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Paul strikes me, and I'm aloud my opinion here, as a control freak. Everything has to be done his way. We don't know if they actually take turns with school run etc. Just have his word for it. He reminds me of my oh. We have 3 kids, and before I became ill I did everything with the kids in the mornings. Because he was a moody sod and liked to wake up with piece and quiet. If I dared asked him to get up and help with kids he would start ranting and moaning. He just wasn't a morning person at all. So to avoid his moody arse I did the morning routines everyday.

Paul is so stoic and sobre and seems emotionless, he could potentially be on the spectrum. All his mannerisms are so similar to my oh and he was diagnosed asd last year. He is extremely hard to live with, I'm not gonna sugar coat it. But on the flip side, since I became ill he has changed a lot and so much more attentive with the kids and and gets up in the mornings to help sort kids now. I had to massively put my foot down with him. I need him here due to my illness as 2 of my kids are home full time and all 3 kids have very complex needs and I cannot do some of the physical tasks needed but he can.

I can imagine Paul being like my oh, everything has to be just right in the house, he craves routine, and sensory to noise like my partner.

I don't think he had anything to do with her disapperence though. I'm just going off why he does things so differently to others.
We've not long got back from round my mum's and after dinner I asked if she had seen the channel 5 NB programme she hadn't so I put it on for her just to see what she made of it (she knows nothing of this case beyond she's the woman who went missing by water and they found her dog)

[Her first reaction]
"so is that the husband, walking the actual dog laughing and smiling with him off breakfast telly"

[Followed by]
"Are you sure he's her fella, whys he so bloody laid back, I'd be frantic if it was one of you lot ?"

"He's gormless, I can't abide him, I'm glad he's not my son in law if thats the best appeal he could do for my daughter"

"What a bloody smirky little weasel, he hasn't got a rush in him is he even bothered"

"Get this is off now, he's going play on mind, that poor girl putting up with him and that's the best he can do for her"

It has been said that my mum's a good judge character but time will tell hey 🤷
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Regarding a post from the last thread which quoted the BF as saying he was angry wouldn't your first emotion be puzzled, worried, devastated?
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
Wow. 8 threads already! Crazy!

My brain can't get away from the GFM. So much of this doesn't make sense, but the GFM is very odd
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When I first saw the friend I got a feeling I’d seen her before on t.v. I keep getting it every time I see her. She looks so familiar to me. Or maybe it’s just the Celine Dion likeness… 🤣
She reminds me of Gina Bellamy from Heartbeat. Its the pale eyeshadow and spidery lashes I think - very 60's.

Edited to insert eyeliner Emma or is it Gina?? 👀

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Compared to how he was when he was interviewed by the river ( when he was wearing the hat ) he’s completely different.
It's been two weeks of worry, comforting two small girls, lack of sleep, constant media intrusion etc

It's going to take it's toll on him. Add into the mix whatever medication he's bound to have been given to help him cope.
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Also if he usually doesn’t start work until 10, but Nicola is usually home by 9.30, you’d have thought he’d maybe be a bit more aware of the fact she wasn’t back.
Ah have you never nipped into the shop for something and then stood in the carpark chatting to someone for 20 minutes.

Or taken a work call in the car?

There are so many reasons why she could have been delayed.
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Another thing that I found strange was when he said he was going out to look for her when she hadn’t returned by 10.15… I Don’t think my Husband would even bat an eye lid if I was late by an hour or two. I mean half the time he doesn’t listen when I do tell him that I’m coming back later than usual and I get a random text saying “where are you?”. He certainly wouldn’t call the police if I was 15 minutes late!
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I don’t mean to laugh. You poor thing, that’s dreadful. At least you had no hangovers for a short time also! 💖
You can laugh, I don't mind. I can look back and laugh now but at the time it was awful. My weight had dropped to under six stone, I was literally shaking from head to toe constantly and pouring with sweat sitting in a tshirt when it was snowing outside. I was told if the chlordiazepoxide didn't work they'd have to in-patient me. They also stuck me on antidepressants and I ended up in hospital after having some weird manic reaction to them because of course, I wasn't depressed so had more than enough serotonin of my own 😆😆.

Anyway, to keep on topic, I've found it all particularly sad today. They are entering another week without answers. The world's a bit shit really isn't it.
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Think I’m outta here for a bit because decent discussion is getting lost at the moment so it’s all a bit pointless. Toodles! 🙂
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I can't find the post to quote, but someone said they thought about the theory she was taken by someone and maybe placed in the water at a later date, and will appear at some point ? (Sorry, just going from memory here) If a body is found in the future, they would be able to tell by the proteins in the bones how long the body had been submerged in water.
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Chatty Member
Please add to it that the marks on Paul’s face are likely a birthmark or pigmentation because he has them in earlier photos. Thank you. 😘
and that being married or not means little, and the Teams call was on mute and the harness was found down the bank, and there's nothing wrong with helping each other load the car, and Emma's eyeliner is shocking, but that doesn't mean anything and it was N who got in the car and caravan park lady is not the Scooby Doo janitor. .
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Nothing wrong with him saying 'The girls' Sally Webster from Corrie always referred to her daughters as 'The girls'. 😊
same: i’m one of two girls and both my parents have always called us “the girls” when talking about us to others. we also get family christmas cards to “mr blonde, mrs blonde and the girls” too, i’m amazed people are reading so much into it.
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Many relationships have secrets sadly. There could be something else going on and it not play a part in her disappearance at all for all we know. I really do not know at this point
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When I was younger the affluent area from the place I was from had a neighbourly swingers agreement going on, around 5 different couples involved. However, one wife fell in love with another’s husband. The wife’s husband was found dead, so sad took his own life. The most devastating part was that their children, my age at the time, only around 8 and 10 found him. I’ve the learnt the details as I got older, I.e the reasons behind, but honestly the ones involved were the last people you would expect, all professionals and part of the PTA types (don’t know if PTA’s were a thing back then- but you get my point), but probably not to dissimilar to how the general public view Nicola and Paul.
How do people with jobs and children find time to be swingers? This is a genuine question.
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