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She’s so enabled by everyone around her it’s unbelievable. She’s had so much time doing whatever she wants, going wherever she wants. But people are totally right, those obs are indicative of an infection somewhere. Did anyone see what her BP was? Could even be sepsis.

She needs to start taking it easy if she wants to get more time, any of these infections could mark a rapid deterioration and the inevitable. It’s almost as if content is more important then more time. I don’t think it’s a simple as her just being in denial.
the way she is very aware that her health deteriorates dramatically after every "fun jaunt", you would genuinely think that she would be prioritising her health to ensure she will be able to attend her sister's wedding - yet she seems to be making it very clear that the wedding isn't her priority, as she is far more interested in trips to London or to the beach, or exhausting herself spending time with her goddaughter or going out for meals with friends - which must be pretty hurtful to her sister and family, knowing that the wedding is very low on her list of "adventures" she hoping to go on. especially when her sister has chosen her to be her maid of honour! the wedding isn't that far away now, yet she's regularly risking her health, like going to stay in a beach hut by the sea only a week or so after being discharged for a chest infection, and also wearing a bikini in the cold weather of early April! she has noticed that after each of these trips, she usually ends up being advised to go to A&E, and ends up hospitalised - yet seems unable to join the dots and realise that it's a result of her placing her health at risk! it will be heartbreaking if she is in hospital and misses her sisters wedding simply because she couldn't resist yet another "jaunt" to bounce around at the seaside, risking travelling only a few days prior to the wedding, and then taking all the attention away from her sister as she shares selfies from her hospital bed, lapping up sympathy, and knowing that all the guests at the wedding will be asking about her. and whilst i'm not saying she is intentionally planning to be unwell on the day of the wedding, ensuring she remains as healthy as possible so is able to attend doesn't seem to be anywhere high on her list of priorities, and i can fully imagine her landing herself in hospital as the result of prioritising an overnight trip to "boost her mood" just beforehand. and sadly, if it were the case she had to miss her sister's wedding, she sure as hell would make the most out of the situation, with all the "pity me" posts to boost engagement and beg for #gifted sympathy freebies to cheer her up.

ffs Nicky, when you are discharged from hospital, just focus on resting and taking care of yourself for the next few weeks, and plan to be at your sister's wedding, instead of planning your next "jaunt", "overdoing it" as always, and risking your health only a few days after being allowed home. 🙄🙄
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living nick.but you,I think perhaps need to live in rest,for a while to let your body take everything it needs into seek to do the bits In between that are the things that is making your bod actually to weak the to do the other and fight the illness. These are the things destroying sorry when someone has a broken leg they don't think oh fuck it I still want to do my marathon.they rest for however long it takes for the bones to fuse. She does more than most! And so it's her actions that are tiring her body in order for there to be nothing left to fight.
It's like someone being given a new liver than drinking that night.
No offence but why is Nicky going out causing her not to be able to have her treatment? I understand that people have issues with Nicky, but the bottom line is Nicky has stage 4 cancer which is affecting her bloods.
Going out doesn't cause patients to become neutropenic
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She's just an awful woman. Wonder what she was like before cancer?
Totally incapable of being genuine and telling the truth. Shocked she's still driving, especially with all her bone ailments and the fact she is likely on some pretty strong opiods.
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Didn’t look too broken & immobile launching that rope up to the chap waiting to catch it though, quite the impressive display of balance & mobility. She’s a walking, talking miracle
She forgot herself for a minute there eh.
New thread ideas ………

Nicknacklou is so full of poo 💩 She wouldn’t know the truth if it hit her in the face. Just like the lost shoe 👠

not brilliant but it’s all I’ve got 🤷🏼‍♂️
Do u want to create a new one.ive no idea how. I'm seeing the message to create a new one at the bottom. No pressure. If not can someone else volunteer? Sorry I would piss it right up 😄 I'd end up sending it to nicky 😬🙈
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I REALLY want her to put her phone away now and be completely present with her family over the next 48hrs. I hope she doesnt sit on her phone tomorrow posting endless updates.
Haha I think she’s been reading here again Betty as she has just said she’s going offline for a a couple of days to soak it all in lol
And this is why her perfectly growing hair (no patches !!! ) 🤥 to be seen is NOT growing, is because she keeps shaving it 🤷🏼‍♀️ no idea why she has to lie about it ?!!


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defintely made sure to emphasise that she was maid of honour when she took the opportunity to slyly show a sneak peek of her dress, poorly "concealed" with emojis, after her sister had requested she kept it secret. all justified by the fact that she simply couldn't wait to try it on - which then meant she had to take a selfie, which then had to be shared on IG, obviously - because if she didn't use her role as maid of honor to create content, then what would be the point?!

and with such little respect for her sister's wishes in the run up to the wedding, i dread to think what she's going to be like on the day. because fuck the bride! princess Nicky is the maid of honour, and it's all about HER. she will be expecting to be the centre of attention, what with it likely being her only chance to do so. 😡😡
It's probably put her sister in a terrible predicament, Nicky not helping her much, if at all, her sister probably wondering in these final last pivotal days pre-wedding, if Nicky will or will not even be able to be there or in what capacity. That uncertainty when weddings are so organised down to seating charts and head counts. Her sister is likely feeling significant uncertainty whether or not she will even have a maid of honour let alone a functional, helpful one, or if her sister's failing health will be a terrible shadow over the nuptials. It has probably added a great deal of stress onto her sister. If we can see a pattern to Nicky being negatively impacted during extracurricular romps which then require rest periods and medical recuperation, her sister must feel the roller coaster herself as her wedding nears, not knowing if Nicky will be on a high or recovering on a low period on the important day.

In fainess maybe her sister doesn't want to be plastered all over SM. I wouldn't.
I agree, her sister may not want to be on her sister's 'gram. That's the sort of thing, like when mother's day or other holidays roll around. I'm less apt to criticise someone for not mentioning their relationships on instagram since I think it's more self serving than genuine: surely you should be connecting with the important people in your life OFF SM rather than lauding them on a public venue. I feel even moreso when people go on and on about a deceased. Their deceased loved ones aren't on your SM! It rubs me the wrong way as it's for self promotion. So, I don't fault anyone when they don't use others as a basis to get out another SM communiquè.
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@melfish i had covid November last year. I’m still having what I’m calling covid flashback days and episodes. My body has days where it has all the covid symptoms I had, so much so I have tested myself twice just incase I’ve caught it again (both negative). There are days I can’t smell anything. Days I smell things not there. My taste and smell is off too, nowhere near as keen as it used to be. Almost every day I have an attack of coughing, which I thought was allergy but it doesn’t respond to taking an antihistamine. And @ginnyw I am having regular attacks of vertigo, some days so severe all I can do is lay still until it passes. My memory is appalling, some days I can’t remember from one minute to the next what I’m doing or was about to do. Plus, my Fitbit and my Ōura ring keep telling me I have a temperature again, which I shouldn’t have because I take CoCodamol, for pain, daily.
There’s so much more I could add but on top of the severe ME/CFS I already had I can’t give my attention to anything as I’m just so exhausted and unfocused.
oh my goodness - so sorry to hear all this, FFS. There seem to be a few of us on here with bad post-Covid symptoms. I find the lack of focus and inability to concentrate pretty distressing, particularly as I used to have a highly creative job and be able to devise and create quite easily. Not any more!
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Maybe just for once she could do something nice and donate them !!
She is a medical marvel for sure. So last night she slept flat so amazing yet a couple of days ago she was back to using her stick. WTAF 😳 she is so weird and another liar. Sad really that her 🐑 can’t see it and wonder 💭 🤔 why !!!
Yep look at small nicky in that room. Cute teeny tiny nicky.oh did you no she was small?

Ha no wonder she's a jealous twat though, trying to be all sick. Have you seen what the two she featured have done.set up whole charity type things and movements! I bet she can't stand it that they have succeeded even in cancer circles.
She'll be going extra hard for her "legacy " now.
I'll leave this here. You no because she can't move and stuff.
Or bend
You no she can't move?
Hi 👋 nicky. Drip today?


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