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Same here I'm more convinced now given it's been confirmed that Willows harness was found halfway down the bank as described on last nights C5 programme.
I think she'd gone to harness the dog to stop her from entering the water and slipped on black ice which was quite widespread on that Friday if I recall.
This is what I think happened too. Or willow ran at her/through her legs etc and she lost balance or got knocked over.

There’s just that slight niggle that maybe that’s too simple. But every other possibility has at least 10 reasons why that can’t have happened and I circle back to the river.
Nothing in the C5 program has made me think it’s anything more than her going in the river. Her partner looks like he’s barely holding on. Poor guy.
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Just reading back through thread 4 regarding the GFM, the fact it was started up once she was missing for £100k, does anyone else think it’s odd, such a high amount of money? I know it was taken down and her friend apologised but it gives me weird vibes.
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Just finished the channel 5 programme and am furious with myself for how much it has made me suspect her partner. I was very on the fence and as I sat down to watch it my thoughts were that however he came across I wouldn’t be swayed into thinking he had anything to do with it. By OMG there is something so unlikable about him in the way he comes across. He just seems like he’s simmering with rage underneath everything. But I’m so annoyed that I think that.
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One of my colleagues was a search and rescue diver for the fire service up until a few years ago. He is an advanced paramedic now. I asked him his opinion on this case. He didn’t know the details in depth, but said that important to remember that in fresh water, such as this particular section of the river that the police are focusing on (or lake water), that a body would sink very quickly and could easily become embedded in metres of silt at the bottom. Which we know now anyway.

He said that unless the river was actually diverted and the silt was searched with rods that there is no way to rule out that she is not in there, but that this is an absolutely massive amount of money and resources and unrealistic. He said potentially you could be trapped under a tree or buried in reeds and if it’s deep and cold you could be almost frozen so would weigh a tonne, so might not necessarily ever float to the surface, as bodies in fresh water tend to become neutrally buoyant after time, which could be days/weeks/months. Which means that they could just lift up enough to flow with the current but never enough to become positively buoyant to float on the surface. This is different in salt water, as a body would rise more to the surface.

He reckons she could be still in there and going out to sea not beyond the realms of possibility but probably too late now to know.

He was also wondering had the big lake in the field close to where she was last seen been searched. I’m not sure if this was searched or not, but it wasn’t searched by Faulding and his sonar which he felt was potentially an oversight.

He feels the police have coordinates or some information to confirm the ‘entry point’ and that’s why the focus is near the bench.

Just thought that might be interesting to some.
I said something similar the other day, growing up beside water we were warned about rivers doing all these things and sadly some bodies were never returned. It's definitely a known phenomenon. Quite surprising the Faulding character didn't bring it up but I suppose that reality wouldn't be good for business.
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Just came on here to say I can’t believe Channel 5 aired that last night. Awful, tacky, sensationalist shite. I’m quite shocked that Dan Walker lowered himself to that as he’s always a decent sort. Glad I’m not the only one who feels the same way.
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What was the marriage thing? Haven’t got watching the full channel 5 thing yet!
Dan Walker mentioned that Paul and Nicola had plans to get married during lockdown and asked if they would get married when she is found. Completely unnecessary and hurtful in my opinion.
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Chatty Member
Psychic reading cliff notes - I'll pop under a spoiler for those who don't care to read:

Combined tarot/pendulum reading done by Tarot by Andie (You Tube):
  • Nicola has passed
  • Her body is in the river and will come to the surface in early April (it is currently being held down by something natural
  • She was running or walking when she suffered a medical emergency to her abdominal area
  • Things were not going well for her in her work and personal life and she couldn't cope (I wondered at this point if she'd stressed herself to death, which is not unheard of)
  • Revelations will come out about her life, but there's no foul play involved here - she was just someone who was battling in all areas of her life
  • Her partner had nothing to do with it, nor did anyone else
  • She has become and angel and is feeling loved and fulfilled having crossed over (not everyone becomes an angel)
  • This was her time to go [my input: before we come here we get to choose when we opt out, and this was when she chose to go - I know that might be hard to understand given she has young children]
These sort of people crack me up. They claim to be psychic but they are all saying different things🤣 Making themselves look like Muppets even more than they already do. Absolute load if shit
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Chatty Member
I find the constant slagging off of her pal a little disconcerting to be honest, she’s just a woman who has lost her friend. I’m sure we all have fashion choices that could be picked to shreds if we were on National TV 🙄
I do too tbh. Sure the GFM was a bit crass and she seems like someone who gets herself over involved but I'm sure she has the best of intentions and is probably going through he'll herself
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when I watched Paul being interviewed last night I felt like I had a brick in my stomach - his distress and disbelief was palpable. I doubt he wanted to do that interview but he’s going to do anything he can to get closer to find an answer - and that means keeping it in the news and on people’s minds.

I do think part of the interest in the case is because Nicola is fairly normal but clearly a very attractive youthful 45 year old, aspirational if you will. It’s not fair but it does increase interest and fascination in their life.

I think they are protecting the parents - they are older and don’t need to have cameras in their faces every five minutes.

Those eye lashes were ridiculous - what on earth possessed her. She must have had them done since Nicola went missing as they don’t last that long so they? What a bizarre thing to do.
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Same! I say to my kids ‘dads home’ and our dog goes mental
My daughter says she’s mummy to her bunnies / teddies and I’m grandma to them! Same goes for our pets. Glad we aren’t alone in our naming conventions. Humanising stuffed toys and psychotic cats.
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There's a dark mark under one eye and some people have speculated it's a botox bruise but others have pointed out it's visible in some of the photos Nicola has on her Facebook. It's likely it's a birthmark or pigmentation.
Paul might have had botox in the past. They both obviously take care of themselves, but he has 11 lines currently and they'd normally be the first thing you'd tackle with botox.

Seriously folks are counting the lines on his face now?!
OMG! How did we not work this out earlier? It is LITERALLY staring us in the face! 😮

The reason Paul didn’t Botox his 11 lines is because the 2 lines actually represent him sticking 2 fingers up at us all. Fuck you suckers! It’s hiding in plain sight! 😜
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Chatty Member
I thought a similar thing in the sense that I don’t know if I believe they took turns every day getting the children to school/walking Willow. Because usually when a man says he does his fair share of things, they do a lot less than they think 🤣
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Chatty Member
This reminds me of the case of Lindsay Quy in Merseyside. She went ‘missing’ her husband did a Tv programme I think on ITV and was on GMTV etc….turns out he strangled her, chopped her body up and hid it around the town they lived.
Only come to light when they found her leg in bushes
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I don't understand their schedule. Paul basically had nothing to do until at least 10a.m whilst she had a work call to listen to-does it sound plausible you'd do that whilst trying to walk the dog if your partner was completely free to take kids and walk dog instead? She's gotta p about in the cold with an unruly dog trying to listen to a conference call? Do we know how often Paul took the kids and dog? Was he maybe exaggerating that to make it look like he was more helpful than in reality? I mean he was off to the gym later as well, not exactly a packed schedule! Couldn't he have took the kids and dog and let Nicola take that call at home where it's warm and she can have a cuppa and actually concentrate on what's being said not chasing around after an energetic spaniel? Not to mention the possibility of being stopped several times by fellow dog walkers for a chat. I know she didn't need to speak on the conference call but I assume she was supposed to be listening, otherwise what was the point of it?
Maybe she enjoyed it. Maybe that was her way of getting her steps in every morning and setting herself up for the day? I don't think we can assume anything from him not doing the school run. It may just be down to preference.
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I actually think Emma & Paul have/had something going on. Why would she need to be at theirs when Nicolas sister is there?
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The red van is a bit of curveball and seems like they are clutching at straws to draw attention away from the river.
I’m still suspicious of the certainty that the family and friends have that she isn’t in the water. You need evidence to have certainty so they’re either hiding evidence or in complete denial. Part of the reason for the social media madness is the family working against the police.
Also although people don’t just vanish as they have said, the disappearance of Claudia Lawrence and Madeleine McCann prove that it’s possible to make someone impossible to find.
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I'm glad others saw the 'simmering'. I'm not jumping to any conclusions about it, but definitely for me he seemed that way.
His manner and expressions and the feeling that controlled rage is bubbling underneath remind me of my controlling abusive ex from about 20 years ago. That could be why I feel negative towards him (but also could indicate that he is as deeply unpleasant and controlling as my ex was).
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Chatty Member
Know what really annoyed me last night watching the programme when they said only middle class people make the news, so low class people who are missing are not as important as middle class people, I found that disgusting 😡
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