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Well-known member
Uh oh has this person been mentioned now lol?
No, I'll never say.
Wish I never posted now to be honest! (Can I delete it???? Lol)
There are so many names mentioned on here, so so many I've never heard of. I'm sure there are lots of names floating round in people's heads - but yeah, I'll never say.
Does it start with a “h” lol
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New member
Anyone else thinking that Heidi Rawstorn is pregnant again?! She usually has a super flat tummy but in the last few posts she has a bit of a bump. She’s heading down to Christchurch and something’s tells me we are going to have a baby announcement 😂
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Uninterested? I feel like she is uninteresting. So unnatural on camera and no charisma.
I also feel like her fashion is super basic but they act like she is some unique style icon.
I always get the impression she is not in the slightest bit interested in being an influencer or at least being on camera herself.
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New member
Yeah I stopped following Eva when she posted pictures of her period and free bleeding into a bowl 🤢 she was very unstable for a long time.
I also want to know what happened with her and her husband, she was so cryptic about it, like if you’re not going to tell us about it maybe just don’t mention it at all. Anyone know what happened?
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New member
Who the hell turns up at the house of someone who has volunteered to babysit before they've even finished work?

Like let the woman get in the front door and have a cuppa ffs. Who the fuck does that!!
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she creeps me out cultivating this imaginary life as a broke hippy when she’s rich and owns Auckland property etc but she is always crying poor. Also her tee shirts are ugly and all her anti vaxx supporters wear them so it’s like a big red flag whenever you see one wearing it. I can’t imagine ever wearing a tee shirt that says goddess on it makes me want to vom. She gets called out alllll the time because she never listens to anyone even when you gently say “hey that’s racist” or “hey maybe don’t use that word it’s real offensive” she just doesn’t consider any other views and believes everyone is a bully out to get her if they don’t praise her constantly 🤢 so many of these instagrammers would be healthier if they didn’t have hundreds of people saying youre so amazing to everything they do and also if they got real jobs 😂
Shes definitely not poor, she went to a top school aswell. Sometimes her story's just creep me out. The whole communal living ect.
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Well-known member
**Allegedly** Dom's leaving coincided with Mediaworks investigating sexual harassment allegations. Read into that what you will, but it was a hot topic at that other place starting with 'R' (we're not allowed to promote other forums here), at the time. Maybe the threads are still up over there.

The texts situation wasn't funny at all. JJ and Dom are mean-spirited individuals who were bitter that Jase's star was shining brighter than theirs - I think he had a TV show as well at the time? His partner at the time was involved behind the scenes on Treasure Island. The texts stressed him out big time - as they would anyone.
not sure what happened to Dom but Dan Mac (?think that was his name) suddenly left his job as host on the MoreFM breakfast show apparently due to sexual harassments. there were some pretty awful stories told about him and his behavior
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But yes it is problematic and she’s not the only one, words of Emma Heaphy comes to mind too. If you’re crying on the bathroom floor at the end of every day you’re not ok, I’d hate for other Mums to see that and think oh it’s normal to feel like this I’m ok.
The last time I recorded myself crying I was a teenager and totally did it for attention 😂 I’ve had struggles with mental health in the past and recording myself mid breakdown never came to mind.

Staying home with kids is not for everyone and can be really tough, stop being a martyr and put your phone down, kids in daycare and get a day job, there’s nothing wrong with doing that

Interesting, I quite like Emma Heaphy’s posts/poems. Also, Jess Urlichs. And I find it reassuring to see other Mums struggling with emotions that are similar/relatable. You def make a good point about recording yourself crying though 😂
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Active member
LOVE LOVE Moni.Meredith. I find her really relatable. Although she’s a mega babe. She actually does talk about everyday issues. She’s the first to say her life isn’t perfect. I think CWK, and Moni Meredith are my favs.
Love CWK but yuck, can’t stand Mons - she did my head in so I unfollowed. Way too up herself and has mean girl vibes. Went to school with her🤭
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Well-known member
I swear they are still quite out of hand, especially certain people like Emma from Emma plus her babies and Jess, Caitlin, Jahna and Edna that push it and the whole skinny girl vibe 🙄
Caitlin and jahna who? Yes it's all very keeping up with joneses. They all only really associate with each other. I met jess O once and she wasn't that friendly, nor most of the Auckland influencers. They all act like they hype each other up but IRL they talk shit about each other
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I live for Brodie Kane and her mum Jo Kane. They're the actual best. And I'm loving Jazz Thornton too. Lisa Perese (shes more tiktok than IG) and Mr Moore for his teacher/school content. Otherwise I really don't follow many people haha

Her patreon is quite good! The farm chats have been so interesting!!
What's Mr Moore's handle please?


VIP Member
Although, it seems to have worked for her brand! She has a massive following. Personally, I hardly even hear the swearing it doesn't bother me 🤣. And credit where credit is due she seems to care for her staff and appreciate them.
I’m back and forth with this, while yes I agree she does appear to appreciate her current staff she’s def bitched about others that have left which is so rude I’m sure they follow her..


Well-known member
I really like Morgan. Super generous with her time doing question boxes and gets help on stuff she doesn’t know and shares her knowledge quite freely and nothing is #ad or #spon.

I think it’s just a risk assessment on the car seats in other countries and it’s different to here. They had them if the needed them.
I'd do the same too, just seemed at odds with her usual stance e.g hiring a seperate car when they traveled in a camper van because of the safety issue. I went to her for anything covid related everything she shared was factual and non judgmental


Chatty Member
Ive been waiting for Em to come up... everything seems so hard for her and shes always offended by the smallest thing.. alot of the time i think she needs a reality check about real life problems. Her husband is home most the time and she still struggles with parenting.
I just watched a few of her stories for the first time and omg the drama. Couldn’t even get through all of them, I hate woe is me people