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Just a question, does everyone in Italy live in a shit pit? I mean the ever bossy, rude friend Celine's home looks like a pig sty as well, her kitchen is plain awful considering shes supposed to be a chef, does everyone live like that? Does no-one there care for a tidy or aesthetically pleasing interior?
And on the subject of Celine I would have smacked her square in the face if she spoke to my husband like that. All Nicki could do was laugh. My husband would not have tolerated that I'm afraid. I felt so sorry for Carlo being belittled and made to loik a fool. Carlo the ever loyal doormat. Such a shame.
Also she did come over as ungrateful because she is ungrateful. The more I see of this woman the more I dislike her. I now only watch to see what monstrosity she's doing next. This weeks offering was the 1970's fireplace. SMH!
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Never have the words "polishing a turd" been more apt for both Nicky and her fellow vloggers LEAW.

Could see the spite and resentment spewing from her when she announced she was glad Carlo was getting a taste of what its like to not be near aging parents. Nasty bitch. Strange that her partner of many years chooses to speak to Elizabeth about it and not her. Strange but not surprising.

Celine. She says "jump" Nicky says "how high". Very bossy woman. Not sure why Nicky holds her in such high regard when she comes across as bullish and bossy.
You could see Carlo wasn't very impressed with having the handrail removed, nit his circus not his clowns I guess. Let her get on with it Carlo, when she topples down and breaks an ankle she'll only have herself to blame.
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I live on the south coast of England very close to the south downs and Beachy Head and dogs regularly and consistently fall off and jump off the cliff edges. Sometimes chasing a bird or a rabbit or just sometimes because they lose footing and fall, because they're being walked too close to the edge. It's a regular occurrence despite their being warnings about the cliff edges. Some survive , many don't. If Nikki thinks Indie in particular is used to those walks she's very much mistaken.
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Nicki is now trying to cover her arse by giving 💕 to the many comments about Pepe's creativity and thoughtful collections. At least one comment calling them out remains

ETA Just found another worth saving before deletion
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I agree with all of the above. Carlo being used as a stooge at that lunch soon after his father passed. I mean for Celine to speak to him in such a manner when he was recently bereaved is bad enough but for Nicki to choose to use it in a vlog is next-level cruel. Perhaps there is more to the relationship between the two women.

Nicki's "I'm not ungrateful" monologue was pure Tattle press conference but she still couldn't help reveal her true colours; she didn't talk about how grateful she was for Carlo's work for them and their house etc, note that she says she's grateful for everything he does "for me".
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I don't think they rent out that space only when Nicki is away! July and August is prime tourist season on the Amalfi Coast, so there's no way they'd want to give up that income! In reading the comments, it sounds to me like the responsibility of the day to day is on Skye while they are away. There were a number of comments saying how responsive and helpful Skye is in the comments section of the AirBnB listing (and Carlo, too). There was also a comment under the AirBnB listing from someone who gave them a 4 out of 5 stars (I think that's what it was - I was surprised by the 4 stars when this person seemed to have legitimate concerns) but who complained about both the lack of working WiFi and some issue with the electric. They said that they knew Skye was at work and there was no one to contact to get assistance - and they needed WiFi to be able to make the call to Skye, so they were sort of stuck. They made some other positive comments, but whoever responded (it sounded like Carlo to me) complained right back, saying all they had to do was go walk outside the property to get WiFi reception. Who would know that unless they were specifically told?? Then they said this person probably overloaded the electrical system because there'd been no problems since they left - again, who would know that unless they were given warnings about it? They also said something about spending money on an electrician because of their issue, only to find nothing was wrong.
An absolute red flag for me in reading reviews on hotels or rentals is an owner/manager that challenges the complaints. The best reply is sorry that the WIFI gave you issues and they are taking steps to look into it or whatever the complaint is. When they start getting defensive no way am I booking. It is all about the tone of the reply. Saying no problems since is directly putting blame on the guests. Bad form.
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I know it’s early days for a new thread title with only 19 pages but my suggestion is ‘Moving to Tuscany, you think you’re in heaven, so why do you look like you’ve sucked a boat full of lemons?’
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Oh we are really rattling her, aren't we? She's a bitter old witch today.

I still groan every time I see her ridiculous stairs, where she's removed half the railing. I suppose it is all the better for pushing Carlo down when the views dry up and Nicki needs something new to beg for money/sympathy over.

I actually like that new kitchen cabinet (I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day). And I would love, love, love to see some weirdly obsessed superfans (ideally American) buy that house she flounced around in - and watch how quickly Nicki wants nothing to do with them, once she's pocketed the commission. Comedy gold.
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Additionally you allow your best friend, the one you moved to Tuscany to be near cos that's the truth, to belittle him in the most unkind cruel way at an intimate party with a group of friends. She really is a heartless cold bitch.
that was awful and there is something about Celine that is very unlikeable.
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And truthfully I'm sure alot of people watch her vlogs for the picturesque scenery of Positano not because they particularly like her. Not sure sour face and the long suffering Carlos will have the same pulling power in Tuscany.
I am one of those people who really only watch Positano Diaries for the scenery. I like their filming style and I think they show off the area really well. The drone footage certainly adds a lot, and I enjoy the music they use.

As you say though, will they have the same pulling power in Tuscany? Not for me, no. The Tuscan vlogs were boring, and so are their visits to the UK (because I live there and I don't like it).

Their relationship seems to change when they are away from home too. She says she is menopausal, but that really is no excuse for not bringing your 'A game' and making an effort for your weekly vlog - which she admitted yesterday only reflects a fraction of what goes on day to day in their lives. She also moaned yesterday that nobody ever gives them freebies. I remember several items that have been sent to her over the years and she has thanked the senders in her vlogs.

Nicki is beginning to come across as far from lovable and I wonder if, now that Sky is an adult and beginning to make her own way in life, she is wondering if she wants out from her situation in Positano. I don't think she has ever been really comfortable in front of the camera and I think that, given the chance, she would ditch the vogs altogether. Just imo.
Sorry, me again, I was trying to edit my last comment and ran out of time.

I wanted to add:

Also, she often complains when people ask for recommendations regarding hotels, restaurants, etc. She gets quite snippy about this, especially on Instagram. If you look at her vlog intro though, the title says: "The Positano Diaries. Amalfi Coast Lifestyle. Travel Tips". So, can you really blame people for thinking she is open to questions about travel information and ideas for their visits to the area?
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Don't forget the make up also roasted on the back of a motorbike, or in the garage close to where they parked the bike. You just KNOW those brushes were rarely sanitised properly. :sick:
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This was on the YT comments for 10 mins this morning {Monday 13th} before it was taken down ........

12 minutes ago
He is as thick as two short planks. And she was desperate to stay in Italy - couldn't stand the dreary English weather. So got pregnant by this married man who already had a child. That child, now grown-up, sure as hell resents her. Next time he's around, watch his face. She's a little smarter than Carlo and puts on this Little Miss Bo Peep act in front of the camera. Desperate to look privileged too - check our the identifiers she uses to describe herself. She is Working (Technician) Class and landed some jobs and makeup jobs via her parents (cameraman and vision mixer in TVland) - yes, talk about nepotism, if that's the word. Slept with half the town in Positano and then landed on poor dumb-struck Carlo. Not really a makeup artist - have you seen her work, for crying out loud? Also has pretensions of being a novelist. That book is a crime against the English language. I have nothing against them but all this fantasy-eulogising about them is so far from reality. Carlo has no clue - he swallows it all hook, line and sinker. If she said she was descended from Royalty and the greatest writer since Tolstoy, Carlo would not disagree, because he ain't got a clue, that man. She sells her life on video for a bit of money and then charges more for exclusive views. Not too far-off from porn, as a business model, that is. And no parental boundaries have been set for her daughter either who is prone to prancing around in a thong bikini in front of her bit of Italian rough. I no longer watch this tripe but if my cable YT throws it up, I dip into it here and there, out of boredom, rather than curiosity and so unfortunately, caught this latest bit of drivel. Can't really stomach all the self-aggrandising that is a main feature of her vlog. So, to then moan about comments is rather disingenous. You're in the public domain and viewers ARE going to critique you based on the bilge you dole out in spade-loads. Wake up and smell the coffee. She can't handle the comments so poor old dishevelled Carlo is trotted out to go shoot down the viewers. His brand of illogic is not laugable, just depressing - how can a man can be so lacking in intellect?
As much as I can criticise Nikki and don't want to defend her, this is a bit bonkers.

Nikki's very obviously come from a posh background and def isn't working class, not that there's anything wrong with being working class at all. If anything I think she tries to play her privilege down, going on about this being the first house she's bought when she owned property in the South East worth a small fortune and sent Skye to a private school that only a very small section of society could afford. A far cry from a normal working British lifestyle.

Criticising their children is grim. They don't choose to be on camera. I've not seen any issue between Nikki and Tomaso - looks like a normal mixed family to me and sure he may have been upset that his parents broke up when he was young but he's an adult now and clearly spends time with both sides of his family perfectly happily. And so what if Skye wears a bikini... 'prancing around'? Daily Mail misogyny. Any beach town is full of youngsters wearing swimming clothes.

Comparing YouTube to porn is unhinged too.

Anyway, weird comments aside, WTF is that paint colour? I thought the house couldn't get any worse and then she excelled herself choosing that. Can't wait to see what madness comes next.
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I know we all handle grief differently but I feel so uncomfortable with the situation this week. Your long-term partner's father has died, he's a family man and this has hit him hard. So what do you do? Go back to the UK on a little holiday while you make your partner do all the donkey work in your new home, and then come back to criticise it.

That she had to add a post-edit explanation acknowledging how ungrateful she seemed - says it all.
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T Rex

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Nicky is an entitled arse. If it had been HER father who passed, she'd be crying for months. Yet Carlo got little time to grieve before he was shuffled back to Casa di Nicky, where Nicky had a ton of work for him to do (under the careful supervision of the nasty Celine) while she faffed off to her own father in the UK. What the hell?!?
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When I first watched I liked that N&C showed a more real-life Positano, we got the vistas without the travel vloggers waffle /influencers posing in sun hats and lemon dresses etc. Carlo being the true local was the clincher. But now she's full-on Debbie Downer. TBF it must be a hard balance to strike, if you feature only the pretty stuff and the positives you end up with a load of fairytale crap, like fake as f*** Kylie Flavell with her not-zze in her remote Tuscan Disney prison.

The YT intro should now say "My name is Nicki and I live in Positano, Italy. Sure it looks nice but I've been here years. I'm well over it and I'm getting OUT!! Follow me to my next monetised vlogging location in Tuscany, Italy...."
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She really is Queen Bee in her world isn't she. I wonder what she was like as an employee? I can't imagine her taking instruction very well. Or constructive criticism. Wonder how she would take it if one of her brides had dared to say she didn't like the make up? I feel she's actually unemployable. YouTube is the only way for her.
This actually happened to her! I was watching her first few months of pandemic videos. She had the bride that doesn't want to use her makeup for hygienic purposes and she was bitching about it almost 5 minutes on her vlog.

That's really her true colours and half of the reason why no one wants to book makeup and airbnb with her anymore. She's not just a snob, she's unbearable.

At first it was not noticeable if you liked them on those few sets of videos - pandemic, Positano, homestead kind of vibe.. then reality hits you 🤣🤣🤣
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Rosie Tatler

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She is so far removed from normal life ! Fancy carrying on like that over the purchase of a second home and not only that but getting Carlo to film her crying , lying in bed under the covers and lying down on the grass with her arms over her head !

Get a grip Nicki ! People are losing jobs, can’t afford to eat, getting cancer diagnosis , losing a child ! a bit of paperwork difficulty over a second home you don't actually need, is no reason for histrionics never mind making content out of it !
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It also annoys me when people have chosen to live somewhere and then complain. She didn't move there for economic necessity like so many people do when they have to move. When I lived in Italy I knew lots of people like this and it really annoyed me
Agree that seems to be a common stragegy among these grifters. I note today Sara and Luca are again back in Sicily after another surgery on Luca for his in Sicily not near doctors in case of another stroke, complaining that Sara has to do everything as Luca on severe restrictions etc. etc. They have a willing family back near their home in Northern Italy but choose to come to Sicty and complain and ask for more money since they now need to hire workers to manage their property (second home by the way)...and people are dumb enough to contribute and volunteer to work for free. No end to what grifters do for money.
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Someone's rattled her cage. Not sure why she feels the need to be quite so snipey about not organising people's holiday itineraries for them. I just wouldn't respond. Or just a generic post or mention about her e guide. I get it must be annoying but its the price you pay for being a vlogger.
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Miss LDN

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I was horrified at the deer story. Those dogs are not used to that environment yet. They could walk them on long leads. Nicki and Carlo are not used to living in that sort of area either. His jeep getting stuck proved this. It's not a Land Rover.
Madam ticks off all the negative comments about the decor/bannister. Mute them if you don't like their opinion.
@Turaj I thought it odd she thinks Carlo's family being further away, would make him understand what it is like for her. Didn't she go to boarding school, and it was her choice to live in Positano. Sent Skye to an English boarding school. It was passive, aggressive. Like when she took the bannister down. Carlo won't like it. Spiteful.
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