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I’m so sick of beige baby rooms from influencers.. Like appreciate gender neutral stuff but wheres the colour?? They all look the same. Accounts that have that same filter on all the pics 🧐
I really like Jess Molina for aesthetic things. Morgan Edwards for information. Juls Matthews, Kasia Stanicich, Fiona Goddard, Jordyn from Kiwi Birth Tales and Forkingyum all seem nice
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I’m pretty sure he’s in a gang.. bulldogs? So maybe does have some cash money from working with the farm workers if you get my drift
His dress code is a dead give away isn’t it,
Hands full of those big gold coin rings paired with the nike shoes and half a tub of hair wax and he’s like 40 odd years old 😂
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That’s what I think also. Especially the one who took over Stacey Welsh’s page. She doesn’t do paid social media content yet has everything they do. She’s a student with 5 kids and a husband who doesn’t seem to work or own a business. Yet eats at fancy cafes constantly, stays at 5 star hotels regularly and constantly buying crap 🤷‍♀️
I’m pretty sure he’s in a gang.. bulldogs? So maybe does have some cash money from working with the farm workers if you get my drift
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Her and her clique are known as the mean girls of Blenheim 😂
I guess you kind of need to be “mean” girls when one friends cheated with her bosses husband and steals from her work place, another friend (Ness) screws over her besty and sleeps with the besties husband, another friend killed someone with her vehicle (can’t remember the details but another poster added the stuff article), all of which are trying to drum up an “audience” to their shit show lives! 🤯🤯🤯

I guess you kind of need to be “mean” girls when one friends cheated with her bosses husband and steals from her work place, another friend (Ness) screws over her besty and sleeps with the besties husband, another friend killed someone with her vehicle (can’t remember the details but another poster added the stuff article), all of which are trying to drum up an “audience” to their shit show lives! 🤯🤯🤯
But they are all so cooooolll because they are friends with “Lou and Tom Morley” 🤢🤢🤮
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Didn’t think I was defensive, sorry if that’s how it came across just think so much sounds like bullshit jealous woman because they don’t get a weekend away? 😅 I know if someone said I’ll pay you $ to go away for a weekend I would. & honestly don’t know many of the other people. Have started following a few of the suggestions in here so will report back once I have made a judgment.
Oh please. You didn’t come here with logic. You came where with lame defenses, for people simply having opinions and observations they have made about Simones content. People can have an opinion about what they’ve seen with out it being because they are some “jealous woman” (very gender stereotyping here).
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I have to agree, I used to love Simone in the early days (even bought her book!!) but I respectfully unfollowed as I felt her content just wasn’t aligning with me anymore - not her problem that I’m not digging her stuff any more.
But now for me she’s become a good example amongst many of why I’d be worried about my daughters when they come to an age they’d be starting down the social media route - Want a great lifestyle? Don’t worry about an actual honest job, just grift on social media and you’ll get everything you ever dreamed of!
Again, it’s not just Simone, there’s so many more doing this than I even realised - Simone is just someone I followed (and admired!) from the beginning and watched morph into something I’m not sure I like.
Same here, I read her book and followed her journey from way back - before even the skin removal surgery! But the disgusting over consumption is a real turn off. Also how can you trust her recommendations when she promotes anything and everything. Then turns around and sells it the second she takes it off.

Her behaviour with Asher is just bizarre too. All the meals naked in the bath - so he doesn't stain the clothes she is about to resell!
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I've followed Millie for like 10 years and she's never had a job in that entire time so 100% living off the trust fund
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Omg her doughnuts are fucking amaaaaazing wth
Her donuts are yum but I have heard that her staff aren't that well taken care of and get no breaks and don't get paid that much and do all the work and she just shows up to take content mainly

I don’t know who he is but like most influencers I am guessing anything that isn’t remotely positive that’s posted is “bullying”

Like I could literally say, actually HelloFresh isn’t that great and the quality of their produce has really declined of late and someone who promotes it would probably call me a bully. Don’t even start me on my opinions about the Dyson, I don’t want to be taken to court…
Hello fresh is NOT always fresh haha
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Naw look at the little tantrum because the truth hurts I guess 🤷 She literally can't hack anything unless it's kissing her incredible ass. How's she going to sell all those Thermy's without ripping off and using her followers.
That explains why she denied me and and a friends follow request tbh only wanted to follow cos of this page

See old Als is having a whine. She literally posted on her story last night bitching and moaning about her husband leaving his plate and shirt on the couch she’s always bagging him out or saying he’s in a foul mood. Full of snarky comments about him but it’s not toxic…. She’s a literal train wreck you can’t help but to watch 😅

Same! I can’t see it lasting, like surely not. Cherie seems way more chill and hands on as mum compared to MK.
Omg I love your username!!
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And waits for her hubby to come home so she can shove more food in her mouth🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not to mention the kids eat reheated left over dinner from the night before every single night because they don't eat together. Uses the excuse that hubby gets home late....well mine does too a lot of the time (shift worker) and I still manage to have a meal with my kids 😁 She also gets her kids picked up from school every single day (well on the off chance they actually go to school). Their life seems so abnormal and not something a lot of people would strive to be like. Kids are practically raising themselves because she's either in bed or in the second lounge/office/family room peddling the infamous thermy.
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Maria accidentally influenced me to see what this is about and sign up to an account! Haha. I do like her, she seems like a nice person although I usually can't stand these muminfluencers. Other people I love following:
Jessie Guru - shares some thought provoking content and all her ads are always so engaging
Greer Louise - I love how real she is all the time and takes no shit
Fiona Goddard - clearly really into that aesthetic
Hannah Laity - ok, although seems to be trying too hard to be relatable. She was once having a whinge about how Chanel bags are expensive as if we all don't know how rich she is
Emily Writes - her newsletter is so good and I love how anti influencer she is that she's become one
Rebecca Keil - probably the only true blue mummy blogger I really follow. Plus her kids are so cute! I also love how honest she is and just share really relatable content. Very Kiwi and down to earth
Jess Molina - gets shared by Jessie Guru and Greer Louise a lot. Doesn't seem to do as many ads as others but today posted about how she struggled as an immigrant and it's amazing to read about the hard work instead of #ads
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Still here! So any one with even slight logic must be Simone… was just trying to explain the story reply thing but maybe I’m wrong? Just how it works for me.
I think it wasn’t so much any logic used but more that your only interaction immediately upon signing up was madly posting in defence of Simone and no one else.
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And now over explaining the peanut butter. We see you 👀
And the pink shirt day saying she didn’t know it’s origins shouldn’t you check before you turn a charitable cause into an ad and post your butt?!!!!? I can’t believe she has 950 patrons and it’s so expensive considering she only overshares once a month and has other people run her groups where it’s just the same people complaining just like she does it just blows my mind that she complains so so much when she has so much money and has so little amount of work to do but it is like cult anything she asks for someone jumps up and organises to get it for her no wonder she is so out of touch and also hi officially em we all know you can not stop reading this!!!!
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Oh gosh, Kate your Fake Mates turn to have a go at the Forum, FYI Kate… YOU ALSO DONT HAVE TO READ! PLUS posts don’t have to be approved love, so all your followers standing up for you and their posts not being approved is a load of crap! Maybe stop acting like “I already know all this mum life/raising kids stuff MATES I’m an ECE teacher!” Stop staging your “Motherhood” for the gram and trying to impress people.
So weird that she says the kind comments aren't being approved - ummm that is not how it works and there are heaps of comments on here talking up the better accounts.

Her followers must be all like, "babe I tried to stand up for you". Eek awkward.

Also to influencers saying "oh you people hiding behind fake names on that forum", we have no other choice. Any comments or questions to influencers on their comment section is quickly deleted, DMs ignored, and accounts restricted (gotta keep those follower numbers though eh?) or blocked. You don't want to reflect on your behaviour on your own account so maybe you might do it here.


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so Eva (I followed Pateron for awhile) attacked him? I think beat him up and he was like nah fuck this, distanced himself and wouldn’t have sex with her, moved out ect. They were super toxic, she had a sex addiction so I think he thought possibly the best way to deal with that is to take it away.
He started to be a dick though, she was going to counciling and accepted his decision and he was just up/down then he had some business financial issues and they had to sell their house. And that’s where I unfollowed so who can continue from here? Haha
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So preachy, “we need to be down at their level” “we need to this” “we need to that”…
Babes you only have one child, come back and lecture me when your three deep and working part time!
Yeah when people have 1 kid, especially when theyre still little, and act like theyre the parenting experts... definite eye rolling from me.

I know someone who is literally starting 'Parent Coaching' and has been talking about telling other parents what to do since her only child was like 8 months old. I feel vicariously embarrassed for her.
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It is a bit funny though, that the only people I personally know who still follow and support Simone, are spineless and don’t even know who they are or what they stand for. It’s sad but also like… oh well then. As if the womens refuge situation meant nothing to them. “I don’t get it?” 🤯
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