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Something definitely doesn't add up with all this. The media has blown up massively. I saw an article earlier about people who have been missing for years, some fairly close to me in the last few years that I hadn't heard of before. Others have something in local news and it seems to go quiet.
For C5 to make a program about it, and it get the heavy media coverage, rings alarm bells in itself.

It was the same with Sarah Everard, we all knew there was something massive to come because of the huge coverage, vigils etc and look at what happened there.

I don't think shes in the water, I also don't think she's been taken. The mobile and harness are too conveniently placed and quick to find. The fact the dog was running between the gate and bench certainly implies she's left via that gate which adds up to that path having no CCTV.

Then the GFM mentions supporting Paul and the family... surely it's very early on to assume or think of that. When someone dies unexpectedly, there's money raised for a funeral if there's no likely means, but why would the family need financial support to the tune of 100k when she'd only been missing for a few days.

I think she's left, whether it be MH related or a plan gone wrong I don't know. But I 100% think when she left that house in the morning, she knew she wouldn't be back (yet).
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Boring Monday

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Regarding a post from the last thread which quoted the BF as saying he was angry wouldn't your first emotion be puzzled, worried, devastated?
Yes … and he’s two weeks down the line now, plenty of time for other emotions to come up.
Angry at being left in this position, angry at having 2 distraught girls to deal with, angry at still not know what’s happened, angry for Feeling angry, guilty for feeling angry.
no wonder he looked sedated to the max.
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I don't understand their schedule. Paul basically had nothing to do until at least 10a.m whilst she had a work call to listen to-does it sound plausible you'd do that whilst trying to walk the dog if your partner was completely free to take kids and walk dog instead? She's gotta p about in the cold with an unruly dog trying to listen to a conference call? Do we know how often Paul took the kids and dog? Was he maybe exaggerating that to make it look like he was more helpful than in reality? I mean he was off to the gym later as well, not exactly a packed schedule! Couldn't he have took the kids and dog and let Nicola take that call at home where it's warm and she can have a cuppa and actually concentrate on what's being said not chasing around after an energetic spaniel? Not to mention the possibility of being stopped several times by fellow dog walkers for a chat. I know she didn't need to speak on the conference call but I assume she was supposed to be listening, otherwise what was the point of it?
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Evening Tattlers, I’ve not commented on this thread before.

I think she went into the water , accidentally and her body will turn up soon when the river gives her up . I live in a place with a history of river deaths and sadly I think NB is one of them.
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Magnesium (glycinate) also helps with anxiety for anyone interested, also important for anyone taking vit D as it depletes magnesium.

To stay on the subject, I would think it very unlikely that Paul isn’t on a sedative otherwise I doubt he’d be able to function at all, it might be why Emma is with him as his driver while Nicola’s sister is with their girls.
Not necessarily. Three foot is still deep and doesn’t account for undercurrents, eddies, slippery river bed, silty riverbed even gloopy quicksandy riverbed. The tidal river here looks as benign as you like until you stick a toe in it. Anything above ankle height and it has you off your feet quicker than you can say ‘wet dog’.

few years ago I did my first and last ever jog around the local lake. As I sat down on a bench I fainted and rolled Into the lake and came too splashing around . I recall I was in a dream line state and started to “‘fall asleep” again. I very quickly the. Realised what had Happened and was close to the shallow bank. I was exhausted and dragged myself but for some reason I could not lift myself up. Luckily two women were passing and helped me out!
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“Every year, in the UK, around 400 people die from drowning as a result of an accident in or around water.
Many of these deaths are as a result of simple everyday mistakes, such as a trip or fall into water, or misjudgments such as underestimating the effect of swimming in cold open water unprepared can have.”

As much as we can all try to ask why not do this, how is it possible etc it happens to a lot of people.
I know of 2 people who’ve drowned locally. 1 who was fishing on a calm evening, a wave came up to where him and a friend were stood and swept him off his feet. He was gone in a split second. His body has never been recovered even though my friend knew exactly where he had gone in the water and started looking for him straight away by diving in exactly where he’d seen him go in.

Another who was the boyfriend of a girl I went to school with was swimming in a river. The area they were is where so many people go swimming through the summer because it’s so calm. On the surface it looks more like a pond because it’s so still. But he swam to the other side and the current took him under and he drowned. The water was so still away from the bit with the current that his body was in exactly the same spot they’d seen him go under when the rescue team arrived 20 mins later.

Water is so difficult and such an unknown 😔 I just hope Nicola is found soon.
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If he admits to himself she’s in the river, he’s admitting his children have lost their mum. He’s clutching at straws to convince himself there’s some hope. I’d be doing the same. Last night he came across as a broken completely shocked man on auto pilot IMO. No answers for his kids. Just horrific.

can’t get my head around the programme last night. Shame on channel 5. Grief tourists for ratings.
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Not that I think this has happened, but this case made me wonder.
Say for instance you thought (for whatever circumstances) ‘nah I’m done, I’ve had enough, I’m going‘, lashed your phone (old life) and walked. Then there’s all this publicity and horror or horrors, there’s your photos on every front page, you’re going viral on Twitter, TikTokers are hunting you down with headlights and cameras, and tattlers are shredding your mate for setting up a GFM.
Seriously though, if someone walked out of their life and there was all this publicity, I’m sure the police can’t tell anyone if they find you if that’s what you wanted, how would they then manage a situation like this? would they just hope it sound itself down?
My sister went missing for 6 weeks. When the police found her, they did let me know but wouldn't tell me where she was, as she didn't want to be found and said they are bound by GDPR. Thankfully she did end up coming home. So I would think the police would do the same, IF that was the scenario with Nicola, they just wouldn't be able to tell family where she was, if she didn't want to be found. The police would close the case and remove all their public information on it. I'm not sure if they are obliged to let the public know that they've found her though. I found a bit of info on it, apparently Nicola would have the right to have all the information on her removed off the Internet.


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Tangerine Cat

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*remembers to add that Paul is father to recap*
You know the newbies aren’t going to read it don’t you? 🤣

I say we put a load of pish in the recap, bugger off to a secret thread and let them thrash out the wet/dry dog, phone on/off bench, Paul’s living with the sister/friend and what Willow vs their dog would do for eternity.
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New member
The marriage thing was odd and particularly cruel on channel 5s part.
I found this strange. The likely hood of Nicola coming back alive is incredibly low, however much we pray she will be found safe. But discussing getting married once she returns? Almost as if they know she is alive, I know he must be in denial but at some point reality has to set in.
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Ally Pally

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I voted in the river again. I’m still 90% convinced that’s where she is.
Same here I'm more convinced now given it's been confirmed that Willows harness was found halfway down the bank as described on last nights C5 programme.
I think she'd gone to harness the dog to stop her from entering the water and slipped on black ice which was quite widespread on that Friday if I recall.
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I don't see why people can't believe she isn't in the river as she hasn't been found, I remember in the libby squire case she was in the river then traveled out to sea and it took 6 weeks to find her so there is still some time I guess.
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I voted in the river again. I’m still 90% convinced that’s where she is.
If she's not in the river now and she has met foul play/lost her life, I think there's a chance she one day will be put there. Maybe once the searching of the waters has been called off.

Otherwise, I don't know how they've missed her or any of her items/clothing up until now. And they were in the water the same day.

I can comfortably say, I have no fucking idea what has gone on. if it was a simple innocent accident I'm surprised nothing to prove that theory has been found yet.

assuming none of this happened at that scene
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same. my grandfather was my absolute favourite person in the world and i wore a full face of makeup at his funeral (and did my nails) - it was both a way of coping and that just going through my normal routine made me, in myself, feel normal for the time period i was doing it.

people cope with things in different ways. and also, how you think you will cope or look in a situation rarely ends up being true. i’m not coming for a woman for putting on two or three coats of mascara.
Yes, whereas when my Dad died, if I managed to clean my teeth it was a good day. I didn’t cleanse, moisturise or wear make up for weeks because it just didn’t matter to me. It took me a good year before I started to function properly again, prior to that I was just going through the motions - doing what I had to do to get through the day. This from someone who rarely left the house without make up on.
No one knows how they will react in this situation. We are all different.
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I never understand just disappearing like that, it seems so unnecessarily cruel when you can just tell your family you’re leaving or you’ve left. If Nicola did this, it would mean leaving a scene that could be (and is being) interpreted as her either falling in the river or having been abducted… and that just seems so unnecessary and odd? Obviously I hope she’s alive, but all the hurt and pain and waste of resources would just be shocking. I don’t know her, but I just can’t wrap my head around her doing that. I could be wrong of course, anything is possible in this case it seems.

Edit: Of course some people suffer horrific domestic abuse and I can understand them wanting to disappear and not leave a trace, but at the moment nothing seems to be suggesting that here
It’s possible to have a mental breakdown which doesn’t allow for rational thinking and shouldn’t require domestic violence as a reason. I know that’s not strictly what you are saying, but it happens. Many parents take their lives each year.
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There seems to be a reverse stigma going on with this case. As if it is an insult to think that Nicola could have been depressed and wanted to walk away or end her life. It seems to be seen as an insult to suggest that she could have struggled with her mental health and not told anyone about it. A mother wouldn’t leave her children. She would because there are mothers who do.
As someone earlier said when Paul was asked about Nicola’s personality he gave very generic answers. He seems very keen to paint this picture of them having the perfect life and no problems, but that is rare in any life or relationship.
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