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Please read the recap if you are not up to date
Please don't be offended if you ask a question that's answered here and you're directed back to the recap rather than given a full answer.

0826 Nicola left home with her children and dog
0840 Nicola dropped her children at school and spoke briefly to another parent
0843 Nicola was seen walking along the path by the river towards the bench into the lower field
0847 (approx) Nicola was seen in the lower field by another dog walker. The dogs interacted and this dog walker knows Nicola
0853 Nicola sent an email to her boss
0859 Nicola sent a message to a friend
0901 Nicola joined a zoom team meeting - her phone was muted and her camera was off meaning her colleagues did not see or hear anything
0910 Nicola was seen in the upper field by another dog walker
0920 Nicola's phone was back in the area of the bench - this is confirmed by the Police through phone data
0930 the Zoom call ended but Nicola remained logged in
0933 Nicola's phone, along with Willow, the harness and lead were found at the bench area. The phone was on the bench; the harness was on the ground further down the bank towards the river (confirmed by Paul during Channel 5 Interview)
1050 Willow and the phone were still at the bench area. Paul was alerted and called the Police

The phone was still connected to Nicola's zoom call which had ended at 0930.
Willow (Nicola's dog) was loose in this area.

This video shows the small distance between gate, bench and river:

Doorbell footage has been shared of Nicola leaving home the morning she went missing to show the clothing she wore.

There have been many discussions of whether this is actually Nicola, as some think it looks like her friend Emma. The fact remains that Nicola took her girls to school, and that cannot be disputed. Another parent spoke to her at school, and one of the sightings on the walk was someone who knew her personally.

There is some confusion over who loaded Willow into the car. During the Channel 5 interview Paul stated that if he was doing the school run and dog walk Nicola would load the girls and dog into the car, and vice versa, but that day Nicola was ready earlier than usual and she had them in the car already, even though she was the one taking them to school. He did not know why this was, just that Nicola was more organised that morning and ready earlier than usual.

Nicola parked at school, dropped her daughters off, and started the walk from there as usual.

The fact that Willow's harness was off is normal - it was usually removed at the gate by the bench at the start of the walk, and put back on on the way back to the car.

Willow was dry when found, meaning that she had not at any point that morning been in the water. This has been discussed at great length over the threads so please search for it if you would like to understand more, or read this post for the quick version:


The lady who found them is believed to be the owner of Wyreside Farm Caravan Park which is very close to the bench and area that Nicola is thought to have entered to the river. This is not the same caravan site as the broken or non-functioning CCTV.
The lady secured Willow - apparently with string (we do not know why, when the harness and lead were there) - and left as she had an appointment. She recognised the dog but couldn't remember who the owner was, so called her daughter in law.
At 1050 the daughter in law attended the bench area and identified both Willow and the Lock Screen photo on the phone as Nicola's. She called Nicola's daughters' school, who in turn called Nicola's partner, Paul.
There is much speculation but no facts for the gap in time here.
Paul left home by car, calling the Police on the way to report Nicola as missing.

Caravan Parks & Campsites
There has been confusion over the caravan parks:
Wyreside is a campsite near to the bench. The owner is alleged to have found Willow and the phone.
Rowanwater is a mobile home park next to the top field. This is where Nicola was last seen. This is where the broken / non-functioning CCTV is.


Exits from the walking route are not all covered by CCTV - Rowanwater Mobile Home Park (camera not working) YELLOW and the Garstang Road exit PURPLE. CCTV does cover the riverside path (ORANGE) and the school (GREEN). Police are working to contact all drivers to obtain dashcam footage where possible on the A road but there were around 700 drivers to contact. Nicola's friends held an appeal for dash cam footage here on Friday 10/2.


Search Efforts
A helicopter with thermal imaging was deployed, and divers were in the river, the day Nicola went missing.
Lancs Police have been using the caravan park as their base. All empty caravans have been searched, as have local empty properties along and near to the riverbank.
Nicola’s family are keeping all possibilities open in the hope of Nicola’s safe return, which is absolutely understandable.
SGI headed by Peter Faulding assisted the search efforts at the request of the family. Unfortunately, they found no trace of Nicola in the area they searched.


Nicola's partner Paul
Paul has never been named as a suspect. This has always been called a missing person investigation by the Police so there are no suspects.
Paul is the father of Nicola's daughters. The fact her refers to 'the girls' or 'her girls' is irrelevant.
Paul has a mark on his face near his left eye which some think is a bruise; some think is from recent botox. It is visible on old photos seen by more than one person who have looked at Nicola's Facebook posts, so it is not a bruise or botox. It's likely to be pigmentation or a birthmark.

Nicola’s partner's businesses are a frequent question: has a business which is shown on Companies House as ‘compulsory strike off’ just after Nicola’s disappearance. This does not in any way suggest financial difficulties. It purely means the company was already in the process of being closed.
He is director of another company which is still trading, and he works in a skilled industry.
It is explained here

There is another previous company which has an address similar to Rowanwater Mobile Home Park. It is not linked to the mobile home park in any way. It is Paul and Nicola's previous house.


Other / Misc
The area that Nicola walked in has frequently been referred to as a park, and many posters think there will be much local CCTV and Ring doorbell coverage. It is not a park. Nicola's walk was over fields, in the countryside by a village. The only CCTV is on businesses that happen to be there. There is no doorbell footage because there are no houses.

Lancs Police gave an update via press conference on Tuesday 7/2 confirming that they are still focussing huge resource on the search effort and asking the general public to avoid doing anything to make this any more difficult. Transcript here:

The police have continuously stated that the most likely situation is that Nicola has sadly somehow entered the water, but they remain open to all possibilities and fully investigate all information they receive. There have been 40 detectives working on the case.

Although the water was only around 2.5-3.5ft deep where Nicola is thought to have fallen in, the bank is high and steep. The police diver had to be helped out.

Cold water shock can mean that you are incapacitated quickly and silently. Info here:

It's also possible that Nicola was unconscious before she entered the water, for example following a medical episode, or that she slipped and hit her head on rocks under the water.

This post gives more information about why a body may not be found in a river:

A GoFundMe page was set up on Monday 6/2 by family friend Emma with a target of £100,000. This was quickly changed after social media unrest to £50,000, then £5,000. Shortly after, the page was closed before it raised even £500, and the friend posted on Facebook to state that the family didn’t initially know she was doing it, and she was just trying to help.


There have been mixed messages about a possible mental health element on previous threads.
Any speculation here about Nicola's mental health should come from a place of concern, not judgement.

Anyone who has struggled, or is struggling, with mental illness knows that at times it is more powerful than anything else and takes over all rational thought. If that has played a part in Nicola going missing (which - to be clear - her family or Police have not suggested) it does not mean that she doesn't love her family, especially her children, more than anything in the world.

Please be mindful of Nicola’s family with any comments made ❤
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I know many people are ruling him out based on ‘albi’ but the partner is highly suspicious to me, the fact he keeps appearing in interviews (police encouraging him or he’s enjoying it) he chosen to cover a bruise up he had in one of the earlier interviews, he uses language such as ‘fine out what happened’ almost a challenge to police, there’s also no emotion in his eyes.

Go rewatch Chris Watt’s TV appeal and see the lack of emotion and smirks. Paul had a smirk in his latest interview.
The "bruise" is on his face in pictures prior to Nicola's disappearance, it's just a birthmark or bit of pigmentation.

If you ask me this bloke can't do a thing right. Appears in interviews and he's enjoying it/clout chasing etc. Doesn't appear in press conference with her parents and that's suspicious too.

The only similarity between this and the Chris Watt case is that a woman is missing. With Chris Watts he didn't even report his wife and children missing, a friend did. And the police suspected him immediately. He had no alibi. Paul has an alibi. He isn't a suspect.

As a neurodiverse person, so many of these comments are so incredibly frustrating because I know full well in the same situation I would be deemed to be suspicious too. I don't make eye contact, I fidget, I smile and laugh inappropriately (which by the way is a common shock/trauma response). You know what convicted Chris Watts? Evidence. Cold, hard evidence. Not armchair analysis of his facial expressions.
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To those saying Nicola would never leave her children tbh we don’t know that (although I don’t think she did). None of us knows what goes on in anyone else’s head.

No one would have expected my mother to walk out on her children but she did.
Coming home from primary school and she’s not there and my Dad calling friends and family to try to find her. No mobile ‘phones or CCTV back then.
Thankfully she was found within 24 hours (new man).
Our village was astounded that our loving mother could just up and leave yet that’s exactly what she did.
As children we had no idea anything was wrong prior to her leaving.
It fucked me up for years and I still have huge abandonment issues to this day.
Even now, if anyone leaves without saying goodbye, it seriously messes me up. Something that is so inconsequential to others causes me major anxiety. What if I never see or hear from them again? It’s irrational but I suppose it’s understandable.
Those poor girls. Even if their story has a happy ending it will majorly affect them. 😣 Hopefully they will have counselling to deal with their emotions. It wasn’t a thing in the 1970s, you just got on with it.
That said, thankfully I had the most wonderful Dad in the world to bring me up who more than made up for my mother’s failings. He was my world and I was so very lucky to have him. 🥰
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I was thinking just now about what would happen if I went missing today. I can think of several things that happened today that were out of character. For a start I had a work call first thing that really pissed me off, and then I went out mid morning to the shops which I don't usually do - my ring doorbell will have caught me on my way out at an unusual time, with a face like thunder to boot. Then I stood on the phone for ages to a friend outside Aldi - so CCTV would catch me having a long phone conversation, probably looking really annoyed. My husband usually goes out for a walk at lunchtime but he didn't today, he went for a jog this evening which he *never* does. All these little things that people would be analysing to death! It's scary really.
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I might get hate/a bad reaction for this, but I wish every missing person in the UK got as much media coverage and interest as Nicola is getting. Maybe it’s because of her characteristics, or people liking something to speculates over, or the mysteriousness of it all, but it’s all that’s been in the news and online the past 3 weeks now. I can only imagine other families wanting the same attention given to their missing loved ones 😟
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Paul must be quite the ninja criminal mastermind, I’m actually quite in awe of his skills. He tricks their police with his ability to manipulate phone, pc and Ring data, nips along to the river bank eluding all CCTV and local eye witnesses in a popular dog-walking area where he’s well known, does away with Nicola between about 9.10 and 9.33, pops her phone on or near the bench, avoids being followed back by his own dog who he doesn’t bother tying up and whizzes back home once again avoiding detection in time for a nice cuppa and to take the call that Nicola is missing. Quite the busy morning!
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Off topic slightly but talking of us being recognised as Tattlers if we went missing 🤣 got me thinking.

Have you ever shared with anyone you're a Tattler? I've not, but I do always look around me and wonder if anyone else is a Tattler!🤣

First rule of fight club. Do not talk about fight club!🤣🤣🤣
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I’ve been thinking recently maybe I should be nicer to y partner in text messages and stuff, hope I never go missing everyone would think we hated each other but we have a weird banter, imagine the police outed me as a tattler too. I’d be fuming! If they looked at cctv footage I always look pissed off and often say ffs

I don’t think anyone can really analyse someones disappearance that is this random with the few facts There actually are
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It’s okay, it would be interspersed with tattle so they’d know why 🤣
OMG I’ve just had a thought. If any of us ever go missing, I hope the police don’t divulge that we are Tattlers! No one would look for us because we are viewed as evil trolls from “that” site! 😮😬😆
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As a neurodiverse person, so many of these comments are so incredibly frustrating because I know full well in the same situation I would be deemed to be suspicious too. I don't make eye contact, I fidget, I smile and laugh inappropriately (which by the way is a common shock/trauma response). You know what convicted Chris Watts? Evidence. Cold, hard evidence. Not armchair analysis of his facial expressions.
Yes I said this the other day as well. As a ND person it annoys me to know that if my partner went missing, I would 100% be deemed guilty by all of these armchair behavioural psychologists just based on my facial expressions and the way I speak.
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If there was anything to indicate she may have just left, wouldn’t the police appeal for her to get in contact with them? I haven’t seen that so it doesn’t feel like they believe it’s a possibility - probably because she’s not seen on any camera/dash cam or by anyone else?

One thing that stops me thinking she’s just left him is she had her whole world in that car an hour before - both her children and her dog, why not just drive and keep driving until you were somewhere safe?
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Two little girls in the middle of all this sadness and whatever happens their life will never be the same again.
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Blimey you reported her to the police?!
why did you report her?
Yes, not to derail this thread but she messaged me on insta and was insinuating she’d turn up at my house so I called the police.
Was taken v seriously.

(I’ve changed my username since it happened but AJ and Hinch thread posters can confirm it’s me!)
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Why is he just referring to himself here "Nikki I Love you" why not write "We love you" giving reference to himself and their girls ?
Why are people so intent on picking apart literally everything this man does?! I feel like at this point anything he does is going to be construed negatively.
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Except you cannot assume he’s innocent at all, as above the police have not stated they have ruled him out or ‘cleared’ him. There’s a lot of little things going on in Paul’s interview. Yes I appreciate mannerisms but does being neurodiverse mean you show no emotion whatsoever?
He’s done an awful lot of interviews, why do you think that is?
I disagree he doesn't show any emotion, to me he looks like he's in shock and barely holding it together.

I think he's done interviews because he is trying to find the mother of his children and because he is in denial that she has probably drowned, that's what I think.
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My opinion is she accidentally tripped and fell in. She possibly hit her head on the rocks under the water upon entry (both the police and that Peter guy stated there were rocks near the edge). I think that could have knocked her out, so she'll have gone in and unfortunately drowned silently. The dog may not have even seen it happen, as it would have been quick, and the dog could have been running around and just not noticed. This might be why it was agitated and running from the bench to the gate, looking for her. And also could explain why when Paul took the dog back the following day, it didn't show any form of reaction.
As for why she's not been found, I do think she's probably been taken out to sea by now. A young lad where I live went missing. He'd fallen in the river and after extensive searches, just like for Nicola, he wasn't found. No clothing or personal belongings were found either. But 7 weeks later, his body surfaced miles down stream. I honestly do think the police are right, and this is what's happened.
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I just want to make something clear as I think my point got very confused in the last thread. I was not suggesting for one moment that Nicola has left her children (I’ve said multiple times I think she fell into the river or has been abducted) I was replying to somebody who said they knew of someone who left their kids because they “just had enough of that life” and went to start a new one, and I clarified that I didn’t think Nicola would do that. I wasn’t suggesting that leaving due to a breakdown was a terrible thing to do, I just put myself in that situation and thought what I would do or wouldn’t do, and as I’ve had a breakdown I knew the worry going missing causes, and I know the feelings of abandonment from a traumatic childhood too. It’s a triggering subject and if anyone is reading these threads and can relate to feeling overwhelmed, or is feeling low… please, please reach out to somebody and tell them how you’re feeling. People do care, I promise.
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Except you cannot assume he’s innocent at all, as above the police have not stated they have ruled him out or ‘cleared’ him. There’s a lot of little things going on in Paul’s interview.
They have stated there is no evidence of any criminal activity. Which there isn't. I haven't seen anything at all to suggest third party involvement. I would love to know how people expect someone whose partner has vanished to behave in an interview to satisfy them that he isn't dodgy. Guy can't do right for doing wrong!
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OK I've just watched Paul's latest interview again and I'm honestly, genuinely not seeing what so many are seeing. He doesn't seem cold, emotionless or uncaring to me at all. He looks like he's on the verge of a complete and utter breakdown. I see no similarities at all with the Chris Watts interview.
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You can be sure the police know a whole lot more than we do. They are not going to jump on Tattle every morning to update us.
Sometimes silence speaks volumes and whatever your personal opinion of them may be we have no other choice than to trust them, do we?
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