's something so sad about a birthday cake sent to you by a fake tan company you shill on your instagram. It's as sad as her christmas tree full of gifted baubles. The empty life of a walking billboard...
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I dream about this day. That this sh*t amount of money companies are giving them, will actually go to people in need.
im at a point where if I see a company has given a freebie to an influencer, I add it to my do-not-buy list. I NEVER buy anything through a sponsored affiliate link or with a code. It’s the only way to rid ourselves of this.

hell I was in a really bad mood the other day, had to fork out a fortune for a bank holiday staycation with very limited choices, and I was angry at all the people who would be priced out of holidays in the UK. The nurses and till staff who have literally kept us all going through the pandemic will almost certainly be priced out.

I saw a small time infuencer who I won’t name, with about 11K followers on a “gifted” stay at a luxury hotel. I know the girl in question and it made me livid. Her parents are wealthy so she’s never had to struggle for anything. They bankrolled her bohemian lifestyle, and gave her a safe home to come home to. She has never held down a proper job and now is a full time mum with a husband supporting her. In short, nothing impressive. But they were gifted a stay. It made my blood boil to the point I left a bad review for the hotel. I was honest that my previous stay had been comfortable (id gone there a year or so ago) but that giving away freebies was tacky and not in keeping with their luxury branding.

I don’t care if it’s petty, I’m sick of how shallow people like niomi are being rewarded for being what, rich and privileged already? For being lucky? The only way companies will respond is if we vote with our wallets and our reviews.
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Summary niomee's diairy:
I'm completely on the path of recovery self healing self love with my skin care which is the consistency of the food I slurp. Paaahfect.
Running at the Crack of dawn like a lunatic to get my coffee to then do ig stories walking very fast cause I'm so so busy going to all the gifted appointments. My sense of fashuun and applying lipstick was never better !And when I'm cold I put double pants lovely ! Additionally now having for the 10th time gifted luggage I can fit all the animals in the world like Noah paahfect for selfies on the Ibiza beach stay that I begged by following all of them through IG.
I will lay on the beach watching full moon whilst writing list of things I hate of he who must not be named dreamy because I need to have a content for all the podcast I forced my way in.
Sending love !

Adding soundtrack


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Honestly every time I remember that image of him crouching behind the cupboard door trying to sneakily eat the popcorn and then his face when she found him...cannot deal :LOL:
he ate off the floor a lot and really had to fight for every kernel



she said "hey what are you doing?!" lol

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She might be blessed with "easy" money, but this pandemic proved one thing: if you remove the glitz and the glam, what is there left to make her or people like her feel accomplished? Nothing. While most of us kept the economy going through our 9-5s, I don't see what her contribution to society really is. No, her skincare isn't revolutionary in any way. She clearly proved this point when she spent her days doing yoga and going on walks to nowhere. Her life seemed rather vacant and it was clearly showing as you could tell her mental state wasn't all the way there. Despite what we think, I'm sure she's struggling with crippling insecurities, especially now that Joey has moved on. Her controlling ways stem from deep insecurities, rather than a need to feel healthy otherwise she wouldn't have felt the need to force Joey to abide by her "healthy eating" obsession. Then again, every single person has their own definition of "ambition".
Niomi is a really odd character tbh because on the one hand, compared to people like Zoella who is just a lazy slug of a human, I almost feel like Niomi would genuinely be happier if she had a real, demanding job where she was actually busy and had stuff to do. She clearly enjoys the idea of being productive and feeling like she's 'achieved' things. But on the other hand, there was that video she did where she was all stressed in a major flap about 'having loads to do' and it transpired it was about an hour of work in the end...
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As much as I want to gossip about Niomi I am almost 100% certain that Anna or her sister reads here and I just don't want to give them the satisfaction

Doing a Joe reveal on Niomis birthday? Her friend unprivating their insta to show a pic of Anna and Joe. Come on! You literally couldn't be more blatant. Its embarrassing to be in your 30s and making your friend unprivage their insta to show off your BF

I think Niomi gives me wannabe vibes. Shes not a mean girl she's like a bystander who wants to get into crew but wouldn't make it. Anna and her sister are definitely full on Regina george

Anna will definitely be living out joeys insta fantasies, but not necessarily because she wants to just because she's a cool girl. Whilst niomi is a 3 minutes of missionary (timed) on a towel.

On a separate note I looked back through her Grandmas insta and there were loads of pics of her and Marcus and she just looked so much happier then, and a million times more comfortable with Marcus than Joe. So did Marcus tbh. She definitely needs a mildly embarassing Marcus not a dreamy Joey.

I don't think Niomi gave Marcus and ed, I've been following her since the beginning and they both started their healthy eating journey together, they gave each other a disordered relationship with food and facilitated each other equally. You could just as well say Marcus gave Niomi an Ed. He's another one who moved on from Niomi onto a cool girl who just loves pasta and junk food but manages to maintain a size 6 figure
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None of these people are better than the other. Niomi is annoying but the other girl loves the attention as well.

I am craving a cake now :(
I would actually eat it :)
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I mean if I knew there are multiple threads which, especially recent times, are majorly focused on me and my bf, taking screenshots and even spotting us in real life - like one poster who turned out to sit behind Anna and her friends at a restaurant, I’d check them out and play with that too. Other than having public ig profiles they don’t really try to be popular, it’s us who give it to them so it seems a bit hypocritical to criticise them, especially going so low as calling Anna a rebound and just a warm body - multiple times. It’s just my opinion though cause I’d much rather hate and call out Niomi than A&J. Guess Niomi is super boring after all.

Not to mention that Niomi gave zero fucks about DJ’s feelings doing all these podcasts about the break up so I wouldn’t blame them for being pissed off. I don’t really care about her feelings tbh. She didn’t care when he strained his ankle on one of many 6 am runs, didn’t care he wanted to eat actual food. She was and is disgusting. So I actually quite like it the fact that A&J are together, having fun with friends and eating actual food. I’d see anything really just to know Niomi’s smug face is loosing all its fake self love confidence. But maybe new a gifted car will get her back on the self care track #sustainability.
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