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Urgh… can you imagine turning up to work one day and writing an email “completely forgot about this piece of work lol! Here it is late” and throwing in some typos too.
The delusion when she fashions herself to be a hard worker and so busy. Unbelievable. Or unbeliable, as Niomi would say.
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Anna’s not even doing anything wrong but damn she annoys me! Can totally imagine what she was like at school
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I feel like Niomi makes it really hard to rise above. The constant shittalking on all these podcasts, it almost sounds like she's trying to bait either Joe or Anna for a reaction. If my partners ex was constantly berating him like that I'd probably be a little petty and try to rub it in her face also.
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Ok some theories on that "hi hottie" comment:

- I think it's possible even when you know something is wrong or are losing interest in a person to still do certain things because they are expected, or familiar or maybe even want to think you can revive your feelings but you can't
- Could be that he was lying to himself that everything would be ok because he clearly did love her at some point and was really active in the relationship (gifting, doing things, being with family etc.) and maybe could go back to that?
- I think she is freaking controlling and whiney, superficial, monetized everything about appearances and a whiney little baby who would 100% try to force Joe to take photos of her, like them, leave a comment...

Picture this:

1-2 years in:"my followers love you all your content is the most popular we must make such a cute couple and everyone loves us, they just love to see how much you love me" he agrees as a lovesick dude and likes and comments
2-3 years in: cute and mischevious: "you didn't like my photo?" waits an uncomfortable moment for him to do it which he obliges
COVID-Nims: *sobbing* "oh joey you didn't like or leave a comment, do you not love me anymore?" a couple days post fight leaves "hi hottie" he thinks to reassure her but deep down it's also to prevent another fight and possibly revive his feelings thinking.. this is normal

^ my SAD fanfic there but you can see it right?
Interesting :unsure:

He is pretty much the same on Anna's insta now though, transfered bf duties from niomi's to Anna's ig overnight.

I believe he carried on as normal with niomi to avoid and heart to hearts as he had already checked out and moved onto Anna. He waited till niomi was out of the flat and dumped her from afar. No need to deal with the questions or tears in person then, he just turned his phone off, or more likely blocked her.

Niomi is without question an unsympathetic character in this breakup story, but I feel the truffle sisters are bullying her and are encouraging bullying of her. Anna (despite her looks, mates and privilegedwork position) is probably quite insecure about niomi and appears desperate to make Joe publicly love her as much as he did niomi. Hence all the mates leaking pics and vids of them together. All probably trilling "eeemerged why isn't she like, over it already? You guys are the like the cutest couple, soooo much more suited etc." Niomi won't be over it for quite some time, he left her and now he's seeing you. Just concentrate on that and mute niomi on podcasts, or release a sex tape and have done with it.
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You could imagine some of the conversations.

J-I don't think this is working between us.
N-I wish I'd run my PB today.

J-I am really fed up with all this vegan baby food.
N-I think we should get up at 6am tomorrow, lots of content to create-Pahhhhfect life Joeeey!

J- I'm going to get a 15 oz steak tomorrow.
N-Oooh look, a gifted set of hair nourishment.

J-Isn't that 4 wd a gas guzzler?
N-Self love is never selfish Joeeeey.

Honestly, Joey does not strike me as the communicative type. He probably did the thing where he took everything on the chin until one day he snapped and broke it off. Anecdotally, I've met a lot of guys who were just never taught to express emotions or were told to view it as a bad thing, but they obviously still had them. Not defending Niomi, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it went.
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Meanwhile he looks gormless she is smiling and he just looks blank
Honestly Joe reminds me so much of my ex. They even look like. When I look back at our photos he always had this emotionless face on him. Makes sense that he's an ex. The vibe was never right.

Ugh this is so annoying I miss him again :(
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Urgh… can you imagine turning up to work one day and writing an email “completely forgot about this piece of work lol! Here it is late” and throwing in some typos too.
imagine your job consisted of making one instagram post :LOL:
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Active member
Ok some theories on that "hi hottie" comment:

- I think it's possible even when you know something is wrong or are losing interest in a person to still do certain things because they are expected, or familiar or maybe even want to think you can revive your feelings but you can't
- Could be that he was lying to himself that everything would be ok because he clearly did love her at some point and was really active in the relationship (gifting, doing things, being with family etc.) and maybe could go back to that?
- I think she is freaking controlling and whiney, superficial, monetized everything about appearances and a whiney little baby who would 100% try to force Joe to take photos of her, like them, leave a comment...

Picture this:

1-2 years in:"my followers love you all your content is the most popular we must make such a cute couple and everyone loves us, they just love to see how much you love me" he agrees as a lovesick dude and likes and comments
2-3 years in: cute and mischevious: "you didn't like my photo?" waits an uncomfortable moment for him to do it which he obliges
COVID-Nims: *sobbing* "oh joey you didn't like or leave a comment, do you not love me anymore?" a couple days post fight leaves "hi hottie" he thinks to reassure her but deep down it's also to prevent another fight and possibly revive his feelings thinking.. this is normal

^ my SAD fanfic there but you can see it right?
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I feel bad dragging big T for her looks, she's in her 70s and obviously came from a background where her looks were her only currency. Her covid behaviour on the other hand is fair game.
I can only hope niomi developes interest outside her appearance.
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I’m sorry but if Joe split up with Niomi over just the food situation then I’d have to say that he couldn’t have loved her very much.
Niomi gave some of her viewers eating disorders or pushed them there. It's not even about food but about control, imagine she did that to him 3-4 times a day for a few years, it adds up.
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Her asking "Is this everyone's second week of going to gym class?" just makes her seem like such a child/teenager. Like school has just started up again and she's missed the first week and is trying to catch up.
That combined with sharing that she still keeps a list of things she dislikes about her ex a year later and is still adding to it, makes her sound so juvenile.
Extremely juvenile. And she’s trying to convince the world she has gotten over him, lol. Maybe a list like that is helpful when the break up is still fresh, but nearly a year later? You gotta let go at some point. Also, the way she’s talking about all those “insights” she has had post-break up and treating it like some great wisdom nobody has ever known before her (such as being each other’s best friend strengthens the relationship immeasurably- no shit?) shows that she has no clue how a serious relationship works. She put him on a pedestal, romanticized him, was not actually friends with him but simply infatuated - sounds like a lovesick teenager to me.
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I don’t think Joe cheated. She’d have harped on about it and made it very clear. He moved on quickly and she doesn’t like it and she’s angry.

Agree that she looked sad drunk this weekend. We’ve all been there or had friends there - trying to make it look like you’re sooo happy. Those people weren’t even her friends, they were Charlotte’s.
I can't believe it's almost been a year and we're still all speculating about the breakup hahaha.

But imho, it'd be totally in Niomi's character to not say she was cheated on. She'd take it as a personal affront, an attack against who she is, a failure in some way on her part.

The way she hasn't moved on and has been getting increasingly vicious with time, instead of less involved, which also coincides with Anna and Joe becoming more public, seems to say something uglier went down. Yeah, we all slag off Niomi for her self-centeredness and obsessive food control, but she didn't give "unhinged" vibes before.
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Looked at Terrina's insta yesterday, she was out eating in restaurants in September, no mask, no social distancing then she posted how her husband barely got over Covid, gee I wonder how he caught it.
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Dear Lord. It's the return of the clownishly applied red lipstick:


What sort of influencer can't properly apply red lipstick?
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Hi all, new member here... And livid. I would love to give my 2 cents and hope that it will reach anyone in a similar situation.

I found this forum a few days ago and pretty much spent the entire weekend reading up. And wow, how fucking blind have I been. For years. Long story ahead...

I started watching Niomi when she broke up with Marcus and was living the single life in Notting Hill. I had just broken up with my bf as well and was doing the same, living in London and discovering my single self. I was loving it. Niomi seemed like a familiar friend (she wasn’t doing lots of ads at the time) and I enjoyed her content.

It was around this time that I unknowingly developed an eating disorder. Without sharing details (which is triggering in itself) I now realise that I was mimicking a lot of her behaviour - completely oblivious to the fact that it was 100% disordered. She lived a perfect life right? So she must be setting a good example.

I started watching her less and less as she became less relatable but would check in every now and then, feeling sorry for her after the whole Joe debacle. Embarrassed at her semi-naked shots but comparing my body to hers at the same time.

Fast forward to now and I’m a dozen therapy sessions in, working extremely hard to change my behaviour, and slowly uncovering all the different layers that have shaped and fuelled the monster that is my ED. And after finding this forum, I now realise Niomi’s content played a part in it. Gives a whole new definition to the word influencer. I feel stupid and naive for only realising now how triggering her content is.

I am in no way blaming Niomi for my situation as I attribute a whole lot of different factors to my illness. But her content fed it and justified my behaviour. I genuinely thought her diet was representative of that of the average woman.

I can’t be angry at her because I now see how hopelessly clueless she is and she truly believes she’s living a healthy life. But she is promoting an unhealthy relationship with food and she needs to be hauled over to therapy stat - before anyone else falls for it like I did. This is straight up dangerous.

Although I feel some of the comments towards her can be a bit insensitive, I would like to thank every single one of you on here that has called her out on her disordered behaviour, because you held a big fucking mirror to my face. It is NOT normal, and it is VERY important for people to call her out on it. So thank you.
First of all, welcome dear! I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to deal with and that Niomi’s content worsened it. You’re neither naive nor stupid - I used to be a big fan of hers too and am embarrassed when I remember how much I strived to be like her. For me it wasn’t so much her eating behavior but more her lifestyle in general: her perfect style, her perfect boyfriend, her perfect job and gorgeous flat. All of her exciting travels. I would look at her and feel guilty for not being constantly “happy and positive” 24/7 like she was. Everything seemed flawless in her life to me and it wasn’t long before I felt bad about myself and the fact that I wasn’t waking up at 5 am every morning with a big grin on my face, lol. She’s one of the fakest, least real and most pretentious influencers out there.
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tbf when he did have bread she laughed at him, he got back from a 10k run and wanted peanut butter on fresh rye bread and she laughed that he was having buttery toast whilst she made a healthy smoothie bowl
She was constantly food shaming
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It seems that everyone but Joe have posted pics of the new couple. It is strange that the ones Anna and her circle have posted are on stories that disappear after 24hr and he is not tagged ever. And it even looks like some of them are sneaky - camera not staying on Joey for more than a couple of seconds... her sister posting stories form far away... all very childish probably he is not serious about the relationship. Posting one pic on the feed is not the same as having a camera in your face 24/7 🤷🏻‍♀️
I wouldn't blame Joey for having social medial PTSD after his stint with Nimbobs.
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I saw one of those trends that asks ‘what’s classy if you’re rich and tacky if you’re poor?’ and someone said ‘sustainability’. I thought of Niomi and thought nothing about her is sustainable, but it’s admired without question in her circle because of her status. But those that go beyond performative sustainable practices or actually have to re use items etc out of necessity are actually the sustainable ones amongst us. Mental!
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That hair colour does nothing for her 😮
The hair color and her have something in common.
Doing absolutely nothing seems to come naturally to both 🤣🤣🤣

Remember when she blamed lockdown for her "lack of creativity"? She has uploaded one single video since lockdown lifted in the UK. ONE video. With a life update, from a person claiming to only post about fashion and food and not her private life. And lockdown lifting was eight weeks ago. Maybe it's time for her to face the music and realise that lockdown wasn't the reason she felt uninspired, unmotivated and lacked creativity. Maybe she just is all of the above naturally.
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