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This was actually why I unfollowed. I struggled with the being really broke stories not that long before.. and the midwives aren’t paid enough (I agree that the pay structure is unfair and should be looked at) but don’t talk about that for months and then suddenly have a pool and say “we saved really hard this year for it..”
Good on them for working hard and being able to do it - but I just couldn’t deal with the 2 stories of broke, underpaid and oh look at our new pool!
Shes not very nice in person


Active member
Anyone have the tea on Kaitlin Chapman? Always posts super cryptic posts about being a single mum and and dealing with a dead beat dad

also Mandy and Tarryn - whaaaat happened?! Tarryn was her bridesmaid and now they don’t talk!?
Ooh yes I wonder about what happened with her and the husband! Well ex now
Any other smaller influencers we like?
Preferably not many ads!
Carmen lett is good the only ad i remember her doing is power shop but dont know if she still does that and sometimes small businesses gift her things but other than that she’s pretty good with 10k followers and shares her real life
So who DOES everyone like to follow?

I like Kasia Stanicich for make up advice, Zazi plays who is good if you have small kids/babies with lots of tips around play and language development. Greer Perenara I like more than Hannah Laity. I don’t really have a problem with Hannah she seems nice but Greer is super real and I like her writing and Jess Urlichs. Sarah Clare Brown is a good follow too she does a lot of work with her husband in the domestic violence space.

Others that have already been mentioned but I also enjoy are Jess Singh, Morgan Edwards, Kiwi Birth Tales, Earthside NZ.


New member
Omg the name 🤣🤣 hi five my friend

I can’t with all these names hahha

remember back in the day when she was less than open about her surgery she got majorly called out for it, it’s only after that that she started being upfront

I WILL NOT buy from brands that support her, which can be super annoying cause there is so many lol.
Yes I found her FB page from some news article and I was like how did she lose so much weight??? I had to scroll down to find a post where she was like with lifestyle changes, including a gastric sleeve. FFS that's surgery!


Active member
Lol I used to follow mere but found her so cringe, also find Amanda Bradley so fake and desperate to get in with the Auckland influencers like Jess Owen etc, constantly talking on her stories hyping one big influencer to the next and tagging them so they would hopefully share lol
Haha too true 😂 also I saw they were friends at one point then things fizzled. Would love to know what happened there 😂. Also Amanda did that for so long then just stopped all the sudden...
Is there anyone here that we would actually follow?


VIP Member
I actually have no idea who most of the people being talked about are!! Before Skete-gate this was mostly a Simone sounding platform 😅
Lol I’ve been here forever and basically only followed SA, MK and P&M as well lol no idea who anyone else is! Have had a look since and…not for me…so guess what…I don’t follow them/won’t be paying them any attention and getting on with my day! Whoa shocking! Lol

Renee I don’t think is taking any offence to the comments made. Actually having a big more of a laugh than anything else. Long time follower and she’s so refreshing. Her sense of humour is 👌
She’s great, calls it like it is.
Is ‘in’ kinda with Pepper and Me/Magnolia Kitchen/Get Good Face?


Active member
Used to follow her but unfollowed after she kept going on about people not sharing captions and calling everyone lazy and rude for not doing it lol. I just saw on this is Georgie story that mere has reminded her to do it 😂 she goes around dm other influencers how they should be using caption otherwise you are being rude and exclusive to deaf people lol
I had a look at her page and she's got this whole "about me" that's just random asf questions and then she "reintroduced herself" and it's just basically a push to get her more followers. Also speaking of followers I swear her follower count keeps dropping then increasing. Idk if she's buying followers or not 🤔🕵️‍♀️

Used to follow her but unfollowed after she kept going on about people not sharing captions and calling everyone lazy and rude for not doing it lol. I just saw on this is Georgie story that mere has reminded her to do it 😂 she goes around dm other influencers how they should be using caption otherwise you are being rude and exclusive to deaf people lol
I had a look at her page and she's got this whole "about me" that's just random asf questions and then she "reintroduced herself" and it's just basically a push to get her more followers. Also speaking of followers I swear her follower count keeps dropping then increasing. Idk if she's buying followers or not 🤔🕵️‍♀️


Chatty Member
Uh oh has this person been mentioned now lol?

No, I'll never say.
Wish I never posted now to be honest! (Can I delete it???? Lol)
There are so many names mentioned on here, so so many I've never heard of. I'm sure there are lots of names floating round in people's heads - but yeah, I'll never say.
OfficiallyEm- Started out helpful with info on babywearing etc but then it became very obvious how much she hates parenting. Changed her account from Raising Ziggy to OfficiallyEm, to be more about her than her kids and then cries that she has lost so many followers or has only gained 1000 followers over the last year.

She is a classic oversharer - especially some very private medical info about her younger boy (which I won't repeat here for his privacy). Criticises her husband all the time and is now trying to turn him into an influencer himself now. Very critical of her mother (who she hides from the stories where she talks about her).

During the 2020 lockdown she just whinged and whinged about being stuck at home with her kids. She scaremoungered everyone saying disposable nappies were going to sell out (they didn't) to get people to use reusables, and advocated for the Warehouse to stay open.

The worst part is creating this weird cult "the Embassy" where you pay to be her friend and get extra content which is mostly about her childhood and her sex life and more whinging. She pushes it so much and makes you feel like you are being left out and they feel very much like the highschool mean girls group. Also shuts down her page all the time - another tactic to encourage followers.

Has so many ads and discount codes and is very very pushy with it. Makes you feel like you are the reason they are poor (spoiler - they are not) if you don't buy all the things. Puts up a pink shirt day post the other day and surprise surprise she uses it to do another ad 🤦.

Have been dying to know what happened between her and Emily Writes so the chats on here have been good to get some of the tea on that!
I really enjoy quad Mum plus one most of the time the only problem I had was the nappies thing where i can’t fully remember but how the company had stopped giving her free ones so she went on to complain about them resulting in getting more free ones


Chatty Member
Yep that’s her :)
Omg your kidding!!! I know her she did some photos for us, that really surprises me! She did go MIA off Instagram for like a year though and fully stopped her business, said it was due to health issues. Her and her husband are very religious and seemed super in love
I tried to be a Marnies world fan but…the drinking after saying drinking is bad for them time after time..
I find the unschooling content interesting,because obviously our school system can SUCK and it’s not made for everyone.
But the thermomix surprise buy 🤣 after the 2 weeks of gosh we really need to stop spending $800 a week on food posts 💀
For her to not being able to make porridge but successfully make cocktails..
And now another Fiji trip!
A month long fiji holiday and the thermo is going too.


New member
Not a fan. Strong antivaxx / privileged white girl vibes. Needs a kick up the ass from the ASA as well. Oil huns are never my vibe tho
Find it soooo hard to watch her every day bagging out pregnancy! It’s no walk in the park, but she always says that she ‘thinks she’s doing a really good job’ at being positive about pregnancy this time round, but she complains soooo much. There’s a difference between being real life/relatable and just plain whingey