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Chatty Member
I think that Finau purposefully put up the sorry son post to deflect from the situation and provide a mechanism to change the narrative. The more I look at her actions, the more I see that she is actually incredibly manipulative…
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These probably won’t load in order but this is Renee talking about being in Kmart with her 2.5 year old. Apparently she previously judged Kmart for being messy but now “she gets it” because her kid is filling the trolley and she’s just taking stuff out and shoving it wherever it will fit.

Here’s an idea: maybe teach your kid not to do that? Maybe put shit back where it’s supposed to go?
This level of laziness pisses me off.
I bet you she’s the type to leave her trolley in a carpark and walk away too 😒
Omg I this annoyed me so much. And her making excuses “oh it’s cos she never goes anywhere”

im sure she’s reading and will spin this into a personal attack but idc. Teach her not to. Or teach her to pick something up, show you, and then put it back.

Imagine the bitch session she would have if it was her store and someone else’s kids

apoken as someone who has raised not one but THREE 2 year olds, and worked in retail
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Those have to be the most outrageously impractical nails I’ve ever seen in my life 😂
Hate to break it to you guys, but mama Kelly has been doing most of the raising anyway 🙃
Mark has the some incredible patience because I’ve seen him bake with the kids multiple times. I personally know how stressful that is 🤣
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Chatty Member
Yep I also thought lyrics were sending a message. Good on her, she seems like such a genuine person. They were part of the Seventh Day Adventist I think so that prob adds another layer of difficulty in coming out I guess 🌈
Based on latest post was April fools
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Nice photo of Maria and her family, they look really happy. I know she gets a bit of stick and I admit I have commented on her bizarre parenting but it’s lovely to see them all looking relaxed and happy
Phil is so youthful haha looks about 21 😅 and much better with the shorter hair cut
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Poor Frankie! That looks so nasty! Probably zero supervision while they were outside sipping margaritas! Seems odd that he’s never mentioned it considering he shares everything right down to his ball sack size 🤮😂
He did it back in March, but for the second time. As did Lulu. Coffee table got in the way😥.,And they just put a Spider-Man plaster over it initially

Any facial injuries should really be checked by a plastic surgeon, often covered by ACC. Often GPs just dont have the skills for a correct wound correction. They can be complicated multi layer closures. Especially if you dont want any facial scarring. Frankie could be up for major revisional work now.


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That’s a nasty dent, what happened to cause that?

Media works has been doing this sort of nonsense for ages, I hope they get taken to court by the Today crew.
Quite a few of their presenters are self-employed contractors so won't have a leg to stand on. The salaried workers might though.

The decision to can it feels very much like someone packing a sulk and throwing their toys out of the cot - it was so fast and extremely brutal.

People say that NZ isn't big enough to have all these stations - I beg to differ. It's in our best interests to have multiple streams of news and current affairs as you otherwise end up with a single body that controls the narrative.

I really like Newsroom - - they have some really great reads and I feel could extend to a radio station in parallel, quite nicely.
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She’s not coughing up blood. That’s been clarified by her. Sounds like her mum might be quite similar. It’s the moaning about hospital staff and ‘my Mum wanted to respond to my haters’ and ‘my mum had a go at the staff’ nonsense that gets me.
It's the morphine for me 😂😂 pops it like candy.
So much pain pops morphine and goes op shopping, shopping and then shoots. Understand chronic pain but she's by far taking the piss here. She's totally got some mental health issues, she loves the attention. She's so desperate to have this bowel removed and have a shit bag, lol who would wish that? She's crazy!
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Scab-on Scamderson.

Well-known member
It’s about Loving Ellie’s Belly not Elle :)
Also Christian making a video and saying “hello frugal friends” in front of his mega mansion to sell power. Honestly. Why do the agency’s/companies not see how bad this looks for the brand?
Yes massive huge free solar panels then trying to sell powershop to his followers so he can get free power too..... the greed is disgusting now more so than ever
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I used to enjoy Bets and mostly still do. But saying New Zealanders dont give a fuck about her classes and she can't get us to sign up...the cheapest is $250. I can't afford bloody cauliflower so sure as fook am not paying $600 for a ganache class. Or $120 for a pencil drawing. Times are tough mate, times are tough.
Can't understand why she'd schedule a class running until 2 am. Wouldn't appeal concentrating until early hours. Realistic time, she might get more people signing up🤷


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Chatty Member
I like Gemma McCaw. I don't think she's an influencer because she doesn't sell stuff, but Sophie from Imperfect.Parents is good. I like How to Dad and How to Mum although they don't post much anymore- I guess their 5 year old has started school and they don't exploit the kids much for content. I really, really love Maimoa Creative- just a cool girl that makes gorgeous products and speaks only Te Reo Maaori at home. My Kids Lick the Bowl- great food content and she's pretty honest about her sponsors. Plus now she makes gluten free products.
I did like Morgan Edwards but she got too big for her boots.
I also liked Katie Hawkey but who the fuck has that much money for a couch? and I enjoy LFYD's house but man, he's out of touch with the regular human.
There's also something really off about Jazz Thornton. I'm a SA survivor myself and I don't know... there's just something i can't put my finger on. On how she exploits her experiences for fame? Her relationship with her doctor? Just things that make me go hmm.
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Pretty sure Finau can be reported to the ASA/loca council? Selling illegal shit on a Facebook page in a kitchen that isn’t even registered??
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I too LOVE my Ecosa! I have chronic back pain and wanted to try one before splashing out on a really expensive new mattress and it’s been fantastic!
Did you buy the lowest priced mattress? Or the medium? I see they’ve got three different kinds, and I need a new bed! Been eyeing them up for awhile.

Honestly the tattle recommendations are where the real influencing is at! 🤣
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Elle herself showing easy keto snacks from countdown. Tone deaf. The prices on those items are high just for a snack! That chicken on the go is about $7-8. What about us poor people who have to shop at Postie!!! 😂😂
What’s she on about ? They are called fluffys everywhere? What’s this babycinno in aust mean?
They’re called Fluffies because it’s fluffed up milk LOL I don’t understand why she’s confused by that 😂
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Has to take the kid to the doctors yesterday because he has "croup" (not sure about a 9 year old getting croup), but then let's him sit topless when the temperature has dropped the way it has during the last few weeks 🤦‍♀️
More junk food 😞 teach your kids about nutrition and the importance of balance instead of feeding them shit and promoting obesity ffs.
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